Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Oct 12, 2019.

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  1. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    There’s no chance we get Strasberg. After winning it all, he’s gonna stay and the Nats are going to pay.

    If there is any chance at getting a front line SP, we need to focus on Gerrit Cole, but that seems to be a pipe dream to me with this FO.
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  2. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    I think there's a number that LAD could offer Stras, that he wouldn't be able to turn away from. There's always a number.

    That said, Guggs doesn't give enough of a fuck about winning a WS to offer up that #. The Yankees are another story. I see stories like these come down this early and I just think " leverage play ". Stras is also a Boras guy and could Boras be trying to set the table for how much $ it'd take to have Stras leave the Nats? Sure.
    irish likes this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    I like verdugo more with that quote
    Love that buehler is gonna be such a good example for the kids.
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  4. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Re: Stras - " ..he’ll seriously consider Southern California. Dodgers, Padres and Angels all will seek starting pitching and could make plays for the SD native. "

    No mention of the east coast or Yankees. What's the number that gets them into the game? Lol
  5. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Now I’m worried Arte Moreno will open up the pocketbook to grab Cole, a reported Angels fan growing up, and Stras, OC being closer to home.
  6. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Cole must have had a couple teams he rooted for back then because the postseason coverage kept showing him @ Yankees' games as a kid with " Yankee fan 4 life " signs. Either way, definitely want LAD to spend, but also think LAD should start being careful about who they pay, otherwise, solid chance this cycle will just never end. Just said this about their decision to pay Kenley's punk ass. The way Kenley behaved in defeat in his walk year was embarrassing, not someone you need near the top of your payroll. Of course, it was McCourt that paid Kemp, but the same applies with him..eventually revealed himself to be a turd before he got the boot to SD. " Homegrown " doesn't always mean " pay up. "

    Cole showed everybody who he was with his actions following that Game 7 loss. I remember hearing about Cole being a turd with the Pirates too. Think Stras should be the most coveted FA this winter along with Rendon. Both are pretty steady. Start saddling up with some tough/cool customers instead of these punks. And Cole w/his Boras cap and saying he wasn't a part of the team..punk shit.
    BlueMouse, Finski and irish like this.
  7. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Another jagoff like his former UCLA teammate Bauer.
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  8. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Pretty much. Let another team hold that grenade
    irish likes this.
  9. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Dodgers decline the $13 million option on Jerko ($13 million????).

    The end of an era.

    irish, Finski, LAdiablo and 2 others like this.
  10. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    Strasburg is older, so he should be signed for less years... and honestly, I think I’d rather have Stras of the two. Maybe he could rejuvenate Kershaw at the same age.
    irish, Fall Winslow and Finski like this.
  11. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Not your normal 31 year old ace. No heavy mileage here w/Stras, so shouldn't rule out a 7 or maybe even an 8 year deal under certain circumstances like NYY being involved and Cole already being off the market. Careful maintenance with this guy, to the point of fans calling him soft and criticizing the Nats for not riding him early in his career. There was no let up with his stuff late into OCT. Kersh @ 31 = 2,275 innings. Stras @ 31 = 1,495 innings.

    Wouldn't expect Stras to rejuvenate Kersh. Think we can close that book. Probably more likely that Stras would be pulled into Kersh's ping pong fetish. The way Stras gradually matured as a pitcher is what we needed with Kersh. With Kersh now living @ 89-91 with the FB, they're speaking different languages at this point. Stras just has more plus offerings and better stuff all around. Nope, if LAD somehow ends up with Stras, lets hope they just stop the Kersh fairy tale BS and that they make him the #4 starter in OCT behind Stras, Buehler and May. For the good of our own mental health, we only need to see Kersh once a series. Don't give a rat's ass what he does in the regular season..don't give a rat's ass how many Kersh stans hate it. Kersh should only make his postseason starts on the road from this point on..our offense needs a chance to hit the scoreboard 1st in his starts. Him giving up 2 or 3 runs in the 1st inning of every home start has to set the " here we go again " tone and add more pressure/kill good vibes. Denzel switched Petey's position in Remember the Titans..wish we could switch Kersh's cause he's killin us
  12. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    So how many had Belli's 1st gold glove coming in the outfield?
  13. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    Don't really give a shit about what Cole said after Game 7. He seemed pissed that Hinch decided not to use him after he had already gotten up and was ready to come in when things were close. I see that more as being a competitor, not a chump. If the Dodgers get any of the big 3, I will be thrilled.
    rube and jpldodgers like this.
  14. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    It is the eve of Free Agency, so that means to expect a shit ton of deals at 12:01 AM... just kidding. Looking forward to Rendon, Strasburg and Cole signing sometime in July so teams don't have to lose like a 2nd round pick to get them. Anyway, here are the rumors....

    • Speculation is getting louder and more frequent that teams around the league feel the Dodgers could be one of the most active teams this offseason after a year long yawn fest. Normally when it is around a certain player, it seems like a power move by agents of GM's to extract leverage, while this could also just be people playing off Andrew Friedman's comments. With that said, if sources from other teams are saying it at this point, it could also mean that the FO has already been proactive in kicking tires and starting discussions about certain players. Nothing really has come out.
    • One sentiment that I have started to see is that there is some belief that the Dodgers may be willing to spend more lavishly this year as the club has a number of larger contracts expiring over the next two years that they are not likely to copy. Turner expires after this upcoming season, while Kershaw, Jansen and Kelly expire the next year. The Dodgers currently have 17 Mil committed to the 2022 roster with players like Muncy, Bellinger and Buehler still under team control. I would not be shocked to see a couple extensions this offseason that could raise some team controlled players 2020 projection at the expense of lower numbers down the road. Bellinger, Seager and Urias are the least likely candidates for this as they do have Scott Boras as their agent
    • Many people are predicting that the White Sox could be the big spending team this winter as they have a lot of money to work with and outperformed a lot of expectations this past season. If JD Martinez does decide to opt out today, he along with Cole are said to be their Top 2 targets.
    • Rumors are that the Angels may do something idiotic in regards to Cole and just absolutely blow everyone out of the water to nab him. Signing Cole is not a dumb move, it is what they are said to be considering to do to get him with some rumors having a yearly number in the 35-40M mark being floated around over 8+ years. The Angels have SOOO many holes in the pitching department that throwing this much money at one guy is probably a bad idea.
    • We have our first trade of the offseason. Chase Anderson has been traded to the Blue Jays from the Brewers. Interesting move from a club that is completely devoid of starting pitching to move one of their rotation mainstays. Anderson has not lived up to his impressive 2017 season, but is still a decent #5 starting pitcher... He will be destroyed in the AL East.
    • The Cubs are going to revamp their development and scouting department that has fallen flat after graduating and trading some immense talent in recent years. They are now regarded as one of the worst farms in the game, but will not go into a rebuild mode and would like to stay competitive while building the farm back up.
    • There are rumblings that the Dodgers are viewed as the league-wide front runners for Anthony Rendon if he does not return to DC. The club has been said in the past to be enamored with Rendon and even more-so if his goal is to retire after his age 35 season.
    • This is not what I was under the impression that we did, but Anthony Castrovince said this morning that the Dodgers final offer to Bryce Harper was 4 yrs at $45M per. I had only remembered it being 2 years, but not 100% on that. Just saying he did sign that, his $ per WAR would have been a net loss of $8.5M, instead he outperformed his contract by $25M in year one as his contract in year one with the Phillies was only $11M.
    BlueMouse and THINKBLUE like this.
  15. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    So you're OK w/Cole distancing himself from his team and teammates after the L? Duly noted.

    IIRC, Cole got tagged for 5 runs in Game 1 of the WS, but it's OK for him to act like a lil bitch about Game 7? He's a chump.
  16. jpldodgers

    jpldodgers DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2012
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    He also went 7 only giving up 1 in game 5. A 4-1 postseason record with a 1.72 ERA is the type of playoff production the Dodgers need.....could careless about his attitude towards the Astros, tbh.

    “I was upset, and my tone did not come off quite the way I wanted it to,” Cole said. “One win away. We had the lead with eight outs to go. It’s just a tough pill to swallow.”

    In our elimination game vs the Nats, we fucked up bringing in our starter and he choked it all away as always. In the same scenario, the Astros didn't pull the trigger on bringing in their SP and they probably win if they do
  17. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    You don't think he'd carry that attitude with him from HOU? He surely carried it to HOU from PIT. And I don't even see how bringing in Cole there means " they probably win ". HOU probably wins if they don't leave 10 men on base..that's a probably I'll buy. Greinke had the Nats' number..always has. I'd leave Greinke in before turning to Cole.

    We're not going to agree on this. He's a punk. Hinch saw what we all saw at the beginning of the WS..Nats showed, that unlike anybody else in the postseason, they could handle Cole. Hinch deciding to go to his best reliever instead isn't damning because Cole simply didn't knife through the Nats like he did everyone else. His record/numbers before meeting the Nats aren't really important during that time. Hell, even if Cole hadn't gotten ripped in Game 1, some shit you just don't do. Find another way to show that you're a competitor. Fuck the idea of giving that turd $250M
  18. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Moreno..come and get him. 8yrs/$290M should do it. Cole is all yours
  19. jpldodgers

    jpldodgers DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2012
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    What attitude do you want a player to have after a loss? We've heard the same BS quotes from the Dodgers guys for years and nothing has changed. It's a results driven league and no cliche quote is going to change anything. Fact is, the guy is fucking elite and hadn't suffered an L since May prior to the game 1 start you're hammering home. Nationals certainly didn't handle him in game 5 when he knifed through them with ease and only allowed 3 hits. Runners left on base or not, it was a 1 run lead in the 7th inning of the WS and I doubt the most dominant pitcher in all of baseball in 2019 gives up a 2 r HR to Kendrick in that scenario. The idea of pairing Cole with Walker at the top of the rotation is mouth watering, but of course this is the Dodgers we are talking about and they'll probably keep Ryu-Kershaw as apart of the 1-2-3 and we'll see the same results, again.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
    ColoradoKidWitGame likes this.
  20. jpldodgers

    jpldodgers DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2012
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    And I don't see Strasburg leaving DC.
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