Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Oct 12, 2019.

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  1. No Name

    No Name Well-Known Member

    Nov 2019
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    Id love Cole but I don't give it a chance. He comes off like a mercenary and as much as I'd love to have him pitch for the Dodgers I don't want him locked up for 8 years and 30+ a year.

    I also don't want to buy high on Strass' arm. 31 years old with a 34 year old arm. Too many injuries to pay what Boras will demand.

    Rendon is my ALL IN guy. Sure he has past injuries but at age 29 I'm ok with giving him 6 years. He is the kind of guy who puts a team over the top. Defense, bat, character. He also has the type of bat that helps him stay valuable in his 30's, even after his wheels get some wear on them.
    irish, fsudog21 and BlueMouse like this.
  2. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    agree on all this
    but who if anyone do we add to the rotation?
    what if ryu goes elsewhere?
    then again, if urias is moved to the rotation (as friedman implied) maybe it's a non-issue...
    a lot of options with buehler, urias, kershaw, may and gonsolin
    maeda too, but imo he should be a pen arm
    same with strip
  3. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    dodgers "looking" at cole, stras and rendon is like me "looking" at a lamborghini veneno...
    except that they could actually afford what they're looking at

    Dodgers interested in reporters saying they’re interested
    by Craig Calcaterra | NBC Sports — 7 hours ago

    There are a lot of useless things in the world.

    Screen doors on submarines. Ejector seats on helicopters. But I’m struggling to think of one thing more useless than hot stove rumors in which a team is said to be interested in so-and-so a player but “only at the right price” or “only if the budget will allow” or words to that effect.

    In related news, here’s a thing that Jon Heyman is saying about the Los Angeles Dodgers:

    I’ve been in the baseball news-churning business for a long dang time now, and I can remember back when this was the sort of thing that would make people talk a lot. But it really says nothing, right? At most it says “[Baseball Team] likes good baseball players but is unwilling to pay market price for said baseball players, even though they can totally afford it.”

    The more interesting thing here is trying to figure out why this exists as opposed to what it says.

    Typically, this kind of thing is offered by team-friendly reporters who are talking to someone with the team, in this case the Dodgers, who wishes to create the impression that the team is “in on” a top free agent. Some non-news that, if and when the free agents sign elsewhere, the team can point to and say “hey, we were interested too!”

    That may not be the exact case here. It’s well-known that Heyman’s primary sources are agents, so I’ll be charitable and say that this is a brilliant attempt at agent-driven jujitsu, in which said agents are trying to create the impression of a rich team tentatively entering the market in order to put pressure on bidding teams. Or, perhaps, some attempted shaming of the Dodgers by focusing on the combination of their financial means — “they can afford to go big” — with their implied unwillingness to do so. I dunno.

    No matter who is floating this non-news, however, it still says nothing. All teams love good players. All teams would love to have them if they could pay exactly what they wanted for them. As such, this is the exact opposite of news. Just remember that when — especially over the slow news days which typically accompany Thanksgiving — people are trying to pass this kind of thing off as a hot rumor or whatever.

    rube and Finski like this.
  4. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    • Free agent Rich Hill pitcher reportedly underwent surgery and won’t be ready to pitch again until at least June, possibly after the All-Star break.
    buh bye
    THINKBLUE and LAdiablo like this.
  5. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    It’s more like you looking at a Nissan Altima, which you can afford, but you opt for Cap’nTree’s used mini van and 2 Vespas.
    irish and Finski like this.
  6. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Rich Hill is a cockroach. He'll be back.
    irish, BlueMouse and Finski like this.
  7. VRP

    VRP DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    It’d make no sense to not sign Rich Hill for one more year
    ColoradoKidWitGame and blazer5 like this.
  8. No Name

    No Name Well-Known Member

    Nov 2019
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    You won't like my answer. I won't like it either but the answer is MadBum. I don't know if it's even an option but he's the guy that will put the team over the top.
    Above average, battler, playoff guy. You know what you're getting with him. It allows the young arms to have less stressful starts.
    He's also a guy that can be had for 3 years and 18 million per year.
    rube and Go Dodgers like this.
  9. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    There are people starting to speculate just how much cheating was going on with the Astros pitching staff. A number of pitchers saw career spikes in their numbers as soon as they joined the Astros, including Justin Verlander who didn't just get back on track with the Astros, but actually got better than he was in his prime years. Now we can make excuses for them, say they have good coaching blah blah blah... but our very own @blazer5 exposed them cheating in the playoffs, and the numbers just don't make sense, especially with guys getting considerably better on the wrong side of 30.

    What this boils down to for me is, stay the fuck away from Gerrit Cole. The dude is going to get paid, and we don't know just how much he's been helped by the cheating culture in Houston. I want to say he is who we saw in Houston, but I'm not into making $250 million dollar bets. Fuck the Astros.
    rube, Nirvanaskurdt, blazer5 and 2 others like this.
  10. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  11. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    a lot of guys are against any ex-giant
    i’m not one of those guys
    i’m for anyone who helps the team
    that said, i’m not sure what madbum has left
  12. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    Things are rolling this morning and the Padres made one of the best signings this morning...
    • The Rangers signed RHP Kyle Gibson. They have revived the careers of Mike Minor and Lance Lynn in the past year, so it will be interesting to see what they do here.
    • The Padres sent former top prospect 2B/SS Luis Urias and Dodger Murderer LHP Eric Lauer to the Brewers for OF Trent Grisham(the man responsible for the Nats making it past the WC round) and RHP Zach Davies. This has the chance to be a steal for the Brewers as Urias has massive upside, but he has drastically underwhelmed. Grisham has solid upside and seems like a higher floor than Urias so he could be a safer pick. There was belief that the both players could be traded this offseason after the Pad's continued to not use Urias and keep him in AAA while Grisham made one of the biggest post season blunders in the modern era.
    • The Padres also signed Drew Pomeranz this morning. Really wanted the Dodgers to nab this guy.
    Finski likes this.
  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    padres trying to revamp their staff
    their brass must have gotten on preller’s ass (homo)
    Finski likes this.
  14. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    Their bullpen is going to be VERY good. Basically looks like they are going to build vets in around their young stud starting pitching prospects. Lineup is still very iffy outside of Tatis and Machado, but they could have a pitching staff that is tough to score a lot of runs off of.
    Go Dodgers and fsudog21 like this.
  15. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    I have been away for a week, so I have no idea what this is all about, but I don't think that their pitching staff is doing anything illegal. Morton left the org after improving under them, then took another leap forward. They have changed guys usage rates of certain pitches, which is something the Dodgers org has also done with a ton of success as well as a couple of other teams as well. I think we see an adjustment this year for starting pitchers that drives the home run rates down since more teams are really focusing on pitch usage now after seeing all the Astros success.
  16. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    Was listening to last night and an interesting convo took place between Duquette and Bowden. Both think that MLB stepped in around the midway point in the season and had the balls changed again. These balls generally come into use around the postseason and would explain why there was dip in travel distance for the playoffs. This could have major impacts throughout the league and could have massive impact on the Dodgers. Many of their top prospects have begun to drive balls out of the yard significantly more consistently over the last couple years and some scouts think that the Dodgers top prospects that have had extreme helium over the last couple years, could see massive dives in their stock. Both Lux and Will Smith have been mentioned as players that could go from star level players to league average guys if their HR's start turning into doubles and fly outs. Both are not extreme power guys and hit a large amount of their HR's just out of reach of the outfielders for home runs. This could also be a reason that the Dodgers may be reluctant to move on from players like Ruiz or Downs as their game do not heavily rely on above average power and could still be above average contributors if the ball does die a bit. I still want to see the team make some impact moves this year, but this is just something to keep in the back of your minds when things do happen.
    Finski and BlueMouse like this.
  17. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Not against any ex-Giant, either.....just that one.

    Like you, not sure what he has left. He's certainly past his prime.
    Finski and irish like this.
  18. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Smith's potential game winner to right-center which died on the track immediately comes to mind. Smith thought it was out.
  19. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    It's speculation on the part of fans, and it builds on the accusations Trevor Bauer made about the Astros last year (take that for what it's worth). Bigger picture, it's clear that the Astros had a culture that wasn't opposed to cheating, so it seems incredibly unlikely that cheating was limited to stealing signs at MMP. I'm not saying Cole is 100% a product of something bad, but I wouldn't bet against it either. At 7 years/$250 million I would hesitate to be the one jumping on that potential grenade.

    All Astros are suspect in my mind.
    Finski and blazer5 like this.
  20. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Yup- im to lazy to look up his spin rate on his fastball and curve from Pirate to Astro but id bet cash money there is a dramatic change. Verlander too for that matter. Not a coincidence

    Sticky shit on the hat and a guy going to it each pitch on live television. Its just blatant at that point
    Finski and BlueMouse like this.
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