Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    not to mention different types of intelligence
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  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    my buddy in England sent me this
    have no idea about the veracity but if true i'm certain there is no way it will get reported
    can't find anything else online
    couple of "false report" things but those always come out
    article is naming names...
    can't keep the lid on this kind of thing and they certainly aren't letting us hang out and talk about it are they?
    rube and Finski like this.
  3. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    it wasnt a curvy question
    it wasnt a question
    jews are asians
    so are indians
    all smart
    we know what we are talking about when we say smart
    changing the context is also smart
    but not the kind of smart we are talking about when the context was why they being blocked into the ivy league and the gov is ok with it
    its not hypocrisy because its part of the socialist operating system
    just like they will attack their own once people stop believing their claims against outside enemies
    because that is the smart thing to do
    but again not the kind of smart that will get you into harvard
    if you are asian
    except if you are a jew
    or a rich asian
    because there are always smarter plays than getting high test scores
    LAdiablo likes this.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think you said we're all humanity
    until we look at our skin
    in this fucked up world
    Finski and rube like this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    There's a wide way.
    And an opaque way.
    Wide is order.
    Opaque less so.
    Wide is shining light.
    Opaque a shadow.
    Wide is bright and white.
    Opaque is dusky night.
    If you live one way you can't understand the other.
    You can't see the light when you live on the sun.
    You can if you live where the sun don't shine.
    Where there is no glare to blind you.
    And you can see through the crack.


    Nov 2011
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    Just a low level moron, but still. This is what most blue checkmarks think like. They all know what they're doing.

  8. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. The virus and Trump's penchant for foot in mouth disease lost the election for him, not some third rate news organization.
    rube likes this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    If Trump had been even semi-competent and rational about mask-wearing and the things he said* about the virus--think Rudi Guliani after 9/11, he easily would have been re-elected.
    But he continually acted like a dolt and now we have a more different dolt in office.

    *his actions/policies, like OWS, and delegating mandates to the states were actually pretty good in my opinion.


    Nov 2011
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    I am commenting on what the corporate media believes their function is. Not the results of an election. I agree with some of what you say, but mostly disagree with. I think we had an identical exchange a couple months back (right down to the Guiliani 9/11 comps). I think your viewpoint is valid, I just disagree.


    Nov 2011
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    Also, the guy got at least 75 million legal votes.

    Trump's coronavirus rhetoric sucked. His actions were fine. All I have to say about that.


    Attributing a loss (that may not have been a loss at all) on one thing in particular is giving the American people way too much credit. Minds were made up. The Democrats "fortified" the election in legal and illegal ways. The mail-in ballots were the final solution. Not any single political issue.
    Finski likes this.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah he could have done better but no way doh gets 80 million votes, the most in history while hiding in a basement
    and i hope that's the last time i see a vote count stopped in the middle of the night and a solid lead suddenly disappears and becomes a victory for the other side
    mail in voting brought to us by the same group that pounded Russia for 4 years, hey what happened to that again?
    but God forbid anyone should question the veracity of the strangest ever vote count in this countries history
    followed by throwing open the borders for more democrat voters while not wanting to allow any laws on voter id because its racist
    and then pushing for universal vaccine cards...wouldn't that be racist and un American?
    riots allowed to burn cities so everyone can see what to expect if there's a second term
    yeah there's a whole lot of shit that doesn't add up when it comes to that election
    they fucking stole it period
    the left wants submission, subjugation and communism
    the backlash can't come fast enough and its coming
    harkeyed, Finski and THINKBLUE like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    He was allowed to talk himself into giving up the store.
    The enemies did their homework and knew how to cheat correctly.
    Cheating is always allowed, its the american way as long as you can get away with it.
    And its not against the moral lines within politics.
    Specially if you are a against the current order.
    Or are the type who doesnt care about morals.
    Sharks and other alpha predators gravitate to politics since it also attracts fresh victims every day.
    Trump allowed them to game the system by gaming him thanks to all the data points he provided daily.
    The tech companies probably had the true dossier on Trumps habits and tendencies from his device data.
    As well as how trump supporters or conservative news would react and how to manipulate them with that knowledge.
    They could then be able to run predictions through an emulation program that can boil it down to the most likely outcome of any triggered data point.
    Black Mirror is not necessary a fiction show.
    Our imagination is not as far ahead of what can be done as it was when we where pups.
    And it is possible that people like Trump have rigid styles that can be predicted in order to manipulate ego and emotions in order to trigger him or paralyze him into making a mistake.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    there is no difference between what is unamerican and what is.
    what is unconstitutional or what is not
    its all open to interpretation by the people in power
    aka the people in power can influence how the constitution is interpreted and what laws are ignored or exalted
    same with what is and what is not racist
    same with words and their changing
    if at the end of the day a mob of people are loud enough to influence politicians who want the votes or the love/money to do what the people want it really doesnt matter if those people were programmed by the media or a particular party or a public/private foreign entity.
    the only thing you can do is fight the american people with other american people
    which is what any outside who would try to influence our politics would love to see happen
    im not saying i agree with it but that is how it is
    it is a game not in a metaphor or philophispical way.
    it is a game and we should stop playing
    like a bratty child whose had enough of bad parents who carelessly play with guns
    who says fuck this and goes out to make fresh bread for some honey buns

    federalism the way we work it is a con
    families and trusts who control natural, material, human, and even spiritual resources and the methods of transforming those resources into greater financial resources are giants and gods
    you cant fight it, throughout history you can never fight it
    except by fighting it the 'man' way
    hot fighting not lukewarm woman fighting
    and nobody really wants that, only a very small percentage
    which is why you cant win this fight in the way you want to fight
    the patriarchy has to have enough and get hard again flippin tables in the middle of their resetting of the spinning plates

    and you if you cant beat them figure them out because they are tied the to red tide and you seen the shows and the movies and the books about red queens that have powerful help from waves
    and if they feel they might lose they retreat like one of those waves
    that is how they control the game by first controlling the ball
    they take the ball and go home if they want to
    the ball is all the dancers at the big dance
    but their show is the walking dead and they zombies tap dancing to thriller
    by politicking and arguing you will not beat women
    and by women i am talking about a society where men are more concerned with how perfect their beard is groomed and that their hair and clothes are on point wearing more money than the cost of a poor mans car just in fine threads

    rappers die because they (anyone in any game) believes that they can give back to their hood and be all about the hood and be the most spotless cleanest but also dopest guy with the most love and that there wont be packs of your very own people wishing you dead for the simple reason that you no longer one of them yet you front and drive around either a rich playboys vehicle or something your people would consider authentic but whored out to the nth degree in their territory exploiting its natural and human resources with ease due to material conveniences that they dont have and have to trick or steal or murder just to have a little taste of freedom that someone who made it has to open a shop in the hood or buy their mom a house.

    the rappers that delight in talking alot of game don't see what the game is and how to stop their own telegraphed deaths because those threads of depeche mode are the matrix pulled over all of our faces as we are waterboarded under gaslighting so we barely hear and we barely breathe and we barely see that we can barely feel a thing that is going on around us while its being pounded at us at high pressure waves as if we were now living in another planets atmosphere like that of venus.
    thats what most people who cant make it feel like on too many days of their lives not just here or there
    and how desperate attention/money hungry people feel like too
    that hunger is an animal basic instinct that turns people into beasts
    and those with mental troubles too
    who can be easily addicted and then motivated by that sweet carrot

    veils are womens clothes like expensive sunglasses or neck kerchiefs for a cross dressed society who can no longer lie without giving it away with the look on its face
    woman society means chaos like the babylonian origin of polytheism/socialism means chaos like the deep blue sea or the darkness of space or the bohemian black forest were chaos.
    it has nothing to do with male or female or man or woman it is an energy that permeates the world and waxes and wanes as humanity allows it to
    if you are not going to kill it with fire then you better learn how to ride that fucking beast

    matriarchy lasts for a short period as it tries in to pull the threads over our eyes during the time when the patriarchy can no longer get its dick hard everytime it needs to
    that is when the society devolves into a sea of cults
    and the more cults you have the more people with 1 screw loose end up with dozens falling out their ears.

    in monotheism at least you have just one screw driver to worry about if you have an issue with worrying a lot
    imagine how bad it must be for the psyche that if you have a habit of talking to yourself you have to include all the different personas you are carrying from talking to the various elemental powers you believe have agency
    when massive amounts of people that live within a powerful empire believe in many gods they will talk to a bunch of them while maybe preferring one above all and will undoubtable develop serious mental problems that should be obvious to us but also some that arent so obvious.

    this is a growing thing again in our world
    as is the rise of giants
    which arent necessarily fantasy creatures of great physical heights
    but people who control access to the elements
    the places of the earth where minerals and natural resources and phenomena exist are peopled by natives of earth, of gea/gia.
    the people who were here before you who are your ancestors who did great things that paved the road and built the buildings or culture or freedoms or lives that we today enjoy
    those are the giants of the earth

    who the gods have to kill to get at the loot that makes them powerful consumers that must be appeased so they dont get hungry and start consuming everything in their path.
    that is the cycle between the rural country vs the city castle
    the rugged individual with family values (passed down secret formulas of how to successfully use the forces of nature without doing harm) surrounded by equals vs the guy with access to money/influence/science that allows him to loot the giants goods/land/women in order to be a god amongst the mortals and lord over them.
    the giants vs the gods
    the gods are always evil, even the good ones
    ask kratos from the previous god of war game
    or watch the game cinematics
    its a good story

    anyhow, trumps team shoulda been prepared for what happened
    it was all telegraphed after nobody cared about hunter biden
    specially after the trump people went hard mocking him for being a drug user and liking party girls
    that was the straw the broke the camels back
    to me it was obvious but i like to toot my own horn (maybe I should call my ex wife back or finally allow irish to provide that reach around hes repeatedly offered)
    obvious that he was not aware that he was not part of the vibe anymore
    he wasnt riding the peoples wave
    the people who influence the mob in the big swamp
    because those people use or know someone who uses drugs and has fallen hard and done some shit and had to be rehabilitated with a little help from his family and friends
    and party girls too, we all have party girls in our family who are nymphs who can't help themselves
    sympathy is not something you want to be on the wrong side of when it becomes the other side of its coin
    and the dark side of empathy is even worse

    complaining that they cheated hurts your own cause
    you shoulda been prepared for the obvious
    like the trump team should have
    which i dont buy why they werent
    i can understand trump being played easily into a rut and then exploiting the knowledge of where that particular pigs rut leads
    but maybe some people there wanted to lose
    when you can see which way the energy is flowing its not hard to set up a clear path for it to go where it serves your purpose
    the dems were able to do that and do it confidently
    it was in the bag, they had bag men, like the fir bolg who carried giant leather bags filled with dirt and rocks to create foundations for others to build upon

    and to be a little racists asians are good with that feng shui shit
    they got taoist priests that come and rearrange people in and out of your life not just your furniture
    but i think its just an excuse for socialist control
    because it works
    and thats why its wrong when it comes from the top down
    last thing i leave you with is this
    gods are asses
    asses never learn
    fire giants are older than dirt
    and still own casinos and oil companies.
    plus the ice giants always help them
    and its better to have a girl thats cold as ice than one who isnt fiery enough to melt the cockles of your heart
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    I was reading it on my phone for a minute and had to scroll down lol
    Finski likes this.
  16. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    1700+ words.
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  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I put paragraph breaks and everything.
    Next time its gonna be double spaced.
    Anywho, the pen unleashed is mightier than the sword in it's sheath.
    And it's just practice.
    I'm almost finished with practice though.
    I know I practice way more than enough.
    But I want to make sure I beat the AI.
    Whose really good at reading the defense.
    My offense has to be un-adjustable.
    If that means it's nigh unreadable it only helps me in the long run.
    And it's a long run.
    But I got next game.
    Finski likes this.
  18. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    Just out of curiosity, rube, what time commitment is involved in constructing a post like that?

    For me, we're talking a week, minimum.
    Finski and irish like this.
  19. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    If you just ramble,
    It's thicker than brambles
    And takes no time all
    to make a wall (of text)
    Words per minutes
    Are in the triple digits.
    fsudog21, rube, Finski and 1 other person like this.
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    Prefer gazing directly into the crack
    Finski and rube like this.

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