New Profile Posts

  1. irish
    irish phils phanatic
    welcome bro!
  2. blueplatespecial
    Spring has sprung!
    THINKBLUE irish
  4. 4everblue
    4everblue F YOUK
    Hi. We are having a fantasy baseball league with dodgers posters and we wanted to check if you would like to join us. Details are in the fantasy sports subform on the dodgers forum
  5. 4everblue
    4everblue CardsShark
    Hi. We are having a fantasy baseball league with dodgers posters and we wanted to check if you would like to join us. Details are in the fantasy sports subform on the dodgers forum
    1. CardsShark
      What are all the details??
      Feb 7, 2013
  6. reason
    reason Hammer Her Gently
    hey man, didn't you go to csusb?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. reason
      there's a csusb - cal state university san bernardino. i asked because i'm thinking about going there. so you went to ucsb?
      Feb 1, 2013
    3. Hammer Her Gently
      Hammer Her Gently
      ah, ok. my bad, I thought you were thinking of UCSB. Yeah, i went there and graduated a few years ago. I think i started posting here (at DSP) when I was a freshman. time flies! what are you going to major in?
      Feb 4, 2013
    4. reason
      my bad for the late response. i've been having trouble accessing the site lately. i'm looking to major in business administration. i'm at a community college right now, but i'm looking to transfer to a cal state next year.
      Feb 26, 2013
  7. harkeyed
    Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement.
  8. reason
    reason irish
    How do you make your postings? Is there a special technique or is it just copy/paste?
    1. irish
      kinda hard to explain since i'm on a mac
      i just copy and paste into a "unformatted" textedit document
      re-copy and paste into the posts
      not sure if you can go unformatted in windows/notepad
      Jan 22, 2013
    2. reason
      You lost me at 'unformatted textedit document.'
      I think I'll just have to stick to copy/paste lol.
      Jan 22, 2013
  9. RedsoxFanCAllen
    DSP's Ted Williams Head
  10. blueplatespecial
    Waiting for Spring blues~
  11. 4everblue
    4everblue irish
    is it wrong if I just add Uribe with 8 points to see how long it takes for someone to notice?
    1. Irish likes this.
    2. irish
      Dec 21, 2012
  12. CardsShark
    CardsShark Daniel Burch
    What's up bro, long time no talk...
  13. Zero Cool
  14. irish
    thanks bubba appreciate it
  15. 4everblue
    4everblue irish
    bro, nothing personal on the threads thing... not my intention to piss you off... I post here to have a good time... the day it stops being that, I'll stop posting
  16. blueplatespecial
    Hey Ned! Buy more players!
  17. scratch
    I'm not watching some gay ass power ranger shit!
  18. pope
  19. scratch
    Yup I'm an old man now, that needs back and ankle surgery.
  20. rube
    rube scratch
    now you are a 38 year old spanish jew