Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Joe Biden is a man of good. A nice man.
    He has a great personality.
    Donald Trump is a man of evil. A bad man.
    He has a horrible personality.

    This religion is about personality.
    The same cult that didn't like Kennedy's personality either.

    Cult of personality
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you gave me power in your God's name

  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Imagine retiring a pope because he didn't have the right personality.
    I don't think people know who the real right wing is.
    It's who makes right what's right and wrong whatever makes you wrong.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Thing thing about being a Catholic is that anyone can be a Catholic.
    I didn't say the bad thing about being a Catholic.
    Is THE thing.
    Not everyone is in the thing a jing.
    Many are called to the ting of tings.
    Few are chosen and get to sing along.
    Some of us might never hear a ding dong.

    I am sure that when you read up on the empire of Medo-Persia that the name Media was a lot like our word for the media.
    And that after thinking of a few other similar coincidences you never gave it much though after that because its just coincidence and it would probably be pointless.
    The Spartans did live a pretty spartan lifestyle.
    What kind of personality do you think the tribe called Thespians had?
    If you had to go to war would you want a bunch of actors by your side?
    Probably not at first thought.
    Not the kind of person we would think as tough or as suited for battle.
    But then in WW 2 the celebrities who went to war are kind of a big deal.
    Actors are guys who aren't real warriors or doctors or race car drivers but have had to undergo extensive practical hands on training in order to pretend that they are these people at a super high level.
    Sure they didn't dedicate their lives to one specified skill set and have to go through the grind to become a professional that works hard every single day. And yes they can be flaky and moody and take lots of personal time when they are feeling 'off'.
    But actors are kinda jack of all trades multiclass characters who sometimes have the body of an MMA fighter the skills of a paramedic and the luck of a thief whose already cased out the joint and is coming in under cover.
    Or the tribe whose women were preyed upon by wolves in sheep's clothing.
    When the Latins saw that one of the Curite tribes looked nice and they stole their property.
    Breaking the treaty which caused the war historically known as the Roman rape of the Sabines.
    I am tangenting off but the writers of history gave each tribe and nation a name that characterized the spirit of that nation.
    Persians are good at persecuting because they were persecuted and they fled to higher ground.
    Good Goths go west young man because they goest where the ghost goes and goads his hosts.
    One side would not make much fuss over just one woman.
    The other side would destroy the world over a woman like Helena.
    Two different type of men.
    Two different types of minds.
    One mind says... Valhalla we are coming!
    Immigrants becoming overlords.
    The other mind...

    Oh yeah the Medians.
    They helped the Persians become the kings of the world.
    The power behind the power.
    Moses in the desert was tired when he had to settle all the disputes of his people and his father in law Jethro the Midianite helped him create the justice system.
    You know the kind of movie magic they had back then.
    The God of the Goths who are people of God is called The Oz.
    I bet you he's a wizard Ari.
    Oddly enough they really love it when their Gods are made with Oz of Gold.
    Giants still exist, and so do Dodgers to maim them down to size in the old skullduggery way.
    And the empire of the Media does too and they hold the axlerod that spins the yarn.
    The media always attack first. The element of surprise like the flash and the directors hitting ACTION! and the production assistant doing that thing that makes the loud noise.
    The put on a big show.
    The big lie.
    Then they pull back and play their cards close to their vest.
    They always reserve the right to pick the winning side. A right which they never fail to exercise.

    Sinning is not 'missing the mark' that's an old wives tale.
    Sinning is not doing it the Gothic way.
    Not having the Gothic mindset but the mindset of Sin.
    Even if Biden calls himself a a Catholic and prays in Gothic halls.
    He isn't a Goth if the empire of Sin is paying his bills.
    And if the top Catholic is aligned with Biden then whose the real Catholic now?
    Unless its just more Media reality tv on the 6 oclock news.
    The Media is heavily involved with the Judges and the justice system. The high priest and his priests, clerics, and crusaders.
    They are in the middle of the earth and always decide between the Goths and the Sins.
    But since deciding is their virtue then prejudging everything and writing procedural crime dramas like Law & Order is their vice.
    Persians were persecuted so they persecute.
    Its hard to break chains of slavery when you are in a national cult imported by your enemy to weaken you from the inside like a virus infected Trojan on your hose hoss.
    Sin is the least.
    And the west is the best.
    Never forget.

    The Gothic mind is what creates republics. The public cow everyone can make baby cheeses from and get little calves to start their own private cow at home if they wish to be in the baby cheeses making business.
    The Sin mind creates the opposite of a republic. The public cow can only be accessed by a select group of citizens who are members of a committee specialized in these sorts of thing that represent the semi private quasi governmental sounding entity that are in financial control of the cheeses which are being aged deep under a secret mountain known only to them in order to make the most profit from the prostitution of the old decrepit smelling cheesus that many people seem to really enjoy.

    To make good baby bell cheeses you have really put your mind to it.
    And doing it loudly.
    You need to gush as you say gosh golly and go with gusto gusts of wind coming out your bell ringers.
    That is the Gothic mindset.
    That the Hebrews had when they beat the Giants.
    Who were were like little Dwarves in their eyes getting kicked left and right.
    Young grasshoppers playing music with the harpsichords growing in their arms and legs though.
    Like locusts with the faces of little angels carrying cymbals and guitars slaying down all the children of the corn.
    Or maybe it was just a movie I saw about how a republic is made by people who can come together over the love of a little cheese with their bread and wine.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Mexicans are not of that religion.
    Mexicans are Guadalupanos.
    They praise the she wolf of the holy waters
    Agua Lupina.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Leo Tolstoy likes this
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    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Pretty sure even he wants the tl;dr version.
    Finski, Bluezoo and LAdiablo like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    I seriously doubt the church will select a pope that holds those views.
    Bad for business.
    Bluezoo and rube like this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    not that it matters that much to me but i'd take a pope that didn't feel the need to opine on every world conversation and stick to what he knows
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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    The Queen of England says hold her royal beer.

  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    When the wise Sabine women sired the kng's of Rome they were chosen like presidents from the Curia of Quirine tribal families. The 30 gens of patrician nobility.
    When the Republic started it was a new branch added to the government.
    The people just didn't want to hear the work king anymore. So the media painted them a new rosy picture.
    And the king continued to be crowned by the Curia and given his own state within a state from which to rule the temporal world through decrees picked up by his satraps exactly like a Gavin Newsome.

    Never losing any power the King's of Rome continued their country club religiion con game.
    Just now called the Pope.
    But still wearing the red shoes and fish hat of the Roman kings.
    Godly father, aka King emeritus.
    King of Kings.
    Ever so humbly.
    Assuming the same mantle.
    That the enemies from the east assume when they wish to be more than just a king of their people but emperor of all the land.

    You are the devil.
    And even you would humble yourself towards the magic of the pope.
    How is that?
    When he speaks you are listening to magic spells.
    And you want one to speak the spells you wanna hear?
    So do all followers of the pope.
    You want a pope you can like.
    Just like everybody else does.
    You should never be looking up at what the pope has to say to find out what is right.
    He is much too high to see the way up.
    He can only see down from his perch.
    Your smoke from your prayers don't reach his cloister.
    Only that of his peers in heavenly celebrity.
    You gotta be a Lord or a Lady with a good following or else your message falls on his tldr ears.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    The kingdom of God is within you.
  15. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    At least she kicked that dumb american cunt out of the family
    irish likes this.
  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    In fairness someone should have installed a pimp hand
    irish, Finski and fsudog21 like this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    I take airs however I can get em!

    You know my long ass posts are how I cope with the world doing exactly what its supposed to do. But if we at rome lets limbo like the romans.
    When the Navy didn't want me anymore I made a mountain out of a little ball of dung with which to continue sailing the 4 winds.
    I keep being told that im gonna be moored come the 1st of the year.
    But I seeming no longer have a care in the world.
    And you should see how good I have become at rearranging deck chairs on the float.
    My chickens are finally laying eggs.
    And im building them more spots to lay.
    In case the coop don't fly.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
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  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    When tithing you give 10%.
    There is no rule.
    That is just the suggestion.
    But giving 10% is like doing the very least you can do.
    Its like saying gesundheit when your fellow sneezes.
    Maybe those that only give 10 percent will get dimed.
    And those that give 90% will survive.
    Probably 90% give the 10% and 10% give 90%.
    That is the remnant.
    For each person the remnant has to be determined.
    Does the word mean the scum you skim off the top of the soup because its too gross and the flavors too harsh.
    Or does it mean the fat of the land, the cream of the crop, everything that falls into your net that you don't need to stay fat.
    In the word that is coming that will be a huge determining factor.
    The more you make/have the more this will be a tough choice for you to make.
    What does the word remnant really mean.
    Time to find out.
    We are being sifted.
    From that tribes will form.
    Tribulation time.
    Whatever they told you in your church.
    It was just the media spin.
    Nobody likes to be the loser of the story.
    So you make a deal with the one who is about to win and has the cheesy culture behind him.
    And now you are part of his government too.
    You get to keep that silver.
    But you won't be able to spend it all.
    Before the tribunal starts.
    And the tribune starts coming round.
    Because they were handing out free cheese.
    And you were a hungry rat.
    Without any whey.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    The pope.
    The moment he talks politics and culture he loses all credibility spiritually.
    Popes have never been able to resist talking about politics and culture (material accumulation).
    Because popes are deposed kings who made a deal every time barbarians knock their sandals off.
    Its in the blood.
    And why they have to go find a new king all the way to Argentina where their blood fled to the last time folks saw where the dragonsmoke was coming from.
    Again and again when people find out what they are doing and who they used to be and what they are about to do Catholics create great resets. Small scale ones in third world countries but large scale ones all throughout history. The big pandemics and other catastrophes.
    The purges have never stopped.
    The behemoth that is Catholic hierarchy cannot be stopped from doing this.
    It is a monster and cannot be reasoned with. That is why it only makes deals.
    The kind of deal that you sign or you die.
    It can smash you with its tail without it ever knowing its tail was waving.
    It can burp on you family and destroy it in flames and just say excuse me, I had some bad fish.
    And it can make deals with the pagans it spent your lifetime teaching you to hate.
    So that when the pagans take over they can kill you and spare them.
    And then they get to watch the pagans enslave your wife and rape your children so the priests can come in to console the victims or take their turn with the left overs.
    Either way its mo money.

    It is what happened when the worst of Nordic society met up with the worst of Roman culture.
    You got the religion of raping and pillaging exported worldwide.
    With the redshields helping on one side.
    And the blushields on the other.
    When we are supposed to be about the red and blue cross.

    Or do we believe that the monster is our only defense against the east?
    And so we must love it.
    Because its our monster.
    And they got one out there too.
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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