Several of those Webb sliders down and away off the plate called strikes, but Walker isn't get that spot on his fastball. Home plate ump acting a little sus.
atlantis is the home of the fallen angel fher nandus in the land of alta kali's furnace where he smiths dark mater rising like the belief in a heaven on earth used to grab power from under the skirt like veganism and soylent meat and vax mandates and global economy its is politics of sleazy demons princes, powers, principalities are spirits of domination stirring in politicians who want to take turns sitting on thrones atlanticism = global economy economy = government and all that means is honor, glory and praise for the starfuckers and their masterbaiter it has been the religion of the aryans that hitler was into the racial purists wanting to form the man of the next age through their foreign unlawful carnal knowledge after the big one or kali's last dance story old as time atlantes had 10 kings as it fell like 10 broken toes of a statue usa, gbr, can, fra, ger, ita, aus, jap, kor, ind d-10 is the 5g western alliance vs chinas 6g tech backed eastern alliance king 1 gbr = lion face/fangs = fierce mouth to dictate king 2 rus = bear feet/claws = powerful legs to march king 3 usa = leopard has his spots because 100% cotton feels good on the skin king 4 red horse/army = takes away peace brings ruthless one minded tyranny with its bloody treachery there is an island continent down under in the east but known as the island of the golden west there was something in the air that night, the stars were bright fernando the wave bearer the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is the greatest show on earth the great game the prestige
Bring in CT3. This stage is way too big for AJ. He's historically bad in the playoffs as a Dodger and looks terrified as usual
the sin of sodom was hospitality related hospitality is related to liberty and freedom sodom had a one minded government all men who entered had to be vaccinated in one way or another you getting pricked there was a mandate regardless of orientation the mandate is the point of the story it is a violation of hospitality, freedom, liberty it is national forced rape of one group to another i guess the sabines are the sheep in this scenario
After Smith, who has been nothing to write home about lately, the lineup flat out sucks...and Buehler, for whatever reasons, has turned into a rollercoaster pitcher. Especially since the lineup can't touch this grotesque looking Webb. With Pollock, Seager, Bellinger complete zeroes, and TT looking like a mental patient, it's super tough. We gotta get a split here...if not, we've got some big problems. Can it be long before the Sousa, McKinstrey, Raley HoF trio appears ? Or are they not on the roster ?
psst hey guys i know its tough but it appears he's living off the plate and you don't have to swing at that