Rube^^^^^^^^ You have so many incorrect assumptions in your response, I don't know where to start...but why even bother? As I wrote, I understand and respect your position as peacemaker on your website, but not as a person whose every observation they make about a myriad of people and why they respond is infallibly right, every time. Sorry, just don't buy your perceived possibility of being errorless. You chastise others for not being flexible and reacting the way they do, and we should, you are right about that, but you are just like everyone else, except for the belief that every observation you make psychoanalytically is absolutely perfect, and there is no chance of you ever being even slightly wrong. I will say that to the best of my knowlege, no person posted a response about trying to save those poor souls like cbd did, because I would have posted exactly the same as I did to him. You just won't/can't accept that though. No matter how incorrectly you label it, or how many times you insist you are right about your "diagnosis" of everything. I am responding for myself only of course, not Darth, although I felt his " faux" outrage too, just expressed it differently. Trolls like cbd reap what they sow. The fake outrage "because it's personal outrage" statement is very puzzling. What the hell other kind is there?
You seem to believe i think i am errorless. This is laughable. I do seem to have to play the peacemaker way too much. Now whose doing is that? Certainly not mine. If yall act a little like adults i wouldnt have to talk to yall as a peacemaker and all these things you seem not to like. I dont go around getting pissed off berating people. I dont gey butthurt over what some dude says on a website. What CBd said is an old quote by general Patton. Its also something thats been said by many people in the military going back at least a century. Codge wasnt calling them bastards. He wasnt being dismissive. On the contrary. The point and essence of the quote is that a soldiers life matters a hell of a lot. And that its very easy for people to talk about soldiers lives as if they are dispensable even while and often time wrapping themselves in patriotism and love of the troops. Which seeps into the poor soldiers mind. Patton and others at cadet graduations wanted to remind them that their lives matter more so they would be able to resist the urge to go rambo and die for their country needlessly.
I'm extremely tolerant of others, maybe to a fault, but when I've had enough I say what I think. If some people do nothing other than troll and/or put others down by way of some faux, Internet empowered self importance, and I get sick of it after a while, this is what they get. If they don't like it they shouldn't have created it. It's not my doing.
Nerds did good. Seager and Turner are both way better than Hanley Ramirez. Seemed unfathomable letting both RH hitters Hanley and Kemp go in one off season but it paid off big time. Not even a move to corner outfield and a healthy shoulder could bring Kemp back to being a valuable player. And Hanley splits time between the crappiest first baseman/LFer in MLB.
I have to give them the nod for mindfucking Puig by sending him down and then with the waivers move, and I doubt they really had a Braun thing that close. Puig is wayyyyy too valuable to them and their plans going forward until his deal ends. As a result, he's hitting again and keeping his head down now. I just hope it lasts.
Turner was actually a Tim Wallach acquisition... What I meant was sticking with him instead of resigning Hanley. I wasn't suggesting the nerds found Turner
i'm going to say it again... i have a good feeling about this team they seem to have that indescribable intangible i haven't felt since 1988 they get along and play well as a team even puig seems to get that now, and the way his teammates have reacted to him shows how tight (no virgin) they all are i'd consider them the favorites against any potential postseason opponent in th nl (now that the marlins are 5 games back lol) not saying they're going to win it all, just saying they're capable of it and the stars might be aligning and what better reward could vin receive on his way out? to quote a great sociopath... i'm confident as fuck! and no, i'm not challenging any/everyone to a fight lol
Lol "a great sociopath" I get what you're saying about the 88 thing. I wasn't alive but I wore out that world series recap VHS tape when I was younger and I feel like I know that team well. De Leon could be Belcher. Hill can be Tudor. Utley, although not as vocal or talented at this stage of his career...kinda Gibson-ish.Reddick is Mike Davis. Kershaw will have to be Orel (no homo). We definitely have that feel. We should get those satin jackets with player names on the back too. But I worry our offense will shut down at any moment and kill us.
What I'm saying is, you can't really give credit to these guys for Turner and Seager lol. Both forced themselves into the fold. It was no great nerd magic that has these two fronting our offense, the credit goes to the players. Same with Urias, credit goes to our forming scouting department. Blanton, Dayton, Hill and even Reddick are turning out to be nice F.O touches though. But most credit given to the nerds goes to their ability not to give shit away for trash, see (I'm going there) Carlos Santana.
My point is they opened the door for those guys to start contributing with some smart trades and letting certain players walk.
You're right about them not finding Turner/Seager so not getting full credit but there's also some credit to be given towards going with them over alternatives. They could've been tantalized in trading Seager as a prospect, or thought Turner wasn't for reals and gone through free agency or something else