DODGERS Grade the Nerds

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by darth550, Dec 5, 2015.


Grade the Nerds

Poll closed Nov 5, 2016.
  1. A

    6 vote(s)
  2. B

    16 vote(s)
  3. C

    3 vote(s)
  4. D

    5 vote(s)
  5. F

    7 vote(s)
  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    The first sentence, imo, is exactly what I meant. Changing subject/predicate around is just smoke and mirrors.
    And nothing is as cut and dried as you state...absolutely nothing.
    You can hate everything the FO does up to a point, and fairly love the next move they make. At least people with half a brain can.
    But bitching about it until they do is pretty much what a BB website is all about. In my world anyway.
    Not telling people what this or that should be...or what they need to do.
    irish likes this.
  2. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Ok, I get it. Your mission in life clearly defined. Proceed.
    blazer5, mugs and bestlakersfan like this.
  3. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    he's not alone
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Well whatever you are supposed to be saying it is, it sure isn't telling people what they need to do...I guess you figure that particular response is what? A big putdown?'s devastating...positively immobilizing...what's next? Fuckturd?
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I believe that my POV is a moderate one.
    These new GM's arent better than the old style of GMs we are used to. Just different.
    In reality they are not, its just a new wrinkle on an old suit.
    What they are is Small Ball, or Inside Baseball, or Science Ball, or Moneyball, or Saberball, etc...
    Every era has their version of it. I remember when the HR the RBI and the AVG meant everything and in that order. And for a pitcher you better have the Wins the ERA and the strikeouts in that order. But in pitching the Wins were still worth more than the other two by a good margin.
    I really like OBP as a general stat, getting on base is one of the most important parts of baseball since it leads to getting in scoring position which leads in runs scored.
    I love hitters that hive high OBP, RISP and Runs. These 3 stats tell me that he a great all around jack of all trades player that can do well at every facet of offense.
    It gives me a score in my head of how to rate a player without taking into consideration the things that are more impacted by pitching/ballpark or during hot streaks/slumps.
    Good OBP tells me that you can contribute positively with the bat for an above average percentage of the times you get on deck. High OBP gives me confidence in a player. It even influences me into believing he is a smarter player or a more refined hitter than others. It is a very general stat though. It is my first look to give me that general idea of a player.
    RISP tells me his AVG in a specific way other than in the general way AVG is usually considered. Its a very specific stat that tells me how well a player is at moving the offense along and getting baserunners home.
    Runs tells me about your ability to make it from first base to home since that takes a lot of the important skills in baseball to do consistently.
    Then after ive seen those 3 I check out 3 more.
    OPS GIDP, and Doubles.
    OPS is that general stat that gives you a large basic view of how consistently well a player does when he gets to bat.
    GIDP brings it back into specifics of hitting exceptionally well in special situations. Like RISP this denotes more of a mastery with the bat or heart.
    Doubles gives me another look on your speed for XBH or your non HR power and how dynamic you could be of a hitter to get runs to score.
    Through those statistics i get a great view on what type of player he is and how he could and should be used in comparison to his teammates.
    Those are my new school/small ball leanings. But they arent the new new school. They take on a slew of other stats that more finely tune the information.
    But when i was a kid the most important stats for a hitter were HR and RBI then AVG.
    That is Big Ball/Old Baseball/Grand baseball.
    I love old baseball and i enjoy some of the new baseball stuff.
    When some people say the RBI is a worthless stat im more of an Old Baseball guy automatically, RBI is a good stat that shows consistency.
    The divide though is deep and it goes through everything in the game.
    There is an old way of ownership and a new way of ownership.
    Old way of GM and new way of GM.
    Same with Managing and down to training.
    The old baseball way and the new baseball way.
    Even the AL and NL different continue the theme of Old Baseball and New Baseball.
    IMO both sides the old and the new should compliment themselves without tilting too far into one corner.
    That includes the fan part of old and new baseball.
    CapnTreee and bestlakersfan like this.
  6. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    No, not a putdown. It just makes your (piss poor) attitude here completely explainable. As I said, it clarifies your mission.

    And really? When did I call you a name? If that's the way you want to proceed, then fine. I can respond in kind if I so choose.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I dont remember saying anything about how fans should be or calling anyone a hater. If you are in a negative mood though you might construe my post in that way. Similarly to how your words are taken as a put down.
    Its stating fact.
    When i talk about the job of fan im not saying how a fan should act or anything. Im just using very general and dry descriptors of how the relationship works between fan and team.
    I list 4 things that would make you a hater aka a negative nancy. But it was a very specific 4 things that only a few most narrow margins of the fandom would fit in. And that would be the bonafide haters :D
  8. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    We're just tired of having our beloved team and ourselves as devoted fans exploited by corporate Australia, charlatans and dumbasses posing as geniuses. Been almost 3 decades, ya know?

    Are you actually saying your ass feels good?
    Bluezoo and irish like this.
  9. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Truthfully Rube, I didn't even read your post. They tend to be long and call for too much thinking on my part. After I get home from work, I don't want to think too much.

  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    It's not a's what I opine when I'm dissatisfied and disappointed in what the guys in charge are doing with the team I root's really pretty simple. Not that hard a concept to grasp. If you think it's a "mission", then go ahead and think it. I guess it's a "mission" for some to defend the FO then? I'm supposed to like the staff and lineup or FO because you do? LOL. When they make a move I like, I'll write so. Not when or how you think I should , Sarge. If what I write bothers you so much, then you've got the button, bro. Just another one to join the rest.
    I never asked to proceed by name calling...but when you don't get what you want from another poster, you resort to that, and have many times... or issue orders on what they need to need to respond at all. No need to proceed. I thought it might be about that time for you. If not, then I was wrong.
    Why not just take it all in stride, like you do with the guys who agree with you.
  11. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    I dunno, ya wanna feel it?

    Yes, I feel good. I want a championship as much as anyone but I prefer not to risk multiple FUTURE championships just to try to ensure ONE championship. I truly believe that is the end goal, a level of talent that makes multiple championships possible. And I believe, right or wrong, that is where the nerds are headed.
  12. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Don't make stupid remarks, you know what I meant.

    It's a circle jerk they're selling you to keep you interested while they ingest an extra 100MM per year...

    I don't know what you do to afford your web access but if it involves anything more than punching a clock for someone else you should be able to see WTF they're doing.
    FerrariF2004 likes this.
  13. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    The farm is even better now then when it produced Kemp, Martin, Ethier, Billingsley, Loney, and Kershaw. If we had an owner that didn't steal from the team, that core wins a championship or two.

    It's not hard to understand what they're doing. The top 10-15 is super deep, and that's only including like 2 of the never ending Cubans they've bought.

    I know it's frustrating now, but geeze, take a look at how nasty the Cubs are right now. For cheap.
    blazer5, mugs and bestlakersfan like this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i was just piggbacking on your post :D
    carolinabluedodger likes this.
  15. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Which is ...ALWAYS. You've never been satisfied with shit, you are one long, loud, constant complaint. If everything is so gloomy and wrong, why not just off yourself?

    Forgive me if I don't hold my breath waiting for THAT moment.

    Never said what you should or shouldn't like, I just posted, and rightly so, that you not take every thing so personal and seriously, especially when it's clear to everyone else but you that what I posted was more humorous than anything. But you take it as a personal affront and get your panties in a wad. Well, so be it. As Robin Williams once said, if you can't take a fuck, joke it. As for the button, I had you under it for a while but decided to give you another go. My bad. You still suck.

    I may occaisonally initiate a name calling, but usually it's because some condescending asshole has it coming. But I see as always it's all about YOU, and since I called some one else a name in a totally different situation, you feel it's your duty to call me a name since obviously it was about you in the first place, as everything always is.

    So have at it. You got the button too, ya know bro. Or would that give you one less thing to bitch and complain about?

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
  16. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    The Cubs went big in FA. Epstein recognized that they're at a point that a couple of players could put them over the top and acted appropriately. We were there two years ago, before last season and again at the last trade deadline.....and they whiffed. We also had a run of 5 ROY's and never got that last player or 2 that would have done it under O'Malley. If we never got to those NLCS's when we ALL saw what having one more bat or arm would have meant I wouldn't feel this way and buy into them as so-called genius farmers. Our window is GONE!
  17. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Stupid is as stupid does, sir.

    If you truly believe that then why are you still a fan? Why not take your fandom some place where you agree with the way the team is being handled?

    Oh, how quaint. So if I'm not self-employed or at management level then I'm too stupid to understand how the team is being run?

    Yeah...thanks for playing. It's truly enlightening to see how you view your fellow human beings.
  18. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    It's all good in the hood.
  19. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    Well basically what the front office is doing is creating/opening a new window.

    The Cubs just recently went to FA after years of being terrible because it's much easier or them to pay those players than other teams. All of their star young players are making the minimum so it's pocket change for them to get Lester, Zobrist, and Heyward while the old regimen overpaid for Ethier and Crawford still exists. The Yankees could use a Chris Davis for example but it's not going to happen because of all the old people they're paying so much.

    But now your frustration seems to be directed at the Dodgers as a whole, not just the current FO. I agree it's been frustrating being a Dodger fan the last 28 years, but I feel like this is the best position the Dodgers have been in ownership and front office wise since that magical year in 1988.
    blazer5, rube and darth550 like this.
  20. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Fair enough but I don't think the nerds are as smart as they think they are. You (and others) would say they're building a long term, sustainable all star machine but they have demonstrated a pattern of second guessing themselves and making moves (and non moves) that shoot themselves in the foot and appear skittish.
    Bluezoo likes this.

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