No, I haven't. I have a little more respect than that. SHame on you And how do you bone a chick watching the Dodgers? Wouldn't you go flaccid when Uribe comes up?
I watch a lot of games with my girlfriend who is a casual Dodger fan lol, the good thing is that she doesn't really ask questions and she doesn't really pretend to know a lot other than the basics since she did play softball. She loves Kershaw, Andre, and Kemp and who can blame a female for that? Or male for that matter. Just giving you guys some hope
Girls who think they know a lot about sports are a pet peeve of mine. I can tolerate girls who like sports like you described, but when they go overboard and try to act like huge fans, it annoys me. That's admittedly sexist lol, but yeah.
I feel ya, thats why its good to get one who isnt gonna ask questions. She watches but mostly is sidetracked... Cause also i know people who date a girl who gives such little shit about their favorite team that they can't understand the excuse of watching a sporting event for 3 hours. In my opinion, it's far worse watching it with guy friends who are casual about it cause the guys pretend like they know something, like after today's game they'd call for Jamey Wright to be closer or some shit lol
Very true. Watching with guys who don't know shit is the worst. I was watching a Yankee game last year with my close friends (who are huge sports fans) and this random kid, he was screaming the whole time, but when they brought in Rafael Soriano in the 7th he said "I didn't know they made Soriano a pitcher, he doesn't play 2B anymore?" Swear to god lol.
Watching with people who aren't religious fans is annoying because they "oooooh!!!! and Ahhhhhh!" when you just wanna focus and/or are pissed.
Yep exactly, I don't mean to be like talking up my girlfriend but yeah she likes the sports and follows teams but acknowledges that me and her brother know far more and asks us simple questions. Those girls that fucking swear they are GMs are the worst
What we have a lot of in NY is girls who are Yankee fans on Facebook opening day and then the playoffs. That's always fun lol.
hahahaha yeh its the motherfucking worst cause guys swear they know, and they really don't. My friends don't understand why i'd rather watch with my girlfriend and its just cause she doesnt pretend liek she knows shit she just cheers when obvious shit happens and my friends just talk about teh stupidest shit. For example some of my friends can't understand the concept of a 5 man rotation. They literally think Kershaw needs to pitch every day. Oh, my, god.
Going to a restaurant in November and seeing obnoxious woman in Packers jerseys screaming at the TV like they know wtf they are talking about.
exactly. I'd much rather just watch alone or with my girlfriend so I can post on DSP and shit rather than be with my friends and just have to listen to them talk stupidly or talk over a crucial part in the game
My favorite is when a chick becomes a huge fan of a team all of a sudden cause she thinks a guy is good looking. Its like they just want to beg us to stereotype them
My friends are retarded. When it's not about Kemp, Kershaw, and Andre, it's just a bunch of shit talking.