Fuck everyone who said Braun deserved it and voted for him. Kemp = MVP
holy shit didn't see that coming. they should strip him of the mvp. time to send a message to these juice boys.
Wow. I take back what I said when I said losing MVP to Braun would be okay since he had such a great year. This, however, is bullshit.
i dont care how he took it im sure he'll come and say he had no idea even if that true, bull shit give kemp the mvp unlike the others when we dont know when they took it, braun tested positive THIS YEAR
I don't think they'll give Matt the MVP. and even if they did, I think it's a pretty lame way for him to get it. Should have been voted MVP instead of this.
why is it lame? the other guy was cheating. matt earned that award. as long as he isn't juicing as well.
it bugged me when jon heyman said he voted for braun but then said, "im starting to feel bad for kemp" after braun won
You gotta love the spokesman:
I love the language these fucking assholes use. There are highly unusual circumstances surrounding this case which will support Ryan's complete innocence and demonstrate there was absolutely no intentional violation of the program Come on dude... just admit that he did it.
he'd get fired if he did. that's what these guys are supposed to do, lie to make their people look as good as possible.