Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by KOUFAX0000, Jan 24, 2015.

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  1. chris

    chris Guest

    They won't be. They knew that, but apparently they were prepared to go to 35 million for Moncada at the July 2 deadline because they didn't want any penalties for this year or next. That means next year when the next Cuban superstar pops up (if there is one) they can blow past their limit unlike the Yankees and Red Sox
    irish likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    We might need Olivera. Our lineup kind of blows compared to last year, especially when AJ catches Kershaw. Need more offense. Imo.
  3. DodgerLove

    DodgerLove DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I'm definitely a little upset that we didn't get Moncada, but it's not like I don't see what the FO is thinking. They don't want to blow their load on one international guy, rather sign multiple quality international pieces.
  4. doyerfan

    doyerfan MODERATOR Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 2011
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    The funny part is that we won't know how all of this really ends up for like another 5+ years. Moncada is 19 and might not reach what he might be for like 5 years. Maybe less but also realistically maybe even more

    And the guys the Dodgers presumably sign next period won't be failures or successes for another 5+ years

    So what I'm saying is that I'm sitting here caring a lot about something that I have to be very patient about. Bummer
    CapnTreee, DodgerLove and TuborgP like this.
  5. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    not disappointed at all
    we made a legitimate offer; higher than anyone [with a caveat]
    our FO isn't interested in just playing for the present, they're intent on planning for the future
    signing moncada [now] was truly an all or nothing scenario
    but by waiting until july 2, there's a lot more flexibility to -- as doyer put it -- go ape shit
    and again, it's not like we didn't put out a legitimate offer
    DodgerLove likes this.
  6. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I know that you have the professional attitude, Chris, being one, and one can't argue with that advice, if that's what it actually is.
    But this additional loss of someone who had so much Dodger-linked ink, so much promise, was put in the imaginary future lineups, etc., going those chowdahs in Boston, is not relaxing. If it is for others, then that's way cool for them...but it's not for me.
    Nod out and catch some z-z-z-z-s....relax and watch it all on TV. For the next few years as it developes?
    He should be a Dodger, waiting to crack the fucking lineup in a year or two, whatever; the promise of "international aggression" or Whatever TF it is, is just that....a promise. Moncada was real, just like Puig.
    Relaxing is important for those other than me, and who knows maybe how long we'll go before we win any shit at all? We are so fucked up at it all, so inept, so misled, so adept at choking, I keep lowering my standards every year on what I'd "settle" for.
    Yeah, I'm not gonna commit suicide over it-it's typical Dodger shit, no matter who the fuck the puppeteers all are. No matter how much it all changes. You get used to it. I'm not gonna even bother to read about the next Cuban /world phenom , because it's all BS. If we sign one-GREAT!
    But fuck everybody anyway.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Tubo, signing this Moncada motherfucker is not fan chatter, c'mon...apples and oranges.
    irish likes this.
  8. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    If it's a big named player we are ALWAYS going to be named in rumors whether we are in on them or not. It's not a bad position to be in for the most part but it can set us up for disappointment.
  9. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    The one positive thing about it (to me, anyway) is that it sent a nice big fat "fuck you" to the Yankees. As bad as they needed this kid, only to see him go to their hated rivals? Priceless.
  10. TuborgP

    TuborgP DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    BZ, think about it. Kasten and the new owners said they were going to spend big the first couple of years and then wind down to a less ambitious payroll. They are doing that commencing 2016. How many in Dodger management have said they were all in on Mondaco? Management even said they were tepid about the luxury tax and not being able to spend the next signing period. They said they were not likely to go after a big time FA pitcher etc and different. It has been one unnamed source after the other saying our deep pockets and we are all in. What deep pockets? This is one of the most leveraged teams in baseball. They paid 2.2 billion for the team and 1.7 billion of that is debt. Mark Walters put in 100 Million of his own money and the combined equity was 500 million. They spent a ton on the initial roster and stadium repairs. People may wonder why I keep mentioning the tv contract but their projected cash flow initially from it was about 8 billion and than MLB took a larger cut and down to 7 billion. Still enough to work with and do great stuff only problem is that the current situation has someone losing money. As of now it is Time Warner with the Dodgers still getting their cut and Direct/Comcast paying nothing. How long will this last? Who knows but it is folly to think it isn't a problem seeking a resolution and soon. The TW/Comcast merger is probably in big trouble and the Dodger tv contract has become a talking point of the evil of the combined company imposing their will on customers. Their are multiple calls from third parties to renegotiate the contract and that would obviously result in a lower cash flow to the Dodgers and TW but also a lower cost for TW to at least a break even point. This is just fiscal logic. Could the Dodgers go all out for int'l talent after July 1. Most certainly. If the contract gets resolved at full value they will have a greater certainty of future costs and revenues. You are a older wiser man and understand the impact uncertainty has on business. You are a political conservative and understand that much of the angst for the current administration is the uncertainty about policy and taxes and the negative impact that uncertainty has on business. Why would the Dodgers and their owners be any different? In your own personal finances doesn't uncertainty cause you to make more cautious decisions? Management has been very clear, even now the going crazy after July 1 spending has come from who in the organization with a direct quote? Kasten doesn't say crap and the other two like to mislead people. Resolving the tv contract will give them a certainty moving forward as 1.7 billion is one hell of a lot of money to repay and we have no idea what the terms and payment schedule is. The private equity money is one thing but the money from Guggenheim imsurance is a tad unique source of funding for a sports team especially when the head owner is also the one who controls the insurance fund and has absolute final say about spending. That is the voice to listen to for future direction.
    First and foremost Walters is a big time private sector CEO with regulators looking over his shoulders.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2015
    mugs likes this.
  11. back2back x 2 + 1

    back2back x 2 + 1 DSP Legend Damned

    Jul 2013
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    Bro, a friend of mine had shown absolutely no interest at all in Moncada until he found out today that we didn't get the world is ending. Lol. Those are the worst. So I told him that they have major interest in Olivera..blank look. He didn't give two shits about Olivera, but said they had better get him. :facepalm:

    I straight up told him..dude, we have a top 3 farm system and the big club is projected for 92+ wins..SIT DOWN. :snap out of it:
    CapnTreee likes this.
  12. TuborgP

    TuborgP DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    For those fans interested in a quick read on the financing of the Dodgers and how it can be viewed in the hindsight of todays realities both good and perhaps not as good.
    Here’s a step-by-step by-the-numbers on how Frank McCourt made a roughly $2 billion pretax profit (before attorney fees and paying former wife Jamie a $131 million settlement) from the Los Angeles Dodgers. In the video at the bottom of the post Sal Galatioto of GSP, Bob Lorenz and I discuss why the MLB team’s balance sheet may carry just as much risk today as it did when McCourt was forced by MLB to sell the baseball team.

    1. Frank McCourt purchased the Dodgers, Dodger Stadium, and 260 acres of nearby real estate, including the stadium’s parking lots, fromNews Corp NWSA +0.99% in 2004.

    Purchase price of team and stadium: $330 million (net of assumed cash).

    Purchase price of real estate: $41 million.

    2. Guggenheim Baseball Management purchased the Dodgers, Dodger Stadium, and 130 acres of the nearby real estate from Frank McCourt in 2012. McCourt retained ownership of 130 acres of the land and both he and GBM each contributed the half of the real estate in a new joint venture (JV).

    GBM’s primary investors include: Mark Walter, Todd Boehly, Bobby Patton, Magic Johnson and Peter Guber.

    Enterprise value of deal: $2.3 billion.

    Team TISI NaN% and stadium: $2.0 billion.

    Nearby 260 acres of real estate: $300 million.
    Guggenheim Baseball Management financing:

    Equity: $375 million.

    Debt: $412 million.

    Insurance and hedge fund money: $1,363 million.

    Other considerations McCourt received from Guggenheim:

    Guggenheim will invest another $400 million in the real estate joint venture.

    McCourt manages the real estate joint venture and gets paid a management fee (about $5.5 million the first year) equal to 1% of assets held by the JV.
  13. chris

    chris Guest

    Goddamn you're pessimistic. I can understand the reason for that and yes the Dodgers have/had the money for Moncada, but there are other Cubans out there. There is other talent out there. They cannot sign everybody; it's a freaking business... They made a business decision to not make an offer to this guy (probably confident he was not going to SD or SF). Whether that was the right one or not, we will find out on July 2nd and next signing period.
  14. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    This is the big thing here. Everyone has gotten super spoiled by the Puigs and the Ryus. Now that Cubans are coming in, everyone wants one, and because we have the money, we're supposed to be the leaders in everything.

    But we got new guys in the office and are doing what they think is best for the team in terms of being able to sign other international players.

    Let's all wait before we put the guns to our heads.
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  15. chris

    chris Guest

  16. TheKnockdown

    TheKnockdown DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Would of been nice, but that squeeze on the rest of the IFAM would of been tough. I loved the creative contract our FO put in front of him and I understand why he turned it down. Even though it looks like a sure thing...would you really want to put your eggs into one basket?

    Honestly doing that we lose out on guys like Urias.
  17. Dodgers99

    Dodgers99 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I have to disagree. The lineup is more versatile than it was last year, better at Catcher (especially against RHP/non-Kershaw starts), 2B Kendrick's 115 OPS+ to Gordon's 101, and lets not for get the vastly improved defense. Will this team score fewer runs? Yes, barring a ROY performance from Joc and a breakout year from Puig. However, their isn't an automatic out in the regular lineup like their was in 2014 when Rojas or EA would have to play 2B against a LHP.
    chris likes this.
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Call me pessimistic, call me scumbag, call me irresponsible, call me doesn't matter at all.
    But if we take our fucking worn out, annually choking tails and stick it between our legs again, like every goddamn year, then all this Cuban garbage won't mean shit. Whether I continue with my unflinching pessimism or everyone else with their cockeyed optimism.
    I wanted the guy, and we didn't get him, so it sucks in my book. I'm tired of losing out on guys that I wanted us to have. If someone else thinks it wasn't important, good for them. I would have loved this kid in our system....not the douchebag Red Sox. Sorry.
    See , I can't pretend anymore that whatever the GM and the FO does and all the hacks picking us to win actually means fucking anything. Because it doesn't. Because I'm waiting to be wrong so badly year after year, but haven't been. Because if this is all so pessimistically shocking for you, WTF are you watching?
    Because I read/hear the same shit every year.
    Because the best BB team doesn't win most of the time anymore.
    Because most teams that have the players with the lowest ERA , Cy Young, RBI title, MLSB title and 94 wins finish in the money.
    Because we don't.
    TuborgP and KOUFAX0000 like this.
  19. Chiefdodgerslkrs24

    Chiefdodgerslkrs24 Among the Pantheon

    Apr 2014
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    Grandal is also an offensive upgrade. Rollins is an upgrade from the 35 games Rojas/Arruebarrena played. Kendrick is an upgrade over Dee. Losing both Kemp and Hanley's bats will hurt though. I think it is time for Puig's power to come to him.
  20. JohnGalbani

    JohnGalbani Guest

    Just pretend that the dog in his avatar is Eeyore and read it in his voice. Everything makes sense then.
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