The girl for @LAdiablo ... Two girls for @THINKBLUE ... The ONLY girl for @irish ...
Anyone else feel the tremor shortly after 9 pm yesterday? Rarely feel them here, but I felt that one.
what was crazy was i got a text message warning seconds before it hit, or rolled as you say pretty impressive tbh
when i was about 15 i lived with my parents in the east sf valley my gf at the time lived in northridge one night i was talking with her in the phone and suddenly she says “oh my god, it’s an earthquake” feeling nothing, i was like “wut?” then about 5-7 seconds later it started shaking where i was best part was when she said “oh thank god it’s slowing down”… because then i got to ride the last 5-7 seconds stress free lol
Gotta be prepared for Kamala. When she oopsies us an EMP. My middle name is Research. Dont confuse it with @F!nski His middle name Reacharound. They similar but not the same. One is a learner of new tricks. The other tricks new learners.
So Tom Cruise did a bitchen stunt at the closing ceremonies in Paris today. Good for him. Top notch. Well done. Aside from the shitty music there and in LA, and assorted artsy elements that I found meh .... I watched as ecstatic athletes pawed at Cruise as he passed through the crowd. One female athlete grabbed him and kissed Tom hard. Ok. Very cute and all that shit. But in this woke-as-fuck era, why isn't that sexual assault? Because if that was Beyonce or Taylor or Jennifer Lawrence and a male athlete did that ... well, you fuckin-A know what would've been the result. Anyway... fuck the Olympics in general but good on 99% of the athletes... as for the guys boxing women... I hope you die slowly of cancer over the next four years.
John Aprea, aka Young Tessio, dies at 83... Odd that DeNiro outlived both Aprea & Bruno Kirby in life, but Vito died before Clemenza & Tessio ...
this kid is amazing much better than being interested in women lol
^ nice house! watched a movie called Baby Driver and it was a lot of fun Edgar Wright wrote shaun of the dead and several other movies i now need to check out
ah another one! my future son in law recommended the worlds end, last night in soho and said hot fuzz is a perfect movie none are on netflix now but i'll keep my eyes open
i was a huge fan of his simon pegg movies and the show spaced hot fuzz is so good but i havent seen anything after scott pilgrim last i remember he was making a disney movie and probably hating it like when tim burton did it if i was a hack comic book writer given the chance to have his cliched knock off cinematic universe adapted into silly movie by a professional filmmaker the dream choice would be edgar wright for sure i been watching a lot of movies for free on youtube the past month and a half the algorithm must know that im not gonna watch movies if they dont put them in my face
Gotta tell you guys about this series on Netflix called " Gangs of London"...I'm only two episodes in, but if you like savage, brutal fights ( and who doesn't?), this is your cup of tea. These guys make the Sopranos ( which I'm watching too) look like kiddie fights. I don't know how good this series is going to be, but I'm definitely staying with it. I know some of the actors, I've recognized 3 so far from Game of Thrones, so it's pretty well done with pros. Just wild, mang... Oh, and Irish, if you read's got PIKEYS in it ! No dags so far, though.