100% like in Studio City last night and fuck the PC LAFD not releasing the cause because of so many homeless fires we need to know and their arson division knows what happened within 24 hours almost 100% of the time the wind isn't strong enough to do much in West hills and it will head straight down the natural fire corridor Malibu is about to take it up the backside again
well if the regular guy hated the homeless before they gonna hate them even more now obviously there are criminals within the homeless and if a terrorist wanted to chaos mayhem here then blending in as a homeless would be the ticket like the bums on the grassy knoll i get why people get the homeless and hate the government who doesnt help or fix the problem of hte homeless but its not gonna help the problem becuase its like mexico reminding us about how much we love drug whenever we complain about the cartels the problem to fix is not the homeless but homeowners homeless are irresponsible but homeowners are responsible responsible people fix problems irresponsible never fix anything having extra vacation or investment houses with nobody living in them or protecting them is a financial negligence offense that should be penalized as it invites criminals to hide within the homeless looking for unused homes sure this might not work within a certain political ideology but it works within the frameworks of reality and the reality is that when people build secondary and tertiary homes in the woods then the outcasts pushed away regular society have nowhere to go as the woods is their safe space then what to the media looks like an unctontrolled fire is actually just the recreation of the safe spaces for endangered species that gonna live there
im a flatlander/tumbler so usually the worst I get is smoke and that's when it starts in Santa Clarita in 71 the big fire burned the back half of the place you visited but that's been in for Chatsworth historically hoping I don't have to run cause I broke my ankle a couple of weeks back in ballet practice maybe I should walk...
I think everyone did fucking clown show and everyones life is at stake now people will panic and hit the streets fucking brilliant
so I want to watch the NFL playoffs without all the buffering from streameast etc. I have Roku and it says it supports that for 6.99 a month on NFL+ is this the best way to go and is that realistic to expect to see all the games? tyia
i been out cutting all the dead shit around here edison left all sorts of wood from last year when the big tree fell they just tossed it behind the wall right next to the power pole under the lines btw what do you mean by flatlander/tumbler? is that what they call people that live where you live? or is it from a movie i cant remember
think a flatlander is self explanatory as I'm not surrounded by hills etc fire doesn't typically make its way to me I mean I am surrounded by hills but am a half mile away and have this great FD the tumbler part is from the talking heads song born under punches and I've adopted it since my ballet accident
that one's out I have an HOA board trying to get me to replace an inadequate board and all these people on a group text freak out daily so Im following this shit pretty close just to prevent panic shit like yesterday w the false notice sure doesn't help cause people are on edge atm
they did catch a guy in West hills on a bike w a mapp torch yesterday (plumbers torch) apparently from the collective info I've been gathering he's latino and looks to be a homeless guy on a bike sounding like citizens caught him and held him but that's this guy and one of the fires still think its coordinated terror being exacted but of course no one knows how these fires are starting anymore can't offend those homeless fuckers or embarrass the politicians that give them freedom to do whatever they want
I find it absolutely plausible this is coordinated terrorist attacks or fires being started by bums saw a video where citizen caught him and held him for the police thought they let him go though do to a lack of evidence - I could be very mistaken on this even if they know who started them, I doubt they will be allowed to release that info because it would be too embarrassing for somebody who sucks at their job
President Biden @POTUS I'm announcing that the federal government will cover 100% of the cost of measures to protect lives and property in Southern California for six months. I’ve told the Governor and officials to spare no expense and do whatever they need to contain the fires and protect families. They cannot afford to lose all those electoral votes.
nice i look at hills like ships and valleys like bays of inland seas thats why i call most people landlubbers they live in the sea and dont know it so when the waves come its like what is up with the wind its not the wind its the humidity our boats float depending on how thick the atmosphere is and we are buoyant like boats on the shore bobbleheads rocking to the pugets sound at least we were in the 90s when we had el nino in his prime maybe i got a few tumbles left forreals you taking ballet? btw thanks for the song i didnt know that one did you ever play half life?
Women talking to women leading women. Regardless of their sex because lots of the men think like women too. Women care too much about safety without knowing how to be safe because there will always be a dirty smelly ugly flabby man white man or brown immigrant man ready to do the real unsafe shit. If my auntie runs the FD then nobody is going to be allowed to go out to a fire because its too dangerous. They wont be allowed to engage the fire unless there is a 100 percent chance of safety. They wont go out and create firebreaks on all the off days because thats too much work and folks want to be paid like rich people to work. Then when you pay them like rich people guess what... rich people dont have to work hard because they are rich. They only work hard if they want to and therefore need motivation. Poor dont need motivation to do their duty. If my mom was the PD chief then she would want all guns confiscated and expect the cops to ask the criminals nicely to give them up and stop breaking the law. Women have all kinds of fantasies and utopias at the ready that they believe should just work. By women I mean landlubbers. Landlubbers love the land under their feet and when the waves of fire are swirling they believe they are about to lose everything. Because what is on the land is everything to them. If only they had faith like a mustard seed they would know that unlike self esteem and ego their faith can move them en masse from one mountain to another. BTW I have some bargain priced acreage in orange county nestled in a canyon between the city of Tustin and the Santa Ana mts if any of you looking to be king of the hill. Better to live a little east LA at the head of the devil winds than part of the serpents tail in the westside.