Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    few lives are being lost
    property owners losing stuff is way more important
    if poor people were slaves owned and paid for by rich people then slaves would matter as they would be property
    protect families is a joke
    the poor with families that are servants to some of these rich are out there helping the rich get out alive because the rich dont know what to do unless someone tells them what to do
    specially in a crisis
    in a crisis rich people all turn to dumb women like those aunts everyone has

    who do they want you to blame?
    that is who you will blame
    it is easy isnt it

    dont react like a timmy
    a timmy uses his red blooded mana at once
    reserve your red
    use some white order mana and some blue thought
    white smoke is better than black smog in the air
    and you want your water and skies to be clear blue
    dont react timmy, divine so that your wand may grow evergreen
    sure the r is first in RGB but if you really want to go full spectrum you want to end with the r
    when you start with the r then no matter the color everything will be tinged with red
    you know you can trust me as a viable source being that red is technically my middle name

    but being mexican my middle name is said first so imma roll that r to the front and say some red mana shit...
    when bums mass together in areas certain types of people with money and power complain the loudest to have them removed
    the bums wont budge and so they are forcibly removed sometimes by the use of water cannons but even fire has been used to smoke them out of places
    ultimately it seems that fire and smoke seems to be the best tool to keep the bums out
    and many buildings have been going up in smoke the last few years
    the landlord gets a payout and the insurance company gets a bailout and the fire that burns out the empty useless building kills a few homeless that get caught unawares
    eventually the homeless get the point and stop going into buildings like that and take to the parks
    the parks wont allow any homeless in parks and are using child predator laws to call any man without a kid a potential predator and so all homeless in parks are without a child they are defacto suspicious of being a predator and moved off the park and harassed
    so with all the normal places to go these people go to the wilderness or nazareths of the land
    and everyone knows that nothing good comes from these types of places
    only bad people live in the woods
    you know who else lives in the woods?
    you know whats another name for vagrant
    you know who the nazis started killing
    you know what a tramp?
    you know whats a nomad?
    immigrants like nomads like vagrants like tramps and other unhoused are seen as vandals, mongols and barbarians
    but if that is where you want them out of sight and out of mind so the monkees in your town dont have to see and hear and know about their evil
    dont be mad about the evolution of your species
    you can either be of the monkey and ape
    or you can be of adam and eve
    ill tell you what... ghengis khan didnt believe he came from no monkey
    ghengis khan knew that he was the true king kong

    so if a bear shits in the woods how long does it take for the smell to get to your town?
    and if bums of all stripes, colors and flags are uniting against the systems of the rich and their allies by systematically burning down the areas where the leaders of said system and their poster children live in order to smoke them out what would you call that?

    some would say it was simple deductive logic
    others would be scared and look to the sun they worship and cry its global warming
    or vice versa jesus coming home to purify the temple
    i dont know if you know how LA county and SoCal and ultimate CA is run but this the Holy Roman Empire politically speaking
    its all a bunch of fiefdoms and there are kings and castles and palaces all over the place and the politics are about serving the interests of the people who own everything you are taxed for
    the reason they recently said that you will own nothing and you will be happy is because they know something you dont
    that it already happened and you didnt notice/care aka are happy/content
    informed consent is all you have to do to make things real
    but dont fret my little tar
    the gits are pulling strings
    before the banjo starts playin
    and the violin starts violatin
    because having the right data is half the battle
    when tis the time to be getting right with dada
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    never played half life but played lots of talking heads
    and no I'm not actually taking ballet
    I managed to clip one foot crossing the threshold of my door to the outside of my bedroom w my arms full of framed pictures I was moving
    was conscious of the two akitas w one outside and one inside as I crossed through the doorway and the next thing I knew I was on my back
    my left foot caught the front edge of the landing and I heard that break then I guess my right ankle slapped the landed but didn't break
    landed in the pictures and glass shattered everywhere but no other damage
    coolest thing was the dogs didn't seize the opportunity to attack each other and instead the outside girl came right over to me
    she put herself right in front of me and I was able to grab her body to sit up and she stayed there for leverage and let me push up to standing without moving
    made my way to a chair, sat down, and began figuring out how I would get to the hospital
    because of the holidays it was a mess and fortunately I had a brother that had some decent narcotics to get me through
    emergency prescribed some but pharmacies wouldn't fill it for my sister visiting form OKC so anyway
    now my Dr and the ortho finally are making sure I'm not in pain and no surgery but no walking on it for a month minimum
    so I've found these knee scooters, one for indoor and another all terrain type for outdoor and decking them out w gel pads and baskets lol
    also got a device which is basically like a pirate peg leg that I'm going to practice on this weekend
    if I can master that things should be relatively normal although it is a process of totally relearning and crutches just suck
    if I had paid for all those devices retail it would have been $800 but using offerup was able to locate for $160 love that site
    fully intend to follow the orthos strident direction since I really enjoy walking
    and all that said I'm smiling as the world burns down around me because my Dodgers won and the tide has turned on woke madness hoozah!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    fuck yeah thats the right attitude

    if i fall its usually trying not to step on a cat or dog that tried to run through where i was planning to step in after i just swerved there avoiding where they had recently been at
    dude i have had so many accidents like that the past 3 and somewhat years its not even funny
    im glad you take care of your shit
    not me though, i really need to go to the body shop for an alignment on all fours
    i love shoveling dirt and raking leaves too much to stop and rest though
    love making giant holes then filling them to the top with leaves and food scraps then i take a big piss over it and cover it up
    then wait a few months and you have a soft spongy garden bed
    and a natural fire break
    there is so much california can do to prevent fire
    when we had the big fire there was people out in the fire with hoses helping the FD
    the firefighters were not pushing us off but welcoming the help of those who didnt evacuate as directed
    i dont think we were gonna see that many people out there risking some lung damage in palisades
    but in the SGV the people are less rich and therefore more apt to hard dangerous work
    you would think
    altadena has a FD right there at the base of the hills up lake
    there is no reason they had no fire service other than their water and fire trucks were all sent to palisades
    to help the richer people
    altadena is close to celebrity suburbs of pasadena and has some generational families of wealth up there
    but also a lot of poor blacks living in their grandmas and moms house from a generation when there was semi affluent blacks heavily represented there
    i spent a lot of time in that area most of my life
    mostly getting good fried chicken

    if i was a rich person that lived in palisades i would have moats under my ramparts
    it wont stop the dragons breath but it will at least stop the fires started by the torch wielding mobs
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    if I was ten years younger I might scoff a bit more at his direction but I guess you had to be there
    it was the first night of the wind and I had driven myself to the orthopedic surgeons office and barely got in without being blown over
    I waited an hour and then of course I needed new X-rays and moving around the place on one crutch
    by the time Dr. came in I was in real pain again and grinding my teeth and I know I have a high pain threshold
    I'm a guy that glues himself back together and only goes to the Dr. to get a hose stuffed up his ass cause it feels good and I'm gay like that
    its a straight break but both feet have severe sprains and he just made it clear no walking
    with the wind it took me almost two minutes just to push through the swinging glass doors and I was exhausted making it to my car
    I can scooter the 12' to the bathroom and stand as well as step into the shower and that's it
    tomorrow I'm going to Costco w the gf and see how I can do scoring dog food, water etc on the scooter, maybe get some practice on the pirate leg
    the food thing is the tough one but w my all terrain scoot outside I can roll for ff type stuff and not worry about navigating the kitchen for now
    going to be alcohol free as well more or less cause that's really not necessary and I have some Jordan Peterson and Bukowski I want to catch up on
    yeah I'm taking this seriously and oh btw not all those folks are rich in Palisades, upper middle class yes
    but that just means they worked their asses off and sacrificed a lot to live in paradise
    was a time a young devil thought he could call that place home but alas I fell short of the mark
    the climate and the air in that location makes it worth a shot if that means something to you
    so my heart goes out no more or less to the folks in Altadena or anywhere that lost home
    really hard to fathom and when you see people throwing anything liquid they can find at the flames...just hard to imagine watching fire engulf your life and dreams
    and life goes on
    fsudog21 and rube like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    it does mean something
    but its something that i could never even dream about
    living where i used to live i know there are poor people and hard working class people hiding everywhere
    the problem with working hard to live in paradise is that the moment you hand off paradise to a generation that didnt work for it and didnt put equity into it that paradise turns into a fiery inferno of corruption

    wherever there is rich people there is poor people caring after them and their family and their stuff
    eventually the poor and the rich find it better to live close to each other since they need each other so much
    the middle class finds that they dont need the rich or the poor and that nobody needs them either
    including most of their family and friends because they are also middle class

    my dream was lunada bay up in palos verdes
    but too many bad experiences with the corrupt police up there when i was a young devil

    what do you think bukowski would have to say about a guy like peterson?
    LAdiablo likes this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    been a long time since I've watched the local news but have to give a shout out to some of these reporters
    they've been remarkably human and free from hyperbole for the most part
    I've been jumping around the local channels but I think my favorite guy is Barry Pintar
    dude is truly invested and has a lot of good information in his head and is pretty direct
    the in studio plastic surgery mannequins are still insufferable but some of the on scene people have been legit
    fsudog21 and rube like this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    i like watching channel 5 news
    but not the local one
    the internet one
    he is the most human reporter ive seen out there

    i remember saving my old house in the mtn by starting fires for breaks and wetting everything down around me and destroying anything flammable by burning it
    with the help of other neighbors and the FD we saved a whole neighborhood with the fire literally skipping over us and getting the people over in san dimas whose houses were down lower than ours yet surrounded by dry brush
    you can see people saving their homes all the time in these catastrophes
    if you dont lose your head things can be alright
    but if you listen to the government you will always lose your head
    fsudog21 likes this.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    I didn't think that Barry Pintar was a local guy and it turns out he is from Pittsburgh
    not sure how he suddenly drew this assignment but it has to be a big deal for him and maybe thats where the animation comes from
    also seems like he's done a lot of homework regarding the region not only geographically but knows how many students are in a given school etc.
    definitely a throwback style reporter and not a preening poc w a basic education and no work ethic
    maybe CBS is trying something old and yet new?
    rube likes this.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    explaining to the PA people how our brush burns different than theirs
    i like how he motions with his arms to explain what he is saying
    a little movement goes a long way when watching video
    LAdiablo likes this.
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Utterly crushed to just find out that Joy Behar is Italian.
    LAdiablo and fsudog21 like this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    RIP David Lynch...a monumental talent and a brave, innovative creative force.
    Won't see too many with with the scope of his visions.
    Aand Bob Eucker...every baseball fan knows his takes on the game. He truly loved it.
    "Juuust a little bit outside"...
    Sad fucking day, man.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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  14. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Loved his deadpan delivery. Truly a funny man. The game is a little less fun.
    Bluezoo and LAdiablo like this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    takes my breath away
    and in all that destruction the lucky ones that were spared
    yet luck wasn't the only factor as materials and landscaping clearly aided in the outcome
    now the word being circulated is repopulation of the is that?
    rube and fsudog21 like this.
  16. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Regret not buying a truck when I bought my car back in 2012/13 - the price of a truck, even used, are out-fucking-rageous.
    irish and LAdiablo like this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    friend bought a ford last year and invited me to dinner insisting I drive it
    wanted me to tell him how great it was w all of this and all of that but I couldn't, not for a 100k
    can not believe that's what he paid but hopefully inventory will be back over the next year or so w the change in attitude
    still keep my 02 Tundra pristine for when I need the truck and guys offer me 15k for that all day long
    not selling that anytime soon w 150k ridiculously pain free miles and no reason to sell it
    keep a nice car, the truck, a small trailer and now my electric 3 wheel ride so I'm set
    I'd say maybe look into the 99-03 Toyotas but so many have led hard work lives
    THINKBLUE, BigDaddyKaine and rube like this.
  18. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I want a RAM 2500 Rebel but I cannot justify in my mind paying $70k for a used vehicle no matter how much I like it
    it just does not many any financial sense
    I like Tundra's, my favorite truck, but I need one with more payload capacity than those offer
    I wish Toyota made a 3/4 or 1 ton truck
    With that said, if I could find a good deal on an older Tundra, I'd have to consider it
    Although I would really prefer more payload than Tundra's offer, it would probably be okay but barely
    Did some checking around the internet and every early model 4WD Tundra with less than 100k miles on it that was a decent price are all in the northeast of the US and I do not want an old vehicle from that region
    fear of rust
    and I'm a fucking moron when it comes to vehicles so I wouldn't trust myself be to able to thoroughly check for it

    My car needs an engine replacement - burns oil rapidly, it does not leak
    need to put about half a quart every week or two to keep it at the proper level
    the engine swap will probably run me about $3-5k but I will most likely do this at some point and keep this car as my car for as long as possible
    but for now, I will just keep putting oil in the car as it works just fine other than that
    LAdiablo, F!nski and THINKBLUE like this.
  19. F!nski

    F!nski DSP Legend

    Mar 2024
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    I'm sure you know this but in case you don't...

    Prices for used trucks are much lower in the south, especially Texas & Alabama. But closer to where I am, if you could work it out, get a cheap flight into Virginia and work your way to West Virginia. Folks here do that and come back with F150s & Rams in good shape at 2/3 lower than you'd pay in California.

    It's a hassle but I've seen it done. And later this year, I'll do it myself. We need a truck here for sure.

    Good luck.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2025
    LAdiablo, irish and THINKBLUE like this.
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    The last ten minutes of Bill Maher's first show, after the New Rules commentary, is brilliant and spot on. I thought that every Californian should view this, at least those in proximity to the fire.
    Worth watching.
    fsudog21 likes this.

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