I recall Stackhouse trying multiple times to land broadside across Bradley's knee. Obvious as hell... Didn't matter. Guy is paralyzed now from a bicycling accident. Imagine being 7+ feet tall & wheelchair bound...
going to have to watch some of the game 7 Stanley cup don't think it will be in doubt for very long though Florida has to have some tight sphincters atm
Would be hilarious, and awesome, if LeBron James Jr. actually turned out to be a good NBA player. He would be more of a Laker than his dad ever was.
didn't even notice draft results and they took mebron jr in the second round?! read an article that gave the Lakers an A on draft day how does that work when you drafted a minimal talent subpar role player in the second round when NO ONE else wanted him??? just more damage done to the team by me first, look at me, i'm the goat mebron
Supposedly, they got a guy out of Tennesse in the 1st round that should not have been available when they picked. From the couple of clips I have seen, the only reason people can think of why he was still available was his age (23).
yeah i saw that kid is a big scorer and 5 year college kid wish him luck and if he does well maybe he can get traded by mebron i know you don't typically get much at 55 but we'll never know because we needed to make an over the hill star happy cause he might have opted from 50 mil
in a way so do i but it seems as though he's got no problem walking into the fire would have been nice to see him stand up for himself but i get that the queen is all powerful the part that truly sickens me is the only thing left is signing mebron to a multi year 140mil contract ugh total decimation of a once great franchise by the children of the great Jerry Buss
Former No. 1 NFL draft pick JaMarcus Russell fired as High School football coach, accused of taking $74,000 check meant as a donation to the school. i guess being the biggest nfl draft failure ever just wasn’t enough what a loser
i was always mildly interested but like most found it boring without enough scoring then i started going to CR and had the great fortune of being there in 2014 when the place lost its mind in the world cup have to count that as way up there in my best sports moments
soccer is like sex without the blue pill its a beautiful game to watch and chill football is good too, but you need the blue pill and the red pill and the yellow and purple ones too. its all about going up an down the field like a fucking clocker not as classy as the give and take that is loving soccer where time dont stop because its a runner and while the grid iron maiden was tougher the faster pussycat was funner. i like bo and all but who wants to break a hip? id rather be a square on the right angle playing on a larger rectangle where the most i can break is an ankle but thats only when i go off mission when if im playing outta position sweeping like a center back looking for the quarter back a sweet carnation in the shotgun formation bout to be phased out for all of tar-nation
not all the way, but 4 out of 7 aint bad. you know i have trouble pleading the 5th element im asking hard but i only speak in frankenlung raking my brains but ay ay ay can barely see the 6th much less the 7th due to the 5th being in my break of the woods but im working on it working my way up the chain waiting for my chin check if i can do a pull up then you better pull up open up your solar plexus with that care bear stare coming straight from the lungs the liver the good kidney and the guts i can almost raise my armies both the right and the left for now i got my sea legs working its how you travel under the weather so i wont get myself a moving citation maybe i shoulda started from the top down but the well bottoms up its why im always all wet once this bird can sing again you better cya red heifer or golden calf the choice is yours im still gonna get my wings while all you see is a full metal jacket no worries its lined with down flying with the finest of the fine under the water world where your auxiliaries dont perspire and your ancillaries dont aspire because role players never expire they come together and conspire giving you the words to inspire when your flesh blows a tire and your will proves a liar thanks the lord up on higher coach put me on the pyre the one that goes gyer cuz like a norman furrier this gaul is on fire