Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah, maybe in Oz...maybe it will help pay for Obamacare, too, as another giant health provider bites the dust in Aetna.
    Dead health plan walking.
    I'll believe all that when I see it..
    We'll foot those bills too, just like the others.
    I hope it happens if it does get through.
    Idk. Maybe you and the others are correct. Maybe I'm just not seeing it
    I just don't have faith in any gov't run program any more.
    Money actually getting there, where they say it is earmarked to go.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    weed panacea people aren't paying any attention to the increase in car accidents either
    btw does anyone gaf that BO is sending ALL the worst gitmo detainees and murderers back to the battle field to kill?
    how the fuck does he unilaterally pull that off?
    and why does he think it along w all these refugees are of the utmost importance as he leaves office?
    certainly seems to most of us like he cares more about them than our safety
    hard to see the other side of that argument

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Except that they don't. Because regulating it and taxing it makes it more expensive than black market weed. There is still a healthy black market for weed in Colorado because the government so desperately wants to get its beak wet.

    The only way to undercut the cartels and eliminate the illegal market is to not tax and regulate producers and suppliers.
    A free market always finds a more efficient solution than a regulated one.
  4. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    We'll disagree. Maybe Colorado isn't doing it right. The market should be big enough for them to tax, regulate, and profit...all at a lower rate than black market weed. If the state truly controls the market, then they set the price. The same way big oil sets the price of gas. Then, make the fines too steep for the street dealer to cope with, while increasing enforcement pressure. Initially it might be a huge endeavor, but done correctly the state should monopolize weed and those who make a living from it.
  5. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah, I posted about the Gitmo scum being released...biggest group yet. Few days ago.
    Doesn't matter...no matter what, he'll get his taint licked. I just hope they don't get back into this part of the world to kill some US kids for Allah..
    CapnTreee and LAdiablo like this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    This is what they do.
    The Allah cult are the worst slave traders in history.
    When the Romans or other peoples enslaved others it was mostly for employment purposes.
    They would fight a war and the losing people would become the employees of the winners.
    Conditions were not always that great, but for many a job was better than fending for themselves.
    Either way your people would thrive and many babies would be born of mixed racial makeup... creating a new class of people that transformed the host/slave relationship.
    With the cultists the goal was different. It was sex and war.
    When they fought the europeans and made their way through the eastern parts of the continent they named all of their white sex workers and soldiers slaves or Slavs.
    They then did the same blacks who they called Abed, or servant. Which they also use whenever they talk about the term 'black'.
    Africans are not black or african but Abeds. AKA servants. Like the word nigger it is meant to demean. Nigger means the same as the word Paul. Which is something akin to small/weak/wanting. Paltry/Niggardly.
    They castrated men and cut off womens clitorises and gave them abortions if they got pregnant.
    On their boats only 15 of every 100 slaves survived more than a year away from Africa.
    And 2 out of every 3 slaves was a woman. Many of the men were small boys. And those not used as sex boy toys were brainwashed into Sharia law and forced into the frontlines of the wars.
    America had few slaves compared to south and central america. Like 5 or 10 percent of all african slaves came to north america.
    Most wen to the islands and central/south america. And most America bound slaves survived the trip and were put to work. With all of the above statistics pretty much reversed.
    The US is not the big bad when it comes to slavery on the world stage. It was the Muslims and the Jesuits.
    Who both worship Allah.
    So its only natural that they want to kill Americans. This country freed the slaves and is filled with Blacks in prominent areas of business and all walks of society.
    They hate us because we let our servants eventually become part of the nation.
    Which is why you dont see many Blacks in Islamic lands, even though they brought way more in.
    Bluezoo likes this.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Fascinating Rube...can you get into the Jesuits worshipping Allah some more when you have time?

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    State control of markets...
    State held monopolies on products and producers...
    Escalated war on drugs...

    Much lol.
    What's in your next 5 year plan, commissar? State engineered famines? Reeducation camps?
    Bluezoo and rube like this.
  9. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    So Rube, what about the Jesuits worshipping Allah?
    I did some research on it, and what I found is maybe more mind blowing about the Roman Catholics, totally apart from the Christians, are the ones that created Islam.
    And that the Vatican controls it all...
    A new angle on world control. Sounds about right. Since the get go.
    I found basically, the Jesuits and the Freemasons are the Illuminati.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yes. Thats what i have been taught since i was a child.
    The 2 angels that inspired the prophet of Islam were catholic nuncios.
    Catholicism is not christianity but the continuation of Babylonian (Iraqi) worship of the stars/planets in falling form as meteors/comets.
    The stars in a judeo/christian sense being the fallen angels.
    Allah in the ancient pre muslim Arabia was a moon god named Sin. Who arrived on earth inside a falling star which is the big black space rock they revere in Mecca.
    Islam was created to keep the hard to tame natives in some sort of order/fear. Like the latin american version of catholicism that reveres the virgin of Guadalupe and all their pre-christian gods in saint form. The Catholic folks in Europe look down hard at the Latin American rite because of such things.
    Islam is the frankenstein monster they could never control and so the religion was built to fight against all of the Catholics enemies.
    Including rival forms of Catholicism in the area. Certain types of christians and monks are to be protected says the Koran, while others are to be killed on sight.
    Creating the warfare needed for the Catholic wars to continue. For the 'true believers' to have someone to fight against and more importantly so they would fall in line with the mother church for protection. Eliminating the 'heretic' christians who had fled Europe to live and work in the north african deserts as well as to destroy the last of the Jews who had fled into north and then western Africa after the Roman persecution.
    These darker Jews (Judahites were from the southern parts of Israel which were always part of Africa in ancient times) were the ones who fled to west africa chased by the Arabs who controlled north africa and sold into slavery to the Jesuit Portuguese who then shipped them to the Americas.

    Jesuits started the idea of modern universities in the 1700s. All these big classic universities like Oxford and the like are Jesuit institutions. That is where/how they begin to redesign society.
    Socialism is their tool. And they cozy up to liberals in order to get their support with promises and lies.
    The French Revolution was their fault and in the backlash the Jesuits were kicked out of most of Western Europe even the Vatican.
    They moved their operations to Latin America to mine and then tame the natives with socialism and then to the Eastern bloc countries where they went on to do horrible damage and perfect socialism as a world system.
    There has always been a 'black' Pope. The leader of the Jesuits.
    And because of the increasing power they have had over the past few decades the black Pope is now the white Pope for the first time in all of history.
    That is why he appears to be such a different type of pope.
    The Jesuits are not a religious order. They are military order. The confessors and inquisitors of the past turned into militant professors and priests. The Jesuits are not just any type of military order. They are the intelligence/black ops division of the Vatican and have had more power than the Vatican for a while. Now they ARE the Vatican. Kinda like some would say the KGB was the Soviet Union when they became their worse or how the Nazis were Germany and how the NSA/CIA, etc... ARE the USA now.
    In El Salvador the US backed the horrible government with its death squads. But thats because the Rebels were funded by the Soviets and the revolution spurned by the Jesuit priests from the pulpit. And thats how it was in most latin american countries. The harder the soviet jesuits push the more evil the governments become and the more crazy bloodshed and anarchic chaos is created. From that chaos is how their order takes control to 'save' the situation.
    And the way they fool the liberals is by promoting Social Justice and political correctness.
    Their loyalty isnt to the church (the people) but to the pope (the demigod). Now they have one of their own as Pope.
    And this is no Dan Brown novel. Its the truth. And they have been working on this at full speed for 300 years, but they been laying the groundwork for ages.
    The other main aim of the Jesuits is ecumenism. Which is the plan for all the world to acknowledge the pope as the king of the world and the universe. Not just religiously but politically. To have him be God.
    None of this is conspiracy theory.
    It is their goals, their history, and now their present future.
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Thanks, Rube. Great post.
    I'll go further in to it..absolutely fascinating.
    It just sucks to eventually realize so much of your childhood and traditions, are based on global deceptions that go back to ancient times.
  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    devastated when i learned the easter bunny wasn't real...

    last week
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I grew up going to small groups in peoples homes where this was a major point of study.
    One thing we learned early on was that tradition is the tool used by evil to keep people in support of said evil. Blind support of course.
    The sheep dont know that their shepherds are evil. Just like many muslims dont know that their imams are evil.
    We tend to lump all muslims as evil because they support this evil... but we dont look the same way towards the Christian sheep who support evil in the west. For them in the east its just as hard to realize that their leaders are evil. Just like its hard for us to see our own evil leaders for what they are.
    Tradition is the veil over our eyes.
    It was what doomed the Jews. They make a big deal about tradition which is why they could not move on from their way of life.
    The whole lifting up of the coin and asking the jews who was on their coin the king of the jews or the king of the romans was to drive home the fact that they had accepted the grecoroman lifestyle. They lost now adapt or die. The jews didnt want to adapt, like they had in the past and so they died in the most horrible ways during the siege of 70AD. Mothers killing and eating their own babies as they came out the womb. Eating the recently dead. Killing the weak to eat them and drink their blood because there was nothing to eat and drink.
    No use in fighting an invading force who has so totally taken over that they control everything about your nation.
    You have only 3 options.
    Fight a spiritual fight. Like Jesus did, like Ghandi did, etc...
    Run to the hills and live in nature away from where paid soldiers want venture. Like Moses did.
    Or adapt to the new culture without changing who you are on the inside. Like with ancient Jews who took Babylonian names and changed their traditions.
    You change on the outside (traditions) but keep your values and slowly change the values of those around you by your example.
    Which is what the story of Ester is about. Hadashah became Ester (Ishtar/Astarte/Venus/Dawnstar) and influenced Babylonian society by example.
    But clinging to your traditions will only bring you to open rebellion and crazy zealotry.
    Which is where the radical Muslim is now and where the zealot Jew was during the time of Jesus and where the fanatical Catholic was in the middle ages.
    Where you kill and die for meaningless stuff that over time people have given meaning to because of 'tradition'.
    Tradition is the biggest poison in this world. And it is what most people understand when they hear the term 'religion'.
    Religion is not that though. Religion means to Re-Read. In other words to study again and reconsider what you once held as truth.
    Its anti tradition. Its about constantly reforming. Both your actions and your thoughts. Its breaking tradition not for the sake of breaking it but for the sake of evolving it into something better.
    Perfection is the basis of true religion. Perfection is the eternal struggle of being a human. Of being better than before and not satisfied with what you are. Without that striving we become complacent and grow stagnant and sick in all ways.
    Which is the way the world works. So you have to fight that tendency of disintegration by always striving against it.
    The more we accept the status quo the worse it gets and the more it reflects in our culture.
    And the faster the culture goes to hell in a handbasket.
    Bluezoo likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    I wish Obama never became president
  15. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I wish we didn't have to have a president.
    rube likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    I wish Andrew Friedman was Vice President of U.S Operations.
    rube likes this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Cuba would be the 51st state.
    After we invade it first of course to start ww3.
    For all those natural player resources
  18. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Cuba would be a red state, so they'd have to allow Puerto Rico in as a blue state to counteract at the same time.
    rube and irish like this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i wish the media wasn't so fucking biased
    i mean fuck anyone who says that it isn't
    bush was late in 05 and he was lambasted by EVERYONE
    BO is literally golfing while the state is underwater and...nothing at all
    he is just rubbing it in our faces now
    worst president in our history by far
    i hope he dies
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Haha...whoa! Tell us how you really feel, Devil...
    CapnTreee likes this.

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