took me 3 times to get through to the site but made my first political donation of my life political persecution cannot stand regardless of what your opinion of the man is looks like a lot of people agree
When July 11 th rolls around, I think Trump must go to jail. Incarceration without a doubt. Because if he doesn't, why spend $ millions and prosecute him at all ? He committed a terrible felony, guilty on all 34 counts as aided by the testimony of a convicted purger/ liar and a paid whore. Why should he not go to jail then ? Is the some other reason this five week dog and pony show went on ? What could it be then, if not to punish the perpetrator of this terrible crime? Could it be for another one is above the law, right ? Why, that would be a crime in itself, no ? I look for " it's a lower level felony" as carpet bombing justification by the media in case a no jail sentence should come down on the next Ringling Bros. event on July 11 th. They'll put him in jail for one of the other things he's charged for anyway. God Bless America.
There's no way he goes into a jail. He'd need a dozen full-time secret service agents in & around him and another dozen working prison perimeter. The screws wouldn't stand for it & I wouldn't blame them. He'll be put under some form of house arrest. Biden ran his bullshit 2020 campaign from his bumper. Mar-A-Lago would be just as good as that.
I'm sure it's my fault, but how and/ where he goes to jail was not my point. Only used it as a counterpoint in conjunction with his "terrible crime" he was convicted for. I was being totally facetious and sarcastic. About the sham. About the disguise of justice under our laws.
I did miss your point. And that's on me. Yes. Sham is a proper word here. Travesty also. Horseshit would be my Dad's descriptive if he weren't dead and gone.
So Stephen A Smith has a take on the Trump conviction... I don't care what he says about sports let alone politics. Who cares what this idiot has to say about anything, including the weather? ESPN is grotesque enough but FoxNews 'reporting' on his quotes is even more disgusting. Whatever happened to journalism?
And right on schedule... dingbat Dem Bennie Thompson (guess his race, I dare you to guess wrong) makes a motion to remove secret service protection of Trump if he enters lockup... If this shit weren't legit real, I'd swear it was a bad SNL skit.
in theory but sometimes just holding on to a warm body is good and feels more personal at least that's what friends tell me
Might be tbe wrong category, but if war is not caused by politics, what is ? Remembering the everyday guys who died on D Day, just kids next door, and the guys who were freshly out of high school with from all over this country. It's perhaps not that well known that 40 pairs of brothers rest side by side in that Normandy graveyard, an even further testament to the sacrifices so many families made back then. I wonder how many of these college kids will even give them a fleeting thought...
frightening to think some of these people procreate wasn’t aware i was a nazi, thanks for clarifying lol