So ludicrous that half the country won't vote for a strong leader like this to represent us against our adversaries and instead wants a guy who just cries "don't", like a weakling getting bullied in the schoolyard would. Trump certainly has his faults, but really, can you imagine how much further we'd slip among the national hierarchy if we had four more years of Biden (Harris technically as there's no way he'd make it that long)?
The Nixon Library recently made dozens of interviews available on YT. I know he was flawed & I remember Watergate & that mess he made. But he was also the greatest mind in that office that we ever elected, in my limited opinion. I hope we see in time how exceptional and dignified Nixon was in his personal views. This clip is one short of many out there lately...
He was pretty good at foreign policy. Ended Vietnam war. Rapprochement with China, Detente with the USSR. It's a shame about the mess he made with Watergate, because he made the world a safer place during his time in office.
Bob Woodward was an ex Navy intelligence w no experience in journalism but managed to come straight out of the service and get the story of the century nothing to see there Watergate was unfortunate but they all were doing it and still are Nixon was taken down
@irish .... I'm gonna start a poll in another thread; if you can imbed it on this thread, please do...
Who it gonna be? I have to wonder if Kennedy would accept if Trump asked. I think not. But Holy Shit ... if that happened. The earth's core would blow up!
Remember when Obama's cunty Stooges made this into a mock-meme? So he was thirsty. Obama $ucked on cock in college. You don't see @irish sharing that gif, do you?