nah the navy wasn't really work in the early 80s it was more like a giant drug party that was coming off the rails i think there were 4 full service bars on the base and guys could still get out of their commitment by saying they were gay its a long story i'll share over a whiskey one day
i heard all the stories growing up so obviously i wanted to join the hallowed decks and follow the seamans life but after the anal probe couldnt go in all the way the navy said i wasnt gay enough and they threw me out i was really proud that i enlisted and you never hear me say the word proud i hate that word but i did feel better than others who didnt enlist at least for a little bit and then i hated that feeling fuck it might as well make this one of my off topic rant threads about me since its been a few days nah ill resist the urge to rant besides all ive had is coffee today and my tooth is killing me so imma be a little acidic if i continue but i dislike pride very much ive felt how that fuel feels there is no dirtier fuel than that it will get you where you wanna go for sure but it is too toxic like tradition too one of the most toxic things pride and tradition is prejudice and blindness imo thats why i think people who have been in battle dont talk about it they come back to a world where you are supposed to be proud of every little thing where being proud is encouraged and seen as a good thing self love is advertised as the medicine for all kinds of ills but to someone who knows the truth of battle or for someone who has seen what pride does firsthand you kinda get embarrassed about the whole thing less shame but still a kind of shyness and its not just for one reason and not just about you you are embarrassed for everyone else too like a layman wanting to know what the priest saw inside the holy of holies it would embarrass the priest to even mention things of the fanum to the profane fan not because its embarrassing but because its special like openly talking about how you fuck your wife to some dudes at work but people can be proud of how hot their wives are and how well they fuck em too man i shoulda deleted the rest of this post maybe if i had more pride in my reputation but I dislike pride very much i had friends growing up all about chicano and brown pride joined some groups about that kind of stuff that yall would probably be familiar but i hated it and it made people angry that i thought it was stupid and counter productive to have chicano pride i was the asshole then i met black kids all about their black pride and it was not good for them when white people do it everyone else hates it and they are right to hate it white pride is retarded and only hurts white people but they cant see it i know some of you have pride about your skin color or racial or ethnic or cultural traditions that is the disease that the nazis had and the disease the jews had pride and tradition gonna get everyone dead i was the asshole now we have gay pride good job people of the pride they using your own weapons of mass destruction against you proud to be an american, proud to be a democracy, proud to be this or that now we got people that wanna be proud of how and who and what they fuck now you guys are the asshole but imo the assholes are those addicted to pride weed is a much better thing to be addicted to i mean if you gonna be an addict to something make it weed whats the most harm you can do addicted to weed? rant on the internet about dumb shit when you run out? ok sorry for triggering anyone today but pride is a bitch thats gonna take this whole place down if we dont nip it in the bud we made pride into the biggest weapon in the world and then we left it on the table for Gen Z to shoot each other in the face with as parents most of us had were loud about how proud we were that we had bumper stickers in the back of our cars talking about how proud we were of our children for getting gold stars in school! like look how awesome I am due to my obviously great genes being passed down to my child aka the reflection of my value to the world! even taking pride in the regularly scheduled rote accomplishments of children in order to fuel your own ego? i wonder sometimes that I only feel this way because I didnt have kids to be proud of thats what people have said to me, that im a hater because i have no kids or no accomplishments to be proud of if i had something to be proud of I would want everyone to know too they said i would blast it from the back windows of my car they say but i dont think so i dont even like putting any kind of signs on my cars i dont even like labels or much graphics on my clothes much less about my person but enough about me and how proud i am that due to my great and unbound humbleness I have not succumbed to the bone chilling grip of pride i was spurred by reading an argument between two jewish guys on quora this morning. one was happy that saudi arabia changed its maps and social studies books to be pro israel and not palestine. the other was unhappy because he feels this is happening only because they have a king in arabia the happy one said that if arabia had democracy this would never happen since the majority of the people hate the jews so we should be happy that Israel can have democracy thanks to the fact that the neighboring countries do not and instead have tyrants, lords and monarchs. the unhappy guy was like how is that good, shouldnt we want democracy in the middle east? the happy guy said yes, but only for us because you cannot negotiate with the mob but you can always negotiate with a tyrant. by playing to their pride the unhappy guy asks how is that good? the happy guy says its not good, but it works for us. and why israel can be the only democracy in the middle east and why its important to celebrate and be proud for israel because it is the only democracy in the middle east and we are proud of democracy because it is our tradition and we are prideful of what is ours which is not good when they take it from us using it against us then maybe we gonna listen to see why axl rose threw away his prime to give us chinese democracy at least i stayed on topic!
like a sheila in a paddies wagon you potato eatin whiskey drinkin cabbage head havin mirror arguin sunburnt ghost faced pepper lookin irish mick!
Thank you wise ancestor. May the swallows beckon the call of your winds. And your days be as long as their shadow.
ghost faces be the north bkitch being under british rule will do that to you swill drinking protestant car bombing ckunts they’ve got bushmills (which is feckin piss), while we’ve got jamesons and tullamore and guiness too of course u2 is from dublin, so it’s kind of a wash
Is it too early in the Sunday afternoon but the joke is going over my head. Help me out. I dont even know where to look for the joke. Story of my life. Is the joke that DSP is at the Stadium? Is the joke Trump? That i have no money? That my mailbox is on a mountain that i dont live near anymore? That its republicans....? I donated to republicans before. Bush would send me a big picture of himself asking for money but I never gave him a dime. Ive only given to the cops and firemen funds but then just the firemen. The firemen send you good trash bags made by blind people supposedly. The cops only send me address labels to make it easier to send them envelopes with cash. Wait is this a shooter joke? I know the shooter donated to the democrats. Aha! Am i getting it in real time here. If I send money to Trump it means if I can then be used as a patsy. If tia Kamala gets shot i can be blamed as an extremist Trump supporter! I could never do that to an indian lady. I love curry too much to do that.