Hunter Biden wants to make an Alford plea, a type of plea where a defendant pleads guilty because of the strength of the evidence against them while not admitting to the allegations against them. so let me see if i’ve got this right… pleading guilty but not admitting guilt? yeah, no hypocrisy there the audacity of these scumbags is unbelievable they should all be in jail link .
This Hunter Biden stuff gives me a whiff of the Jar Jar Binks. Its like if everytime there is Hunter news we in the audience all cheer Palpatine Palpatine!!! Without even realizing thats whats happening of course because we dont know what Palpatine is becoming. Everytime this happens I get the feeling that someone is trying to distract the kid inside of us while some boring Senator from far away in the middle of nowhere but strangely incredibly important land of Naboo is making a long winded courtroom drama esque monologue in front of the united republican senate which he wishes to subvert and convince into dropping the mask of democracy and putting on the full armor of empire. But its the first week of the month and this is some decent shit so excuse me while I kiss the skywalker up on high and i apologize if i sound a little lost in the purple side of the farce. Then again there is something to that Darth Jar Jar theory... Hmmm Bush did do all that dirty work starting the Global War on Rebels and pointing the Death Stars and Stripes over to the lands of sand people and scruffy nerf herders just like Vader. And while he was growing up in his Yale days probably just wanted to be a pro baseball racer but upon fucking around with his fraternity buddies he ended up finding its occult holocrons and other sith shit that turned him away from competitive sports culture and into wondering is his daddy was involved in the assassination of leaders from nations all over the world including ours since the 60's. The sad part is that we are probably in the Disney version of the story right now and we are a nation of Kylo Rens and Mary Sues or whatever that girl was in those movies. Trump is like Han Solo in this whole mess trying to get the Millennium Eagle into the end credits in one piece even if it means shooting a death scene. Fuck... that makes Mary Sue or whatever her name is Reyna Kamala Harris and the guyliner VP shady jaydee guy Kylo Ren staring into the dark helmet of the fallen GOP patriarchs. Oh Darth Bush give me your power and I will avenge you by killing more sand people and taking out more world leaders in your name!!!!!
I'm impressed that you've watched episodes I-III ... I thought they were a shitshow. I got 20 minutes into each & quit it. Pure garbage. Anyway ... I find Anton Chigurh far more frightening than Vader. Darth is a costumed pussy IMO. Never understood the Star Wars worship.
pretty fantastic viewpoint was always shaken by how few were even aware of the 22 midterm speech by the fuhrer hard to even locate an image of it online now
It's done quite a bit...I don get it in a criminal trial, though. In a civilian trial, it's done in circumstances like..."Yeah, I had sex with these little boys, but I'm not admitting it, ever, but I'll pay the parents a shit load of money to go away". A la Michael Jackson. You remember him, right...the pedophile on a pedestal...?