just store owners in black neighborhoods maybe either that or 3 percent of the population are dumb and stay away from one of the best flavors i just think you really really like cliches here let me give you some ones you might not know orange soda is for salvadorians, they love it mexicans love coke of course but they also like chupa limon pineapple soda is for gays so bottoms up
wait i edited more stuff into it after you quoted and in this scenario am i the black guy or the big guy
I like making people THINK I talk in cliches. Meanwhile, I'm evaluating them for stupid quotient... and then I drop the hammer & leave them behind. I'd rather they think I'm a pasty honky .. gives me the advantage.
One of the best things Trump has ever said..."David Muir's hair is not that great". Top- notch comedy stylings.
like self loathing mexicans and blacks who vote for trump? i dont buy that media propaganda thats like the bigots who say that if you dont vote for biden you aint black i dont buy that media propaganda same as the self loathing jew trope i dont buy that media propaganda have you heard the latest propaganda? dick cheney was a pretty swell guy
the cheney thing is fucking absurd but totally in keeping w the war mongering neocons of which commiela certainly is one don't consider people of any race self loathing if they don't want war and find themselves overwhelmed by a manipulated economy i don't need the media to find Jews that hate themselves since its sort of what they learn from birth that's my experiences from a shit ton of conversations in business and otherwise and that wasn't media propaganda or bigots who said "you ain't black" it was doh biden himself don't need media to tell me what it is i see w my eyes and hear w my ears
but what do you mean by self hating jews and that they learn it from birth? do you mean as in what makes them funny, their self deprecating humor or that they hate their own religion or race? anything biden says counts as fake news to me, and hes been a super bigot on tape many times the only reason his party kicked him out the white house is because he started to get a little soft in israel and ukraine warmongering for the neocons from both sides of the isle. same reason why propaganda telling people to forget candace owens name and its not because 'she aint black'.
i think all of the above its one of the great conundrums imo they certainly have a great deal in common when it comes to the issues within the family structure think doh was kicked out because they couldn't shut him up and when they pushed him out for that early debate it was to expose him and essentially slit his throat lot of people have a lot invested in keeping things same as they ever were and anyone speaking out against it is instantly the enemy of the deep state
Yep. Only because America grew stupider by the decades did most of us call our nation a 'democracy' ... it never was. Democracy failed in Greece and the republic improved on it. Plato didn't call his book, 'The Democracy" and the Founders didn't say "we have a democracy- if you can keep it" The blood in our republic is democracy in flow. But when that blood has been adulterated & poisoned ... well ... you know what happens.
im confused why you would have the idea that this guy is a self hating jew then? he is essentially an enemy of the deepest of all deep states he spoke out against evil government abuse and therefore has been rendered anathema just like you would be here in the USA if you speak against current future president Tamala and her tireless work you and i criticize the government of our nation all the time does that make us anti freedom or self hating americans? more often than not when i hear the old cliche of self hating this or that it comes from the mouth of a bad actor who doesnt want his bad acts to be seen for what they are its a great mask to hide who you really are im sure nazis called germans who didnt go along with their shit as self hating germans i was called a self hating american for not being for the iraq war got kicked out of the church for talking too much shit against bush and the war called a traitor, that i wasnt patriotic, and should just go ahead and move to Cuba already for being a self hating American. calling someone self hating is pure nazi level garbage talk used by those protecting the evil that is more powerful than they are dont do it bad actors are such because they arent good actors a good actor doesnt do things outta anger, fear, or confusion but out of conviction so if someone is painted as a self hating this or that then what you most likely have is a good actor who is speaking truth to power and is most likely the best example of that groups humanity and the person using the term self hating is most likely a brain washer if not hes an unwitting victim of falling for the easy answer/solution which is to not think and just go along with the prevailing wind telling you how to think those winds are pure methane from the pit of hell this is similar in vein but even worse than calling people deplorables, abominations, animals, supercriminals, thugs, goyim, etc.... what is the difference between a self hating jew and a good german? what about them is alike? doing the right thing and commuting social suicide is a great virtue anyone who isnt willing to give up their social life isnt worthy of being called anything but a socialist which from the beginning has been the only true definition of a socialist someone willing to betray even the smallest bit of humanity in order to not lose social points if we dont have socialist enforcers then how is our american flavored sharia law brainwashing ever gonna stick? dont help the socialists by slurring their enemies as self hating jews there is no bigger group of anti semites than those that call an actual jew self loathing for not being part of the same socialist kibbutz democrats are trying to cosplay/pretend/idolize a dead ancient form of government that destroyed the moral fiber of the people of the greek states. same happened in northern israel during the bible times always trying to copy the cool greeks looming death is cool and shit its metal and we all like the darkness when we are teenagers but when you realize its just cosplaying something that isnt real... you end up with jews dressed in togas and this is spinal tap maybe yall dont know what a jew actually is let me show you one because i do not want you to continue being in a conundrum this is a torah observant jew this is a socialist hellenist jew use your eyes and ears and your mind and your heart and tell me which one of these two guys has the truth and which one just wants to be right so he can win?