Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i'd think that's not going to be hittable
    fsudog21 likes this.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i think its weird how you keep assuming you know me
    i think its weird when you use friend when talking to me
    only person that calls me friend that doesnt weird me out is the palestinian guy at the gas station when i go in for a 69 cent soda
    but he calls everyone his friend so its not weird
    its what his people do
    when you do it its fucking weird

    you also keep assuming you know stuff about me that you dont
    you are an older guy who knows older guy things well
    im not trying to be offensive but you assume im up at your level
    im at my level
    you cant possibly understand one day at my level
    just like i cant understand one day at yours
    dont get bent about it
    just be open when people tell you something different
    its quite possible that everything has been going right over your head
    like if in your next post you tell me about the virtues of a VPN im gonna lol
    my point is that you are giving outdated advice
    just like your outdated thoughts on google
    everything outdated is not only wrong but now bad
    even if it was once good and even holy
    in fact an outdated holy thing is worse than wrong
    and they are not even just outdated but not true
    you are following what the guys on tv say
    like all the people older than you that for years argued with me about how social security works
    why because they thought they knew the truth once
    then the truth changed but they didnt know
    you arent in the business of truth finding
    or tracking when it changes
    this is my domain
    you have yours

    btw the browser doesnt matter
    its you that matters
    do you know how to use a computer?

    but im sure you got a covid shot
    and have very important reasons as to why
    but im sure now that you know the truth you wont get another shot
    but you will always get the 'first shot' because you never know the present truth
    the only time getting it right matters is at first
    anyone can have the right answer at the end
    but the answers arent on the teachers manual
    the answers come to those who are present
    and you know who are present?
    younger people
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    you do know you are using the shitty shit they let people use right
    the shit they been already using to get away with shit for 30 years
    you think they arent holding back the new shit for themselves?
    talk about gullible
    when the walkman was a thing they already had cds
    just not for us
    when cds were a thing they already had digital media
    just not for us
    cars can fly
    powered by water
    but not for us
    until pigs fly
    powered by your deep thoughts
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    tomorrows news is never in the media
    the media tells you the news thats FIT to print
    they wont tell you what doesnt fit their story
    its up to YOU to find the news
    in school you have a teacher to feed you
    after school you must feed yourself
    unless you get so used to the teacher that you need a trusted source
    then you just watch the guy on the tv
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    well younger people are the ones who scare me the most including my own
    my kid is going on 30 so maybe you're talking younger than that
    but i find them the most willing to fall in line and get that shot or carry the company line politically
    not to mention smiling and agreeing w everything the lgb's not to mentiont the tq's tell them is acceptable and reasonable
    the largest psyop in the history of the world is taking place and they're following it hook line and sinker
    also think you're selling huh? a bit short on aptitude not to mention computer prowess
    i wouldn't trust a thing google tells me either although because its a major search engine i use it
    get the levels thing but not the friend since i call people friend and pal as well as dude, buddy etc
    maybe i sound like a smokestack but i still smile at complete strangers everyday
    lot of power in that
    irish and rube like this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    yeah but its when and how u use it that matters
    works for the search engine thing and the friend thing
    else it comes off condescending or patronizing
    our buddy here doesnt use it correctly
    just like i didnt use it correctly right now by saying 'our buddy'
    thats a foul

    we all know the score here but finksi has a hard time not being teacher-like
    and like a bad card player always uses the same tells that betray him
    its all well and good and never a problem for me until he starts acting like a brute
    talk like an englishman and ill cut you all the slack in the beanstalk
    we can go up and down jacobs ladder all day and all of the night
    start singing fee fi fo fum and ill cut you down from the ankles
    and thats not even in my nature
    but every habit becomes a ritual
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    oh and @LAdiablo by younger people i meant the ones you dont know about much
    aka the young people who you dont hear from because they dont care about this shit
    they just know its all bullshit that kamala is a clown and maga is cringe but repiblican and democrat normies are the most evil of all evils
    those young people dont get any press because they arent from the middle class
    or if they are do not have middle class values which are the worst
    imagine compromising on the most valuable thing?
    that is what the middle is
    a compromised position
    the middle class is like the dragons soft underbelly
    Tamala Heresy wont stalk talking about it
    (you can send that name to Trump so he can use it in the next debate)

    anyhow our middle class is compromised values and morals wise
    its children will be baseless no matter what they believe
    they have been reared by middle class teachers regurgitating their own love of self
    thats why almost every young person sees a shrink or takes psych meds

    in america the lowest class is the middle class
    the middle class thinks its poor because their is a rich class above them
    they are the only two classes that matter to anyone
    the rich are the haves, the middle class are the have nots
    the working poor and the non working poor are in a whole different society and dont fit into the two class system other than as victims for predation
    the american system is of upward mobility after all

    but hey, at least we dont use beepers and we pay proper homage to those that own the taiwanese beeper companies that put c4 charges with tungsten shrapnel in their devices so we can keep our balls

    LAdiablo likes this.
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    love the exploding pagers
    just outstanding
    rube and F!nski like this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    not sure why it say huh? where i typed Fin ski btw...?
    is that now a bad word wtf?
    rube likes this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    yeah i was confused what you meant with that a bit
    so i thought you meant i was also a seller
    as in the way i really sell aka explain/compel my opinion
    and that there is no use in trying to 'sell' to huh?
    because he was short on computer aptitude
    now i see you meant not to sell him short on computer skills

    i wasnt at all btw, its just that its not merely a skill thing but a sources thing and a habit thing
    its easy for me to find any data that is out there that isnt publicized on any website that uses adsense or public trackers
    i dont even have to look for it i just look for a podcaster livestreaming and he has guests and they all have fans from all over commenting and basically doing what we do here in a forum but in real time on multiple decentralized services all at the same time because thats how young people do shit
    and by young people i dont mean merely chronologically either
    one of those young people will undoubtedly know someone who knows someone who got them the video or the screengrabs or the documents before they were taken down or whatever lies the mainstream media says

    you guys really think i open up google and just click on whatever generated garbage they throw at me and accept that as truth?
    that i dont sus it out for left or right leaning garbage?
    that it rather watch a foreigners take on our issues since its cleaner
    i can fill in the blanks for whatever the foreigner doesnt understand
    i follow links from people commenting on platforms that have no logs but a stream of comments/messages that you have to be watching as they scroll before they are auto deleted by the system
    you can jump around quickly from site to site gathering the data you need to form the story

    im not looking or caring for the persons opinion or slant on the data
    i just want to see the data and the story will reveal itself on its own
    you cant already have your own motives first or else you will never find truth
    like if i guy in thinking this guy has to be a eftist or a never trumper or whatever then the interpretation of the data will be tainted and the truth will take longer to sus itself out
    you cant fuck with the truth or it will evade you

    people that like to use emotionality will always get triggered by the news
    that is the whole point why we all know we dont want women presidents
    yet whats the fucking difference when the men are just as emotional and get easily triggered by the dude on the tv telling you the news
    people that watch fox news are just as victimized as those that watch msnbc and cnn
    but who am i to tell anyone their religion is wrong
    its not couth to say that women are emotional and cant be president since emotion is easily manipulated
    but its fucking blasphemy to say that men are just as emotionally manipulated by the news and the rest of the entertainment media its sickening
    on both sides of the emotional blowhard aisle
    its why half the men are worshipping tamala and the other men are cowering in fear of her
    maybe we all in need of some testosterone therapy

    i dont know why huh? was was replaced with huh when you type it
    wasnt me
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Just a suggestion...but you can get some good info from Magic 8 ball.
    F!nski and lastatman like this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    fsudog21 and rube like this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  15. F!nski

    F!nski DSP Regular

    Mar 2024
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    The Tramsters opted NOT to endorse Trump or Harris ... first time that union hasn't endorsed a candidate. And everyone they endorsed was a Democrat...

    So it's a Trump endorsement.
    irish and fsudog21 like this.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    both sides are retarded about this stuff, as always
    all people that come from taino related cultures eat animals we consider pets
    my moms family all grew up having pet iguanas and eating them fried and in soup
    they grow a pig that lives in the house and they treat it like a pet
    it eats all the scraps and once it gets fat enough they eat it
    liberals saying that immigrants are not eating cats and dogs is like saying that rednecks dont eat squirrel and gator
    jfk eats bear meat and had a trichinosis worm in his head from eating meat from unclean animals
    getting upset because people eat weird shit is some karen woman shit
    cant believe that immigrants eating pets is a presidential debate topic
    what about the poor chinese, we forgot all about them and their zootropic diet
    and the koreans must be sad as fuck that nobody is talking about their penchant for dog meat anymore
    these pesky carribeaners are the problem now with their evil satanic african voodoo!
    when there is a 'botanica' in every mexican neighborhood that uses an acceptable word like 'dispensary' that is a friend of the word 'pharmacy' so you can essentially operate a santeria witchcraft store inside a christian community who think its just cute mexican kitsch

    the side that pretends this doesnt happen is filled with liars and deluded
    the side that clutches its pearls over this is filled with karens and belligerents
    LAdiablo likes this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    that was below the belt
    thats what the attack should be called
    operation below the belt
    LAdiablo likes this.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    spit the truth mae
    i remember being like 10 and my family were friends w one of the first Thai families that owned the Thai and I restaurant in Encino and they used to come to our house for celebrations
    the owner was Ukos and he would tell stories about the monkey brain table and weird shit w me
    as strange as it all was it opened my eyes especially when he asked if i had ever been around pigs and how similar they were to dogs in nature
    Indians won't eat a cow for the most part and if its alive its likely on the menu somewhere especially if people are hungry
    the whole Cajun thing remains beyond my grasp but if i had grown up w it then it would probably taste better
    just no looking down on what people do in other cultures to not starve and pretending it doesn't happen
    been talking to a sushi guy who insists i try the horse in Japan if i can get that trip together and i know i will
    maybe it won't be my thing but there isn't much i wouldn't try given the opportunity
    of course dogs and cats aren't something i'll ever eat unless i'm literally starving and shit in that case i might carve the thigh out of a fresh cadaver
    was driving by a small lake in the valley and the gf noticed the geese and ducks commenting they'd never survive in the Philippines
    of course they wouldn't and of course Haitians eat cats but i don't need that shit happening around me
    try to eat my dog and find out how fast a man finds his piece
    fuck if i saw someone dining on a cat or dog i'm probably going full attack mode if i found them doing it here
    rube likes this.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    its a local problem that republicans took the bait and made into a big government issue
    thats not what they supposed to be about
    this kind of problem will never be an actual problem because americans are violent
    and they also love their pets which means if this was actually happening their would be hell to pay
    most likely they are using capitalism against us and found a shelter that sells former pets by the pound
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    lastatman and THINKBLUE like this.

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