that was some good coverage by hanson well other than the new world order bit i like this guy, he gets it straight from the people
OSINTdefender@sentdefender A U.S. Permanent Resident ID Card has been found on the Body of the Terrorist who carried out the Stabbing Attack in Tel-Aviv, identified as 29-Year-Old Abdelaziz Kaddi from Morocco. Sarah Adams@TPASarah9m Great, now we are exporting out the terrorists we let into this country
well we already had MS13 but after the el salvador project got outta hand they got bukele to put an ungodly amount of them in prison and you know how the al queda adventure turned out after we killed big boss they teamed up with the taliban who now controls afghanistan and the taliban who sure were a dour bunch with how they treat the ladies turns out that most of those dudes whose heads they were chopping off live on tv were what we would call the swamp things of their society who were involved in the ritual practice of doing business after first bringing in young dancing boys trained to frolic around with them for morale boosting entertainment these dudes whose heads the taliban were chopping off are what we now know as ISIS the taliban got spanked for a while but they went for hard prey and are now partners with the usa over here our guys instead they wanna focus on the low hanging fruit, the easy prey, the ones that dont like to fight back because of their humble hearts or political weakness or legal vulnerability when the government says they are going after criminals we already should know what that means in the heads of every local authority in the country it means they have a license to get away with disregarding peoples rights because authorities nationwide are on the lookout for millions of possible suspects of criminality using whatever reasoning of probably cause for their suspicions they want if you brown or look too poor to be a citizen they can ask to see if you are a resident alien in good standing sure all well in good some of you might still think but its not really when you think about what happens after you hand out this kind of power to people this shit trickles down to other class groups even your own eventually im 100 percent with closing the borders and removing dangerous people back to their place of origin but using that as an excuse to pull over landscapers on the job is more of a crime a lot of the things mexican families did went from being misdemeanors to felonies after a change in the laws over the past 30 years things like helping people who did not have connections come to this country and work cleaning houses or gardening sure fine technically these are crimes but its not a bad thing for society to have you branded a criminal felon human trafficker if you helped or were one of these immigrants coming to work hard these are not the criminals people think they are
yesterday i spoke to you guys as if you know/should know this stuff has been happening in our state i am just as shocked that you guys dont know this is going on as you are shocked to find out its going on that is my excuse but its not a great one as it really says more that i was reacting in the moment from my own narrow viewpoint point is that this shit is not cool the dude driving the truck got hit with a charge that will result in a felony for knowingly harboring a criminal they didnt stop him from a hot tip or from some ICE database they stopped him because of his profile figuring the guy in the back seat fit the profile the fishing worked as both fit their perspective profiles
the reason people think the government has postponed the start of the raids is that they had already started doing them a month before the president took office ICE been doing them my uncle never leaves the house now except once a month when the family goes to costco because he is too naive and walks around like mr bean making funny noises and faces and people get weirded out and call the police people with special cognitive needs or with elderly mental deficiencies like my uncle will be much more easily picked up to be deported just for being too naive to not be noticed as odd/off or suspicious and in the process of being transferred will have horrible violence and unspeakable crimes happen to them i know you guys think im over reacting but you do not know how many times we have had to save my uncle from some misadventure where some tough guy dad accuses him of something bad and yells at him at a store just cuz he stops to clown around with their child for a lil bit on his way to the gardening isle lots of big tough guy dads out there willing to scream like a woman to a fragile tiny elderly man
"betrayal of decency" yes the law is important and people that do illegal things should be punished but why do you guys find it ok to profile/target and punish non violent illegal immigrants working menial jobs harsher than violent political activists actively committing felonies on cops on the capital on video? the country just went through the far lefts version of a moral compass where they just put it up their own ass and forgot about it the far right version of that is even less of a good time
doucheowitz is one of those people who love hearing their own voice probably a distant relative of narcissis
I'm outta popcorn, too ...
When are the JFK, RFK, and MLK files dropping? Is there even going to be anything to drop? Wouldn't the bad shit have been destroyed a long time ago? Why would they keep that? Also, and more importantly, where is the Epstein list? Need that to drop more than anything.
They'll be available but heavily redacted. At best, maybe we'll see Clay Shaw's & Jack Ruby's complicity in the cover up. That's the best we can hope for.
think I've posted about Palmer Luckey before inventor of oculus and owner of Anduril industries he just closed a deal to build Arsenal 1 in Ohio and this is a fairly recent interview