I agree that Jerry's schtick looks 100% contrived, but good god have you seen some of the things kids "write" on twitter these days?
of course it's contrived zoo. No one can consciously continue to make the same errors in the exact same way every time. As I said in a previous post, he put a LOT of work into that message.
Sometimes I can't read facebook because it hurts me to know that some of my 'friends' are THAT deficient when it comes to the English language.
I'm on neither Twitter nor Facebook...so I don't know zip about it. From what I'm told, almost daily, it seems to have informative, timely aspects to it, but at the same time, a huge pile pf garbage and bullshit too. Much of it seems completely ego-fed and a vehicle to carry out ridicule and mendacity. But hoo noes?
Meh... no credit for that. I could create a dupe account and post nonsense if I wanted, with minimal effort. Not that I ever have. Just saying I could.
Fucklings [fuhk-lings] noun 1. Multiple children conceived by unwed white trash women for the sole purpose of obtaining child support. example: "There goes that bkitch with her gaggle of fucklings."
Very very emprissive Irish. You just moved up to the people I like list. I don’t like cometmints at any capasity. If I got somethig to say I just want to blurt it out and be gone. The FUCK YOU clossing statments is just part of who I am and I won’t chage that. Sometimes I do more than one post before I enclude it because I have more to say then just one thing. But I will eventully say because its part of who I am. I don’t mind you or Criag or Bleumouse banning me because quiet honistly I edeserve it. Like I siad you are now on the good kids list. But I still not sure about Bleumouse. He acused me of being KOUFAG wich is the bigest insult i ever had. I rather him call me a fag or piece of shit, wich would still be better then KOUFAG. As for Carolena he would go on the idk list. He seem like a grumpy old fart but I agree with most the stuff he say about the Dodgers espshally suporting the Front Ofiice. He seem to knows the Dodgers as much as anyone on DSP and isn’t afraid to voice his opinins. I respec that. Most of the DSP people I like. There just a few asscracklings I would preffer to avoid. So to parrafrase Gorge Carlin… SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS SHIT PISS FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER TITS