Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Dec 14, 2014.

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  1. KOUFAX0000

    KOUFAX0000 DSP Legend Damned

    Jul 2013
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    I have a Seahawk tool that works in my office. Not much of a personality, dishes shit but gets mad when you give it back. He's a pouty and moody 40 year old child. He's called out "sick" twice since Sunday.

    So we all pitched in and bought him one of these.

    Can't wait for it to show up.

    jpldodgers and bestlakersfan like this.
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    ^... cruel and perfectly usual punishment!!


    Oh and I heard on the radio driving in yesterday that some Seattle tool had gone so far as to get that same "Back to Back Champions" slogan TATTOOED on himself prior to the game.

    Can you be any stupider? Well yes actually there seems to be no global supply limit on stupidity
    irish likes this.
  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I thought it really obvious, by previously expressed logic, that Gawd loves himself some SFags
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yes, something just like that. But if that's the way it really is, then let's face it, we are really fucked, godammit.
  5. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    A SF Giant fan bought me a shirt that reads "The LA Dodgers : 26 straight years of failure....and counting"!
    This shit can come back on you.
  6. KOUFAX0000

    KOUFAX0000 DSP Legend Damned

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    I say bring it on. If you can't take it, don't dish it. The guy I work with loves to talk shit but can't take it so this is well deserved.
  7. KOUFAX0000

    KOUFAX0000 DSP Legend Damned

    Jul 2013
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    Then there is this guy............

    CapnTreee and Bluezoo like this.
  8. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah bring it on and all that shit...I don't live out there in Dodgerland, but do the SFag fans give a lot of shit to Dodger fans like the NYY fans did for years and years here in NJ/NY? I wouldn't know. The thing your talking about is football anyway, much less important than BB. So it's fun.
    And I enjoy a good fight as much as the next old fart, but compared to 3 WS championships every 2 years that they've got in their pockets, WTF do we say back? Whatabout back in the day? Whatabout Orel and Fernando and whichever great team from the past is your favorite one?
    Being smug about this player and that one, who may be the best of the best, is a day late and a dollar short , IMO anyway...and thinking that we have had the best off season and made all the best moves and have a genius FO now is fine, but in reality, it doesn't mean shit untill we finally win one again.
    It would be nice to actually be able to come back with a statement about actually winning one, or even just being in it at all.
    KOUFAX0000 and irish like this.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    aah BZ you struck that nail on the head squarely..

    and in fact it won't mean shinola until we win AT LEAST 3 of 5.. but it certainly doesn't mean shit if we haven't one a single one in decades..
    irish likes this.
  10. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i remain cautiously optimistic
    but can we really say we're a better team without kemp and hanley's bat in the lineup?
    rollins and kendrick definitely improve the defense up the middle
    and mccarthy and anderson will be solid if they stay on the field
    and then there's joc, who we're all waiting on
    my concern is will our offense put up enough runs
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    agreed... no way do the bats of Rollins and Hendrick come close to the upside of Kemp and Hanley... not even close.

    further agreed that McCarthy has some big shoes to fill just stepping up to cover Haren's shadow... not sure that is happening either

    I'm rather stunned that ANYONE says that we had the best MLB off season.. how can that be when our team "O" and pitching both dropped? OK team "D" improves I admit.

    And we slightly improve the OF logjam "IF" Joc can cut his strikeouts in half but that won't happen... we still have lefty loser Ethier and girls arm Crawford to complement dumb as a pig Puig.. so lets hope SVS gets hot...

    ... bunch of fanboys all wanting smoke blown up their collective skirts to believe this shit got better...
    jpldodgers and Bluezoo like this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Every great journey starts with a single step...
    irish likes this.
  13. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    tell it like it is, son...tell it like it is.
    Lotta "ifs"...and a lot more maybes than we had last year gotta happen to just equal what we did...which even confuses Vinny to some extent. Maybe it'll all work...but I'd rather see Kemp and Hanley coming up in an offensive spot, then Kendrick and Rollins, as you wrote....all day and twice on Sunday.
    McCarthy and Anderson are huge question marks, and may turn out to be great. maybe.
    But before and after his rough spot, Haren was nails, and I still say should have been in there when an overworked CK had his second meltdown. No doubt in my mind
    and maybe I'm obsessed with this, but the loss of Dee will hurt the shit out of us over the long haul. No matter what the stat boys come up with.
    Here's mine: MLB SB leader...and the most telling about Dee as far as an individual: made himself an All Star.
    Traded precisely at absolutely the most incorrect time possible in his career arc...
    jpldodgers likes this.
  14. KOUFAX0000

    KOUFAX0000 DSP Legend Damned

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    Out of the 45 different lineups he uses in 2015, I hope Dum Dum finds one and eventually sticks to it.
  15. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Damn Cappy, you don't think McCarthy has Haren covered??? Really? That's pretty harsh. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of what Haren did last year, even though many couldn't wait for him to hit the road. I didn't like that the team let his option vest (many thought they wouldn't) and THEN traded him and sent his salary with him. But McCarthy should easily equal Haren's production. I can't see how you can say pitching dropped...especially since a better defense is only going to help pitching.
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    yeah Codge a better "D" is every pitchers friend, on that we agree... the rest I'm wondering where you're coming from. Since baseball is a stats game lets review stats...

    Haren - 7 years of 200+ innings, 10 consecutive years of 30+ starts, 142-122 W-L; 54%W
    McCarthy - 1 year at 200 innings, 1 year with 30+ starts, 52-65 W-L; 44%W

    Haren - SO/9 = 7.6; BB/9 = 1.9; ERA 3.77; WHIP 1.185
    McCarthy - SO/9 = 6.3; BB/9 = 2.2; ERA 4.04; WHIP 1.291

    Haren - led league 3 times in SO/W; led league once in WHIP; Cy Young votes twice
    McCarthy - nothing. ever.

    I'm actually hard pressed to find ANY category where McCarthy is better... though I did note McCarthy is 6'7" at 200lbs while Haren is 6'5" at 215 lbs.. so McCarthy is taller but Haren has more meat on his bones. Advantage once again to Haren.

    Sorry Codge I'm going Haren all the way unless you have a better source than, it was a Dodger mistake to let him go.
  17. chris

    chris Guest

    No no no.

    Haren WAR last two years: 1.5, 1.0
    McCarthy: 1.8, 3.0.

    Why are you using career stats to figure out who will be better in 2015? Haren and MaC are both at different points of their careers; McCarthy is easily the better pitcher now, and it's not close.

    You proved who's the better pitcher over their careers, but not now.
    blazer5 likes this.
  18. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Cappy, I loves me some, you've been told many times before, W/L is a crappy stat to hang your hat on. I only have to point to one game to prove it - Harvey Haddix pitched a no hitter for 12 innings and lost. LOST.

    Just for the record, McCarthy bested Haren in SO/9 last season (not to mention SO/W), pretty handily 7.9 to 7.0 . But let's look at something different like FIP, Fielding Independent Pitching - basically what a pitcher does that is not influenced by the fielding behind him. Or as baseball reference defines it, it measures a pitchers effectiveness at preventing homers, walks, and hit by pitch and causing strike outs - all good things right? The last four years Haren put up 2.98, 4.24, 4.09, and 4.09. McCarthy's last four years are 2.86, 3.76, 3.75, and 3.55. So when it comes to a pitcher doing the things you want him to do McCarthy has been better than Haren for the last four years running. And again, these are the things that aren't affected by a defense, by a manager, or anything else except the pitcher and the ball.

    And McCarthy did lead the league in one category one time, yeah, FIP. For one year he was better at preventing walks, hit by pitch, home runs, and causing strike outs than any pitcher in the league. For the record, the same year Haren was very good at those things. Just not AS good.

    I'm pissed the Dodgers gave away 10 million too, especially after they made him earn it. But if you're leaning on W/L stats and SO/W ratios that are in decline to decide who is presently the best pitcher, you're going to pick a loser.
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Not really important, I know, is this hokey "Face of BB" thing going on.
    Our own CK gets edged out by Trout and Trout goes up against Buster fucking Posey , of all people. For the big kahuna face of BB...
    God hates us...the Angels and the goddamn
    It's like a Greek tragedy out there, man.
    With these two choices , I hope it's Trout; at least he's a NJ boy. Fuck Posey.
    Then it can be put in it's deserved place of total insignifigance, where, ultimately, it belongs.
    irish likes this.
  20. KOUFAX0000

    KOUFAX0000 DSP Legend Damned

    Jul 2013
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    The Grammy Awards.

    Someone needs to put Kanye West out of his misery.
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