Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Just caught a scene from Good Morning Viet Nam...
    A Sgt. Major is yelling at Cronauer ( Robin Williams) for doing his schtick on AF radio...
    So, Williams says "yes, sir"!
    Then, the sgt. screams, " Sir? Do you see anything on my uniform that indicates that I'm an officer?
    What does three up and three down ( pointing.to his sleeve) mean to you Cronauer"?!
    Williams says, " the end of an inning ??"

    Miss Robin, man...
    Finski likes this.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    tragic update on my akita drama
    four beers and a shot of tequila in at a favorite watering hole
    was getting ready to leave and the phone rings and all i can make out is sheer panic so i RACE home
    walk into a bloodbath and my wife is covered in blood and completely in shock
    get her in the shower and try to assess the worst wounds while calling our great friends up the street
    i can see her hand and her upper arm are the worst so i'm applying pressure and holding towels or whatever i can use to her wounds
    and i can see she has been bitten multiple times on both arms
    i know she is not bleeding out and i turn my attention to the animals and quickly see that one had clearly taken the most damage
    friends take her to the ER for stitches and i use the rest of the hydrogen peroxide to clean up my injured girl
    the yard is big and the dogs are separated for the last six months but somehow she allowed them to get together last night
    i don't honestly know what happened and probably never will tbh
    all i know is that i cleaned blood for hours off the floor and the furniture and the doors and the blinds i've never seen anything like it
    now i need to figure out which animal goes
    i've been low but not quite like this before because i know i created the problem
    have raised two females together and when a pup is introduced to an older female its always been a positive result
    but w a primitive breed like the akita it doesn't mean shit
    i've failed these amazing animals and i've failed my family
    shame on me
  3. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    fuck dude really sorry
    whatever you need, like huh?
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Sorry for your troubles, brother.
    Just remember none of us are immune from making mistakes.
    At a total loss for words.
    irish likes this.
  5. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Really sorry to hear about this. I hope your wife is okay.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    thx guys literally licking wounds one girl hasn't really rebounded but i think all is well atm
    irish likes this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    It's everywhere on the east coast.
    I think you literally can't get a liqour license in the DC area without a yuengling tap.
    Finski likes this.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Is your wife ok?
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yes ty but she can't drive for a week
    been caregiver for now but her kids are coming back tomorrow and don't know what happened yet
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  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Caregiving is the most rewarding job.
    It heals wounds both ways.

    It's not your fault when things go bad. It's only your fault when you don't care.
    LAdiablo, Finski and irish like this.
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    the truth is we have known for a long time what the situation is w the animals and she allowed them in the same space
    while i was trying to find out where she was bleeding she was throwing blame everywhere just like they do
    i haven't come close to blaming her for what just happened and my daughter gets home today so she won't hold back
    a decision is going to have to be made and i'm trying to figure out if i can find a way to make a neutral zone as a last resort
    my pain comes from looking at these poor beautiful animals and the fact that it happened at all
    the wounds will heal no question but thank you for the kind words i appreciate it
    irish, rube and Finski like this.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    If you can't make it work maybe we can adopt one of them.
    We have one young big dog who wants to play all day.
    Everytime I go outside the door he jumps on me and half the time he hits me in the nuts.
    I just got him about 3 weeks ago and the guy is all love and play and subservience.
    I'm sure he could use a friend.
    The guy with the house down the road has a pack of fine well heeled dogs and doggies.
    Dickies likes to get about three quarters of the way to where they are so they can bark at him.
    He just smiles at them and looks on then eventually comes back home. Does that everytime I let him out.
    He is one of those goofy smile type dogs. I forget the breed name but they have a recognizable special look.
    Dogs out here spend about half the time in their yard and the rest of the time split between working with us in the field or running around chasing rabbits, squirrels, snakes, topos, and the occasional big game in the forest.
    LAdiablo and irish like this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    at this point everything is on the board
    been considering a way to create a neutral zone
    thought of moving out w my dog is also in there
    not sure my dogs will play well w others rube
    these girls are savage when the gloves come off
    not even sure exactly whats triggering them tbh
    probably just jealous bitches
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Is he a Samoyed? They are called the "smiling Samoyed" because of their white face and black lips which curl up at the corners...but they aren't that huge.
  15. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Hey Diablo. I understand that you are hurting inside about your Akitas. I love dogs of all kinds, but there are larger considerations at work at this point.

    Whichever of your girls repeatedly bit your wife, she may now have the frame of mind that it is okay to do so going forward. I understand that having brought the two girls together may have been the flashpoint, but having your wife been part of the attack seems to show that at least one of your girls no longer sees a member of your family as an alpha or maybe even a companion. It is very hard to change that behavior in a strong breed like yours.

    The other consideration is legal. Hate to throw that in here, but legally, you have now been put on notice that at least one of your dogs has the propensity to bite, if not attack, a person. Every dog is given 1 bite, and then legally it’s now on you and your wife and your family if they are now aware of what happened.

    Worse case scenario, what if there was a young child around when this happened, or if in the future a child or guest are around.

    And there is a good chance that if this happens again, both of your dogs will be at risk of being put down....innocent or not.

    Adopting your dog away will not solve the problem. Unless it is to a no-kill shelter that you let know what happened, if you give away your Akita to another family knowing what happened, you will still be on the hook.

    It’s a really difficult situation, and ultimately, it’s your decision. I feel for you, so I wanted to give you some risk points that may factor into your decision.
    Finski, irish and LAdiablo like this.
  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    totally get where you're coming from Gebbeth and ty for the concern
    i put everything on the table when my kid got home and our agreement seems to be this
    i'm going to fortify the windows w a solid metal screen already have all the measurements
    make it where they can't see each other and keep a neutral zone
    all 3 of us need to lock all deadbolts, already have them all lubed and keys at the ready
    we don't really lock the doors but habits must change
    can't go through this again so i'm going to do all i can
    as far as people being around we don't really do that much where i live
    everybody goes out and does their own thing which is weird come to think about it
    as far as the biting humans yeah i get that part but also think its primitive behavior on the part of the dog
    have come to find the story (or some version of) was that she sat on the dog that was being bitten all over its hind legs
    the dog couldn't even defend itself and in a frenzy hit whatever was there
    i can't really expect more from the animal and its clear both girls were biting to get at each other so who knows
    all i can say is someone would be really lucky to get either of them because they are magnificent beasts
    have a few akita pages i'm on and have already put my head down and admitted i don't know shit about the breed
    but i do know the look in that dogs eyes as i assist it to stand and give it a chance to heal
    very intense relationship w both of them
    rube and Gebbeth like this.
  17. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    I’m not sure what you mean by “she” sat on the dog that was being bitten on her legs. Are you saying that your wife sat on the helpless dog that was being attacked and so the Akita attacked your wife?

    If that is what happened, what prompted your wife to sit on the dog? Was it because the dog she sat on instigated the attack or fight?

    Either way, you need to judge for yourself whether the deal you have in place or the procedures you want to put in place is adequate. You may not get a second chance to save at least one of your dogs.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    "she" is the wife and she was protecting the younger animal i guess
    as i said earlier i doubt i'll ever know what exactly happened since the first thing she did was throw blame
    i'm just looking for solutions but yeah one of the animals was at a disadvantage no question
    i figure by at least doing the best i can to fully separate them in the short term i'm being responsible
    that way a long term solution will hopefully present itself
    ty for reminding me who's responsible here
    only way you know that is from experience
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    On Thursday night the cats were getting up on a table and hissing at the dog outside the window.
    Wife always freaks out thinking the dog will break the window and she starts yelling at it which make the cats even livelier.
    I've explained to her that the dog is not the issue but her cat. My cat is cool but her cat lunges at the window trying to attack the dog.
    Dog finally got too close and the window broke and the women all freaked.
    Freaking out causes most of these issues.
    Animals freak out if we don't show commandry.
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    100% and then they proceed to blame anything and everything but themselves its in their DNA
    irish and Finski like this.

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