Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Oct 12, 2019.

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  1. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    The time to trade for Mike Clevinger is now
    Need one more big playoff arm
    by Tim Rogers | Dodgers Nation — 4 hours ago

    Now that the Dodgers have traded for Mookie Betts and David Price they still need that one last stud starting pitcher. I’m talking about a guy that can fill the number two spot in a playoff rotation behind Walker Buehler and have the potential to dominate.

    Tim Rogers*SDDODGER ✓@SDDodger
    FWIW - my off-season shopping list:
    1. Stud starting pitcher
    2. Bullpen
    3. Lineup balance
    4. Infield defense
    Tim Rogers*SDDODGER ✓@SDDodger
    1. We lost Ryu and are probably getting Price. Still needed.
    2. Added more question marks but I like it. Losing Maeda in the playoffs could suck
    3. Betts will work
    4. Keeping Muncy at 1B is good. Lux s/b good at 2B. Better health may help the left side. Overall, a little better.
    11:41 AM - Feb 9, 2020

    Power pitchers play up in the postseason. It is possible that a Dustin May, Julio Urias or Tony Gonsolin could step into that role but do we want to count on them for 2020? They are probably all on an innings limit and I don’t expect them to fulfill that co-ace type role until 2021. As of right now, the rotation looks like this:
    1. Walker Buehler
    2. Clayton Kershaw
    3. David Price
    4. Julio Urías
    5. Alex Wood
    6. Dustin May
    7. Ross Stripling
    8. Tony Gonsolin
    9. Jimmy Nelson
    The top five are probably the starters to begin the season. Notice four of the five are left-handers? There is one way to easily fix these issues; trade for Mike Clevinger.

    What Type Of Pitcher Is Clevinger?

    One of the sites I use for pitching is details is FanGraphs. Using their information, here is the breakdown of his pitch types, usage percentage and the average velocity:
    • Fastball – 51.1% – 95.5 MPH
    • Slider – 25.6% – 80.8 MPH
    • Curveball – 12% – 77.7 MPH
    • Changeup – 11.3% – 87.1 MPH
    I really like the fastball velocity and it should play up in the post-season. There is a good pitch mix with plenty of variations of velocities with Clevinger.

    Why Not Wait Until July?

    Many have suggested that the Dodgers should wait until July to trade for Mike Clevinger. Clevinger isn’t a free agent for three years and is making $4.1M this coming season. What advantage is there to wait? Maybe waiting to see how May and others step up this season? Let’s be very clear, Mookie Betts very well could only be with the Dodgers for 2020. Nothing else is guaranteed. Here are some disadvantages for waiting until July:
    1. It gives other teams time to swoop in and get him
    2. There aren’t many other options that could be available that are as good as Clevinger
    3. The Dodgers can control his innings. With all the depth the Dodgers have in their rotation they can afford to have him delay or skip starts as needed. He has missed significant time in two of the last three years and had Tommy John surgery in 2012.
    4. The Indians might be trying to sign him to a contract extension that keeps him past free agency
    With his lower salary and team control, the cost to get Clevinger will not go down.

    What Would Give The Indians A Reason To Trade Him?

    Before we talk about what it will take to trade for Mike Clevinger here’s a question? Over the next 2-3 years, what will the young Dodger pitchers (excluding Walker Buehler) contribute in the playoffs? Can any of them be that strong second starter behind Walker Buehler?

    “The cost to trade for Clevinger will be very high.”
    – Captain Obvious
    • It’s going to take one of the young starting pitchers (excluding Walker Buehler). Could this be the time to trade Julio Urías or one of our top pitching prospects? For me, the answer is “yes”.
    • A young catcher – even without Connor Wong the position is still deep. Will Smith is the starting catcher now so he is off the table. The Indians have a good starting catcher in 31-year-old Roberto Pérez so a young catcher might be needed.
    • Maybe Joc Pederson? If the Dodgers pay half of his salary Joc could be a good fit. Of course, he’s only one year away from free agency. It’s obvious the Dodgers are interested in trading Pederson after the failed Angels transaction. The Indians don’t have any real good outfield options.
    • The draft pick they just acquired from the Twins
    • One wild card prospect
    For reference, the Dodgers top-30 prospect list is available to show all the options that they could use in a trade. The Dodgers do have some untouchables, but we don’t know who they are. Speculation is that Gavin Lux and Dustin May are untouchables. The only way the Indians would consider trading Clevinger is to be given a trade that is clearly worth the effort. What I’ve stated above could be close.

    Final Thoughts

    Momentum ✔@Watch_Momentum
    "I don't think any of those motherf------- should be able to look us in the
    eye. They should feel ashamed." @Mike_Anthony13 isn't holding back

    9:03 AM - Jan 17, 2020

    The Dodgers have one guaranteed year of Mookie Betts, who is an amazing baseball player. Their lineup should be excellent and players like Clayton Kershaw, Justin Turner and Kenley Jansen are not getting any younger. A playoff rotation of Buehler, Clevinger, Kershaw, and Price sounds like it would match up well. Mike Clevinger could be that final piece that brings the Dodgers one step closer to a World Series win in 2020. He would also not be a free agent until after 2022. The window for the Dodgers to win the World Series is wide open but it is closing for some of them. The trade cannot be made without giving a lot back but it could also be made without jeopardizing the future.

    Time to trade for Mike Clevinger.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Its fucking awesome.
    Winning the pennant will have meaning again.
    Wild Card teams are done great like this.
    No one and done games and many sudden death games.
    Rather they do this kind of stuff than fuck with the actual game.
  3. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Half the teams make the playoffs? And an additional round of the playoffs is official? Wow. Under this format you could finish with 100 wins, but if it's the second best record in the league you get to play a best-of-three game to open the playoffs. Cool. I thought best-of-five was kind of sucky. And with an unbalanced schedule, fighting for that best record in the league sounds fun. Not to mention, a 79 win team will break into the playoffs at some point with that proposed format. Have one stud pitcher and that 79 win team could make waves, even win a WS. Manfred could go down as the worst commissioner in sports history before this is over.
    irish and ColoradoKidWitGame like this.
  4. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 18, 2015
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    And Lindor.
    irish, rube, 1988Blues and 1 other person like this.
  5. 1988Blues

    1988Blues DSP Legend

    Jul 2, 2013
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  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    they said any channel other than premiums and they would send me the offer by email but they didn't so i have to follow up
    i'll do that today and check it out
    @ColoradoKidWitGame i don't have cable so this is a different offer like adding it to my internet
    BlueMouse likes this.
  7. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    what a joke
    first round byes can actually hurt a team, especially if they're rolling
    manfred is so bad he's actually making selig look good... okay, that's a reach

    here's a thought...
    want to give a league leader an advantage?... allow them one less win in a series
    i.e. best record team needs to beat wc team 3x to advance, but wc team would need 4 wins to move on
    but tbt even that sucks
    just extend every series to a best of seven
    ColoradoKidWitGame likes this.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    irish likes this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    At least Dave Roberts is still safe after the latest LA/Boston transaction.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    fuck roberts and fuck boston
    Bluezoo and irish like this.
  11. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Fall Winslow likes this.
  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    fuck wild card teams
    want better seeding?... play better


    Nov 15, 2011
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    The exclusivity of the MLB playoffs is what makes it special, and it's one of the reasons I love the sport so much.
    The Dodgers weren't very good in the 90s and early 2000s when I became a fan, so making the playoffs seemed incredibly difficult and it was rewarding when we did make it.

    I really dislike the NBA and NHL playoffs.
    They feel so cheap. No meaning whatsoever.
    I do not want baseball to feel that way.

    HOWEVER, I have seen worse ideas than this.
    This concept, aside from my hesitation to allow more teams in the dance...seems kind of fun!
    rube likes this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    It's like when they force you to eat brussel sprouts.
    You can bitch about it or be happy they put butter and cheese on it at least.
    It coulda been way worse like the other leagues.
  15. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Paul Lo Duca calls Joc the Dodgers best outfielder...


    LASports96 likes this.
  16. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2, 2013
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    The Dodgers have officially acquired Mookie Betts and David Price
    LASports96 and irish like this.
  17. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    any idea who was cleared off the 40-man?
  18. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    This reference loses all but about three people on this board.
    Finski, Gebbeth, rube and 1 other person like this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    ok i got the skinny on this shit
    no it isn't but
    i was paying $75 a month for high speed internet atm
    after a lot of talking to a lot of people i was able to come up w this solution
    i can add the cable w one box (unnecessary if you have all smart tv's and the box is 7.99) for $102 all in and its guaranteed for 12 months
    i'm going to do that and then cancel after the season
    so it takes my internet back to promo price, i add all the stupid channels and get Dodgers for $30 more than i'm paying atm :shrug:
    kinda have to do it for and additional $200 or so over the season and then fuck spectrum cable again
    BlueMouse and rube like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I have spectrum internet and it's 20 a month. Do I have a special deal because I've had my plan since before the new millennium started?
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