Braun Suspension Overturned

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    funny how information like that always comes out magically to help clear the conspiracy cloud from the room
    its a great way to do the old 'hey look over here' trick


    Nov 2011
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    Must have hired Jackie Childs
    BlueMouse likes this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    so what you are saying is that there is nothing to see here, just lawyers being lawyers
    thats a lot easier i guess
    its all the lawyers fault
    frank just has good lawyers, now braun just has good lawyers
    ok, so what does that say about the law?
    all you need is enough cash for a 'good' lawyer
    you do know that all a 'good' lawyer is is a well connected lawyer
    the more palms you grease, asses you kiss, favors you are owed and vice versa... the better lawyer you are considered

    but this is a different issue man, thats an entirely different league
    nothing is left to chance at the top, if something is done its because the outcome is already determined
    or else its not done
    bud selig knew that the braun suspension would be appealed and that the appeal would be won
    but bud selig pretends that he is in control of evil steroids, steroids which he condoned and profited of for decades
    steroids that saved the game when it was at its lowest point since the blacksox scandal
    selig has done everything in his power to stop the regulation of steroids and so has the players union obviously
    so much so that the federal congress has had to step in and force his hand

    bud selig has been forced to comply
    so when ryan braun came up positive bud selig was forced to comply with the rules
    but bud selig is in charge of policing bud selig
    he can say one thing publicly and do something else privately and you will never know
    because bud selig controls baseball
    and there was no way that ryan braun was going down for this
    no way
    matt kemp would have gone down
    alex rodriguez would have gone down
    albert pujols would have gone down

    all those players would have to go down before ryan braun could
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    thats not my story, but you are close
    i have yet to even say what my story is
    try not to do that or else i go on and on as i well known
    rather try to see if you guys can get there on your own
    sometimes some of you do but usually people are ready to pass judgement without more than a few seconds of thought
    and when you do that its hard to have an opinion that isnt pretty much the same as what the guy on TV wants you to have

    its a trifecta
    not just that he's a brewer and that hes the MVP there is something more important
    he's a good jewish kid who everybody likes and who brings a lot of big money season ticket holders all over the nation
    braun is a treasure to the jewish community and well you really cant touch a person in that position without charges of anti semitism and the like coming your way

    i dont know anything about anyone paying anybody off, i usually dont really think things go down quite like that when we are talking about this type of stuff
    honestly wasnt even going in that direction
    its more like selig or people in baseball under seligs authority who are sympathetic to the situation have ample opportunity to disrupt or corrupt the way the investigation/testing/evidence etc... is handled or mishandled
    as well as the rules they themselves set up
    if you set up the rules then you know where you leave yourself the legal backdoor if and when the rule needs to be broken
    the ways this could have gone down are very open to interpretation because the opportunities are large
    so yeah like you say paying someone off is one way
    but thats the most 80's cop show type way, as 'payoff' is what people usually think of when they think of conspiracy thanks to all the tv we watch
    there are many types of conspiracies and just as many motivations behind them if not more
    sometimes those motivations are racial
    wouldnt be the first time
  5. dodgers

    dodgers DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Suspension should have been overturned, saw someone say rules are rules with regard to the suspension policy. Quite true, and the second the courier broke protocol with the urine sample rendered it completely invalid. MLB never had a chance here.
  6. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    chris and Irish like this.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    The other website has a post that it was overturned because Braun is Jewish. Oh, and because he's white, too.
    Imagine that.
  8. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    you should submit your theory to oliver stone
    seriously :liar:
  9. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    Man, and I was with you before you played the race card. The Race Card is just something conspirators throw out there for extra sensationalism. I don't really see what makes race relevant here. Matt Kemp, Alex Rodriguez, and Albert Pujols have never "gone down" because of steroids... but Jay Gibbons has.
    Irish likes this.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    This is one time to "shoot the messenger" then ?
    Whatever I do in life that brings me to a "court" and puts me in position to be punished in some way, shape, or form, I want the athlete's sentence. That kind of excuse making or whatever the sickening attitude is that let's them get away with everything from doping to murder one.
    And comparing apples with oranges in the offense committed, doesn't make a person immune from punishment.
    Yeah that's it. That's what I want : the "Athlete's Sentence"
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    JFK. The magic bullet.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    the fact that he's white has nothing to do with anything
    its that hes jewish
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    of course, the athlete is not on the same social ladder as the rest of us
    we have a caste system in america, but because we are a 'democracy' we pretend we dont
    then again we also pretend at being a democracy... some dont even pretend anymore
    im only surprised at the surprise and shock when things like this go down
    all the other excuses are the same bullshit they put over on the public and the public buys it
    oh the courier didnt follow protocol, oh the WMD's were moved, oh the glove didnt fit we must aquit...
    sleight of hand
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i wonder if at this point in time with all that we know about the JFK assassination that at this point believing the official story that JFK was killed with one magical bullet... is actually loonier than any conspiracy theory concerning JFK ive ever heard in my life
    and ive heard some doozies
  15. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ryan Braun’s words say one thing, science another
    By Tim Brown, Yahoo! Sports Feb 24, 8:52 pm EST

    PHOENIX, Ariz. - So, in the matter of Ryan Braun, a test result that inferred he’d been driven to a playoff game in a vat of testosterone, a collector accused of going rogue, a temporarily sullied Most Valuable Player award, and a Major League Baseball PED juggernaut that is no longer undefeated, one must consider the question:

    Who are you going to believe, science or those big gorgeous eyes?

    “I am a victim,” Braun said Friday afternoon, on a baseball field, before more than a dozen of his teammates and coaches and his girlfriend.

    [​IMG] Ryan Braun got hugs and support from teammates Friday. (AP Images)

    His voice was hard and true.

    “Today,” Braun said, “is about anybody who has been wrongly accused.”

    His message carried to the people.

    “The system,” he said, “and the way it was applied to me in this case was fatally flawed.”

    His outrage swept past contempt.

    “This simple truth,” he said, “is I’m innocent.”

    Those would be the big gorgeous eyes talking.

    In an opening statement and press conference that was better manicured than the infield grass he stood on, Braun was spectacularly good. The first oar stroke of his upstream paddle against public opinion was clean and powerful. He was composed and compelling, sympathetic and vulnerable.

    This was a man whose life had become a “nightmare,” he said, and here he was, balling his fist, jutting his jaw, straight hacked at the injustice of it all.

    It would have been perfect, too, a regular Erin Brockovich moment, except for the massive amounts of testosterone discovered in his A sample and B sample last October, not to mention evidence of synthetic testosterone in both.

    That’s where things go sideways, where the human need to perform meets the human decision to take a few ounces of urine on a side trip to Kenosha and to a 40-hour stay in a basement Rubbermaid bin, whereupon the whole mess eventually meets an arbitrator who doesn’t believe in basement bins or something.

    Or, if you prefer, where someone either spiked or lost or otherwise fouled Braun’s urine somewhere between the john at Miller Park and the reception area at FedEx, where a reputation was trampled amid a leaked story and the conclusions drawn because of it, and a general presumption of – legal term here – if you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’.

    As it happens, Braun’s defense appears to break down to this: I never took testosterone and I don’t know where my sample was for nearly two days.

    Apparently, that was good enough for Shyam Das, the arbitrator. And it was good enough for Braun’s teammates, who attended the press conference, then waited afterward and delivered handshakes and hugs.

    “This is still going to be attached to him for the rest of his life,” Brewers catcher Jonathan Lucroy said. “I think that’s sad. … He’s going to be painted by a broad brush now by everybody, that he’s a cheater.”

    Braun addressed that, as well.

    “I’m not dumb enough to pretend,” he said, “this is going to go away.”

    The folks at MLB would answer that’s because he almost certainly is a cheater. That protocol was followed, that the sample arrived intact in Montreal, and that the head of the laboratory there testified in Braun’s hearing there was nothing unusual found in the sample or the T/E (testosterone to epitestosterone) ratio, beyond the fact it showed positive.

    (A 4:1 ratio triggers a positive test. Braun’s was about 30:1. While that is very high, the lab has seen ratios of 80:1 and higher.)

    Still, MLB was foiled by the Rubbermaid defense, and 24 hours after Das rendered his decision, the Commissioner’s Office and the Players Association still were issuing statements clarifying, defending and excoriating the previous 24 hours.

    Among them, MLB executive vice president Rob Manfred contended the joint program was “not fatally flawed,” as Braun had described it, and both MLB and the union concluded the leak of Braun’s positive test had not come from either party. Also, collectors will be instructed to leave specimens at FedEx regardless of the hour.

    MLB awaits Das’ written decision, due to arrive within 30 days. While arbitration is binding, the league could appeal to a federal court, a process known as “vacating an arbitration decision,” if it believes the decision violates its contract with the players.

    None of that changed the noon press conference in Maryvale. Accompanied by his agent and two public relations men, Braun walked from the right-field corner to a place in foul ground near the first-base dugout.

    He will not sit out the Brewers’ first 50 games. He will play left field, bat third, and lead the defense of their National League Central title, almost like none of this ever happened.

    It did, of course, and now we’re left to wonder who Ryan Braun is. Or was.

    MLB thinks it knows. The public thinks it knows. Only Braun, however, knows for sure.

    He fixed his stare.

    “If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally, I would be the first one to step up and say I did it,” he said. “This substance never entered my body at any point. … There were a lot of times I wanted to come out and tell the entire story, to attack everybody as I’ve been attacked and had my name dragged through the mud.”

    He concluded, “The truth prevailed.”

    His eyes said yes.

    Science said no, no, no.
  16. chris

    chris Guest

    ^ see, there's conflicting reports going on... Braun said his test was the highest in history, but the lab has seen tests at 80:1? more than twice his? who's lying?
  17. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Did you guys hear that Braun bluffed that he would have his urine vial DNA tested to prove his innocence, and when MLB took him up on it, he then backed down on the offer ?
    Lyin' white Jew.
    (I can say this; I banged a girl named Rhonda Kleinman in HS, so it's OK)
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i notice they tend to have oral fixations
    so yeah, it's okay
  19. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    Braun did it. Most of the comments by other players seem to suggest that they are not buying his bullshit story. He leaked all the extraneous shit to convolute the issue enough to make him appear a target. He is a cheat. His MVP award should have been Kemp's with or without the drugs. He is a piece of shit. Think about how he acts on the field and then tell me he seems to have any class. I cannot wait to see his numbers this year.
    BlueMouse, IBleedBlue15 and THINKBLUE like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    the MLB is doing the same thing, putting out all kinds of shit that just muddles everything up
    its just covering their ass
    just like what braun is doing

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