Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Everything associated with the Society of Justice will come crumbling down.
    And when it happens it will be quick. Three strange days quick.

    I have shed a lot of ink about Pat Tillman, none you have read though.. A true protagonist hero type. A warrior, not a Warhawk.
    The kind you don't see coming till the end as you realize he's been there all along... the watchtower.

    McCain who is the most Warhawk politician in my lifetime is being deified by all of those shouting 'peace! peace! peace! peace!'.
    The poor man was even fighting from beyond the grave, desecrating his own funeral with a mass carrying the spirit of vengeance.

    Our choice for leader was a socialist who the young people wanted. A corrupt demagogue that nobody actually believes in.
    And Donald fucking Trump who gives no fucks about nothing.
    A wild cannon that may sell us out to smarter political operatives of foreign 'entities' if he is fooled into thinking he is making a good deal or says fuck it and pushes all his chips on the table calling anyone and everyone's bluff as the fuck you bully money allows you to do.

    Just like how in baseball the 'manager' is now essentially a glorified bench coach for the FO yet still called the manager.. in name only.
    That sounds like the end of the US presidency, either way, you slice it. At least as we know it.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
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  2. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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    they did it for one simple reason...
    to get people to talk about it (read: them), which we are
    public perception falls a distant 2nd to sales
    i’ve got nike gear that i’ll continue to wear
    and for no other reason than i like it

    edit: and it was free
    THINKBLUE, CapnTreee and LAdiablo like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    The SJ Pope is being called to step down by Catholics worldwide.
    Including high-level inquisitors who have turned their firebrands on their own leader and are pressing him to fire his comrades and confess his sins and take his punishment.

    Two Popes is not supposed to be a thing. You can't serve two masters.
    We have an SJ Pope in office and one retired because he literally was too old for this shit.
    The shit was not that the job was too hard. It was that the job had turned to shit and he saw no way to fix it.
    Because it dawned on Ratzinger that he was not the actual Pope of his Roman village.

    Imagine if you are the Pope who is supposedly the leader of the free world and you find out that the bank your organization runs is laundering money for the drug cartels and the mob as well as benefiting immensely from human and more importantly child trafficking?
    And that every time you give an order to have that shit investigated you are told 'yes your holiness' but when you follow up you realize that nobody is actually following your orders.
    Imagine if you are the commander in chief and the world recognizes you are the supreme leader but the majority of employees in your government do not.
    That instead of following your orders and your will they actually follow the orders and will of another man.
    That is some fucked up shit. And he could not deal with that shit.
  4. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Also.. puma and adidas stock are down as well.. it’s simply a broad based NAFTA related dip and nothing more
    Can’t say I disagree with that. And ultimately it will lead to increased brand attention, lots of free marketing with ESPN and other outlets picking up the story (More so if Trump speaks on the issue) which will eventually lead to more revenue.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
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  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Sucks for Ratzinger. Folks clamoring for him to come out of his cell and speak up... but I'm sure he knows he is marked for death if he opens his mouth.

    Sucks to find out that you were just the patsy to take away the sins of the church with you.
    That you had to fall on your sword and be the one responsible for the bank scandal tied to child rings where people are fucking your kids.
    The perfect scapegoat since nobody really took to the rat faced curmudgeon German with ties to the Hitler youth (like most kids of the time) that liked to show the opulence that comes with being king.

    This is not a scandal. I don't think this is like Luther because Luther was no saint... and yet now he is, of course.
    This is the end that is nigh.

    You know what peace sounds like when you keep shouting it over and over from the top of a dais?
    The same sound an automatic rifle makes when it is raining down on those below your throne.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
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    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Under Armour up today, so not that simple.
    But your broader point is well taken: can't look at this based on one day. Look at it over 6 months or a year.

    Honestly, I don't even understand why Kap is so controversial.
    Dude thinks a segment of the population is being mistreated by the system and is protesting and trying to bring the issue to light.
    This was supposed to be a country born of rebellion. Not sure what can be more American than that.
    This whole you must honor the flag and the country at all times thing is kinda creepy.
    The NFL is a business and I also understand why they don't want him doing that during their games.
    But I don't get why people get so upset at him. It's not like he's threatening anyone or trying to raise taxes, fight another stupid war, increase the surveillance state, or any of the 500 other things our government does to us every day.

    If he was any good at football, he'd still be in the league and it would probably be way less of an issues.
    But since he's a borderline NFL player, it makes it look like he was blackballed.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    It's grown men playing a game of chicken about their 'feels'.
  8. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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  9. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    He's just not good enough for a NFL team to put up with his ancillary shit.
    THINKBLUE, irish and LAdiablo like this.
  10. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    Pro sports are one of the few meritocracies in our society. If he was good enough to play in the NFL, someone would put up with his ancillary shit.

    He's a real life Al Bundy: sucks at football, goes on to sell shoes.
    THINKBLUE, CapnTreee, irish and 2 others like this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Most likely for women.
    Or guys with a hard case of barry manilow disease.
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  12. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

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    He's plenty good enough to play in the league. A lot of stiffs taking up roster spots as #2 and #3 QBs.
    CapnTreee and LAdiablo like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Your backups are either a young guy you want to groom for the future or a hasbeen/neverwas that will make zero waves and hold the clipboard. The NFL has a lot of good quarterbacks that age out of prospect mode and then flame out of the league because they are not good enough to be starters on a decent team but too good (real or imagined) to want to just hold a clipboard.
    On a real good team with a great QB you might want to have a pretty good backup in case the starter goes down for a while and you need to save your season. But those really good franchises will not go for a veteran backup that will cause any kind of controversy or drama for the other players or the org.
    The home for these guys is the CFL.
    BigDaddyKaine likes this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah i didn't want to put it to the black athlete thing, or the fact that blacks in general will pay a lot more than i ever will for a tennis shoe
    but it is definitely a part of the conversation
    and good point about the future athlete thing but if nike comes calling w millions of dollars i think most can ignore the other stuff
    not like they would have had controversy if they had just not done this campaign
    as far as the stock prices go i agree w @TAFNAC in regards to it being months before anyone knows what the situation truly is
    only thing the market is going to respond to is sales of shoes and no one knows that atm
    its going to be an interesting angle to watch because ime the best buys are when the chickens freak out and flock in the wrong direction
    could be good value and thats when i buy
    as i said from the beginning i don't think its going to affect them much at all in the long run since they are entrenched
    so i might buy their stock in all actuality and most likely not their shoes and stuff
    unless its on sale for ridiculous low prices or free like @irish lol
    i would just look at other brands but in the end idgaf
    don't you think its strange that its really sort of one race of people in this country screaming about social injustice anyway?
    i agree w @rube on the whole thing coming undone and think that will be sooner than later
    i know racist
    irish likes this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    full racist :dramaqueen:
    kind of threw a monkey wrench in his own career
    irish likes this.
  16. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

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    David Duke nods his approval
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  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Now I'm going to get accused of being alt-right again.
    CapnTreee and irish like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Its not the blacks. Not their faults.
    They truly are victims.
    And every other group out there crying about justice.
    You can't have social justice warriors without the SoJ who are the evil angel on their shoulder.
    They tell the blacks and the other victims all of the reasons why they or their ancestors are victims.
    And they also do all they can to perpetuate their victimhood by attacking their weak spots over and over again.
    They put on their black cloaks and victimize and then put on their white robes and play the knight in bright armor.
    Those white knights carry their black undercoats at the ready.
    This is called liberation theology and it is the birth of social justice.
    And SJW's are the vanguard acolytes of the new religion and it is the religion of the downward spiral that the SoJ have been preaching since the renaissance
    Today is the culmination of 500 years of the grand work.
    Africans were enslaved 500 years ago not for cotton 200 years ago but so that this religion could flourish today. And with the blacks come all the other groups.

    Why do blacks pay great amounts of money for nikes?
    Why do prisoners crave cigarettes even if they don't smoke?
    Why do the poor have so many babies?

    Its the same answer.
    It is all they have left in the world to give them value.
    The poor black kid who eats government cheese and wears hand me downs whose mom had him while she was on drugs who walks a mile in his shitty used prowings who is laughed at by other kids in his same socio economic situation because maybe they are just a tad bit better off because their dad has a steady job or maybe even because they have a dad and the other kid doesnt.
    Rage builds up daily and you don't even realize when it comes out in an explosion of aggression.
    It is normal to get sad as a kid that others have what you don't and can never have. That sad can easily turn to hate.
    And the person whose job it is to make you feel are your feels so they can turn into hate are the social justice warriors.
    Not the shitty blue haired morbidly obese lesbian with a cockring on her upper lip. No the white knights who created them.
    The SoJ.
    When that black kid is picked on by whites for one thing by mexicans for another and by his own even worse (black on black crime) this is the reason. And this kid will have enough and become violent. It is human nature which is what the enemy tries to fuck with so you don't realize you are being turned into a beastial thing.
    Why do kids have hats with the sticker and tag like they have in the store?
    For the same reason they want Jordans.
    Because nobody gives away Jordans. Nobody gives anything valuable away.
    Nobody gives away a brand new hat with its tag and sticker still attached. (other than a gift but that is not what this is about)
    When a poor kid has a hat it is because somebody gave it to him. He got it at church or he bought it used at a second hand shop or someone from church gave it to him.
    Like what we give the homeless or retarded. We as a society give them the scraps off our table. Nobody gives away their steak dinner.
    Is it that the kid wants the new hat because its new or the jordans because they are jordans?
    No, the kid is not a brand whore like we can be as adulterated beings.
    The kid just wants everyone around him to know that the hat on his head is valuable and that it was purchased with real money that he have had to have had or that somebody must have loved him enough to buy him so he could wear something that was special just for him and nobody else in this world.
    Special creates value. The perception of value which is the only reality for people in these situations.
    That makes the boy valuable and value is what we call self esteem.
    I don't fault the boy who wants the 200 dollar Jordans so he can build his self esteem.
    He is wrong of course. That self esteem is helium in his ego that will get popped really hard. The older you are and still maintain this the bigger the pop.
    Because the idea is to make you a perpetual victim.
    So you can become a predator too. Just like the white knights.
    But you can never be like them. The best you can do is be their tool.
    Which is why we call instinctively think 'tool' when we see a 50 year old in a trucker hat and a von dutch or mma shirt and a 'modern' hairdo. I said do for a reason.
    Because all this is feminine. Like wearing sandals in prison. You better have lots of cigarettes to buy off the guy about to fuck you up or fuck you in. Because a slave has no value until he starts paying some big motherfucker boxes of cigs to protect him.
    It is designed to make you a giant bleeding pussy wound.
    Which takes time.
    You are not just born with the 'yes master' mentality.

    I never told you why poor people have lots of babies. I hear assholes complain about this all the time. Some of you have probably made some kind of comment about the poor and their babies. I have heard this from the middle class all my life. And I have rarely said anything because do I want people to know that I identify with these people they are making fun of? Not when you are younger and only know victimhood. You don't want to be known as a victim so you carry on and nod your head when people say shit like that about some victim who got pregnant at 15 and 10 years later has 5 kids with as many dudes.
    These are not sporadically poor people. Like when you lose your job or you have to downgrade from a foreign car to a domestic.
    These are essentially permanently poor people.
    Structurally poor. Their homes and their lives are built on sand and they dream of sandcastles in the sky.
    They don't have anything and know they will never BE anything.
    There is nothing that gives them value so they have nothing to look forward.
    No reason to get a job. No reason to get up in the morning. No reason to live.
    Until a child is born.
    And another, and another, and another.
    Because for these people the only saving grace is their children.
    Not just the DNA strand that remembers that if they did not have an extra boy to be a farmhand or an extra girl to sell off for a bounty.
    But the value they receive from knowing that they made something brand new.
    Something nobody else can make.
    Something special.
    And that is the greatest value they will ever have.
    Go forth and multiply is written because the book is a safety net mostly for those that need to be saved.
    It is not easy for a rich man to be saved because a rich man has brand new scuba gear and has a lot of practice surfing these waves.
    But the poor guy goes to the beach and tries to swim to the setting sun.
    That poor sun worshipper needs salvation, he can be saved.
    Unfortunately is that in life when the guy wearing the lifeguard uniform shows up he is probably a bay boy in disguise and he already shredded your cars tires and is about to stick your head underwater.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
    CapnTreee, LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

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  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i didn't read this earlier cause of its length but that is one of the best posts i've read on the subject
    CapnTreee likes this.
  21. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    thanks, i was dreaming when i wrote it but only because i was falling asleep on the couch
    mentioned the same thing twice a few times
    read it this morning and saw it was all filled with half-finished arguments where i don't deliver the payoff to what i was attempting to say
    i kept setting up a premise and then not finishing it and just moving on to the next premise
    so they kinda became rhetorical questions in a way
    but that is good too
    because your audience doesn't necessarily have to be familiar with the content but if they are familiar with you they can pick up on the meaning you are trying to convey when you leave some spots up to their own imagination
    which is what I mean when I say that DSP is about me.
    if you understand or try to understand the words that are coming outta my mouth then I am yu and you awe mi and we all wee together.

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