Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    your body has a new dna factory
    except this new hardware has an updated bios from the original
    and it comes preinstalled with microsoft autoupdate
    it bypasses your own bodies natural antivirus immunity by opening ports in the firewall for antibody mining
    look up the rdna stuff under kobayashi

    damaged dna will die and be reborn with the new bios
    it will no longer be reborn with the oem factory genetic bios code
    instead your new dna will always be changing to create optimum immunity
    as long as you take your recommended dose of miracle gro you will reap the benefits like your lawn always looking green and shiny and resistant to urine and drought and stops growing at 3 inches by genetic manipulation

    but if you stop taking the dose then you leave your system exposed to mutants and variants that have risen up thanks to the unvaccinated
    its actually not that complex but im not that smart so i told it to you my way because math is hard
    count yourself lucky i didnt go long
    but ill try to finish fast
    you know why the oem bios is so great even tho its kinda vanilla boring compared to what we can do with science?
    because the cool part about the oem bios is that when our environment, our drug abuse, our self destructive mind patterns, inbreeding, etc... fuck up and mutate our community genepool on the regular
    that little self soft reset button that makes brand new dna with the same bios only a little slower weaker older and one day closer to death keeps us from becoming the monsters we want to try to become

    and because we cant have nice things the hard reset gonna come
    see yall on the flip side of ragnarok boys
    unless you know someone who can run as a democrat to beat trump by out trumping what he did to the republicans
    would you know of a cat with such stripes if you spotted him with a deaf leopard in the night?
    ok that last one was just me yanking my american right to crank out fresh new puns like if i had recombinant graphene nanocarbon dna running through y veins!

    btw if you want to get in on the ground floor of graphene all you need is lots of eucalyptus bark
    some indian lab assistant just won the next nobel prize for him and his master by figuring out how to mass produce it for dirt cheap in your backyard without using solvents high pressures or temperatures
    just a little cooking
    but thats a story for another day
    graphene is great for all kinds of stuff
    it replaces most everything in the way that copper gave way to iron and then steel and finally to our current rubber age thats alll about plastics
    plastics is just what all t-1000 type material is
    flexible and re-shapable while remaining resilient and never losing integrity

    unlike the rib tickler that is this ribosomal dna that likes to recombine itself with parts from whatever genetic material is floating around your system
    kinda like getting accused of rape and the underwear having the semen of 13 other dudes too but you the one thats got the spotted dick and the bigger wallet so...
    or what a factory of highly mutagenic dna that recombines all the time will react to a competitive eater that eats lots of animal dna from different species and pushes his body in one sitting making all sorts of antibody reactions that become the new normal when the dna is reset with these mutations as part of the ever mutating recombinant base code having slews of new allergies or food sensitivities arising just from this kind of behaviourthat you can buy pills to fix in the future
    or kinda like if you were in a tragic sneezing accident and broke 5 of your ribs and your surgeon making repairs turns out to be dr mindbender and he wants to turn you into serpentor so he replaces 4 of the broken ribs with ribs from ruthless dudes from history with peculiar genetic min/max issues that made them extraordinary at somethings and huge assholes at others
    but thats what analytic math dorks will get you
    the type of people that could suck the fun out of sucking ass
    whoa im really keeping this going longer than its been pleasurable for anyone of us

    i will finish my rude ribbing this eve
    i swear by the apple in my throat!
    that even though today i leave
    tomorrow i will come again
    this time ribbed for your pleasure!
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    what do you know about erased
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    i'm white fucker
    rube and Finski like this.
  4. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Let's go Brandon!
    rube, TAFNAC, Finski and 1 other person like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    i was asking in earnest fucker!
    i grew up in a cult where erasure was not just all the cool kids favorite band but also the prevailing doctrine that was instilled into us through threats that triggered existential fears
    erasure being the real hellscape of torture that awaits
    in our church for instance you the word erased meant to be rubbed off from the book of life and so you would have to be excommunicated from the rest of the group
    including your own family because if you dont got a ticket nobody wants to have to chip in 10% to pay your way
    since you werent gonna go to heaven and preferred to stay in suffragette city
    and god didnt want you for a moonbeam anymore it is as if you are dead
    a goth, a pale white man without natural shine who can only steal some from the moon when he gets high enough to feel its pull
    i think we naturally loved the sith pop band erasure because of how subtly rebellious it was at the time to blast this gay music out the car

    i cant checkmate you in whiteness because you are full bloodied and im a halfbreed mutt from a previous era of earthly genetic mutations
    but check this out mate when i was a young cabin boy off on his first leave fresh off the boat i met the king of rock n roll and he was a white man named elvis and in his hips was the truth and the truth did not lie
    i fell in love like any other seaman getting his frog legs wet in space
    so i wanted to sea monkees and i became a daydream believer
    this was all that was given to me though
    i was a little monkee boy in liege to the great king of rock n roll
    but the king of rock and roll was already a dying religion descending into syncophananticism
    when i learned the truth about the monkees conspiracy i naturally rebelled
    i started to seek for the source and found that white comes from black
    all i had was records of old music and tapes of what was allowed in the house
    rebellion was getting a little am transistor radio at the swapmeet
    where i could listen to the angel of blue heaven
    and the white devil of rock n roll!

    the source of the truth in the hips that dont lie
    the beatles and the british sea kings that the monkees aped are what came through
    before that all i had was the king of rock and roll
    but now i had pop pop pop music and felt its spirit in all sorts of other stuff
    fast forward to 6th grade and im deep in debt to columbia house and bmg
    a year later im mr jonesing around seedy record shops making connections with strange dudes with accents behind counters listening to music from the place where the monkees and the beatles were
    yeah i was allowed the beatles of course but thats par for the course
    i had found my first hobby of collecting music from from live shows or outtakes or studio versions with bandmates bantering or improvising lyrics
    i didnt want the records in the shop, i wanted what the guy behind the counter influenced me to want
    but not what he was selling but what he could get if i could pony up three times the cost
    i was ripe fruit for that scam and i wanted the queen cd with all the good songs and the one in america was missing some songs i really wanted
    and a new one was gonna come out in a year with the missing songs but i could get an import from london that had all the songs i thought i wanted
    it would cost 3 times more but get here in a few weeks
    and when it arrived i heard david bowie for the first time
    i cant really remember what that song i really wanted was
    probably fat bottomed girls or bicycle race or something like that
    but like i said it is when i heard david bowie for the first time
    and from then on it was down the rabbit hole
    addicted to the sound of music that was an alternative to anything i heard on the radio
    music that was different to what the other kids listened to
    not because it was different but because it sounded better and it felt realer because there was no format to follow
    everything was free game, i didnt have to belong to the music scene of the kids around me if i didnt want to and i didnt want to because of this one problem
    i knew about david bowie and they didnt
    i knew better than to think that their music was good
    unless it was good
    so if elvis is the king his true son and heir is that old scoundrel davey jones the lord of the seven seas
    who get their mead of poetry from the same cup of broth of the sea foam aquamarine rime of rhye as all the other prophets of mercurial sciences that sparks the phoenix force which feeds upon the ashes of burnouts
    thats why the apple doesnt fall down from the tree but it falls up into the stars where the gravity isnt so grave
    so the son is unlike the father in every way as to mirror him in rebellion to himself proving to be the chip of the old block and not a carbon copy but a stone without a category that could be used to lynchpin the arch holding up the covenant bond between rock and roll and people nodding their head as one body in unison saying yeah in their heart and stomping their feet to raise the roof up in hell so they can hear us dancing above their ceiling and we can get their power up the soles of our feet and the souls of our faith because our faith only goes where our feet takes us.
    you can lead a horse to water and even buy him a ticket
    you can even shod him with new shoes
    but you cant make him walk
    unless you whip it
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
    LAdiablo likes this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    still don't know what i was waiting for and my time's running wild a million dead end streets and
    every time i thought i'd got it made it seemed the taste was not so sweet
    so i turned myself to face me but i never caught a glimpse
    of how the other must see the faker
    i'm much too fast to take that test

    was never the same after i heard that
    Kafka has nothing on a good rube rant
    Finski, rube and harkeyed like this.
  7. harkeyed

    harkeyed DSP Legend

    Sep 7, 2012
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    pretty soon now you're gunna get older....
    Finski and LAdiablo like this.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    when the white is brightest, burnished, gleaming and shining
    it is because it is getting red faced like a siberian indian going towards the setting sun
    leaving the one that compels all eyes to hang low and squint
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
  9. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    okay racist
    Finski and rube like this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    rube, THINKBLUE, Finski and 1 other person like this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    dirtbags are a previously untapped resource
    but you gotta get there before the bureaucracy drops a pyramid of to mine the resource dry
    or at least be like levi in a rush and sell the pyramidians what they need to prospect for hidden gold
    LAdiablo likes this.
  12. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Are you saying the "Bumfights" guys had it right?
    Finski, rube and irish like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    yes but not that way lol
    homeless are like irregulars, auxiliaries
    sure they cant hold the shield line but they can still provide valuable support services without the need of nothing more than basic rations
    not all militia has to be soldiers
    some can be a little wild and unpredictable
    you never what is inside a dirtbag
    other than dirt and soft rock

    one example from history is to house them in national parks and give them ecological related tasks
    but we would probably call that reservations or concentrations
    there is a middle between those two that was used in mexico before they fell into communism and started eating each others heart out
    Finski likes this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    you're talking about bums, right?
    unless you cut them off from what ails them they're gonna be distracted
    Finski, THINKBLUE and rube like this.
  15. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    homeless shelters have a fundamental problem...
    you're can't do alcohol or drugs if you stay there
    and guess what... most homeless people would rather drink and do drugs than have free lodging
    so these fat cats pontificating about doing the right thing to help the homeless problem know exactly what they're doing
    can only imagine the tax benefits that help offset their exorbitant salaries
    fucken charlatans
    has to be a special place in hell reserved for people like this
    Finski, LAdiablo, THINKBLUE and 3 others like this.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    but some bums live with cancer and other pains that only drugs, drink, or jesus can help
    and if they dont allow those 3 things then they running a decepticon
    they need a middle ground where some drugs and some alcohol and some jesus is allowed
    because humans gonna find what eases the pain
    free weed, free beer, no opiates, no liquor... is kind of a blunt idea of what i mean
    sure it wont help everyone but i believe a large chunk of the homeless population would try a fresh start plan if beer and weed came with the ebt
    the right will bitch about the tax payer cost for their rich donors and the left because they cant easily grift off a fake program
    but if half the homeless are lifted off the streets and their growth is curbed permanently then the cost would be negligible
    if we dont do something someone will give them what they want and turn them into suicide bombers
    like innocent children in vietnam or a guilty muslim kid who thinks hes dammned for his sins but is given a way to go to heaven in a flash
    LAdiablo likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    my understanding is free booze and weed has been getting delivered since the pandemic began
    i know they get free food since i clean up their shit piles every chance i get trying to be the change
    i of course am breaking the law technically to touch it even to dispose of it but fuck it
    always a ton of spoiling food in there as a result of all the do gooders feeling better about themselves handing free shit to bums
    i'm sorry but they have ebt and options
    the only reason they're out there is to use and while i respect the sentiment i also see the needles and talk to the junkies
    vast majority of street people in LA are meth users and no amount of weed or beer is going to change that
    they are here for the weather and lax rules
    cities from all over the country are buying them tickets and offering stipends to get them to move here
    "hey look mr meth, they're going to give free housing too!"
    that should fix the problem
    rube and irish like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    why you need the missionary position i was trying to make
    if you have a mission system where you can corral the sheep then it is easier to deal with the wolves hiding amongst them
    the wolves dont want to submit to being a ward of the state because they still have claws and fangs to defend the wool they wearing
    but if the sheep are off the streets the wolves will have less wool to hide around
    and less victims to shear
    sure more sheep will come and be sent
    but if you have a gate to sift them with you will find more popular will that would allow you to exercise those demons you feel when you see them shooting up in front of your lawn
    you can test how sharp those claws and fangs are
    politically speaking of course
    you will find the wolves will have less and less support because results are self evident and spin proof
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Same is true here.
    Ask the sheriff
    Finski and LAdiablo like this.
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    still go everywhere without a mask but will put it on when i'm asked entering a business
    but even in the places that don't enforce it there is nearly 100% compliance
    i'm convinced w everything i see going on that people in CA just enjoy being told what to do
    at least in LA
    THINKBLUE, rube, fsudog21 and 2 others like this.

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