Memorial Day

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by Bluezoo, May 29, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    OTOH I should let you talk yourself OUT of voting by whatever looney or irrational means you might prefer

    because what a self represented Democracy needs LEAST is voting by masses of looney irrationals

    Hillary and Trump have already gathered too many of these fools
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Dude things are called by different names as time passes.
    Democracy originated in a polytheist society where you had to appease the gods.
    The word demon comes from the same root as democracy.
    Demon is a vulgar a commoner a plebian a yokel a rube.
    We le live in a demos.
    And demos are for show.
    To be discarded or sold for cheap when no longer needed.
    Like floor samples or mockups.
    Like the type people make when they want attention from the true ptb.
    They have public demonstrations.
    March on the street.
    Like a mob of demons with torches.
    But demons have their uses so the mob sometimes gets appeased.
    Because those that demonize you also know you are an easy mark.
    If you werent marked for sacrifice you wouldnt be a demon.
    You know what gets marked?
    Cows goats and sheep.
    To run around in the kirk before they get sent to the slaughter house.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    So you in for the socialist then?
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    not seeing so many choices there Rube.
  5. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    so if voting is like a confession
    it to must be good for the soul, right?
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Been a Republican for pushing 40 years
    Been a business owner for more than 20 years.

    In my mind ALL small business owners are Republicans and ALL welfare recipients are Democrats
    Always been that way, always will be, as skewed as that may sound

    But today's Republicans are a different breed
    hate mongers fomenting dissent, turning us against each other
    encouraging hatred against women, minorities, outsiders, turning against knowledge, against science
    encouraging one set of lame holy book lovers while hating on other lame holy book lovers
    and talking only amongst those others who can afford the $1000+ plate 'charity' circuit

    IMO small business entrepreneurship IS what makes America great

    "Too big to fail" is exactly the opposite
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Confession is not biblical.
    Its intelligence gathering by the forward guard of the evil empire.
    You gotta keep tabs on your future sacrificial lambs to see how readyn they are for the slaughter.

    True confession is sharing your burdens with a friend or family member you have built up trust with.
    That is the biblical advice thats been twisted so men can put their faith in some dude with fancy robes.

    Sin means depressions and hubris.
    Bust and booms. Down and up. Bear and bull. High and low.
    Its the sine wave.
    You can ride the wave but will eventually be crushed by it.
    We have been fed a bunch of hay about what sin is.
    Mistakes lead to sin. Wrong thoughts and actions lead to feeling too high about ourselves or too low. Which then continues the chain reaction of high and low. It keeps us in sin.
    We all are victims to the wave. It is the basis of everything thats fashionable. Confession amd prayer are the ways we get some rest from the waves and slowly learn how to keep our heads above water enough to spot good solid ground with which to slowly build our shelter.

    The confessional is for people who have burned every bridge or never cared to make bridges at all.
    But even then you have big brother in the sky to silently tell your troubles to.
    It helps keep you grounded.
    Not too high not too low but just right.
    Of course folks also misunderstand how prayer works now. Its gone back to being wishcraft.
    The New Religion needs new religion.
    The waves only crash harder as the age goes on.
    We gonna need a bigger fellow ship.
  8. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    so is it good for the soul or not?
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Read between the lines.
  10. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i tried
    it's too cryptic
    CapnTreee likes this.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    or not..

    How about No for $200 Alex?

    Confessions only be good for those learning your secrets

    Priests, wives or gubberment agents... none are looking out for your best interests
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ive puposefully been extrasplaining things lately.

    Confessing your mistakes your depressions and your haughtiness to a priest or any other man of the cloth is asking for trouble.

    Confessing these things to a close personal friend you trust over a beer for a example is very good for the soul.

    Im not talking about your secrets or skeletons in your closet. Give those burdens up to the man upstairs.
    Dont go around telling people you shot a man in reno just to watch him die.
    Or you may end up feeling ok about what you did or in jail.
    You can tell your buddy that you are depressed and need someone to listen to you.
    Many men have a hard time with that. Then they get drunk or high and accidentally spill the beans.
    But im not being a man hater by saying many men have a hard time with this.
    Before a white knight calls me a misandrist.
  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    think i know where you're going
    to me, the catholic church confessions are contrived and superfluous
    that's why i got out
    well, that and 100,000 other reasons
    don't need someone laying guilt on me for missing a sunday
    praying is subjective and personal
    so is confessing
    and to me the biggest confessions ones can make are to themselves
    being honest, accountable, and taking responsibility
    own up to what you do
    but if you don't believe you did wrong, then fuck confessing
    rube likes this.
  14. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    cool... now I get to be a white knight for the day!!
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    don't get to be called a white knight much

    been married waaaaaaaay too long for that
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That line was poking fun at my being called a racist again.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Confessing is not about doing "the right thing".
    Confessinh is to help ease your pain your guily your loss your fail your need your poverty your depression your without your sin.
    Sin literally is the way you say without in spanish.
    Sin ti means without you.
    Without is a need. Something missing.
    As in missing the mark.
    Failing to live up to a whole and now being without something you need leaving you poorer than before.
    Confession is to ease that and help make you whole again. On target.

    Confessing doesnt really involve telling others things you did that were bad. Its more about telling a friend who will listen that you feel bad.
    Its main effect is to trust have faith in and belief in that person to whome you are confessing to.
    Confess your troubles and weak points of character to your brothers... Those closest to you that wont use it against you.
    Confess your crimes to god and never to a man.
    Bible says that a man who trusts another man in this way is a fool and sinning hard.
    Always plead the fifth.

    Think about who benefits from you thinking that confession is a biblical doctrine that means you should admit your crimes to a priest or the law (who in the last and in future are the same thing) ?
    Not you.
    The bible is there for your benefit and correction.
    Powers that be twist the meaning of words so they can hit you over the head with the rods of fascism and so your peers assist them in your enslavement.
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


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  19. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    love this edit
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I take the body of what you have sais in the past and what i know about you to judge your current statements.
    So believe me when i tell you that we believe more similarly than you think.
    We just use different terms and come from different pov.

    Religion is having another man read to you. Reeducate you. Become your master as if you were his child.

    That and most other things involved with religion are precisely what jesus abolished.
    His actions and speeches were designed to remind mankind that freedom can be achieved. That man must be his own priest.
    Knowing that many men are hardwired via nurture and culture to be sheeple he specially laid out the plan for their safety while they learned to be free.

    All that you probably know from seeing what religion has become is falsity. That is not what sons of christ are supposed to be.
    Christ means annointed and that means christened like knights kings and prophets.
    A prophet is a pro fete.
    Someone who announces and holds court at a party a fair a fiesta.
    A master of ceremonies. A poet and singer songwriter of the people for the people. A harbinger of coming festivities. A court jester.
    As well the wise man who tells you the consequences of what is currently going on.

    Kings knights and prophets have munity. They are protected in society and are free and immune to laws created to control man by religious authority.
    A prophet can speak truth to power the way a journalist or folk singer can.
    It doesnt mean you wont necessarily face repercussion once power gets completely corrupt and incorrigible.
    But it means that you have a voice and thay they cant silence it even if they kill you. Like MLK and Ghandi.

    A king is a CEO and other similar types of leaders.
    The law protects them like it protects modern prophets who exercise a voice.
    If you have knights working for you in your company then you too are a king. These knights are your companions in company affairs aka executives.
    And your corporation or collective body of followers are your employees.
    And its yor job to protect the wellbeing of your sheep. Delegated to your executives managers supervisors. Because u are a king.
    In many companies there is a legal counselor or a HR guy sometimes a union rep... These folks are the prophets in your kingdom.

    Its not a very difficult concept.
    Its whay our country was founded upon.
    Whrn jesus tells peter that on this rock i shall build my church he is saying the following.
    You peter are a chip off the old block and a brother to me and son of my father. You have been my companion knight and you will lead your fellow knights im order for this company to continue the mission statement i have set forth.
    Peter, I am your father.
    And your brother.
    You have no other father and all that work alongside you is your brother.
    Because peter petros piedra means stone. And in hebrew that means stone bricks used to build a hearth/altar and then the walla of the house around it.
    And they mean sons who protect the home inside where the family jewela reside. The mothers and daughters and all the wealth in their purses.
    Aka the home economics and the government. Which are the same thing.

    Of course the empire takes this and twists it into a man made god (pope/kaisar/emperor) whose whims all must obey or risk losing their personal property. Their families freedoms or life.

    Chriatianity is the birth and essence of the most libertarian paleo republican freedom loving mindsets that have existed in societies prior to jesus and since. It was what was in our beginings and the only salvation america has.

    And a lot of things you think the bible says are taken way out of context or outright liea by badly educated or outright false prophets known as priests pastors and ministers.

    Just remember that the word churh means kirk in irish. And gene roddenberry was a wise man telling you the character of a true captain Kirk.
    And iglesia the spanish word for church comea from eklesia which means the same as eclectic.
    Who are those strange freaky people called out from all fringes of society to form a new body boldly going forward into the dark where no man has dared to go before.

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