Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i don't think anyone wants to indefinitely ban anyone
    but if you have an obvious source of a problem shouldn't those that come from that background be properly vetted?
    this guy was born here but the FBI knew about him since 2013
    the constant in 98% of this is the religion of peace and its hard to understand why we keep pretending its something else
    i don't have a solution but it sure seems rational to me to at least suspend immigration from muslim countries that hate us until we can get some control
    that is what Trump has said
    there is a global jihad taking place and the target is us
    isn't that obvious?
    Bluezoo, THINKBLUE and irish like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Just a couple points of fact here and then an opinion at the end. If we're talking about banning things, lets at least have the facts correct.

    1. An AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle. It has cosmetic similarities so some assault rifles (M-16, M-4), but it does not have the same capabilities. Assault rifles have effectively been banned for civilian use for over 50 years.
    2. The thing you want banned is a high capacity magazine. There is a difference between a clip and a magazine.
    3. High capacity magazines are already banned in California. Didn't help very much in San Bernardino.
    4. Anyone can 3-d print high capacity magazines at home. Banning them is effectively impossible.
    5. How about home defense against multiple assailants for a non-military application? If someone lives out in the country and three tweakers that have been high on meth for three days show up looking for something to steal so they can get their next fix, I think that person is going to require a firearm that allows him multiple shots (perhaps more than 10) before he has to reload.
    6. This is opinion, but you can make a reading of the second amendment that the intent is for civilians to have these kind of weapons so they can use them in a military application against a tyrannical government.
    LAdiablo, Bluezoo and CapnTreee like this.
  3. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    bill marr said something a while back
    "i'm not anti-muslim, i'm anti-muslim terrorist"
    and for that he got called a racist smh
    even though he added that he was "all for any muslim who contributed to our society"
    they key words that the critics seem to misunderstand aare "muslim" and "terrorist"
    if you add "muslim" to any other term i doesn't necessarily conjour up any negative or hated
    like say, muslim-american
    but if you do the same with "terrorist", it does exactly the opposite
    let's take the words dairy, supermarket, parade...
    muslim-dairy? muslim-supermarket? muslim-beliefs?... no prob
    but terrorist-dairy? terrorist-supermarket? terrorist-beliefs?... yeah, not so much

    adding to what diablo said
    how the fuck was this despicable piece of shit allowed to purchase a gun?
    if you're a recipient of medicinal marijuana you cannot purchase a firearm
    but it's okay if you're on the fbi watch list?
    and the longer we treat these horrible people (again, not all muslims or just muslims) with kit gloves, the longer they will continue to wreak havoc
    i'm going to put an asterisk on diablo's statement that no one wants to indefinitely ban anyone
    i agree...
    unless they hate america
    say you hate america; gtfo, you're deported
    burn a flag; get you ass kicked, and you're deported
    bomb of shoot someone; fuck you, die, and your corpse is deported
    too many people have worked too hard fighting for this country to let some douchebags take it all away

    side note...
    not once did obama or hillary use the word "muslim" when addressing the tragedy
    what is everybody so afraid of?
    Based God, LAdiablo and Bluezoo like this.
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    being seen EVER as politically incorrect

    They all care more about pandering to voters than about expressing hard truths
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I have only watched like 3 minutes of coverage about the tragedy but to me the story is more hate crime and gun rights related than islamoterrorism related.
    Unless more islamist ties come out.

    This fuckwad was a nutjob who hated gays.
    You know how many people in this country feel thay the gays deserved this for being gay?
    Tons more than cheered on 911.
    Lots of old school people hate gays in a real inner phobic type of way.
    They wouldnt do anything to a gay but when misfortune happens their first instinct is a little giddiness and a feeling of comeuppance.
    There is a disgust for gayness that will never go away for certain people. No matter what the PC trends are.
    It was once PC to be dismissive.
    And not PC to be accepting.

    I like depeche mode amd erasure as much as the next gay but i too think that gays would do themselves a service if they tone down the flamage for their own good.
    Imo i think thats what bugs the benign homophobes the most.
    I ask my uncle and he says he doesnt care what someone does behind closed doors sexually or with who.
    But why does the kind of sex they have define the person they are?
    The ridiculous affectations and walking around with your ass hanging out.
    I get it if you are a young gay caught in the victimization trap like young urban blacks back in my day needing to fake being "hard" or thugs.
    But old men who should know better out there dressed in clothes that would make a 20 dollar hooker blush give a lot of heteros the willies.
    And to many others its just theater.
    As in look at those silly gays lol dressed in their silly clothes talking in their silly ways.
    You are free to dress how you like but if you are free you dont need to "break free".
    Because obviously some people just cant handle it.
    Most likely they closet cases who self hate for having dick fantasies in an islamic culture that forbids such things.
    Nobody should be forbidden their gay sexuality. But the lgbt movement like the feminist movement does cause societal cancer.
    Like all religions that try to force an agenda onto others.

    If tomorrow a law was passed guaranteeing sundays off from many types of work so more folks that want to could attend church or spend time with their kids would you be in favor of it?
    Or would you see through the bull?
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    then you need to watch more than 3 minutes
    guy was on the fbi watch list for a reason
    reportedly made threats on his blog/forum
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Shit we say here would be used against us too.
    Imagine if Puig turns up dead how many suspects we would have. Lol
    And wasnt lennon on fbi lists?
    Isnt everybody?
    CapnTreee likes this.
  8. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i've yet to hear anyone here claim to have ties to isis
    and no one here wishes any ill will on puig, just that he'd play harder/smarter/better
    i didn't like carl [the player], but i'd still be bummed if anything happened to him [personally]
    lennon was on their watch list because he possessed/vocalized extreme views at that time
    but the world was a different place back then, and if someone said those same things now no one would raise an eyebrow
    imagine there's no country
    blazer5, THINKBLUE, LAdiablo and 2 others like this.
  9. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    He should have been after marrying Yoko.
    Bluezoo likes this.
  10. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    How dare you.
    Paul McCartney likes this
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
    LAdiablo and irish like this.
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    umm yup

    you DID know that didn't you?

    Oh and Microsoft buying LinkedIn gave them ownership of the worlds largest employment records. What is the value to knowing every professional detail about every single person? Oh it seems $26.1B will do.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Why Microsoft bought LinkedIn for $26 billion, in one word: Cortana
    Know everything about your business contact before you even walk into the room.


    The image above says it all: Microsoft spent $26.1 billion to ensure that you’ll never walk into a meeting “cold” again.

    Picture a typical business trip: meetings all day, drinks at night. A good salesperson knows his or her contacts before he or she steps foot in the door. But that goes for coworkers as well: How you you make them feel comfortable? How do you make them part of a team? How do you let them know who to approach, both inside and outside the company?

    All of this usually takes some effort on your part, or at least a competent assistant. And that’s the role that Microsoft hopes to play, especially with its digital assistant, Cortana, and Office 365.

    Right now, Cortana provides some basic information about your calendar, suggesting, for example, what time you’ll need to leave to ensure you arrive at your next meeting on time. In Microsoft’s digital future, Cortana will be able to sum up what you need to know both about your business relationship, and what information you can use to cement a more personal connection, too. It sounds smarmy, but a good salesperson will tell you that an emotional connection helps seal the deal.

    If the thought of Microsoft owning more data about you—well, you probably should go delete your LinkedIn profile, now. Microsoft already knows your calendar (Outlook), your meetings (Outlook), your coworkers (Delve) your accounts (Microsoft Dynamics CRM) and some of your expertise (Delve). Microsoft calls this the Office Graph.


    Here’s what Microsoft and LinkedIn see the data they know about you.

    For his part, Jeff Weiner, the chief executive of LinkedIn, said that his company envisions a so-called “Economic Graph,” a digital representation of every employee and their resume, a digital record of every job that’s available, as well as every job and even every digital skill necessary to win those jobs. LinkedIn also owns, a training network where you can take classes to learn those skills. And, of course, there's the LinkedIn news feed, where you can keep tabs on your coworkers from a social perspective, as well.

    Buying LinkedIn brings those two graphs together and gives Microsoft more data to feed into its machine learning and business intelligence processes. “If you connect these two graphs, this is where the magic happens, where digital work is concerned,” Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella said during a conference call.

    Microsoft will use the LinkedIn information to empower applications like Delve—which is already part of Office 365. By making Office 365 a more potent application, Microsoft sells more Office 365 subscriptions, specifically to enterprises and small businesses—and possibly sell Lynda training subscriptions right alongside. There are already 1.2 billion Office users, and 70 million Office 365 monthly users in business, Microsoft said. Add to that the 433 million users who have already signed up for LinkedIn (though only 105 million actively use it per month) and Microsoft feels like it can make the two networks, together, indispensable.

    Microsoft essentially blew $7.2 billion chasing Nokia’s handset business? Well, think about this: LinkedIn is essentially the Facebook of the business world, and the digital repository of most of the world’s resumes. You may lie to your friends about whether or not you like Journey, but very few people lie about their resumes to potential employers. And that’s information that Microsoft is willing to pay for.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I married a yoko too.
    Pretty good for me.
    Not so good for the band.
    But they bunch of greedy bastards anyway.
    Still i should probably get a life insurance.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    My questions are rhetorical. You forget who you talking to for a sec?
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Jusy wait.
    The times they are a changing.
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    nah my replies were fully rhetorical as well merely intended to provoke a lively response

    you passed
    rube likes this.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    he was smacked out shit happens
    Bluezoo likes this.
  19. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    For my point I did mention the gun as it was told to me on the news and yes since then I have been educated on the high capacity mag which is the real culprit. The same description of "effectively impossible" to ban can also be used in describing ALL guns in this country. It cannot be done but yet there are some out there that think if you put restriction on sales of high powered guns or mags that it will automatically lead to the banning of all guns which is total and utter PARANOIA.

    Sincere thanks for the lesson on guns craig, no joke thank you.
    Bluezoo likes this.
  20. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That's part of the problem about having a meaningful conversation about this issue...and I'm not just talking you and I here. I mean as a nation.
    There's so much disinformation and confusion (both intentional and otherwise) out there in the media that it's hard to have a reasonable discussion.
    CapnTreee, LAdiablo and Doughty8 like this.
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