Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    You tossed enough names out and libeled enough people you might be in line for a rotating door cabinet position
    Clearly you pay little attention to what I say, unless I'm in lockstep with the thieving GOP you mock what you fail to grasp
    Find where I defend open borders.. I'll wait
    Find where I defend born alive abortions.. I'll wait
    Find true data to backup nonsense 32 trillion dollar Faux News claims.. I'll wait
    Learn how Australia runs a medical system without insurance gouging and honors all preexisting conditions.. I'll wait
    Find where Trump or Russia has been exonerated.. before the highly partisan redacted report is even released.. I'll wait

    Notice that you cast your fears upon me.. while ignoring my words
    Defend a lying Twit's swagger over respect for women or culture
    Mimic this lying Twit and call all your perceived opponents demeaning names like a childish bully
    Clench your collective sphincters and defend being stupid... Plenty of evidence gets presented and ignored

    Cognitive dissonance indeed... Willful Ignorance it shall be.. perhaps you're NOT capable of figuring it out

    Enjoy the Kool-Aid then.
    Sauce likes this.
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    You are granted $.02 for having earned/obtained American citizenship.
    It's only $.02. Use it or don't.
    But if you don't then do not expect anyone else to give a shit about your views since you chose freely to stay silent.
    Vote and be wrong and you still get heard. Plus you get to bkitch and be heard for the next four years.
    Sit on your thumbs? Then sit quietly until the next chance to be heard
    Anything else is just being a hypocrite. And there's a lot of them here at DSP to keep you company
    Ah so you can comprehend.
    This is a land of voters.
    You do not have to vote, but again, if you don't then do not expect anyone to care about your views.
    What is to enforce?
    A non-voter chooses to stay silent. So? Stay silent. Pretty simple to grasp even for GOP lovers
    Just as @TAFNAC chose to claim before the 2016 election?
    @TAFNAC stayed. He didn't vote. He didn't leave. He still mouths off to this day and apparently remains incapable of defending such un-American behaviors like the libertarian hypocrite he chooses to be using America's resources while calling taxes theft. No need to call him "vagina hat" names though, unless you also defend the current fetid GOP stances.
    Of course @rube you wax all religious and metaphysical though when questioned you repeatedly fail to answer or define which set of ancient fables and myths you personally buhlieve in. Faith not so strong as to make it public ehh? Who cares? I shared my background, @huh? shared his. Where was your reply? Busy wanking in the falsely pious anonymous shadows again?

    I can't cheer for the Dodgers without dealing with liars, bullies, hypocrites and willful ignorance. None of you have attempted to refute anything I've stated, you merely attack me for having the temerity to question your bullshit. Now claim 'the vast majority don't vote" once again or whatever false Faux news bullshit drivel you pull up next.. but do so with data for otherwise your pious words bear false witness once again to true ethics.

    And you know your misplaced anger is because this highly moral atheist is right.


    Nov 2011
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    Nobody said YOU support those things. You said if we vote for Trump, we are stupid. You said abstaining is not an option. That leaves us with one realistic choice. To "smartly" vote Democrat. And my point is, if the Democrats advocate for the shit I listed (they do), I'd rather be stupid than smart.

    As for the 32 trillion "Faux" News figure... it is from Geroge Mason University.
    BigDaddyKaine, Finski and TAFNAC like this.
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah i'm not capable of figuring it out and only you have the answer
    you might have a brain but you're seriously a condescending elitist fraud
    i'm sure you and adam schiff like the taste of each others cocks
    Bluezoo likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    Also..."Faux News"? Really? Why does it always come back to that?

    Fox News has an objective straight news division (Brett Baher, Chris Wallace, Shepard Smith, Trace Gallagher, etc.).
    Then they have their opinion shows.
    CNN is opinion 24/7 and they call it straight news.
    CNN lists Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper as "Anchors". FOX lists Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson as "Opinion Hosts"
    Seems to me like Fox is easily more transparent and trustworthy, to me.

    Perhaps that's why it's the most watched cable channel in America?
    Tucker Carlson's single 40 minute show literally has more viewers than the entire CNN prime time lineup combined.

    Funny thing is, I don't even like it.

    But Fox has been shamed my entire life just for being the only outlet who dares to tell the other side of the story.
    LAdiablo and rube like this.
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    If you can only perceive two sides to any issue then you'll draw your own conclusions. I see otherwise and openly argued against HRC. There are a lot of GOP elected officials with zero intent of doing anything but 'winning' and to hell with American's, as they believe that we exist only to be fleeced. These same corrupt GOP legislators support lying Trump regardless of his vile actions. Anything to win.

    It's like an argument with @rube years ago decrying any choice between GOP and Dem as being two sides to the same coin.. so stop supporting the game. I didn't vote for either Trump or HRC and those liberal friends of mine howled about my 'wasting' a vote. Theirs were hollow rants for several basic reasons; A) HRC already purchased CA so my vote didn't matter from the outset; B) As Rube explained, the two party system is rigged and we all lose whenever either side gains too much control. However it's plain to most sentient beings that Trump and the GOP are fucking up our country far worse and far faster than the corrupt Dems ever did; C) I assert that a third party must rise that doesn't cater to either extreme. You all complain "it's never happen" just like Eyore and just as pessimistically. Nothing is easy. No one here has spent as many hours arguing policy points with elected officials than I have. Guess what things DO change, ask Dana Rohrbacher or Mimi Walters about ignoring voters wishes in favor of $$$. But nothing is easy and it's harder still when you adopt a heads or tails attitude. Heads you lose, tails you lose. Or head in the sand where you sit in the corner bkitching about life isn't fair or some other bull. Life ISN'T fair and it's worse when thinking people sit on their thumbs willfully out of misguided libertarian spite.

    Yeah it was the George Mason GOP professor, Charles Blahous, the study's author. Blahous was a senior economic adviser to former President George W. Bush who wrote "... (it will) deliver significant savings on administration and drug costs, but increased demand for care would drive up spending" Of course when insurance companies, and the GOP, want to remove all healthcare for 32,000,000 Americans well of course the costs will rise if they are permitted coverage... and as long as Big Insurance markups are permitted to remain and a single payer system outlawed. Did you expect a GOP shill to support healthcare for the masses?? Look deeper and the studies assumptions grow worse by the paragraph. This is a completely partisan hit piece paraded through the media. This is why I requested most agreeably to examine the Australian model where insurance companies, and churches, are not permitted to jack prices arbitrarily to make dividends. More data supporting my point: Alex Azar, He made millions as the chief executive of pharma giant Eli Lilly. The same Eli Lilly now under investigation for insulin price fixing: Prices for insulin have risen 300% under Trump. Guess who Trump nominates to be the HHS Secretary? The same Alex Azar who is supposed to regulate things like insulin prices. Keep cheering the GOP theft of America while parroting false GOP claims of $32 trillion. Or learn to look deeper.

    Or keep drinking the Kool-Aid
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So your cocksucking obsession again?
    Not calling names lasted how few minutes?
    Back to bullying me?
    I suppose in your mind all your teachers were condescending too?
    Anyone who dares impart knowledge to your oh-so-cool self that challenges your prior ignorant bias must now be a cocksucker?

  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I'll leave most of this alone as both sources you cite are entertainment first.
    Wish to learn the Fox agenda? Then look closely.
    Watch Murdoch and Ailes actions. Or not.

    Yes prior to Fox there were only white Jewish media operations (ABC, CBS, NBC) and thus everything reflected their take. Fox was unabashedly Christian and it shows. Too late tonight for more debate but how about keeping religion out of media?
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i have shared my background a slew of times
    what i dont do is demand others backround information constantly
    what is up with your obsession on my religious views?
    do a search if you like but stop asking over and over like you need to fill out some file on all of us
    if you want to know about my religion you can read books from the 1800's.
    or would you want me to proselytize about that stuff here all the time?
    should i knock on your door in the middle of dinner with a pamphlet asking for a donation?
    but if you really want to know about my faith come to my house on the sabbath
    you will get served
    one lump or two?
    coffee or tree.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2019


    Nov 2011
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    What Kool-Aid?
    I pay a lot for health insurance and I dont like it.
    I also didnt like getting fined in 2015 for electing not to have any.
    I'd welcome a solution.
    But how do you guarantee low cost, quality healthcare for 300 million individuals? And illegals, if Bernie has his way? https://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/bernie-sanders-health-plan-undocumented-immigrants-217931

    We spend so much time talking about how both sides suck, yet we want them in charge of our health? At the cost of our basic liberties? And yes, 32ish trillion by 2029?

    The estimated 27-32 trillion is pretty standard across multiple sources, including the Center for Health and Economy:

    Glad you vetted the original source and I appreciate the insight in your digressions. Details matter.

    But 32 trillion is a simple no for me. Some things are just that simple. And I'm a simple guy (or, as you put it, stupid).

    These candidates cannot expect us to embrace a bigger welfare state when they simultaneously advocate for open borders. Economic suicide.
    Finski likes this.
  11. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Everyone is too fixated on the cost of universal healthcare. There is abundant evidence and examples from other countries as well as several cost-benefit analyses that show universal healthcare leads to increased economic growth (due to a healthier workforce). The ROI and benefits gained from universal healthcare far outweigh the costs. Is it really that difficult to understand? I guess it is for individuals who oppose this but somehow support Trump’s tax plan that added 1.5T to our deficit.
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Nothing, but what's up with espousing them repeatedly?
    If you weren't then the topic wouldn't be broached at all
    Whoa cowboy... if you're one of those... well we have a good time with them when they venture into our neighborhood
    I don't. Now perhaps we won't have to hear you swinging it like a pious axe again on these pages

    Truly dude I permit all their own worship, provided there is no skin removed from my back. Does your 'faith' permit you to reasonably defend the separation of church and state?
    If so then nothing more be said. If not then we have other issues
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Ditto. Thousands per month and then more if I ever use it. This is a broken system.
    Life offers no guarantees but I'll offer you this insight.. No one thought that ACA would work at all and even when the GOP and Big Insurance gutted the most essential element, the Single Payer option, it still worked far better than the lack of coverage millions endured previously.
    Now ask why is the GOP so adamant to take away coverage? Because it only takes it away from the poor and elderly? Or because they are spiteful and want to undo anything from Obama, even if it helped millions, they are millions not registered as GOP.
    They remain illegal solely because of dual party corruption in DC, no other reason
    "IF" they were legal then they'd being paying the same share as we do, which by definition means that we'd be paying less
    Until the GOP figures out how to screw that up as well.
    Ask yourself what the GOP intend to offer. Notice that liar Trump falsely claims that it will be "better".. but provides zero details beyond "trust me, elect me again in 2020 and then I'll show you"
    When liars cannot or will not provide details to which they would be accountable then what do YOU think is going to happen?


    Nov 2011
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    They're illegal because they broke the law. Not because the GOP or even the Dems.
    Doesn't make them horrible people.
    But how do you justify amnesty for all these aliens with healthcare if we cannot contain the flow first?
    You're just offering incentive for people to continue to come if there's no solution at the border.
    irish, Bluezoo and fsudog21 like this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    For the low income person it is worse.
    Before ACA I could pay 250 a month and had shitty coverage that would take me a year and a half just to get the procedure i needed done.
    But when I could get it done my out of pocket expense for the surgery was a very small percentage. I paid 20 bucks to see the doctor.
    Now I pay almost 600 bucks a month just for myself and in the past 3 years have been trying to get a surgery done but every specialist that books me for an appointment calls me back on the day of to let me know that their network no longer takes my insurance.
    I have $600 a month insurance that few doctors in Glendora will take. My visits to a specialist in network will still cost over 150 dollars a pop.

    Instead of all the thousands I have spent in monthly premiums over the years I could have taken 1k out and just paid cash for the surgery in any other country on the continent. Shit I think the most I would pay cash here in the US would be between about 3k if I just walked in without insurance.

    Of course when you compare it to the thousands a month a middle class person has to spend then numbers start becoming relative.
    But the working poor are not better off.
    The only real positive was the preexisting conditions bit.
    But we know that was just a wizards play to get the HMO's the win they really wanted, which was forcing the population to be required to buy insurance by penalty of law.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    If you say that I espouse my religious views repeatedly why do you keep asking me what they are?
    You keep asking for my religious views but when I offer you shrink?
    You permit others to worship as they may? That's pretty magnanimous of you.
    My religion is not tolerant of things that are anathema to it.
    We are not gentlemen in that way.
    Tolerance is like Nice and its for little girls.
    Empathy, Compassion, Others-Centeredness, Kindness are for men.

    I have never been considered a pious person by anyone before, thanks!
    Pious simply means obedient. Someone who follows instructions. Who reads or hears a teaching and actually learns it and applies it. Someone studious who analyses the situation, its depth, and how it affects not just himself but more importantly the community around him. Essentially someone you can count to do a thorough job and not take shortcuts or half ass it or make a mistake in any way.
    I really wish that was me. Maybe when I was a kid. Maybe when someone was paying me a salary. Maybe when im doing something I love. Maybe when I have had no other choice.

    My faith demands skin off my back.
    Because my .2 cents is literally the least I can do.
    Even the poorest person has .2 cents.
    Everyone in the world has their .2 cents.
    That tells you how much its worth.
    Except when its all you got.
    Then your opinion is worth all the money in the world.
    And my religion values that currency more than any.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Thank you.
    I do it for the children.
    And for Irish.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The final option.
    Or solution.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i'm tired of your megalomania
    you are the one trying to bully (can't really cause you're kinda old)
    in the last week you have directly called me a fool, stupid etc. because thats your character or lack thereof
    and I have something to learn from you almighty Capn?
    no thanks cocksucker and i'll say it straight to your face if i should see you again
    you're acting like some smug superior intellect that can teach all of us retards how to live right
    get over yourself you aren't that awesome
    still voting for Pocahontas fool?
    i can name ten pretty awesome things this president has done for the USA
    want to try doing that w any of the democrat hopefuls?
    what has your party done for the last two years to help this country?
    vote not to resuscitate aborted fetuses born alive?
    you really are turning into a special kind of idiot
    "anyone who dares impart knowledge" what a douchebag
  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    They are illegal because the Dems and GOP agreed to make them illegal. No other reason.
    When the Irish or Germans or Italians or Scots or Englishmen, #Europeans, arrived on boats 100 or 150 years ago they were required to provide their names, where they were from, they were assigned a tax ID # and told to follow the laws of the land. Within hours. (also to speak English but that is a wormhole I'm dodging for the moment)
    They were then released within hours and were never an issue again.
    The blacks and Chinese were less fortunate as they arrived conscripted though that too is an irrelevant wormhole.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE supporter of a border wall/fence/barrier so that they all must get processed.
    Like our great grandparents were.
    Then they're tracked by census and compelled to pay their share of our taxes.
    Like we do.
    No more BS 'gray economy' where BOTH major parties look the other way for decades
    While exploiting their cheap labor
    No more "Dreamers" where we provide them drivers licenses and social services outside the law until all of our hospitals break as so many have.

    The problem as I see it is the corruption in DC like I continue to explain
    No DC ethics means that BOTH sides mosey the issue down the road until when? Until "Dreamers" retire and are stiffed Medicare?
    Buddy I know you earnestly care for very special reasons. It was from some of our heartfelt conversations that I've molded my views.
    Permitting there to be no path whatsoever to citizenship is BS. As is claiming they "broke the law" when the law has been perverted so badly by current heartless thieves and cowards.
    I just read about a soldier who died for us in Afghanistan and now his spouse is getting deported years later leaving behind a 12 year old, who by birthright is a USA citizen and permitted to stay. With whom? WTF??
    What sort of shit is that? Died for the freedoms we ourselves enjoy but now your widow gets deported? I'm desperately trying NOT to blame the twit-in-chief but it's exactly his 'executive decree' making this shit happen.

    And everyone still argues about this?!?

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