Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.



    Nov 2011
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    No matter how corrupt or rigged the system is...and no mater how the cheap labor GOP and demographic changing Dems make crossing over tempting.... the individual makes a choice to come in. They are illegal because of their personal decision to break the laws that exist. Whether laws are fair is an entirely different argument.
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Rube are you going to permit me to agree with you on this ever? You state so much that I emphatically agree with.
    Big Insurance and Big Pharma were permitted to fuck up the ACA at the 11th hour at the insistence of the GOP who would not back it at all unless they removed the biggest feature that American's cared about which was the Single Payer option. This would have kept rates lower due to the massively larger pool available. Of course the profits of the aforementioned Big industry lobbyists were more important...and being able to blame Obama for their own wretched heartlessness.
    So now lets repeal all of ACA where some 30M+ lose all healthcare coverage.. so that "IF" we reelect this twit then and only then he'll tell us his better plans might be. Riiiiiiiight.

  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So.. send your sweetheart packing back across the border then.
    Or come up with some better way of solving this problem.

    It's been damn quiet every time I suggest such a thing.
    Tell her you'll visit when vacation allows.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2019
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I do not bring up Organized Religion, yet when others do I do not avoid sharing my views.
    You offer "read books from the 1800's" as if that were forthright.
    You quote "Canticles of Solomon" and then shrink while claiming that I do??
    I personally prefer you keep your religion to yourself as it rarely aids the conversation when used in vague parables.
    You calling out @huh? ? You about to claim to be a follower of the "religion of peace"??
    I thought not. So keep it to yourself.
    Or don't. But if you spout scriptures then expect to be called on the same. Rather like other "men's" rules.
    Or insult me for "tolerance" while showing none yourself. Fuck You if you need it stated that way.
    Most OR espouse tolerance in the same breath as empathy.. other than the 'religion of peace' fools.
    Per Google:
    1. characterized by an attitude of moral superiority.
      "they had quite a critical, holier-than-thou approach"
      synonyms: sanctimonious, self-righteous, complacent, smug, self-satisfied, priggish, pious, pietistic,
    Do you mind if we use actual word definitions rather than twisted Rube definitions? We'll get farther. Unless your goal is not to do so.
  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    you steadfastly echo thoughts to your own detriment. I know that you're smarter but you refuse to lift a finger to prove it
    maybe admit that you're not a billionaire and only a millionaire and adore Trump's tax laws and dismantling of healthcare because you're mean spirited. I don't care. You choose to support him even knowing he's a liar, a thief and and morally unethical being.
    So maybe admit that you're a racist? or whatever serves you.
    or perhaps provide a better thought out answer to tough questions
    or.. or start calling names again, like bully's do
    I'll wait.. this should be interesting
    A) Not my party if you'd been paying ANY attention
    B) the Democrats have been locked out of all branches of gubberment by whom? Yeah lying Trump's rules changing GOP thieves led by McConnell. Did you forget that part? Sorry rhetorical question.. as the answer was provided in the question
    Name calling again.. and again ignoring that your hostility bears no answers merely more attacks.
    I provide unwelcome data, you reply with personal attacks
    I guess you learned from the liar in chief to double down when shown to be wrong.
    So you buhlieve that windmills cause cancer too ehh? LOL

    You are right in that I 'could' have not called lying Trump lovers "stupid".
    Of course you 'could' have admitted that he's continually a racist sexist liar
    Like that was going to happen
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    oh now i'm mean spirited lol
    a mutual friend actually called and asked me if i saw your unhinged fb post but of course i didn't since i gave up following you a long time ago
    you've provided no facts whatsoever and continue to call him a racist sexist liar like that is so damning
    that defines 90% of congress especially democrats
    you've come undone and gone completely unhinged
    i actually feel sorry for you
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    "All I know is that I know nothing"
    -------some Greek guy
  8. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Shultz was Greek?

    rube, Finski, irish and 2 others like this.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yeah.. as if.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

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    irish likes this.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Evidently the Jews have not learned a thing from the Catholics
    The families of eight young children have filed suit against a prominent Washington, D.C., synagogue and one of its leaders, alleging they ignored warnings that a teacher at the congregation's preschool was sexually abusing the children for more than two years.

    The families, who are filing the suit anonymously, to protect the children's identities, say the alleged abuse occurred at Washington Hebrew Congregation's Early Childhood Center, a Reform Jewish synagogue founded in the 1850s.
    The lawsuit names Jordan Silverman, a teacher at Washington Hebrew Congregation's preschool, as the abuser. Silverman, who was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit, has not been charged with any crimes and denies the allegations in the lawsuit.

    Now let's see if this story gets buried too or if they launch a brimstone parade about it
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Shine is what people who feel they are enlightened do. From the beginning of time until the end. The beautiful golden glittery smooth silky slimey types.
    It creates fantasy web as reality built upon a maze of lies = wizardry/maya/magic/illusion
    Shining is in the history and legend of every culture.
    It is the process which veils our eyes.
    Masterpieces are to be studied and contemplated.

    Sarcasm is a cheap mans shot. What can I say... I try to stay away from it but im a sinner man and thats one i struggle with at certain times. Thank God that my religion knows all about how the struggle is real.

    Votes are not legitimate. Hillary just won. I am guessing you dont like the Electoral College.
    I have never met anyone who likes the EC. Only politicians on TV would say they like the EC.
    I bet if there was something on the ballot about abolishing the EC that would change because of politics.
    But if you polled people now the answer would clearly be to abolish.
    Of course in the real world we know that cannot happen.
    Left and Right two sides of a coin. Pick your poison.
    You have to pick.
    You have to play the game when the Peace Rune comes to you.
    You can't abstain, right ?
    Abstaining is an instakill. You take the L.
    At least if you pick you played the game, you made a choice, you mattered.
    Maybe... but at least there is a maybe, at least there is hope.
    That is a religion Cap.
    Its weak but it exists.
    It is like that of Two-Face, the Joker, Anton Chigurh and Death at the chessboard.
    There is no way out in that religion. It's hard core.
    It leaves no room for a pardon, for a second chance, for salvation.

    Just for shits and giggles you know how they make a king?
    Paper Tiger challengers.
    By using the 'third party' stuff to suck off votes from the lesser desired candidate.
    In October with a surprise.
    The EC.
    And many others you should remember.
    If all that fails well there's always the peace option like JFK.

    What are my "Trumpian assertions" Im not on here on the rah rah. You got me confused.
    Check this out though. Russia did manipulate in the election and helped Trump win.
    I agree with you and the liberals who push this.
    Of course we do that kind of stuff too.
    We do it best probably. So what?
    I have no problem with the hypocrisy of the US complaining that the Russians are spying.
    The Russians are the other team. Fuck the other team.
    But when the Warriors start winning all the other teams try to play the gay area way.
    Your vote goes through your states delegate and super delegate system and then if its still worth a damn it goes into the EC where it can be further manipulated.
    Then that guy gets to put elders into the politburo for life as well as getting to put a slew of appointed people in positions of immense control. Folks no one voted for representing the interests of the class of Lords/Elites.
    Your vote is put into a system where it gets manipulated to shreds and other large groups of people you will never see in your life elect themselves into a group that then signs off on who will be the president.
    That power is not just gonna go into your grubby little hands Cap. That power is not for us to have.
    The government is a cult. Every one of them. We have to put up with that cult. That is tolerance.
    Every politician that goes in knows it or will quickly find it out.
    Governments are always corrupt. Politicians go into it to get money for nothing and chicks for free.
    Just like they do in Russia.

    As usual you have no idea who you are talking to because your arguments are your inner monologue and not about me.
    I did not vote for Trump remember. I did not vote.
    I could not vote for Hillary obviously.
    An 'alternative' candidate is not an alternative when all he does is ensure a siphoning away of potential votes from the candidate propped up to lose.
    The president is who the president is.
    There is only one party.
    And its the peoples party comrade Cap.
    You don't want anything to do with it.
    They have a left and a right and a center too.
    The center always holds.
    Remember Bukharin to the right, Trotsky to the left and Stalin dead center consolidated both.
    It's a bloodsport.
    Powers and principalities.
    Way above our grade.
    Don't eat the free cheese.
    Its poison to the soul.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2019
  13. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    I like the EC.
    It dilutes individual votes, and it give the minority power. It's an attempt at trying to allow democracy and blunting mob rule.
    People don't like it because it's not "democratic" (little d). That's why I like it. It makes it really hard for a the majority to do stuff majorities like to do.
    That's why certain people hate it.

    I'd rather the government didn't really have the power to do anything dangerous.
    But as a second option, making it hard for people to wield the governments power to do dangerous things is a good try.
    rube, Finski and fsudog21 like this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Oxygen is what corrodes the iron in blood that makes blood based creatures who can't exist without breathing eating or drinking oxygen into mortal men.
    God gives and God takes away.

    We are not a democracy yet that is what we say we are when we try to spread it to our neighbors. That is what we call ourselves on TV.
    Why the veil?
    Or maybe the designs of the founders of the first order have already been altered so much that this is not the republic you read about in your civic books.
    Does calling the empire a first order democracy make it so that we can pretend we are not the empire when we drop our ships on someones desert?

    The EC is never going to be removed because the people are not trusted with that kind of immense power.
    It would be retarded to give us that power.
    That kind of power cannot be given.
    It has to be seized for it to mean anything.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    It is a restrainer with a shelf life inherent in its system because it rewards who can buy border/port areas CA NY TX FL with ever growing populations and control of political and economic power allowing foreigners with other traditions, biases, cults, morals, vices, to eventually overrun the founding principles that the EC was created to protect.
    It then makes smaller waspy middle states join up into leagues to sell their votes to the highest national and local corporate candidates in order to compete with the internationalist groups running the borders and port areas.

    When that restrainer is pulled away all hell will break loose.
    And it wont be because 'finally' a president of the people can do whatever he wants. (would get shot/killed/shamed anyway)
    It wont be because the people will rule.
    It will be because if somehow the EC is removed what will be created in its place will be far worse for the population.
    The EC is how the government is able to tolerate/placate/resist the mob.
    Its a buffer that makes business safe between the government and the people.
    Think of the government as foreign invaders that we are appeasing with tribute so they can protect us instead of attack us.
    So we the large 'mob' pay off another smaller 'mob' that has ungodly levels of power in comparison to our much larger mob.
    The EC helps keep peace amongst the families.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2019
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    After giving the other cheek... your only defense is to assert your right to remain silent and plead the fifth when you are being tried by the government. Like if you are already gone. Because you are.
    They want to know what you know. If you don't give it to them they will crucify you.
    AKA... "Prove to us that you really are the wisest person or we kill you."
    No matter what you say you will die.
    Socrates was an atheist in regards to the polytheism of his time.
    He was the destroyer of sophistry when everyone was loving it.
    He was the anti-philosopher killed by the philosophers who were a little less wise than he.
    Socrates felt he was only a little wiser than other men. He knew about nothing.
    That wisdom was that he knew that those other men felt that their knowledge and intelligence granted them the ability to climb the ladder of their polytheist science giving them insight into mysteries that made them wise.
    Socrates knew that all of that higher knowledge did him no good when he knew he was a dead man walking. Socrates had reached the pinnacle of wisdom and knowledge and found it a delusional trick.
    And even that knowledge was meaningless to him because the price of learning it was his death.
    Because death is not a thing
    Death is nothing.
    And Socrates was already there. He was walking with death.
    Those other wise men had yet to know nothing the way Socrates knew nothing.
    That all their wisdom was a lie. There is no Elysian Fields. There is only nothing. Your democracy your religion your cult your philosophy is a lie. There are no gods waiting for us. We picked the wrong side.
    We fucked up. It was not worth it. Our gods are nothing. They were not gods, they were death.
    We were all fools and now we all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!
    But they would know it soon. Their day was coming.
    Life conquers death and it was coming soon to a manger near you.
  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    If you look up democracy in the dictionary, it describes a system where the people exercise the power, or they elect representatives to do so.
    This first is direct democracy, and sure as shit would be an instant shitshow.
    The second is representative democracy, which the US qualifies.
    So I'm not so hard over on saying the US isn't a democracy. Technically it's a constitutional republic, but the second definition of democracy is also the case.
    But anything that moves farther away from the constitutional part and more toward the direct part is bad juju.

    Actually, if you want to get all theoretical, the ideal government system (if you insist on having a government) is one that is strictly based on rule of law. Very little to vote on, other than changes to the law, which should be extremely infrequent.
    rube, LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    By people on TV I meant politicians, heads of state, scientists, military officials, diplomats, historians, etc... America has been all about spreading 'democracy'. We can't pretend that its just the dumb TV presenters or people that don't know what democracy is.
    The truth of course is that you are right. They do not know what democracy is but they actually do believe we are a democracy.
    Athenian democracy failed and it was replaced by worse demons than that.
    When the revolutionists went for the royal family in Russia and we got the soviets that was done in the name of democracy.
    In our land the revolution included the freedom to have the local loosely affiliated familial historical clan system of common working people called 'the church' separate from hierarchical government state control where the people eventually lose all their power for a vote that gets devalued with every term of quantitative easing. Problem was that the people sold themselves out for the most part.
    That's why our republic is a fragile thing like a mirror with a laser powered reflection. It's a test of the people.
    The people are the church and the government is our mirror that we want pointed the other way at all times.
    Other than the outliers at each end of the spectrum governments usually reflect the people of that land.
    Finski likes this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i honestly do
    we've known each like 40 years and your anger is making you miserable
    you are attacking friends and strangers alike because you are so certain your pov is the right one
    thats not how its supposed to work
    you can care less who you are alienating w the incessant need to belittle and insult anyone who disagrees
    that must be an awful place to live
    i disagree w nearly 100% of what Sauce says but at least its civil
    you are throwing out personal direct insults like they don't matter
    acting like a cocksucker basically
    i don't know whats going on with you but i hope you get better
    Bluezoo likes this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That is no longer democracy but our corporate DBA 'Democracy".
    Our system is more like that of Constantinople. Or like the Lakers the past 10 years.
    A democratic republic with a thick level of bureaucracy as a wall between petty and the real administrative power of the polyarchy that 'democratically' (aka spiritually speaking) represents the public interest. Problem is when the spirits fall from grace and the polyarchy becomes what it always becomes which is an oligarchy of the polyarchy from the republic.
    Democracy is about pleading to our emotions. Thats why its always been related to spiritism. That is where they get their power and how they manipulate the voters. And why people think that you should vote for what is in your best interest. That not doing so is crazy.
    This system works great for the upper class obviously. The polyarchy and those that benefit from it. The middle class too of course... for a while.
    But the lower classes are fucked in this system.
    They do not get a voice and their vote never matters because they live where their vote does not matter and they are programmed into voting for candidates that lie to them for generations and never actually do what is in their best interest when they do vote for their best interests. And they cannot get into the political system because it takes lots of money due to the polyarchy making money part of the draconian system of bureaucracy that makes it impossible for the working man, a history teacher, a brain surgeon or even bar tender without having to result to selling their soul to the chaos wielding social justice warrior leftist kit and kaboodle just to get into the game.

    It is an oligarchy that functions like a draconian polyarchy of wealthy elites that represent power in all its forms veiled through a voting system that can be manipulated easily at many levels that we brand as American or Western Democracy to subjects and potential subjects worldwide and at home... but its our oligarchy that functions like a draconian polyarchy of wealthy elites that represent power in all its forms veiled through a voting system that can be manipulated easily at many levels that we brand as American or Western Democracy to subjects and potential subjects worldwide and at home damnit! And we love it because its what we got and loving is what we got.
    TAFNAC likes this.

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