Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    clearly no one can tell him what to say and truthfully i wish he would give it a rest more often than not w this stuff
    not sure how it disrespected the code talkers other than taking the bright light off of them for a moment
    she is mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 20 and in that sense its kind of brilliant to make her own up to what she did
    so while i was laughing and see it as smart i also could have done without it lol
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    its been that way for a long time though
    i used to have kids birthday pool parties at my house and the thought crossed my mind way back then
    one of those times the 10 year old girls pulled down a boys shorts underwater, typical kid stuff
    kid freaks out and wants his parents to come get him
    i was at the bbq slightly baked and music was playing when suddenly this happens
    so i go out front to meet the parents w a big smile and hey i'm sorry but it was underwater and i don't think anyone even knows who did it
    but he wasn't exposed and obviously he was taking it hard
    they were looking back at me like I was the one who did it!
    a little thing like that gets talked about a few times and suddenly i'm a child molester dad in the neighborhood
    where theres smoke theres fire and did you hear what he did back at that kids party?
    makes you not want to even talk to women and kids but what kind of world is that?
  3. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Fair enough. I wish he would have waited til after the conference so the lasting image isn't him making a bad joke with them in the picture.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I bet most of you did not know that I used to be a social worker.
    It only takes one person with an axe to grind.
    If its a dude at least you can fight him. Even with reasoning.
    You cannot win vs women unless you cheat or lower yourself to their level.
    It happened at this past job again and why I prefer to work for myself or operate in small squad based work environments.
    Cheaters and other douchebags can get away with it. So can bullies and true predators.

    The rest are targeted for being "chumps".
    I think its subconscious and primal in nature. Most women dont do this on purpose... I really dont think so. But I may hold women up to too high a pedestal.

    This happens in history.
    Men are used to acting out their primal instincts.
    Women do it too. It can work out alright.
    The issues are when men start to act on female primal instincts and women act on their male primal instincts.
    Chaos ensues.
    The chaotic evil-aligned call this a New Genesis.

    The thing with cycles is that eventually you get to the end of the linked chain and the cycle ends. There will be no more fence between us and the destroyer.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Witches were real. So are communists and predators.
    Salem burned lots of witches that did not perform witchcraft.
    At least not as witchcraft was originally defined.
    When you give a thing you dont like the name of a thing you know everyone else hates you can then paint everyone that does that thing in a light that will get them easily hated and you easily loved by the pop.
    The pop is evil. We are the pop. We go boom and bust. It is our way. It is evil.
    We want to win so we need to create losers so we can be winners. That is the mindset we are born with and of course must fight against.

    Does not mean there really were no witches.
    Just that most of those burned at the stake were not performing true witchcraft. So they were not really witches and should not have been burned.
    They were either guilty of being witchcraft curious or they were not doing witchcraft at all but things the pop did not understand, was science that was too new or too old for them (which is same exact thing to the religion of "science" that every leader gets his 'advice' from).

    The same with communists and sexual predators.
    But hey, how does the song go?
    First they came for the witches and I said nothing because fuck witches
    Then they came for the communists and I said nothing because fuck commies and all their free love hippy bullshit!
    Then they came for the bullies and I said nothing because im not a bullly, right?... right?
    Then they came for the sexually deviant and I said nothing because.... as as I said, I said nothing and things were getting a little too close to home.
    It was too late by then though.
    Because then they came for the jews and it was too late. I was fucked. Because I was a jew and it was curtains for me. Or was it lamp shades.
    What i mean is the nazis are coming.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    If Franken resigns or talks about resigning then the shit has hit the fan.
    The country will go into cold war on itself.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Fun fact.
    All mammals like us are XY/XX. Male/Female.
    Most other animals are not in that system at all. Its whole different system called the ZW system and it works differently.
    The only exception are a few types of insects, certain types of trees, and most of the more ancient non venomous types of snakes.
    They have the same genetic system as humans and other mammals.
    The types of snakes that are in the human side genetically are not vipers/cobras/rattlers but boas/pythons who are more selective in how they eat.

    There is always a snake in the green grass with the tall trees.
    Men are like trees. They have age you can track through the cycles in their life. They are bigger and taller and give nourishment, support, and shade that protects you from the force of nature.
    Some trees bear no fruits though. Or worse yet they bear only poison.
    Everyone needs furniture and money does grow on trees.

    The snake always finds a woman to talk to.
    No mind wants to give the snake any mind.
    The snakes got no mind but an AI.
    You already know what hes gonna say.

    But the woman forgets when her mind is seeing reds, again and again.
    And the grass looks greener in the shade of the dark side of the big tree.
    Too bad for her that the anaconda dont want none unless she got buns hun.
    And if she takes his poisoned cockle then her matrix will get sent back to the age when rocks did not yet roll.

    Men are like trees but snakes are like dicks.
    And all men are dicks.
    But not all dicks are evil.
    Some just want to get close to you and hug you.
    That's not a bad thing.
    Some of course want to fuck you and that sounds bad.

    Unless you're into that sort of thing. Then its awesome!
    And if you are a woman you are naturally born being into that sort of thing.
    Unless you end up with a corrupted matrix through genetic manipulation caused by chemical imbalances in your genepool or life experience.
    A matrix can go into an ice age. A cold dry war.
    And the only thing that can make it hum like a well oiled machine is heat.
    Dicks are good at bringing the heat.
    Those motherfuckers are always running hot until they peter out.
    But that's a joke for another day.
    Today we are talking about snakes and dicks.

    Snakes are important because they eat rats for lunch and keep most of our vermin in check.
    They are the kings of the jungle because even the mighty black panther gets fucked if he rolls up on a vigilant snake.
    Probably why the previous Americans all feared the snake and treated it with reverence and awe.
    We get the word vigilante from being a watchman, a watcher, a bishop, a sentinel. A grown up boy scout.
    These are all snakes.
    Cops are all snakes. Cops are all dicks. Cops are all trees.
    Most snakes don't actually carry any hot lead in their fangs.
    Most snakes don't even have fangs.
    Most that do don't even use them against humans.
    Most that do bite humans only do it out of sheer panic in self defense.
    Very few are fucking douchebag dicks that are trying to fuck you and poison your matrix.
    Most just want a warm soft place to coil up and feel safe.

    Women have the cup of wisdom and leadership.
    Man have the rod of will and power.
    They need each other but like a key and a lock they must be used the right way.
    You cant open a lock with a lock.
    It may work to open the lock... eventually.
    But you will destroy both locks and usher the matrix into a permanent nuclear ice age in the process.
    And if somebody comes and uses or worse yet you allow them or even worse yet you yourself use a different key that was not mated to that lock it will fuck up your matrix which is the legend unlocked by the key under the doors of the treasure chest that reveals the map to where X marks his spot.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Franken not gonna resign. He thinks he can ride it out, and that his lefty media alliance will protect him.
    fsudog21 and THINKBLUE like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Funny how Franken, Moore, Conyers can all hang on.
    But anyone in the private sector gets fired right away.

    Almost like government is...corrupt.
    harkeyed, LAdiablo, fsudog21 and 2 others like this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    did you see the black caucus senators leaving that meeting?
    reporter asks if they think that given the allegations and people being fired etc it should happen
    the guy asks for examples and the reporter says weintein, lauer etc.
    and this arrogant fuck says "who voted for them?"
    now they are saying that senators should have "more training"
    you mean on the laws you motherfuckers wrote?
    getting close to grab the torches time
    TAFNAC, irish and THINKBLUE like this.
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    why is this talentless worthless fuck even a discussion
    i guess it really is all about him
    al franken
    douche of the highest order
    harkeyed likes this.
  12. harkeyed

    harkeyed DSP Legend

    Sep 2012
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    Just wait until they release the names of all the senators and congressmen that used our tax dollars to buy their way out of their own harassment charges. I saw Mitch McConnell on FOX yesterday and he was asked about this. He hinted that they want to release the names moving forward and not from the past? WTF, like they are still going to be able to use tax dollars for their dirty deeds?

    Drain the fucking swamp….
    LAdiablo, TAFNAC and irish like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Its not about Franken.
    Its about persecution.
  14. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Douche, yes.

    But he was was funny at one time as part of Franken and Davis.
    rube likes this.
  15. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    This is the problem with career politicians. They really believe they're a kind of ruling class above normal people.
    CapnTreee, fsudog21 and harkeyed like this.
  16. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    same with celebs
    they're all entitled
    guys like weinstein, lauer think they're untouchable
    that the rules (laws) don't apply to them

    side note...
    funny how geraldo came to lauer's defense
    then backtracked after bette middler accused him of groping her
  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I don't think anything could disgust me more than the thought of Geraldo Rivera and Bette Middler engaging in coital relations.
    fsudog21 and irish like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    because most of them are
  19. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I guess that's not really the problem. The problem is they act like it.
    fsudog21 and irish like this.


    Nov 2011
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    "The NFL and a group of players reached an agreement in principle late Wednesday night to partner on a plan to address social justice issues considered important to African-American communities, sources told ESPN."

    Great. Start by cutting off welfare and teaching fathers not to ditch their families. Should solve most of your issues.

    Such a waste of time and resources. Restore common sense and decency.
    LAdiablo and irish like this.

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