Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    great post bz
    problem today is society
    it's now the norm to question authority/leadership and disrespect those who came before them
    the constitution lays a great foundation, but there are many areas/statutes that are antiquated and need to be amended
    freedom of speech, right to assemble might need some revisions
    i took pride in reciting the pledge of allegiance every day
    and standing for the national anthem
    not saying we need complete totalitarianism, but there needs to be a little... for lack of better terms, reverence
    maybe a little bit of third world order
    remember the looting after the la riots?
    shoot one of those ckunts in the head and see if anyone else picks up a tv
    and while we're at it fuck rodney king
    motherfucker was high on pcp driving in excess of 100mph through a residential area
    only crime in his beating is that the limp-dicked traitor who videotaped it and sold it to the media
    and that's not racist, i'd be saying the exact same thing had it been a white tweeker
    sorry man, ranting...
    just miss patriotism and respect
    Finski, LAdiablo, Bluezoo and 2 others like this.


    Nov 2011
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    ^I think the police need to be held accountable for brutality (like what happened with Rodney).
    That said, I don't think cops just start beating the shit out of people for no reason in 2018.
    If you get shot or beat, it's because you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing.

    CUT TO MSNBC NEWS: "DeVarious was such a great boy! He never did nothin wrong!"

    There are exceptions, of course.
    irish likes this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    bottom line about the white tweaker is that while you may have said the exact same thing about him.. he is the mythical white guy people bring up
    because it was not a white guy getting beat half to death
    its generally not a white guy
    im sure white guys get beat
    but statistically speaking you can go ahead and say that it practically never happens.
    so while im with you that you would say the same thing if it was a white tweaker getting beat to death... the white tweaker is not getting beat to death.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
  4. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    people of all color get beaten
    just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen
    media only broadcasts what spike interest/rage, hence, ratings
    i still don't know a single black man who thought oj was innocent
    but the media wouldn't quote them... they'd find black men/women wearing "free oj" t shirts and make it a race war
    furhman et al would have done the exact same thing to king if he had been white
    no man or woman, should be unjustly punished because of their race/creed/ethnicity/religion/sexuality/etc
    that said, anyone who commits a crime -- regardless of race/creed/ethnicity/religion/sexuality/etc -- should be accountable for their actions and pay the price for their crimes
    LAdiablo likes this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    getting beat nearly to death?
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    not condoning that shit at all
    but he shouldn't have been treated like a celebrity either

    btw i fucked up earlier when i referenced fuhrman with king instead of oj
    rube likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I have this thing with the word 'shouldn't'.
    I tell the boss that there is such and such problem and his response is 'impossible, x shouldn't result in y'.
    And im like... yes... but it does.
    Its not supposed to work like that he says.
    And im like... but it does sometimes.
    But its not programmed that way he says.
    And im like... i know, but it still doing that thing you said it should not do.
    So go fucking the problem already.

    Should is not wont/cant. We use should so much when we really are wishing that should meant cant/wont.
    Its also a huge passing the buck technique.
    You ever tell a kid... hey, you shoulda known better than this.
    Why not just tell the kid... hey, you know better than this.

    Should and kind of and like are not trueisms. They are emotional buffers.

    Here is the thing with this dude.
    Drugs like PCP turn you into an unholy demon zombie.
    Unless you are Jesus or Father Merrin you will most likely have to remove a lot of your humanity to deal with this kind of threat.
    And once you get amped up like that there is no easy off switch to get you to turn off your base ape like instinct to beat the shit out of a bad guy. Like how in third world countries where they take incest seriously those fuckers get chased out into the street with machetes and get eunuched in the public square.
    Once that blood debt is raised it is tough to bring the rage down. So you will always have excessive force when you need to use force.

    Two wrongs don't make a right.
    Except when they do.
    Because it was not the guy with the camera that made King a celebrity.
    It was not the media that made him one.
    It was not us watching at home either.
    It was the cops who beat the living shit out of him and erased every one of his sins with that beating.
    They could not stop themselves from being gorillas and stomping all over the guy after he was subdued.
    They expiated his sins.
    Most of us forgave his errors on the spot.
    We acknowledged them. He was wrong and drugs are bad m'kay... but what was done to him made him a celebrity by default.
    There is no should or should not.
    Only will and will not.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You can tell its a monday for me....
    irish likes this.
  9. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Btw, went to a corporate Christmas party Saturday, and the kids one by one, sit on Santa's lap and got a toy...blah, blah...so the one kid, who was scared shit, ran away in horror. And the mother shouted, " Kahleesi, go get your present from Santa"!
    Can Tyrion and Drogon be far behind?
    BlueMouse, blazer5, Finski and 2 others like this.
  10. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    surprised she didn’t accuse st nick of molestation
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    She will grow to wed the Stallion Who Mounts the World.
    Some guy who was sitting at the table with me ( actually older than me, if you can believe), when he saw my reaction, asked me "so what kind of name is that anyway, Kahleesi"?
    I told him "Dothraki".
    So he says, " Oh ".
    BlueMouse, irish and rube like this.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I am white.
    Mexican, but white.
    I know the inside of every local SGV jail and some nice county establishments in the IE, OC and of course LA.
    I had long hair, drove older vehicles, came home really late from playing basketball nightly so I always looked dirty and sweat stained.
    I never used any drugs and only drank once in a while socially. Never while driving.

    All the things you mentioned are normal. You fit the description and you get sweated out by the cops.
    That is how they operate.
    Blacks all look alike which is a racist thing to say. But there it is. It is an inconvenient fact that dark faces are harder to distinguish.
    So that means that blacks fit the description 100% of the time.
    You and I have to be all sweaty and be in a run down car and have long hair... basically look like a pot head for the cops to draw us into the game.
    Blacks gotta play the game no matter what they look like or are into.
    You like hoodies and you are white then you must be a nerdy techie.
    You like hoodies and you are black then you must be a thug.
    That is the profiliing you call good policework.
    That is horrible police work. It is letting the analytics do your job.
    When you do the analytics do your job innocent people go to jail and the guilty go free.

    Now look at you and me getting harrassed by the cops for looking how we did.
    You are white and you feel that being harassed by cops and having your car tossed and sitting on a curb is unjust.
    It is, if you are white. It is an incredible injustice because white people should not have to endure such things.
    Well they shouldn't... but times a changing and white people might start noticing that their skin won't save them for much longer.

    If you are mexican then all the things that happened to you would not be an injustice but a huge blessing.
    How do you think I go into a random traffic stop?
    Luckily for my heart I do not panic anymore. For two decades I did. Now I take pills for the damage caused.
    I made it though. I hit 40 and still alive and not in prison and have most of my teeth and internal organs and am not in a wheelchair.
    I'm im heaven.
    If I would have been pulled over and had my cars tossed and never gone to jail, never gotten beat by a cop, never had my cars impounded, never caught a case with real time behind it, etc... I would have a completely different view of things.
    I would have been in heaven all this time.
    Like you/white people are in this analogy.

    If I saw a cop approaching me I knew that I had a beating, jail time, major property loss, and the possibility of catching a case thrown my way around 50% of the time.
    That's the Mexican standard.
    You only know the White standard. The percentage of time you will face any actual consequences for being profiled are virtually nil.
    Black people on the other hand... fuck. Now matter how much self reporting *lol* by police is done or how many 'unbiased' polls carried out by intrinsically biased humans... you will never know the Black standard as a White dude.
    You live in another world.
    I can sort of understand the black guy. Not just because I am a lighter shade of white than you. But it helps.
    But I don't live in his world. I can visit though.
    And I have lived, struggled, and shared meals, hopes, and dreams with black guys in jail.
    It is a simple fact that white people are absent from many things that would make them understand. Blacks and Browns are joined together at many points in our lives.
    Live in the same places, go to the same places, end up incarcerated in the same places...
    Sure there are white people sometimes, tokens of course. But for the most part the places where blacks and browns bond the strongest are outside of the average white man's lifestyle.

    Like how Judas had to go as soon as dinner was over to go make some money and take care of important business.
    The rest of the guys would stay back and chill with each other.
    Judas never really wanted to hang out with the homies. He was too white collar for that dirty dozen from around the way.
    He would go to his cop friends after the fact and get the low down on why he had been sweated previously.
    Even made a nice side deal for himself... well so he thought. Judas always gets it in the end.
    He had that ability. The other guys did not have those types of contacts.
    But they had a good advocate.

    You have a dozen run ins and got away clean and whole everytime.
    I would not say this is proof that you have been treated the same as blacks.
    It is proof that you were given special treatment out the wazoo.
    12 times you sat on a curb and never got arrested?
    You are blessed by God to not have been born black or else you would be in prison right now or dead.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    all the long hairs in my neighborhood used to get harrassed pretty much weekly by the cops
    tossed against cars, slapped in the balls when "patted" down, spit on, accidental elbows...not beaten up per se but certainly roughed up
    then again we weren't going on high speed chases high as balls either
    we were just smoking weed and drinking beer while attending backyard parties
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think you missed a spot. I would like to think we agree on everything :D
    I never claimed you claimed anything. I know they were hassling you because of lazy profiling. Nothing racial about it.
    I said you 'felt' injustice. The entire paragraph was its own self contained thing about the different ways we will view the issue depending on our place in the caste. I was building an analogy and I used you as the cornerstone.
    And while I can't know what you personally felt I can understand what white people must feel being treated like a non white person. Being treated off-caste.
    You did not say it, but as a white man from a middle class family who is not engaged in dirty activity or even lighthearted young man hooliganism but actually being a responsible gainfully employed man... are you telling me that you did not feel that you being harassed by the cops was unjust?
    Then again 3 out of 12 being jerks is a good ratio.
    But if most of them were jerks and half of them tried to find anything they could on you so they could take you in how gracious and pleasant would you be when they came to your window and spoke to you with disdain?
    At some point you listen to your natural correct instincts that tell you that the dude with the uniform and the badge is your enemy. If everytime a cop pulls you over he runs your plates, pats you down hard, searches your car, runs your license and registration, and sits you on the curb handcuffed for 40 minutes while his 'reports' come in you will feel that he is trying to find something about you so he can arrest you.
    Is that guy your friend?
    What is he then?
    You have natural radar that tells you who your enemies are and who they are not.
    We spend way too much time in comforts that dull these senses.
    Not the majority of black dudes.

    I know you know what I meant about thanking god for being born white.
    It was there merely for the instant gratification of its impact.
    I sometimes pull these hacky tricks when writing quick.
    You get this, so even when we disagree it is merely because i make sloppy arguments.
    But hey its better to thank god for being white than to be proud for being white.

    Racial pride is dumb. I know a lot of white people here think its a good thing to be proud of your race.
    That is corrupting thinking. Probably infected from all the 'im black/gay/etc and im proud' claptrap.
    You proud of your little boy winning an award at school and so you put it on your bumpersticker.
    What a thing to be proud of.
    So if he does not win the award is he no longer deserving of your pride?
    Many parents operate that way because of this corrupting thinking.
    Everytime someone says that they are proud of almost anything all they are doing is making huge boasts.
    We are a nation of boasters. Admiring ourselves or admiring those around or connected to us and therefore an extension of us.
    That is deep into our current society as it has been when any great civilization advances to the heights we have. Should we be proud of what our American civilization has accomplished or should we thank god the entire world has not decided to gang up on us and take us out... yet.
    But if everything is something to be proud of then pride means what?
    Pride has been turned upside down. It has been commoditized.
    There are few things to be proud of. But those few things are important.
    Oh and don't forget to like my post!

    Pride you have, and you lose.
    You can get it back though.
    When you do things for the pride you get pride which builds like a brick house of pride bricks in your character.
    When you do things for any other reasons you might get joy or a good feeling that you want to believe is pride and it allows you to build skyscrapers in moments... but soon these moments pass and the next tornado tears down your walls. Humpty had a great fall.

    You started bringing up some math and lost me but about your friend Razo I know full well.
    Not him of course but people like him. I have no hate to each his own. Its funny to me but I make no comments to them. I worked with a young woman recently who had a mexican father and an 'spanish' mother who had italian and dutch ancestry or something so she did not consider herself mexican but white european. I made the mistake of replying something to the effect of 'oh cool, you are mixed white/mexican like me, you are a white mexican.
    She made that black lady offended face and did the hand and neck motion and went off on me.
    I had to see the boss and apologize to her and say that she was not mexican that I know and understand I was wrong to call her Mexican and to admit that it was racial harassment and that I would not harass her by calling her mexican again.
    I looked at the boss and busted laughing and said seriously... serious for seriously?
    It was weird. He was pleading with me to apologize to her and a bunch of other shit I was supposed to admit to. I kept saying "im not saying that' over and over.
    Until all I had to say what that I was not going to call her Mexican ever.
    I have never looked at the guy the same way after that. I know he has to do his PC shit as a the owner of a company but fuck, I felt like there was a line crossed between us. He knew it too.

    He fired her the first chance he got because she never learned how to do the most basic parts of the job in almost a year there. Then again everyone gets fired here.
    The boss has a 5 man operation where he is the star player. I came aboard to be the 6th man doing a little of everything. During the first month one guy left, and I became a key 3 and D guy in the starting lineup.
    That is when the young lady was hired to replace me off the desk.
    Then the operations guy left and I became the main ball handler.
    Within the first year the bigs in the warehouse quit as well.
    Then the Cap started bringing in all sorts of free agents who had good qualities but glaring holes in their game. Cap is a good scorer and a good GM but is bad at player evaluation.
    Or he just does not give a fuck and is hiring and firing anyone that will play for pay until he finds one that will be worth keeping for more than 3 or 6 months.
    After the Cap's entire supporting cast quit he has hired and fired 6 guys within the past 9 months. About a month and a half ago we got guys 7, 8 and 9 hired for the year.
    And we just hired a new older lady two weeks ago who is facilitating nicely off the bench and being great for team chemistry.
    I'm still Magic and Cooper but at least I dont have to be Magic, Rambis, Cooper and Orlando Woolridge too.
    We have a new cantonese young lady who is kicking ass and is our most Worthy new employee doing a lot of little things and scoring a lot of points.
    Plus a great young and Green 30 year old virgin from Mexico in the warehouse shipping the lowest post possible.
    And a young mandarin who started as as college intern who is lighting it up from deep behind the line of cubicles.
    Its looking like showtime!
    And im not boasting at all :D
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
    Finski likes this.
  15. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    No offense?

    Since several radio stations decided to pull “Baby it’s Cold Outside” from playlists because someone was offended, I feel that these other holiday songs must also be removed as they are potentially offensive as well.
    1. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus: subjecting minors to softcore porn
    2. The Christmas Song: Open fire? Pollution. Folks dressed up like Eskimos? Cultural appropriation
    3. Holly Jolly Christmas: Kiss her once for me? Unwanted advances
    4. White Christmas? Racist
    5. Santa Claus is Coming to Town: Sees you when you’re sleeping? Knows when you’re awake? Peeping Tom stalker
    6. Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Everyone telling you be of good cheer? Forced to hide depression
    7. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Bullying
    8. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: Forced gender-specific gifts: dolls for Janice and Jen and boots and pistols (GUNS!) for Barney and Ben
    9. Santa Baby: Gold digger, blackmail
    10. Frosty the Snowman: Sexist; not a snow woman
    11. Do You Hear What I Hear: blatant disregard for the hearing impaired
    12. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: Make the yuletide GAY? Wow, just wow
    13. Jingle Bell Rock: Giddy up jingle horse, pick up your feet: animal abuse
    14. Mistletoe and Holly: Overeating, folks stealing a kiss or two? How did this song ever see the light of day?
    15. Winter Wonderland: Parson Brown demanding they get married…forced partnership
    See how ridiculous everything can be twisted? Everyone gets so offended these days that it is impossible to even communicate anymore. We as a society can’t have any music, interact with others, build anything, believe in anything because someone else will be offended. Just stop the madness.
    rube, Finski, fsudog21 and 2 others like this.
  16. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    Meanwhile, Kahleesi’s name isn’t even Kahleesi.

    Bad, but still not as bad as the time I was at a dog park and someone yelled to their dog, “Buster Posey, get over here!”
    Bluezoo likes this.
  17. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Buster was probably humping another male dog.
    BlueMouse, harkeyed and Bluezoo like this.
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Well done.
    Guess the only one allowed is Susie Snowflake.
    rube and darth550 like this.
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah...I thought of that. The title rather than the actual name.
    But not that unusual, considering Prince Fielder, Baron Trump, Duke Snider, King Vidor, Queen Latifah, etc.
    Oh...and Khal Daniels.
    rube and BlueMouse like this.
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    just blasted johnny mercer/margaret whiting’s version
    fucken bleeding hearts can lick my left nut
    Finski likes this.

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