Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    LAdiablo and rube like this.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    yeah i'm not a very religious guy either but by god its just too much of a hassle to make the separation and whats the big deal?
    i sit in church w my mom and listen
    i don't kneel before the priest or take the host because i'm not a part
    but i am a part in the sense i'd rather be on the side of people who at least attempt to make themselves better
    church is full of hypocrites and people who need it just like AA
    most people in either one of those cultures are generally decent and courteous people and i am going to treat them w respect
    they stand for something in their own lives and try to present their best self to the world
    i can get behind that even if its not my exact thing
    and this nation was founded under god so i'm going with that
    don't feel like pulling that apart when its what held us together all this time
    harkeyed and rube like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Because you still have those rights even if you don't choose to ascribe them to a supreme being. They just exist.
    You don't need God for liberty :)
    CapnTreee likes this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 22, 2011
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    I'm not religious at all, but I respect people's beliefs.
    That's the issue I have with most athiests: The self-satisfied belief that they have a rational position and others believe in a fairy tale. I hate that shit.
    THINKBLUE, LAdiablo and rube like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    nothing is free
    you are not born with any rights
    you are lucky you had parents
    you are lucky you are born here
    you arent right, you have no rights
    you got lucky, babe
    but others... not so much
    which blows away the whole idea of people being born with rights
    ask people born in north korea about being born with rights
    ask all the late term abortions about rights

    those north koreas cannot understand the concept of state sponsored rights as we see them in the west
    just like a baby in the womb
    but they can understand about god given rights
    because the state is under god
    it is the mandate of heaven
    and the world knows this to be true if they search their heart
    they just have to be reminded to re-search
    and then they will fight for their right to party (fellowship/group/circle)
    states rights are not universal, very much depend on which state (condition/situation) you are born into
    but god given rights are universal and you can fight for them without any fear
    warriors fight for god given rights
    soldiers fight for state given rights

    why party?
    because you need a party to protect you when you go into the maze
    you dont go down into the dungeon alone, you always party up first

    you own property
    if you own a beachfront property it is yours
    but do you have a right to keep the sand to yourself and not allow others to play in it?
    do you have a right to close off access to your beach?
    no, that would be infringing on others rights to use the beach
    to give others those rights they had to take away your rights.
    in fact others have rights to your land, they have the right to an easement that you are required to provide so they can walk with all their noisy family right by your shower window as your wife is disrobed getting ready in the morning.
    what can you do... it is their right of way.
    which fucks up your privacy
    somebody gave them those rights over you
    the beach did not give them those rights
    the government does
    and then gives them the teeth to bite you with

    rights are given by god
    which means that over the years we have worked out that these are the highest ideals for mankind
    so they 'must' be god given.
    because if any dude would have given them they would not be the highest of ideals

    rights in general are given to you by those that govern you, that is why they are called rights
    you are not free but we will grant you a license to do something, like drive for instance
    you have the right to drive, that right is called license
    a right is a power, and power comes with responsibility
    who are you responsible to?
    they go hand in hand, if not you have to give back your spidey suit to iron man.
    we know what rights are given by governments and other institutions of governance/braking.
    and what rights they pretend to give you knowing full well they cant hold you responsible
    those rights, the ones that only your conscience can hold you responsible for are your god given powers
    the ones you have to be very careful how you use or there will be hell to pay.
    and you will feel like shit
    and then there are guys who believe its their job to defend those powers and to prosecute those who have misused their powers
    and those eastern star mediaeval Punishers are no fun
    and neither are their sickles to the throat
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I hate it too because it is the exact opposite of what being an atheist is supposed to mean.
    Being an atheist is not that that you believe there is no god. You believe, you so clearly believe.
    Being an atheist means nothing today.
    Wait till the religious police come around though. When those annoying fundamentalists are given teeth to go along with their bark.
    Then being an atheist will be an actual thing.
    It will mean that you do not believe in the "god" of the powerful, or that you do not properly pay it lip service.
    Because you must serve 'their' god. Either by free will (your forehead/frontal lobe), or by compulsion/force (palm of your hand).
    Which will then make you a heretic, a blasphemer, an atheist fit to be tied, excoriated, then burned.
    You know, like the early christians and every single group of people who have tried to follow or spread that same spirit/gist/substance that has been persecuted to death by the powers who believe that they are the ones that hold the power to hand out god given rights.
    AKA the kings of the blasphemers, liars, muderers, who play god to the masses and rake in the bucks, power or both, prestige.
    Which if you know about prestige... its the veil the magician uses to hide his tricks.
    And you his trick.
    Now go get that money, honey.
    Papa needs a new pair of ruby red slippers.
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    That was one heck of a discourse, and you are crazy as fuck. But there is a sagacity to your moralistic interpretation of ancient fables even if you'd not admit them to be fables. I appreciate poring through your logic strings and separating where you make sense vs. blowing smoke. There's plenty of smoke too, but you know that... and likely grin as you compose your pithy embedded thoughts.

    You are also completely full of shit. You know that too. Still quite entertaining.

    It has been shown that a great many statements in the bible are complete fabrications. Methuselah did NOT live 960 years. It has also been shown that many things are rooted in (poorly understood) events of the day which modern man could reason away with science and physics, the ancients without these not so much. So they composed moralistic fables to keep the sheep in line, and to milk them of their hard earned wages. The Catholic church ran the known world for half a millenia with a closed mind, an iron fist and death to non "believers" with behaviors that today would be protested far and wide. Like we protest the BS "religion of peace". Hollow ring the words when your side was one of the worst players. Other Organized Religions saw their success (and fabulous wealth) and invented their own sets of moralistic bullshit fables in order to carve out their own 'milking grounds' of citizenry. Even the loony damned Mormons and Scientoligists. Organized Religion = ALL THIEVES, par excellence. THAT is what OR is.

    Umm except YES it does. Being an atheist especially means that there is no god as defined by ANY of these OR holy books.

    Can there be no OR defined god and still be some universal connectedness between humans? You bet.
    I do. I do not own the sand. I also have the showers far away from the public walkway.
    Yep. The portion behind my gate the public has no rights to access. No water. Not to use my restroom. Nothing. Stay on the sand and enjoy.

    Yep. Follow the rules and continue to enjoy said rights.
    The North Korea example is no more valid that the late term abortion example. "IF" you were born here in the USA we have agreed that being born provides you with inalienable rights. Get born in NK or China and that is YOUR problem. Die not being born and then you're dead so what? No rights to dead babies. Oh well. No rights for North Koreans because their despotic leader doesn't care to permit them into the 20th century, let alone the 21st? Oh well.
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    With you bubba but it IS a big deal. Our country is unique in that we embrace the separation of church and state due to watching the British Gubberment/Church of England abusive hegemony for decades. You can believe what you wish, Betty can believe what she wishes, heck even Rube can believe what he wishes, it's just that those "belief systems" have no place in commonwealth governance.

    Our country was founded on religious freedom as well as all the other freedoms we 'hold self evident'. Believe anything but do not believe that anyone's beliefs should form a set of governance. Not here. Maybe in Iran or Syria you can let a religion or two control their lives but not in the USA.

    It IS a big deal because the USA gubberment is supposed to look out for ALL CITIZENS not just those who worship at the 'chosen' house of worship.

    One of Trump's bigger mistakes/lies was openly catering to the OR religious bigots in the south. He needed their congregations votes but has since then has not been particularly religious. Thankfully. He has enough other evil intentions without giving the religious zealots any more steam.

    The part about being part of a group trying to make themselves better" is awesome. I've engaged in many long winded arguments with Ricky, Brent and Mikey about this topic and atheist Brent has always maintained that we should get rid of all OR at once, ignoring the good provided in their moralistic teachings. Mikey stays focused on teaching moralistic lessons being difficult to accomplish without OR and don't kill it until you figure out what can do a better job for the citizenry. Which sounds muy bueno just long enough to notice a) the lack of separation of church $$ and state has corrupted the state; b) the fact that calling oneself a religion frees all tax obligations despite how many millions you fleece; and c) nearly every OR church has endured one scandal after another raping and pillaging those they were sworn to protect. So how moral can the Catholic church pretend to be today? I mean I like the new pope but the level of false piety from the church is disgusting.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    'oh well' does not fit into the worldview i am talking about
    morals are about lifting people up, it is a term people have deliberately confused
    morals are like team chemistry in that way, hard to pinpoint what it is when its not an issue but when its an issue you can see clearly what bad chemistry is
    same with morals

    yes, parts of the bible are fables, the bible is a compendium of all sorts of writings.
    there are lists and lists and lists, ever read the epics attributed to some 'one' dude 'named' Homer, same thing is found there.
    fables are like myths, they are things people say
    people say a lot of things, some good some bad
    you must test them in contrast to their fruits
    everything produces fruit, good or bad
    i love mediaeval romance, grew up on that english stuff like most of us
    but most of the stories are lifted directly from the bible
    because much like aesops tales they have stood the test of time as being good thematic lessons for forming minds
    a young mind makes lots of errors but it can be easily diverted down a different stream
    no one is changing nobodies mind about nothing
    only a miracle can make you repent
    you cant do shit to a mind thats already formed
    have you forgotten why ultimately the hare loses the race?
    you ever caught a rabbit?
  10. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    you ain't no friend of mine

    The King
    rube, irish and CapnTreee like this.
  11. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Priscilla Presley likes this.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    So whats that mean then?
    That line. I dropped it a few times the past month, you the first to pick it up.

    (if) You never caught a rabbit (then) You aint no friend of mine.
    What/Who is a rabbit ?
    Who/What is caught?
    Who/What is a friend?
  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    the walrus was paul
    CapnTreee likes this.
  14. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Not sure Elmer Fudd ever caught that wabbit.
    irish likes this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    You hit it hard on the head.
    Elmer Fudd is to Elvis Presley what american popular music was to early rocknroll.
    Elmer Fudd was to Elvis Presley what the old man is to the young kid.

    Old means old, but more than that it means dead. Not old as in number of years, but old as in worldview/mindset/thinking. The past/dead.
    That is Elmer Fudd.
    Now what can an old person generally not do?
    One who cant think like the younger people?
    Its not that is not smarter, or that he has alzheimers.
    Its that the world has spun again as it does every 20 and 40 years and he failed to vert.
    Not keeping up with the times, but being in time. Like musically.
    Which all just means one thing. Getting it.
    Are you getting it? Armagedon it?
    You got to feel it in your blood, aahaahaah.
    When you got that Lust for Life... You Cant Help Falling In Love.

    What are plaboy bunnies?
    What are rabbits known for?
  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    well its never going to be a moral operation in regards to the church itself
    but the people who take guidance can and do benefit
    i don't think the business aspect will ever change w any religion
    if they all used even half of their donated tax free money to really help end starvation it would be over
    CapnTreee likes this.
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Which is the singular reason they (Organized Religions) were granted tax exempt status in the first place.
    but no. not today.
    today all those well greased tithes line the required majority of the 435
    so that the status quo never changes
    LAdiablo likes this.
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Donald Trump wanted to buy the San Francisco Giants at one point, apparently

    It’s been brought to light now, however, that Trump once talked to former San Francisco Giants owner Bob Lurie about buying the franchise. We’re talking about a team that won three World Series in five years, how much winning could they have possibly done?

    [​IMG]Andrew Baggarly


    HOLY CRAP GUYS pic.twitter.com/6pNlJIFqq7

    10:50 AM - Aug 4, 2017
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Like we just knew this guy was light in the loafers anyways


    Stay away from the kids you perv.. though you're welcome to hang with the vaGiants
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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