Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    There was an armed security guard who is an off duty police officer who could not stop him due to his weapon. You bring up banning all guns being the end game which is a total fabrication not by you but by the gun lobby. You fight for things that are possible and that is impossible and clearly not the motive behind stopping a weapon that has no real use to everyday life. Hate is the reason I know but you cannot stop that or prevent it from happening but you try and stop the things that can be done or at least attempted. I'm not trying to argue the motivation but what my initial intent was to hope that we focus on the VICTIMS not how and I now regret putting the statement about the AR-15, lol.
    THINKBLUE and LAdiablo like this.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Focus on the victims?
    Thats putting neosporin on a bulletwound to the brain.
    You can put whatever new salve thats gonna help ease your mind but it does nothing.

    Before i get lumped in with the gun party or any other party (as partisans alwyas try to do with my posts on any and all subjects) i do not care for ar15s or any other guns.
    There is a systematic plan to take this country over and its no theory.
    The US is the lynchpin for bringing the entire world to its knees.
    Did you get that... I said knees.
    Guns only make it harder for yourself because it will take higher power to come after you and that will only make the sufferimg greater.
    But thats what we are for.
    Its up to america to resist and fight them to help buy time so the rest of the world can have a chance.

    Religionists are coming for you.
    Big Religion with a capital C.
    They are in hell. They are true satanists as they are the enemy.
    That word hell means inferiority. Inferno has nothing to do with literal fire.
    Those in hell want to drag everyone into the catacombs with them.
    Where you dont have room enough to stand on your own two feet but must kneelwalk to and fro and praybeg for your stale bread and muddy waters.

    Islam is a tool. Like a great army to lull you into wanting a saviour.
    Then they will give you a saviour.
    But one that comes with a catch.
    Your freedom loving soul.
    And you wont notice at first.
    Because they will "come in peace".
    Protecting you on all fronts from the evils they have raised up against you in the dark.
    They created Islam to subdue the warriors of the deserts into submission.
    Because when there arent enough swords or bullets you can still kill entire peoples with ignorance.
    Then reap your reward of an ignorant mass that is easy to brainwash into submission.
    Because the dead know nothing
    Those that are dead emotionally psychologically and mentally are dead in spirit.
    And so the second death. The one of flesh and blood... Is nothing.
    These suicide bombers cripple entire nations and force them to become stupidly easy to control.

    Idiocracy is the plan of the power that works hard to control you.
    Only then will you serve their purpose.
    And what comes after is scarier than any sci fi movie ever conceived.
    Because the enemy of your enemy is not your friend. Hes your master if you so let him.

    Beware of white haired communists who preach peace.
    A real revolutionary dies for his cause.
    The rest are just about the cause celebre.
    And beware of white robed emperor who speaks like your buddy.
    He plans to sink the world into darkness where his evil can be called good and good be called evil.
    Its already well on its way.
    He says that he is the ropebridge to get you out of the pit he has trapped you in.
    Because he aint your buddy guy.
    He is the architect of your enslavement.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
    Based God and LAdiablo like this.
  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    a rather more lucid rant there Rube...

    a minor explanatory phrase tweak FIFY

    and was that a sly dig at ole Bernie there too you old dog? LOL
    LAdiablo likes this.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Jesuits were chased out of most countries in the world for being the worst of the worst. Spies and assassins who like most evil dead please themselves by unspeakable acts.
    The best of them went to Rome (reeducation) for reform and then shuffled around the world as priests and confessors in different orders.
    The worst of them fled and found refuge in the eastern bloc countries where communist omega red vampires took them in.
    Similar story as with nazis.
    America took in those that seemed like the best of the worst.
    Argentina took the worst of the worst and did like the romans.

    Now they control most of the financial muscle in the world.
    And through their social justice warriors are taking most political control.
    Thats the emperor im talking about cap.
    And yes i also took a dig at bernie who is nothing but a tool in the roman hegelian mission of divide n conquer.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
    LAdiablo likes this.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    we disagree
    the gun lobby isn't making it up
    on occasion the anti gun lobby slips up and makes statements about banning all guns
    hillary is making no bones about her desire to ban guns and BO has been a huge proponent using every single incident to push the agenda
    its not going to happen but that is the end game
    the registry of guns worked very well for a guy named hitler when he set about extinguishing the jews
    our politicians fear us at the end of the day and they should
    CapnTreee, Bluezoo and rube like this.
  6. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Agree to disagree. Saying things and executing them are 2 different things, there will always be the people want them all banned but it's not logistically possible. I myself just want these high capacity clips banned. There are no possible uses for that weapon in a non-military application. The calls for banning them all are a result of emotional trauma. If I believe you that the gun lobby didn't call for it then why are they so willing to spend on stopping even the smallest of things in regards to guns.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Rube:. orsers = orders ?
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Emotional trauma is to be consoled but not patronized and certainly not pandered to without causing more harm than good.
    The vampires are drawn to blood in the water.
    Best to cover your wounds quick with salt. Sure it stings but its better to keep the blood sucking sharks at bay.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Ill go edit. Thanks.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Great post.
  11. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 6, 2013
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    God, I hate the Off Topic thread because it's turned into the political topic of the day thread. But I also sense in this thread the kind of hatred of the "other" that is probably the cause of a lot of the conflict I this world, this government and society in general. And pick what the "other" is....everyone has one. It's just human nature.

    What happened in Orlando is a tragedy no matter who perpetrated it and what instrument was used to carry it out. It was certainly a hate crime from what we can tell, and the volume of death can be directly attributed by the tools the maniac used to carry out his crime.

    But for a moment, let's be logical about this.

    Even if you believe the worse case scenario, and this was an Islamic terrorism event, why a gay night club? For conservatives in this country, there are probably people who say they do not condone this lifestyle, but don't approve of killing people who are LGBT. But there are Christian conservatives who blindly turn an eye when it comes to the dangers of being LGBT. You cannot deny that.

    So can you say that if it was a Christian Right fundamentalist that did this, would that change the narrative? That poor kid in Wyoming was tortured and left to freeze to death because he was gay. So is that behavior limited to just Islamist?

    If you go back into history, murder, rape, and genocide against another religion has not been limited to Islam vs the West. Europeans have been responsible for more mass murder against their own and against the "other" than any other group you can imagine.

    And not to long ago, a Southern, Christian white boy killed God-abiding, Christian blacks praying in a church of worship....because of race.

    All this talk about "this" administration, "liberals", "Islamist", just perpetuates the same carousel of ill-logic of what the real problem is....people love to hate each to say they are different, better or superior to the "other". But it's just not true. We are all guilty of prejudices and some have taken it to the extreme...even people whom we ideologically believe in.

    I remember a commencement speech I heard. It was made during the Bosnian War against Serbia. Sarajevo was under siege and snipers were cutting down men, women, children just trying to cross the street. These were Orthodox Chrsitians fighting a holy war against a mixed Muslim population in Bosnia. I don't have to mention the death squads and rape camps these so called Christian set up.

    Anyway, there was a young couple, a Muslim girl and Serbian boy. They were childhood friend and soul mates. As the girl crossed a dangerous path, she was cut down by a sniper. The boy ran after her and as he reached her, he was shot by a sniper (not sure if it was the same sniper). As they lied bleeding to death, they reached out to each other, and held hands. And that is how they died.

    They were buried next to each other in the Olymipic Stadium, which had turned into a mass grave site.

    The commencement speaker said something that I would never forget. Civilization is not doesn't just happen. People have to work at hard to preserve it. It means understanding each other and trying to make civilization work.

    Today, with so many people in our society against each other....denegrating each other to the point of making the "other" almost inhuman, do you really think the OK Corral is the right option?

    Is a 5.56 MM, semi-automatic assault rifle really a necessity in this world? Would arming every citizen, with all their distrust of each other, and the small percentage that are truly psychotic, have access to the same tools that made Syria, Iraq, Libya, and the recent past history of places in Europe a death zone a good idea?

    If you have Jews shot and killed in this country take up arms against Muslims, and the Christian Right shooting up Blacks in South
    Carolina take up arms against each other, Gays against straights, neighbors arming each other to the teeth in a mini arms that rally solving the problem? Or is this the real version of those silly....or maybe not so silly....Purge movies.

    I will put my stake in the ground on this. PEOPLE CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH HIGH POWERED, HIGH MAGAZINE, SEMI AUTOMATIC ASSAULT RIFLES. They cannot even be trusted with high magazine, semi automatic handguns. Why? Because the natural....uncivilized reaction of people is to hate the "other". As I said, as others have said, civilization is not natural.....and I'm not sure that the current state of society is ready for this.

    Some of my closest friends and family members own guns. Not only your standard issue Berrettas, M1911s and Glocks, but also Sig-Sauers, Hi-Powers, M-16A2s, Styer-AUGs, Bren sub machine guns, BARs, AK-47s, you name it, and I love these guys all. But it can be such a fine line between sane and madness. I just don't know.

    What happened in Orlando, Sandy Hook, Colorado, Virginia Tech, San's not right. But the tools all these people used should not have been available to them.

    This is not the Wild West. I thought we had reached "civilization". I refuse to give up that feeling, but letting the few massacre the many so's just not right. It's just not logical.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    "Terrorism" is not an islamic homophobe killing a mass of gays.

    Yes it causes terror.
    Yes the predator was a muslim.
    And if he was linked to terrorists then yes.
    If he just used his religion as an excuse to let out his hate then no.

    Terrorism is a political act of war.
    While superficially it may seem the same to those who only want to react superficially it is nothing more than a hate crime.
    A very large hate crime.
    Does islam breed this type of action?
    While christianity breeds abortion doctor killing.
    Obviously not in the same scope.
    But there are shitty people everywhere.
    And false prophets tend to attract the shittiest to themselves.
    Now when activist anti abortion people get together and bomb abortion clinics it mirrors terrorism.
    If this guy acted alone to kill the gays then its not terrorism.
    Just a hater.
    Like when them dodger fans nearly killed that giants fan.
    Its in our bible as dodger fans to hate the giants.
    And even if we dont like it when one of our own commits a heinous act it reflects on all of us.
    But it doesnt mean we should stop hating the giants fan lifestyle.
    We hate it because we dont want it for ourselves. We like what we like.
    And they can like what they like and more power to them for liking whatever it is they like... Just leave our dodger dogs out it.
    And if your son grows up to be a giants fan because they been winning lately or because its cool right now.... Its your own fault for not raising a proper dodgers fan.
    You still gotta love your boy even if he flies the giants flag.
    Maybe someday he will grow up and decide to be a man and become a dodgers fan when the time comes.
    Because one thing you can be sure of is that time will come.
    And when father time comes it will come hard.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Thoughtful post
    It would appear that we are on the verge of civil war and complete insanity
    All I know is I will do everything I can to deflect and extingush the evil that finds me
    I do not walk around with hate in my heart or my eyes despite what some here might think
    But I also can't pretend like it doesn't exist and ignore the signs
    That said I have a smile for everyone i meet
    I feel thats my duty to my fellow man
    THINKBLUE and CapnTreee like this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Gays dead by a muslim = trump wins in november by upsurge of gays and liberals for trump.
    Civil war averted.
    Gays dead is collateral damage.
    Sucks but its true. This nutjob that killed the gays is the best propaganda for the war on terror there could be.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    totally agree
    its not going to work for dems to say its not islamic terrorists when its completely clear it is
    no one would hope for this massacre but it has to open eyes that would normally blindly vote democratic
    this religion hates gay people and even the "moderate" muslim states like saudi arabia behead and murder them
    who in fucks sake wants that in the U.S.?
    number 1 job of the government is to keep us safe and thats just not happening atm
  16. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I feel like if trump wins and pushes for an indefinite ban on (Muslim) immigration from the Middle East and succeeds (doubtful), it'll create more chance of domestic terrorism by American born Muslims

    The threat is everywhere and trump would just provoke the ones born here and already living here

    Banning Muslims is not the answer imo
  17. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    WAS going to post something but changed my mind. Some opinions just aren't worth trying to change they are too entrenched. Staying away from this thread is the best idea :D

    EDIT: Just watched Excalibur, Helen Mirren was an absolute stunner and frankly still is quite desirable.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    absolutely agree
    she's one of my faves
    Doughty8 likes this.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    He wont ban muslims.
    Just rhetoric to get elected.

    We will always have crazy nutjobs.
    It used to be postal workers.
    This kind of stuff is in inevitable.
    We as a country are johns who visit lots of prostitutes. We bound to catch some VD.
    And some VD leads to cancer.
    We got cancer.
    Not only are we johns visiting pros we are also pros ourselves. The usa is a high class gigolo. And we walk the street in our white silk suit and snakeskin boots rockin a black fedora and a glass pimp cane.
    We askin for it.
    And our options are to sit back relax and let nature take its course or we strengthen the pimp hand and protect our corner.
    But thats easier said than done now.
    Because we got cancer and who knows what else.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Dont try to change opinion.
    Just offer up your pov.
    If it resonates with others it may help them understand the situation better or help them crystallize their thoughts.
    We arent in a debate.
    And we hopefully arent in an argument.
    But an honest exchange of views.
    Trying to change peoples opinion is a fail from the get go.
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