Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    black ginger racist
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  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    would help if she was EVER even a LITTLE bit funny
    fsudog21, THINKBLUE and irish like this.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    wonder if the drunk driver that killed edwin jackson was a dreamer?
    how many citizens should die at the hands of illegals before its a problem?
    maybe a high profile death will finally get something done but i doubt it
    democrats are not going to budge
  4. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    What Are The Requirements For DACA?

    • You were under 31 years old as of June 15, 2012;
    • You first came to the United States before your 16th birthday;
    • You have lived continuously in the United States from June 15, 2007 until the present;
    • You were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012 and at the time you apply;
    • You came to the United States without documents before June 15, 2012, or your lawful status expired as of June 15, 2012;
    • You are currently studying, or you graduated from high school or earned a certificate of completion of high school or GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or military (technical and trade school completion also qualifies); and
    • You have NOT been convicted of a felony, certain significant misdemeanors (including a single DUI), or three or more misdemeanors of any kind.
    He was just another in the long line of drunk drivers who kill innocent people that knows no gender or ethnicity nor legal status. Fuck them all who drink and drive.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I dont think that this should ever be politicized.
    Drunk driving should not be roped into any of this stuff.
    As a drunk driver that killed a man he will get his punishment.
    It really does not make him any worse than if he was Ted Kennedy.

    If a dreamer becomes a famous neurosurgeon that saves the lives of many natural born americans but then has one too many cocktails and runs over a homeless illegal immigrant gang banger he is still a drunk driving manslaughterer. No better or worse.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
    CapnTreee and Doughty8 like this.


    Nov 2011
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    My wife was a DACA recipient until she got her green card.

    While I don't think it should be politicized per se, it's still bad optics when local and state governments protect illegals from deportation. If I owned a home in East LA or Santa Ana, I would be pissed at leadership for selling out its tax paying citizens to protect criminals. Totally backwards, imo.

    To me, it doesn't matter what the crime is. If a life is lost at the hands of somebody who shouldn't have been here in the first place, that's one too many.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Smells too much like all the dumb 'hate' laws.
    You get into an argument with a dude and in the middle of the fight when folks are throwing around cuss words you throw out a racial epithet and you knock the guy out and get charged with a hate crime.
    In a fight you want to/need to fuck with the other guy to get him off his game. That is why most people say the most hurtful thing they can in a fight. You know it can create emotional conflict which may cause the opponent to become overaggressive and lose his composure.
    That shit is instinctual. It is a hate that is god given survival instinct. You use whatever weapon you have be it physical or psychological to win a fight. Or else you should back out of the fight before it starts.

    Its the same scenario here. The guy is not any worse for being an illegal or a DACA or whatever.
    Your wife could have been in this guys situation easily if she hit someone before she received her greencard.
    Imagine if she was not drinking and just was tired coming home late from work and missed a stop sign and plowed into some old lady who was to slow to react to the opposite car in order to swerve away?
    You think she should be treated worse than anyone else in that situation?
    After all she should not have even been in the country. One too many tired drivers who have to work extra hard to make it as an immigrant. Maybe she was one of those immigrants that works two menial jobs and goes to night school to do her best at becoming a legal resident and make it in America. All that working and studying takes their toll and leads to more sleepy drivers. And if she was why was she given the right to drive, someone could claim?

    This dude obviously needs to get deported. But not because he killed a football player with his car. But because he commited a crime and is an immigrant.
    And it should not matter if you are illegal or legal. If you are an immigrant your ass better be going to church every weekend, working hard during the week, and enriching his home and neighborhood with his free time.
    Immigrants that spend their time getting drunk going to nightclubs and bars fall into the traps set up for them.
    I tell my family in these situations. If you wanna drink then stay home and drink with your family and close friends and dont fucking break the law. Because an immigrant does not get every chance in the world.
    Being here is already their second chance.
    Fair has nothing to do with it.
    Fair is make-believe. Justice for all is the reality.
    And you should know where you are in the justice jungle.

    It is bad optics, but fuck that noise. We aren't politicians.
    LAFord likes this.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    that was my only point
    lets talk about anything after the border is secured
    one life is too many imo
    LAFord likes this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I know so many catholics that are the most awesome fucking people.
    I look at catholicism and im like.. ugh, but then i meet all these great catholics and im like... ahhh.

    As far as the wall... what is made to keep others out will at some point keep you in.
    If the Antifa terrorist mob continues to grow and all the other misfits join in (when shit like this happens all kinds of diverse groups that want chaos form together into loose confederacies) Americans will be at the wall dying to get out.
    And we will have to pay Mexicans to smuggle us out.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The bigger the walls in your house the less you go outside.
    Trappings always end up trapping you.
    China built a wall. Manchurians sapped the stability and the will of the wall and its makers. Then destroyed them from within and the chinese became ruled by the manchus. And they have been exporting their sappers World Wide and now we all have candidates twirling their fu manchus.

    The mongols never stop coming.
    You just never see the horde until its about to steal your life.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  11. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    No welfare state, no need for a wall.

    You want immigrants, they keep society young and hard working. You just need to get the ones that want to come here to work, not the ones that want to sponge.

    If you're building walls, you're probably attracting the wrong kind of people and instead of a wall band aid, you should be looking at the real problem and addressing why you are attracting the wrong people.
    LAdiablo, Finski, THINKBLUE and 3 others like this.


    Nov 2011
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    Nailed it

    Come over illegally
    Have 4 kids with 4 different deadbeats
    EBT, child support, free school lunches
    clean houses under the table, don't pay taxes
    Have a nice apartment, 4k TV, vehicle, disneyland passes, etc
    LAFord, LAdiablo and irish like this.


    Nov 2011
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    True. Once you condition people to something it's difficult to take it away.
    Finski likes this.
  14. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah, you have to ride in on a unicorn dropping Easter bunnies to get people to let go of their entitlements.
    Finski likes this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Posts like these make me want to take the side of feminists, leftists, liberals, etc...
    Of course, they promote privileged women who trade their body for riches and fame then regret it 20 years later when the riches fame and body are gone. The liberal media promotes these stories and IMO it hurts true feminism and true liberal ideals.
    And it breeds radical comments on the other end of the spectrum. Like yours.
    It is a pity that you feel the need to disparage a mother that has been victimized repeatedly by deadbeat men and who has spent her life serving Americans who need someone to clean after them. Do you know how much shit housecleaners have to eat? Not just literally speaking. They are sometimes treated like the shit they clean up. And many times the people that hire them lean on their housekeeper emotionally more than they do on anyone else in their life. Including family, friends, and shrinks. It takes a lot of patience to get the shitstains outta the underwear of someone that is not related to you in any way and that treats you like a less than. That patience often times becomes the only understanding shoulder for many middle aged middle class people to cry on.

    You described many in my family. And right now I feel triggered. It pissed me off as soon as I read your post. I have never felt triggered before and finally understand what snowflakes feel like.
    Of course, your post is in the exaggerated case. But I can give you more exagerated cases than that because the truth has far more detail than what someone randomly posts on a message board.
    3 deadbeat fathers, 5 wonderful children, all grew up eating shitty food government food from the microwave because mom had to work cleaning houses all day and most of the evening to support them. I can tell you about my mom and what she had to go through with men and why it was very difficult for me to trust men growing up. (I can clean a mean house though, I practically got a chemist education with all the cleaning chemicals I learned to use every summer) But instead I will talk about my cousins because then it wont rile me up as much. The youngest of her anchor baby daughters is about to become an engineer at Cal Poly, the oldest is a stay at home mom who married a hardworking construction worker who we all like even though he is an Irish ginger. The middle daughters work in the nursing field for Kaiser and are as beautiful on the inside as they are graceful on the outside. The oldest is the boy, he had it rough and is now early 30s and still smokes too much weed but finally has a good job and married the white chick he knocked up after HS and has 2 crazy wonderful twin girls that everyone spoils to death because they are so darn cute and mischievous.

    You know it is not easy to find a decent husband when you have been raped, especially in cultures less liberal than ours. In countries where we have dropped bombs or fomented insurrections and stable home life is impossible. I have had male cousins pressed picked up by the military recruiters on their way home from school and forcibly made to 'join' the army. While on vacation as a kid I was picked up and held at US made machine gun point by soldiers who thought I was a member of the guerrillas. I was 12 years old but already adult sized and 'fit the description'. Funny thing is that I got home and in my teens kept 'fitting the description' here too. That shit is rampant in other countries. Either the government, the gangs, the narcos, or the human traffickers get you. I have seen it first hand and experienced it personally in both Mexico and El Salvador. My wife tells me the stories of Ecuador and Colombia and is why we are helping her little brother establish himself here.

    These type of women and children ARE refugees. These are the type of people that America has always and should always open their big liberal arms for. True refugees who would not make it in their shithole of a country. You know who shits in a shithole right? We do.
    These women get drugged and raped and then want to and many times try to commit suicide. I have found two of my cousins cold dead and had to revive them and have paramedics come in. Nobody ever speaks about this in the family because shame. The girls waited till the kids went to school and then tried to kill themselves. One with pills the other with the slit wrists. I had lots of sleeping problems growing up so I would get up in the morning and dress up as if going to school so my deadbeat dad would not be on my ass but actually go find a place to try and sleep a couple more hours. Usually I would go to my cousins house a few blocks away to see if there was anyone home and sleep on the couch and eat some of that good EBT food my mom could not qualify for because my dad was still in the house. Then I would go to school around 3rd period and eat my free lunch.

    They come here sometimes pregnant because they will be shunned by family and society over there and their baby will become either a guerrilla or a soldier because both sides of war recruit teenagers by force whenever numbers drop. Numbers drop because these kids are killed left and right. Then if you make it out of the war alive you are unemployable and your skills only transfer to work the criminal underworld who also forcibly recruits people with these special skills and experience.

    I hate your post, but I know you speak flippantly of stuff you do not comprehend so I will forgive you by the time I punch my timecard and clock out.
    Besides, I feel your pain. I too was a jealous 13 year old because my cousins kids had big TV's with cable and that their mom would take them to Disneyland sometimes. They got to eat fancy hot pockets and microwave burritos while I had to eat beans and rice and salad. They did not have to get jobs at 14 or clean houses with their mom as preteens and could instead play outside with other kids. We had a 13 inch black and white and then a 19 inch color for a few years, and I only went to Disneyland 1 time when I was 8 and never again. I was so green with envy that I have never gone to Disneyland as an adult out of spite for not being able to go more as a kid. I am being facetious of course, I never was jealous of the life my cousins kids had. I have always loved those kids to death as they are the closest to my age group in the family and I saw the girls as nieces and the boys as cousins/brothers.

    Jelousy is a strong lover, we should not let it make us our bitch though. At some point we need to be happy with what we got and grow up.

    Go Dodgers!
    Keep on dodging in the free world.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    THINKBLUE likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    In response to @Rubricon....

    And it breeds radical comments on the other end of the spectrum. Like yours.

    Radical? This isn't some faceless issue. The case I stated is someone I know personally. I know plenty of American born whities who've taken advantage of the system too. My paternal grandmother's side were the worst offenders. Welfare cannot exist if we're to have semi-open borders because we cannot afford it.

    It is a pity that you feel the need to disparage a mother that has been victimized repeatedly by deadbeat men and who has spent her life serving Americans who need someone to clean after them.

    You mean like my mother? Who was sexually abused, got pregnant with my older brother by a deadbeat at 15, turned down government assistance and worked endless shifts at Denny's to provide for her son? Then had a failed marriage with my Dad, married the next door neighbor who was the biggest prick in history, and just as she was finally happy, died of a brain aneurysm? Couldn't tell you how many hours she worked to give us "noodles and sauce". Not even spaghetti. I have an emotional connection here, too, Rube.

    Do you know how much shit house cleaners have to eat? Not just literally speaking. They are sometimes treated like the shit they clean up. And many times the people that hire them lean on their housekeeper emotionally more than they do on anyone else in their life. Including family, friends, and shrinks. It takes a lot of patience to get the shitstains outta the underwear of someone that is not related to you in any way and that treats you like a less than. That patience often times becomes the only understanding shoulder for many middle aged middle class people to cry on.

    Guess what? I was a janitor. I decided I wanted to get married at 22, needed a 40 hour per week job, and cleaned toilets for a living until I finished school. I went to community college so I could pay my own way. Never a cent of financial aid, and I paid taxes. I also cleaned my own home, mowed lawns, and saved up to go to the dollar theater as a kid, even if my Dad had the money.

    You described many in my family. And right now I feel triggered. It pissed me off as soon as I read your post. I have never felt triggered before and finally understand what snowflakes feel like.

    Sorry you feel that way, genuinely. It hurts me too. Because it describes plenty in my circle.

    Of course, your post is in the exaggerated case. But I can give you more exagerated cases than that because the truth has far more detail than what someone randomly posts on a message board.

    Your case is exaggerated too. Edit: I see you conceded as much. Both of are cases are anecdotal but true nonetheless. I think welfare enables some of these situations. I don't know if you agree.

    3 deadbeat fathers, 5 wonderful children, all grew up eating shitty food government food from the microwave because mom had to work cleaning houses all day and most of the evening to support them. I can tell you about my mom and what she had to go through with men and why it was very difficult for me to trust men growing up. (I can clean a mean house though, I practically got a chemist education with all the cleaning chemicals I learned to use every summer) But instead I will talk about my cousins because then it wont rile me up as much.

    Who said the children aren't wonderful, or capable?

    The youngest of her anchor baby daughters is about to become an engineer at Cal Poly, the oldest is a stay at home mom who married a hardworking construction worker who we all like even though he is an Irish ginger. The middle daughters work in the nursing field for Kaiser and are as beautiful on the inside as they are graceful on the outside. The oldest is the boy, he had it rough and is now early 30s and still smokes too much weed but finally has a good job and married the white chick he knocked up after HS and has 2 crazy wonderful twin girls that everyone spoils to death because they are so darn cute and mischievous.

    Great. Again, who's blaming the kids? My wife was/is an illegal alien who will be entering the field as a Dental Hygienist before too long. Proud as heck. Not a faceless issue.

    You know it is not easy to find a decent husband when you have been raped, especially in cultures less liberal than ours. In countries where we have dropped bombs or fomented insurrections and stable home life is impossible. I have had male cousins pressed picked up by the military recruiters on their way home from school and forcibly made to 'join' the army. While on vacation as a kid I was picked up and held at US made machine gun point by soldiers who thought I was a member of the guerrillas. I was 12 years old but already adult sized and 'fit the description'. Funny thing is that I got home and in my teens kept 'fitting the description' here too. That shit is rampant in other countries. Either the government, the gangs, the narcos, or the human traffickers get you. I have seen it first hand and experienced it personally in both Mexico and El Salvador. My wife tells me the stories of Ecuador and Colombia and is why we are helping her little brother establish himself here.

    Don't see anything wrong with what you said here, but not necessarily on topic.

    These type of women and children ARE refugees. These are the type of people that America has always and should always open their big liberal arms for. True refugees who would not make it in their shithole of a country. You know who shits in a shithole right? We do.

    Disagree. Are we still talking about able bodied, healthy immigrants and natives who make poor personal choices and live off government assistance? You made this post about everything but the issue I was truly talking about, imo. I don't think these are bad people, man. I just don't think it's fair or affordable.

    ... that good EBT food my mom could not qualify for because my dad was still in the house. Then I would go to school around 3rd period and eat my free lunch.

    Of course there's no such thing as "free". If there was, I wouldn't care. I was a 30 day sub at a Charter school in Santa Ana with some of the best kids you'll ever meet. Their parents would pull up in nice cars, come into the office and complain that we didn't provide lunch at no cost. I remember my dad slicing oranges for me, cutting my sandwich in a triangle, and handing me my lunch Leave it to Beaver style. It's not that damn hard. Feed your kids! Cars, smartphones, 4k televisions, and Disneyland passes (yes, annual passes), come after.

    EBT is woefully taken advantage of. I don't care what it tastes like.

    They come here sometimes pregnant because they will be shunned by family and society over there and their baby will become either a guerrilla or a soldier because both sides of war recruit teenagers by force whenever numbers drop. Numbers drop because these kids are killed left and right. Then if you make it out of the war alive you are unemployable and your skills only transfer to work the criminal underworld who also forcibly recruits people with these special skills and experience.

    We're not talking about woman coming over pregnant. We're talking about already arriving in the country illegally, making the personal decision to have a bunch of kids they cannot afford, receive some sort of welfare, and often work under the table meaning they receive but don't pay in. That's not fair. And it's the root of my initial point.

    I hate your post, but I know you speak flippantly of stuff you do not comprehend so I will forgive you by the time I punch my timecard and clock out.

    I comprehend just fine. Don't come hard [no homo] after me because you were "triggered". You felt I was personally coming after you but the fact is, I wasn't. I don't hate your post, but I'm not a fan.

    Besides, I feel your pain. I too was a jealous 13 year old because my cousins kids had big TV's with cable and that their mom would take them to Disneyland sometimes. Jelousy is a strong lover, we should not let it make us our bitch though. At some point we need to be happy with what we got and grow up.

    Jealous? That's presumptuous. I'm beyond content. I graduated high school, got a meh job to obtain skills, went to college, got married without having kids first, got a better job, learned some lessons, and now sit in a pretty good situation. I think that process is important. It may be tougher for some kids, but it takes one generation to break the chains.

    While my mom's side flirted more with poverty, welfare never came into play. Noodles and sauce, salad with barely anything on it, etc.

    My Dad's side, while not perfect, set unspoken examples on how to get ahead. Immigrated here legally, farmed, delivered produce, invested, and after many years...through hard work and entrepreneurship... EVENTUALLY ascended to the middle class (and in some cases, above). All builders and electricians for the most part. No fancy education, inheritance, etc. Made us breakfast, worked 12 hour days, cooked us dinner, and watched Dodger baseball with us. On only God's and his strength.

    There's plenty more to discuss but you went full rampage on me so meh.

    Go Dodgers!

    Less than 2 months.

    Disappointed but no hard feelings.

    Love, [No homo] *since you're a SJW now, respond accordingly.

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    LAFord, LAdiablo, Finski and 3 others like this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Naw son!
    I love your post.
    I got no hate for you. You know I pepper my posts with little rhetorical hooks here and there. I know you not jealous.
    I cant even keep a rage hard on while on the job.
    The hardon was not for you Thinkblue personally.
    But I love how awesomely you took what I wrote and responded in kind, kindly.
    THIS is what I wish DSP was like everyday.
    You open up your chest, I open up mine, and everyone is left refreshed with the new blood.
    I love it how you dropped a screed worthy of my unfettered attention.
    But I still got some bills to pay so I will finish reading the second half after halftime when i get home. I really should put down the coffee in the PM but im all giddy about you trading with me. I hope we can trade like this more often. This is good currency.

    Love and rubefactions to you too, (kinda homo since in a SJW now)
    LAdiablo and THINKBLUE like this.


    Nov 2011
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    As you move up in "status" there are no shortage of ways the enemy will keep you down.
    In low-income areas maybe it's lottery tickets, welfare, cash checking places, etc.
    In middle-class areas maybe it's credit cards, vehicles we cannot afford, etc.
    Self sufficiency is important.
    One of the hard lessons I learned as a young adult was about debt.
    Learned biblical and common sense principles and was able to quickly recover.

    I admit I need to mature a lot more. Ironically, I sound like a grumpy old man a lot of the time. But my intentions aren't to offend.
    LAFord, LAdiablo, Finski and 2 others like this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think your dad must be an awesome guy
    LAFord, fsudog21, rube and 3 others like this.


    Nov 2011
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    That's what's so heartbreaking about game 7.

    We wanted that moment of a lifetime TOGETHER. I can't sum up what I was feeling that day. We had driven 605>5>101 to Dodger Stadium about a million times together...lazy Sunday afternoons...warm summer nights...and we were actually on our way to Dodger Stadium on November 1st for game 7 of the World Series.

    It shouldn't have ended that way.

    It's a first world tragedy but a tragedy nonetheless.
    CapnTreee, Finski, LAFord and 2 others like this.
  21. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    my dad took me to super bowl 7 for the final game of the dolphins 17-0 season
    boring game
    but i was 9 and i will never forget how excited i was
    i never celebrated a great sports moment w him unless you count all those boxing nights
    i get it and its not over till its over friend
    CapnTreee, Finski, rube and 2 others like this.

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