That's just not true. The city of LA doesn't have to fund a stadium and break ground for a team to come. An owner and the league will have competing stadium offers to choose from to get the best deal possible. There will be negotiations, etc. And if an owner is forced to pay for his stadium, it won't be in STL.
And the "L.A. is just leverage" thing isn't true in this case. L.A is a distinct, if not ideal possibility for that franchise.
New stadium solutions for the Raiders? I don't get it. A new stadium for the worst team in the NFL over he last decade? Wow...getting fucking nowhere earns you a new stadium...or an extension on your contract...or a reality show...if I only knew now what I thought I needed to know then. Or something like that. I think. Success is so-o-o-o outdated. The LAD are a modern team, a NOW organization, with NOW people pushing the buttons...up, up and away!!!
Chargers won't leave because they have no market in Los Angeles. They barely have a market in San Diego.
I know your optimistic TB but if what you are saying is true then why haven't the Raiders, Chargers, Vikings, Jaguars or Rams moved here yet? Did I miss one? Oh yeah the Seahawks were once talking up LA. I'm just over it.
I agree that I think they are staying. HOWEVER, I think there is a bigger chance of potential growth for the Chargers in LA than the Raiders. If you don't already like the Raiders, you aren't going to become a Raider fan. It's such a unique brand that many don't want to be a part of. There are a lot of Raider fans here, sure. But are they very affluent? And their fan base, while obviously pretty big in SoCal, is limited in scope and demographic.
would love the see the (georgia-less) rams return but i'm just so fucken jaded from being let down all the other times having no nfl team in la has changed me as a fan... with no local team to root for, i just don't watch games that much anymore i could name you the starting offensive line for the '71 rams but i doubt i could name any current team's starting o-line
Radiers: They haven't had the ability to move until this year. They JUST got onto a year-to-year lease for the first time since they went back to Oakland. Chargers: They are dedicated to that city, and the longer they wait, the less they will have to pay to relocate if they wanted to. Vikings: They got public financing for a brand new stadium in their current city. Jaguars: They have a lease running through the 2026 season and cannot break it unless they open the books and prove they've been losing money over a long linear period. Rams: They probably will move. They can't until their lease is up at the end of 2014. Do your own research. The Seahawks situation was in 1996. There are more "hurdles" today in terms of check boxes i order to pack up and leave. But they are formality. The Rams fit every check mark and THENSOME.
Just trying to let you guys know that this case is its own. Everything people seem to throw out isn't researched and have easy answers.
totally hear you just jaded like i said and can't help having the "i'll believe it when i see it" mentality
Even on the channel 5 news....they don;t know what they're talking about. "Of course a big hurdle in the NFL is the owners who just haven't let us get a team yet" WHAT!? It has never even reached a point where it has come to a vote! Fucking retard! Teams are just starting to get into situations where their stadiums are obsolete and their leases are expiring. The landscape has had a chance to change over here as well. Things have to line up and they probably will now. St. Louis gave the team a sweetheart deal and it's gonna bite them in the ass.
racist still nothing more pathetic than an LA Rams fan cheering for the STL team. oh wait yes there is "not my responsibility" classic nancy
yada yada ok... I'm generalizing and not really stretching the truth much at all or else if your statement held water we'd have 'some' team in LA by now having been 20 freaking years. however while I was generalizing, it was based upon long term owner observance. These guys are rich pricks used to getting their own way by and large they are all a bunch of asses unlike we poor righteous pricks who also want to get our own way...