Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You are on the clock.
    You hit the douchebag threshold a few pages ago.
    You can try to bleed your way out of it.
    Or you can be a man and do the real thing.
    What it is it?
    It's it.
    What is it?
    Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...
    Finski likes this.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Don't you know that nobody likes a flatterer but the flatulent who like their own feditness.
    Can you smell what the Cap is cooking?
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Tities not your level then?
    Your credit not worth a dime then?
    Then you may keep your credits all to yourself.
    Nobody wants things that have no value.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I don't know if Im as hard core as you man.
    Then again as a Catholic you have the instititionalized discipline of a firebrand in your nature.
    So when its time to punish the heathen I should probably let the experts do the dirty work.
    I would not say that Cap has called someone a nigger in hate.
    I do know that he has cast an aspersion upon me. One that is non refundable.
    So maybe you are right.

    How do you explain the turn the other cheek parable to your kids?
    I mean I have two cheeks.
    I can get slapped in the face by something offensive, insulting and obscene.
    I can take one for the team. Keep my cool. Take stock of the situation.
    But then if you do it again?
    That's two strikes.
    And I only have two cheeks to give so now what?
    The rear cheeks are off limits.
    You must protect your fundamentals.
    This leaves me all out of cheeks to give.
    Even school kids know thats its one, two, three strikes your out at the old ballgame.
    Finski likes this.
  5. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    There is a fair measure of unfairness in all of this, I observe.
    Not one person in all this back and forth, has been told to swallow a tampon.
    Nary a one.
    irish and Finski like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think that's probably true of a few of us.
    CapnTreee, rube and Finski like this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Hey man, only women get to tell you what you can do with a tampon, its their property.
    Specially if its already been pre-owned.

    The abortion issue is no easy pickle, no matter what side you are on.
    huh? is more hard line than I am so lets play a thought experiment on him.

    Finksi has a daughter that gets knocked up.
    Not raped, the baby is not in danger, she is not in danger, she just can't go through with it.
    She cant have a baby, she wont. She is sweet sixteen and made a mistake.
    She does not want to mess up her senior year in high school. She does not want to mess up her social life. She does not want to mess up her first years in college.
    She does not want to be behind all of the other men who don't have to deal with this and go straight into college to earn degrees to make big monies.
    Your daughter wants to make big monies.
    She has been programmed to by the dream while she sleeps in front of the screen.
    Sure her base code tells her its wrong but that basic string of binary executions is superseded by a lattice of new choose your own adventure frameworks that each encodes fundamental basic in its own proprietary gobbledygook.

    You will tell her she is wrong Finksy.
    You will explain it all to her.
    You will hope she makes the right choice.
    But you know its ultimately her choice.
    It should not be a legal issue but a moral one.

    Now you have failed.
    Your upbringing and how you raised her failed.
    The power of the church and its teachings all fail to keep your daughter from getting pregnant and getting an abortion.
    Shit happens.
    You did the best you could.
    Such is life.
    And now what?
    Do you kick her out of your house?
    Treat her coldly from now on?
    What if the church excommunicates her?
    Do you go leave her in the house when you go to church because its a bad look?
    I have been told to lie by ministers in order to not give off a 'bad example'.
    I told the last one that the bad example is made by preachers who show people how to keep shiny bleached perfect front teeth while the back of their teeth and their molars are rotting away.

    You don't do any of this obviously.
    Finksy would never.
    He would love his daughter anyway.
    Not support the deed.
    But support the daughter once she does the deed.
    Daughter, you done fucked up.
    You committed a horrible crime against god and your own body and soul.
    Now you have to live with it instead of with the child god blessed you with.
    Yes, part of the support is a tiny little bit of piling on.
    Just enough to where the daughter knows and is now a lot more of an adult than she was before she got the abortion.
    The days after the abortion have to be soul crushing agony.
    Not physical pain although im sure there is. But soul pain.
    Like any demon worth exercising... no pain, no gain.
    If not that demon might rear its ugly head again.
    And eventually the devil you know becomes your closest companion.
    If you let it.

    I don't know Finsky and I sometimes call him Finksy or Fiskny or something else by accident not that he's a rat fink!
    But I do know that he would not perform the christian version of an honor killing over his daughter having an abortion.
    He would redeem her.
    Like any loving father does with their child who makes grave mistakes.
    Even if it means going down into the grave to do so.

    Cap might call you a hypocrite for talking about the ills of abortion while having a daughter who committed an abortion.
    As most people do who like to straddle the line and think they are 'centrists' when all they are statists that want centralized control.
    Centrists want one government to rule and tell them which way their stool should bend.
    And they support the rule of law that says that if your stool bends the other way well it cant, its illegal and your rectum must be retrofitted with a new vaccine in order to bend the right way.

    The terrorists win when a person in Finskys situation shies away from that kind of pressure.
    They want you to be ashamed for your daughter and therefore shut up because your family name has now been thrown into the mud and is worth less than it was before in the currency of social constructs.
    Of course that breeds the hatred of your own flesh and blood. Hating your own flesh (your pregnant daughter or in her case her unborn child) is supposed to be anathema to humanity. You are not supposed to hate what comes out of you because it is you.
    But when you love the fame created by the programming that says that your name has been forever tarnished and given a death sentence you will sacrifice your life for that fame... for that name for that renown and recognition as a giant.
    A real man of the community that bows to its seriousness, a serious man.
    One that kills his love in the name of... his own name.
    But what's in a name but credit and fame?
    Everything to the cult that requires you to be 'one of us'.
    They try to trap you with many things that sound good.

    Like when you are on one mountain and the food is on the other mountain.
    You can see it clearly from where you are. You see the path to the left and to the right.
    You have to go left or right but either way you go around in circles for a bit to go around the bend and make it to the food and water that was left just for you.
    It will take longer and will be full of brush and you have to carefully navigate the cactus patches and maybe walk 4 times as much to cover the same amount of ground.
    Or you could just be a centrist and go straight down the middle into the valley where a river runs through it.
    It's got fish and clean running water and lots of easy prey like rabbits and squirrels to eat.
    Hey man, we hungry and gotta eat right?
    Spoken like a dumb hungry predator.
    The smarter predators are also down in the valley.
    Except they are hiding behind the brush and deep under the cactus where your gaze never falls even if its just a few yards away.
    Those predators are waiting for their easy prey to come down to the valley for the low hanging fruit.
    So they can devour you.
    But first they will be the ones in sheep's clothing bitching to the other sheep so they collectively bitch to the shepherd to try and goad or shame him into going into the valley with his family like lambs to slaughter.
    That is terrorism.

    Terrorism is a strong force.
    But when love is strong...
    And your so sweet.
    Im telling you...
    We gotta meet.
    That's how babies happen.
    And that's supposed to be when the crying starts.
  8. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Use a condom.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I do not have Bluezoo's talent of summation unfortunately.
    He continually cracks me up by replying to my monologues with a few words.
    Im like "damnit, he got me again" and I love it.
    When other dudes bust your balls they are giving you love.

    You are 100% of course on the senior year thing.
    Kids are always a step ahead of the adults who are telling them who and what they are.
    Because you can't predict what some new kids will do. And every generation has new kids.

    You know what I am doing though.
    I am using what talent I do have in a brute force attack on Cap.
    Because I make him read my posts.
    He self selected.
    I honestly don't like doing it much.
    I always feel bad about it afterwards.
    Everytime i do this i feel a little sad for a few minutes.
    I get that sinking feeling that he won't see it.
    And we lose him.
    But look at the results?
    Look at the people we have here.
    The ones we did not lose?
    It is very tough to bring this kind of quality to a forum.
    No guy on this website is a copy of another guy on this website.
    No one curries favor with anyone for anything.
    The currency to manipulate does not exist here.

    In fact we have sharp words every so often.
    Sharp words burst bubbles.
    And its not good to let a blister fester too long.
    Its always best to rub it.
    Not to rub it out.
    But to burn it enough to dissolve the skin and let the water run before it turns into bad blood.
    You don't want a blister full of bad blood around do you?
    There is nothing wrong with the water in there, just let it out.
    We may find out there is a pearl hidden in there.
    The blister could be caused by a grain of sand or a speck of dust that got stuck in the vag one day.
    Blisters are usually caused by other blisters who forcibly infect kids.
    That is why Rich Hill has such a hard time getting over them when he gets one.
    Its the one that you have to make sure you rub correctly.
    Treating it softly in fear of its bursting is directly the result of the problems on Dick Mountain.
    You need to make it tough.
    Like a chip off the old block.
    One that started off as a chip and is now a pearl.
    But you got to rub a clam a lot for that chip to become a pearl.
    If you find a pearl then you have to know that the person had been hurting the whole time.
    It truly was not his fault. Someone put a stone in his shoe.
    And once he removes that stone and sees its a shiny 50 thousand dollar pearl he can chuck it into the ocean because now he knows that no amount of money is worth walking around with that evil pearl rubbing you out from the inside.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    LAdiablo, Finski and Bluezoo like this.
  10. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Abortion is very safe

  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    harkeyed, LAdiablo, rube and 3 others like this.
  12. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Don't want to have baby, don't have sex. Boom, issue resolved. Slaughtering potential because it is too inconvenient for your current style of life isn't a good enough reason.
    rube, irish, Finski and 2 others like this.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    No clock exists but in your melon
    Advice from an old man= treat people like shit and they leave
    And you wonder why the DSP dwindles
    I'm more than enough man to wade through your BS

    BTW the "douchebag" moment was when none of you saw anything wrong with Trump's behaviors
    I'm a parent, like I know a few others here are
    I didn't teach my children to lie or to treat women like 2nd class citizens to be routinely abused
    You still want to call me names because of that? Fine. Bring it on

    Maybe you'll teach your kids different some day... maybe YOUR daughter will appreciate your blowhard nonsense... likely not
  14. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Dude get your head out of your ass
    If I said anything complimentary then I meant it.

    Can't you smell that smell wordsmith?
    You haven't a clue
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    You daft?
    You're trying so hard to twist my words that you spout nonsense
    They were fine titties.. so? Were you expecting someone to make a political point about the nipple shapes?
    Challenge anything I say with weak sauce rhetoric and think that you told me anything?
    Yep, you've gone daft.
    You still playing at understanding or have you succumbed to weak insults as your last resort?
    Rhetorical question I admit
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Because 'that' would help anything?
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Surprise crossed my brow reading that.. but Thanks
    Personally I read @huh?'s comment knowing he was emotional
    He took my words as a personal insult completely ignorant of my past
    Then he let it go.. unlike others
    I gave you the opportunity to display ethics.. you chose to favor the lying cheater. You freely chose the man who has affairs with hookers WHILE he's got a baby at home.
    With his 3rd wife. You had three wives Rube? You cheat on all of them? You see eye to eye with that BS behavior?
    I've had one wife, for 30+ years and kept my dick in my pants the entire time.. and you want to lecture me while defending a ethically hollow carcass of a blowhard?
    I let you talk all you want... you dug your own holes
    Casting aspersions was never necessary, I don't care how you twist the words in your rotted melon.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    This is good for reasonable mature adults.
    Most people having crazy sex are immature young adults or twentysomethings.
    Also we have gone way too far into the culture of satisfying wants and desires to stop at having sex.
    That has not worked since before the bronze age.
    Cap says a lot of things that make sense in a perfect world.
    We should do this, we should be like that.
    We all know what the ideal is. We should also know what the deal is.
    Politics is not about what we should do.
    It is about what we can do. And that turns into what can we do for profit.
    Which is not a bad thing. We should be looking for things that profit.
    Just not all profits need to be material.

    God can work in our world and create perfection.
    We cannot create perfection from this flawed existence.
    Its like saying that you should be able to sleep with shakira just because it would be so perfect?
    So instead of that ideal we have to drop our standards a little and work within the frameworks of reality.
    Yet always looking or waiting or expecting or better yet hoping for a miracle to happen that changes the world enough that our ideals start to become reality.
    When the solution is the ideal the solution never happens by the works of human beings.
    So if you turn this into a political leaning you will find yourself getting behind legislation that is impossible to implement.
    And that is cheating the fans. Its fake news.
    The type of fake news that become platforms for idealists.
    Who if they get into government implement half measures that turn into an albatross or catastrophes.

    Folks won't stop fucking outta wedlock just yet.
    Or getting pregnant and not wanting it.
    And skipping the rubber.
    So until the future/heaven whichever comes first and big pharma invents a 100% anti-sperm/egg/hiv/hpv/std repellent you can spray or slather on your junk humanity will have to figure something out.
    My suggestion is that our science dollars better stop with all that mars bullshit and get to working on this spray.
    The worst thing we need is mars aids.
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Full on chuckle.. best post on the page for such a touchy topic
    Agreed and yet life goes on, panties drop and babies happen because teen hormones rage or whatever reason
  20. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Personal responsibility.
    irish, rube, CapnTreee and 1 other person like this.

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