Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    not civil war man, don't let the media do that
    it is the medial creating the idea of such a divide that civil war is imminent
    that is all bullshit
    most people go about their lives and dont give a shit about any of this stuff
    the media wants to foment war, it is part of the agenda
    any anti war thing is a bad thing
    notice how 'liberals' are not happy right now about us getting out of war
    they are only happy because they think trumps allies are going to give him mean looks in the hallway for softening his stance on the wall
    and they are also happy because they know the conservatives will also give him dirty looks for stopping the war machine checks from coming in
    those things make progressive happy today
    not the fact that american troops are coming home and that the US is pulling out of a war
    you know... things progressives, liberals, and libertarians usually wish US presidents would do
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    sorry but you're wrong
    people are totally fucking losing it that our elected officials aren't defending that border
    sections of every city look like TJ, in fact TJ actually looks better, w no end in sight
    huge tent villages everywhere in every city as we don't even help our own citizens
    its not bullshit and if that border doesn't get secured people are going to flip the fuck out bank on it
    theres a huge go fund me for the wall atm
    people here are generous to a fault in this country and always want to keep helping as we always have
    but its gotten to such a ridiculous point now that i really believe this is a point of no return
    not the media, remember i don't even watch the news
    i'm going by what i see w my own two eyes
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    so you think we are going to have a revolution over homeless people and immigrants?
    a revolution lead by the right, Christians, conservatives?
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    its going to be Americans that want the homeless taken care of in this country first
    go ahead and make it about whites and conservatives as well as christians
    btw want to take a stab at another group of people that do MORE for the worlds indigents?

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Nope, not over that. But when the divisions get too much...the rich are too rich and too few, and the poor are too poor and too many, that's the stuff of revolution.

    But we can give them cell phones and Facebook and DSP, and that keeps them happy for a bit.

    I don't know what the answer is, but things aren't working great, and at some point, some poeple might get a little uppity. Better be sure we take their guns away first.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    careful thats awfully close to being "hatespeech"
    can't have anyone looking behind the curtain
    seems logical that if you have a country you need a border
    also seems sane to think an able bodied person should do something to justify being kept full of food and shelter in a society
    our safety net has been perverted beyond recognition
    the fact that no one addresses it and our uber rich leaders shrug their collective shoulders is infuriating
    in fact its more like come on down
    THINKBLUE, CapnTreee and TAFNAC like this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think the people invoking things like revolution and a war that's civil. Should think it through a bit more and remember how that pepperoni gets made and then chopped like liver.
    But switching comestibles you may chaff all the wheat you can cash. Taking the most germinated and sprouting dough from the masa for the Massa.
    That dough won't rise and carmelize without a little help from our gaseous friends.
    Those who fungus among us doing the very least while sprinkling dry yeast.
    That pizzas been in the fire too long.
    It's cooked on all sides.
    The crust is crispy.
    The pecorinos getting melted.
    And it's burning the roof of your mouth.
    So take a big gulp from your super big gulp and pray to your papa john because it's way too late to be adding more yeast into this powerful remix.
    That would only blow up the spot.
    Then the spot would cease to be cool.
    It would be a third rate joint.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ruven taking the path of yeast resistance.
    CapnTreee, Bluezoo, LAdiablo and 3 others like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That's because I'm a sellsword who would rather be smithing dough over a baking hearth.
    And you already know the one about not bringing a peace but a slice.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  10. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Several of us have argued about how we see it growing worse
    Hard to know anything without watching
    Rube is also right that few are watching.. most would rather be perpetually shopping
    Rube accurately points out that Power on both sides has no interest in anything except extending and enhancing their power
    That not going to change.
    Blaming Big $$ "liberals" gains no more ground than blaming Big $$$ "conservatives".. as if they were so far apart today
    Liberal sharks and conservative sharks are little different perhaps, but they all bite citizens fiercely

    And John Q Public is getting fed up
    With little chance of ever learning how to do anything about it.
    OK then F the side that's in power lets elect the other side
    ((Both sides chortle at the thought of any votes mattering))

    Power is bought and paid for which is likely why Queen Bkitch is fuming
    She paid and still lost. LOL.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Who argues that? I cannot find anyone saying otherwise.. other than that crazy back east or the looney's in the Bay area

    EVERY time I hear that nonsense I ask them how many years have they paid to live in a house with no doors?
    Whaaaaaat? Well how is paying for a house without doors the same as open borders?
    Try feeding your kids when strangers have taken the cereal and milk again.
    Try sending them to their bed to find it taken by those not part ofyour household

    It's not a home without doors.
    Likewise it's not a country without a border

    Again who argues this truth??
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    What safety net?

    Oh "our" safety net? The one that we taxpayers paid into for years in advance?

    Sure gray market workers pay 'some' taxes.. sales taxes maybe. No income taxes, no other taxes and certainly none ot the huge damned taxes that small biz owners have to pay. In advance. Every quarter.
    Wouldn't I LOVE to only pay sales taxes and get all the USA goods and services for nada? Yup.

    How anyone argues is lost on me. Queues another @rube yeast rant...


    Nov 2011
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    A GoFund me campaign for the border wall has raised nearly $15 million.

    Why are Democrats and "immigration activists" opposed to a wall? We know the REAL answer of course, but nobody ever makes them answer that question.

    The wall is not anti-immigrant. It is anti illegal alien. Problem is the left and the media (one in the same) has perverted language so much that illegal alien and "immigrant" are now synonyms.

    Anyone who calls a wall xenophobic and racist can go to hell.
    irish, BigDaddyKaine and fsudog21 like this.
  14. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    always complaining about what's being done but never offering an alternative solution
    and of course they blame trump
    much easier than actually formulating reasoning for their disdain
    ironic that schumer and pelosi went with "ineffective and expensive" since that's essentially what they both are
    glass houses bkitches

    Associated Press — 22 December 2018

    Democratic leaders say the government has shut down because President Donald Trump threw a "temper tantrum."

    Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi say Trump "has gotten what he wanted" after threatening a shutdown several times. The government partially shut down at midnight after an impasse between Trump and Congress over money for a border wall.

    The Democrats say the wall is "ineffective and expensive," adding that Trump "convinced House Republicans to push our nation into a destructive Trump shutdown in the middle of the holiday season."

    Trump, in turn, has blamed Democrats for the shutdown.

    Pelosi and Schumer said if the standoff isn't resolved, Democrats will pass legislation to reopen the government when they take the House majority in January.
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    A simple truth ignored by both Left and Right.
    We've had decades to address this issue and BOTH sides shun it yet average Americans agree that countries need borders
    and then you go down the 'blame game' worm hole thinking/stating that it is 'the other guy' preventing it.
    Perhaps you might inquire which Bush 'ever' did anything about a border?

    Channeling my inner @rube .. you seem to think that one side will actually 'do' anything about this. Yeah, about that notion.. it isn't like both sides haven't had plenty of chances to do 'something' and yet here we are. John Q. Public thinks that a border wall/fence is a good idea. Those bought and paid for 535 in DC?? Not so much.
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Of course lost in the entire conversation was the fact that the GOP budget is the largest proposed deficit in history, with the largest military budget in history adding to the largest US debt in history. What happened to the GOP being the party of fiscal restraint? LOL

    Liars one and all

    By doing what? Oh just raising the debt ceiling again. As if 'that' were a solution

    Idiots one and all


    Nov 2011
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    It's been a bipartisan problem for 20 years. It's a left problem in this very moment.
    irish likes this.
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    anyone above city council is corrupt...
    has alterior motives...
    and eyeing a bigger prize/post
    but never trying to do anything to help the citizens
    CapnTreee likes this.
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    It's a Left problem solely because you wish to describe it as a Left problem
    Let's not overlook that the GOP runs both the White House and the Senate so blaming the Left is rather disingenuous

    Of course, to be fair, it's difficult to claim the the GOP, or even rational reasoning, runs Trump
  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Criminy man look out.. don't you know what the DSP jackals do when they see a typo?


    Now there's no need to get fetid about it @LAdiablo

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