Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.


    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    People who vote against their own interests may or may not be misinformed.
    They may be choosing to sacrifice for the greater good. Or they may value something more than their own interests.
    But often, people are duped into voting for something they think is in their interest but really isn't.
    Or even more often, and even more dangerous, people are duped into voting for something they think is for the greater good, but is really only in a few peoples' interests.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Are you duped?

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I don't vote, so no.
    At least not about that.
    But all the rubes get duped from time to time, don't we?
    rube and Bluezoo like this.
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Ignorant or uninformed is one thing
    Repeatedly ignoring plain data that all can verify tells everyone that you're no longer ignorant but willfully uninformed
    Remaining willfully uninformed over time is not done by those at all interested in learning to make their lives better
    Choosing to be duped over and over is plainly not a trait of a learned man
    Claiming to be duped because the liar stoked inner racist fears is also not being duped

    It's being stupid. On purpose.

    Now go ahead and defend Trump and his racist lies again and compel me to use even simpler words

    You weren't being duped. And you don't resent being insulted by the word stupid.
    You just don't like hearing truth from Me.

    In fact others might attempt to argue being duped but not you @rube
    You like to teach using obscure parables, surely not the sign of one claiming to be being duped.
    I've learned much from you personally Rube. Because I care enough not to be duped.
    I remain surprised at the antipathy I encounter here at DSP led by your charge
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    All the time too.
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Not voting confirms you're being duped better than many
    For you've given up trying, happier to snipe from the sidelines
    Pointing fingers at those who do
    Falsely pious about your not contributing to the mess when truthfully you contribute the most
    Now what was that about repeated willful ignorance... riiiiiiight
    I tend to agree that all humans can be duped for the lying charlatans get more clever by the day
    Education and earnest effort solve most of that but..
    Willful ignorance is hard to overcome
    When it doesn't want to be
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    So not voting = being duped.
    But u think the people who voted for Trump are the worst stupid dupes.
    So the vast majority of Americans don't vote. And those that do voted Trump into office.

    That leaves you and people like you as the only legitimate voices in this country.
    A smaller but very vocal group that plans of getting rid of all the dupes so we can finally all live in peace with smart educated people. The best and brightest. Our shinning ones.

    Hey ever seen the shinning?
    It's luciferian in it's shine.
    Shiny happy people holding hands.
    But what about those deploroable over populated stupid dupes killing your vibe?
    They ones that don't make it in utopia.

    Maybe u can dupe em into getting into some swanky new high speed rail that will take them all out to the bohemian forest outside of the Gay area where they can light up the woods like Christmas trees again like a few years ago.
    Oh what fun it is to ride on a holocaust powered train!
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019


    Nov 2011
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    So you can't vote for Trump
    and you can't abstain from voting

    What's the other option?
    rube, Bluezoo and LAdiablo like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yield to the perceived intellectual superiority of the orthodoxy.
    rube and THINKBLUE like this.
  10. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    Since Sowell's name came up earlier this week:

    LAdiablo, THINKBLUE and Bluezoo like this.
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Oy, this is one of your best ones, Rube.
    Well done.
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    A rather fervent lot of replies.. and nice off topic memes too.. though pitifully few salient thoughts to offer

    Not voting in one of the few lands where voting is permitted is akin to placing your head in the sand
    Except that when your head is in the sand the rest of us don't have to listen to you prattle on about issues where you refuse all data
    Here everyone chimes in like jackals
    In support of group ignorance. Again. Back to the sustained willful ignorance... and how smart it isn't
    They may very well have been 'innocently' duped in 2016.
    This deep into his presidency all should know who and what he is so if you choose to still support him.. then that's on you.
    See Willful Ignorance and read slower this time
    So you failed math or are you trying to assert a false point
    http://www.electproject.org/2016g provides state by state 2016 results.. with the USA total votes by Voter Eligible Population (VEP) of 60.1%
    60.1% being well over majority.. one might even suggest that 60.1% = Vast majority but who cares if you intend to convince yourself otherwise
    See Willful Ignorance and read really slowly
    Ignoring several basic facts.
    A) Trump lost the popular vote at 46.2% vs. 48.1% for witch Hillary
    B) Trumps team was liberally supported by Russia's meddling and Julian Assange hacking the Witch's non-dusted emails
    Get that I hated her and wish that her corrupt ass would simply go away but these personal feelings have nothing to do with your "Trumpian" assertions.
    Hardly. All legally cast votes are legitimate. Casting ad hominem attacks gains you ... Willful Ignorance.. again.. sigh
    Nice sarcasm. Not a word of truth but you fan the flames of ignorance so so well. Why? What are you afraid of? Besides the truth.
    Umm 'The Shining" was a Kubrick masterpiece. Unrelated to anything but your own rant weakly attempting to cast aspersions at me as an educated elitist rather than confront the plain-as-day self serving actions of the Twit-in-Chief.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Ah yes YOU can vote for Trump.. though you can't personally be bothered can you @TAFNAC ?
    However if YOU were to vote for Trump you'd be compelled to admit that
    A) you'd been duped; or
    B) you're a billionaire; or
    C) you're stupid

    Likewise YOU can abstain from voting provided that
    A) you shut your non-participating mouth for the next 4 years
    B) admit that you'd prefer to live elsewhere.. which we recall you did state in 2016.. before walking that fetid statement back as fast as Trump claiming that Mexico is going to pay for a border wall. Nice company to keep. Not.

    The "other" option? Paying attention. Putting an effort into looking past the surface lies to discern what is better for America.
    Or just don't participate at all while railing loudly from the cheap seats about wrongs you have zero intention of righting

    and the cycle of willful ignorance continues...
    Sauce and Doughty8 like this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    what a condescending piece of tripe that is
    oh the burden you must carry being as uber intelligent as you are
    you're stupid!
    did you learn that in fourth grade?
    surprised you didn't add racist
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Still supporting Trump? Or just dismayed at being called out for doing so previously?

    Love the sarcasm.. that isn't. But rest easy knowing that your hyenas will howl in support of your post.
    Condescending tripe is arguing in favor of ignorance (@rube ) or apathy (@TAFNAC ).
    Which do you prefer?

    Condescending tripe is what is squeezed out daily from the Twit in the oval office.
    Preferring the flavor of fecal distress is a choice
    Though it appears many enjoy it.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    vote or die then essentially?
    if you dont vote then you should be seen and not heard for the next four years
    essentially if you dont vote you would be a second class citizen in caplandia
    when the adults are talking you need to stay quiet since you are a non voter
    how would you enforce this? would this be mainly a social ban?
    lif you dont vote you dont get to use twitter instagram or facebook?
    instead of a sex offender a registry you caould have a voter offender registry.

    and you should be forced to admit that you are not a faithful american and would rather live in another country
    maybe they can join all the celebrities and other babies who cried in their vagina hats that they would leave the US if Trump won the election?
    where did they all go?
  17. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    They went to Chelsea Handler's house...
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  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    dismayed at being called out?
    nah, not at all, at least i'm not rooting for some old white lady that thinks she's an Indian and duped her way through Harvard and became a professor
    or some two bit socialist that is a massive hypocrite selling failure
    or are you into spartacus these day? maybe that chick that climbed her way to the top on Willie Browns dick?
    you'd sell the country out to socialists just because you don't like the guys personality
    THAT alone should discredit anything you have to say tbh
    yeah i know we already have socialist things so what's the big deal i've heard you say that before
    and you know who's really been duped?
    the people that believed in the Russia investigation being anything other than a hoax and a means of throwing a wrench in this presidency
    gonna love hearing you cry when he wins in 20 and 24 when his son runs
    you and all your leftist friends have lost your minds
    see how i didn't even need to call you a fool or stupid or racist to make my point?
    you "calling me out" distances me from the lunatic fringe you belong to so call away
    rube and THINKBLUE like this.


    Nov 2011
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    If being smart means voting for reparations, open borders, bigger welfare state, born-alive abortion, a 32 trillion dollar medicare for all plan, etc...
    I'd rather be stupid.
    BigDaddyKaine, rube, Finski and 3 others like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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