Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I made a statement. If you have an issue with a statement I made then attack it if you wish.
    You never attacked my statement but implied I was a racist Jew hater.
    So I directly called your behavior weasely. Come to me straight ahead and we have no problems disagreeing.
    But come at me sideways and there is no chance of anyone understanding each other.
    You are projecting your interpretations onto me. You rather have your assumptions and projections than an understanding between us.

    And you would be wrong about what you are pretty sure about concerning Mexicans/Central Americans and what I believe.
    I don't think Trump is a racist for example. Do you? He wants to build a wall, aren't you for that wall to keep out all the murdering rapists terrorists criminals that Trump says are coming from Mexico and Central America?
    I also never said anything about anyone being the good guys. I actually rarely ever and most likely never say that anyone is a good guy.
    You implying and assuming unnecessarily when people are telling you to make statements and ask questions instead.
    Your implications are proving to be wrong. Your assumptions as well.
    Make statements, ask questions. That is how you come to an understanding with people. Unless you are dogmatic in which case you do not want to understand. You already 'know' you understand.

    Now you kind of made a statement, finally.
    I will ask you a question about your statement as that is how we share understanding.
    My question is... Are these dogmas for you?
    I don't think the people surrounding Israel all want to erase Jews from the planet.
    Like if I believe that 1 person or 10 or 100 people in Palestine do not wish for the death of all Jews... is that heresy to you?
    Do I need to believe like you do that every person around Israel desires to murder all Jews in the world for us to have common ground?
    Do I have to believe that Jews are good guys and Arabs or Palestinians are bad guys or else we can't communicate?
    What if I believe that the Israeli government are bad guys and that the Palestinian government are bad guys too?
    Because that is what I believe.

    All countries that let socialism creep in will eventually want walls to protect them from the lower classes.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you believe Jews are the bad guys
    like i said no big deal since i've heard it all before
    and you are distorting my analogy on Mexicans
    of course i don't think Trump or anyone who wants the wall is racist unlike a lot my liberal friends
    that was not my point at all
    if i said that the dirty Mexicans were the bad guys and that was my thinking to the point i put it in words...that would be my point and also racist
    you said the Jews are the bad guys implying they are wrong to defend themselves and its an old tried and true kinda hate
    if you have another way thats supposed to sound lets hear it
    seems like you've taken great exception to what appears a pretty black and white statement


    Nov 2011
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    Trump could write every illegal alien a check for a million dollars, make them citizens, and still be called a racist.
    Congress won't do shit until their guy is in there.
    This is all so simple.
    irish and rube like this.


    Nov 2011
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    I wouldn't mind seeing something like @BigDaddyKaine outlined. But I would make a contingency that "Sanctuary States" must surrender that declaration/status, birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens after a specific effective date is GONE, and welfare is completely inaccessible to any illegal alien that has not been processed and brought up to date on their taxes. My sister in law is the freaking worst. 4 kids with 4 different absent fathers. Weighs 280+ pounds, lives a middle class lifestyle (cars, smartphones, cable, disney passes, vacations, etc) and hides all her money in the floorboards of her home so the government doesn't know she has an income. It's bullshit. Bleeds our tax dollars dry without contributing a cent.

    And it aint the kids' fault. I don't blame them for playing their PS4s and eating their pile of damn good food. They're kids with no control over the situation

    Not every family is like this. But the percentage who are can gtfo and adhere to the new rules.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You are creating straw men and now outright lying.
    I never said anything about the Jews being bad guys, nor have I implied it.
    Much less 'dirty' Jews if we follow your 'dirty' Mexicans analogy.
    I said the government of Israel. I also said the government of Palestine.
    I never said that Jews are wrong to defend themselves either. Not even remotely close to saying or implying that.
    From where do you jump to that conclusion?

    I know what I said, I know what I mean, I know what I believe, and I have been very clear, forthright and direct and have taken the time to explain them. Not that I am required to but in the face of all these weasely lies of yours...
    But do you know what you mean?

    "if i said that the dirty Mexicans were the bad guys and that was my thinking to the point i put it in words...that would be my point and also racist"

    This is the stuff people accuse trump of saying all the time.
    Are you sure you know what your point is here?
    Other than you trying to prove that I hate Jews.

    And yes, I do take exception at you being such a weasel.
    I don't want you to be a weasel.
    You see how that works right?
    I have come to know a dude here on DSP who does not usually weasel about.
    And now all he can do is be weasely.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    She sounds like a one of this big mega fat corporations that pays no taxes and gets all the breaks.
    I think maybe you let the fat mom slide in comparison.


    Nov 2011
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    At least corporations, you know...hire people..produce shit. Pay SOMETHING...whether or not it's a "fair share" is a different discussion.
    I'm all for holding billionares to the same standard as normies.
    Problem is, she isn't living with, competing for housing with or utilizing the same public services as the mega fat cats.
    Some context matters.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Shes a fat mom though.
    Is she a single mom?
    At 280 lbs piling on her may just break the scale.
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think you are the one being a weasel but was trying to keep it from getting personal
    man up and tell me where you stand then
    once again your running away from you're own words and trying to deflect w the use of "dirty"
    ok drop the dirty out of there and its the same thing you said
    i used dirty because most people who hate Jews use it
    i've posted your words 3 times i think and you still are either denying it or avoiding it
    you said the Jews are the bad guy specifically
    either own it or stfu because this is boring
  10. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I don't have any sympathy for fat people, it's all attitude and choices. My entire family is fat, i was too (352 at 19yo), I chose to break the cycle. No excuses
    rube likes this.
  11. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    So if you do all that, why do you even need a wall? Or much of any border security at all for that matter.

    That's one of the points I've been making all along: if you remove the welfare motivation and the only reason people come to the US is to work and chase opportunity by working for it, you can just let everyone in and not worry about all this border shit.

    But somebody with a soft spot in their heart and a love of feeling virtuous by spending other people's money always ruins it.
    CapnTreee and rube like this.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I have not called the Jews anything.
    I said the Israeli government.
    Which is not code for Jews.
    I have not minced one word.
    You use dirty because most people that hate Jews use it.
    But thats not me. I never say dirty jews or dirty mexicans or dirty blacks.
    You used a term that you pulled out of your own lexicon and want to pin it on me because "most jew hating racists say that".
    You grasp so hard at trying to say I said something that is nowhere in my text that you are now attributing what others have said about Jews to me. Keep lying and making shit up.

    I never said the Jews are the bad guy, I never implied it much less said it specifically.
    You are lying.
    Personal? You are a grown man and all I have called you is a weasel.
    How many times are you going to cry to the public over being called for your weasely antics?
    What are you some college blue hair?
    Do you need a safe space after throwing your racism grenade?


    Nov 2011
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    I don't disagree

    I think it's safe to say that open borders are less of a threat without a welfare state. It is economic suicide the way things are going.

    My concerns with illegal aliens are 90 percent economic and 10 percent safety. If they were to cut birthright citizenship, endless amnesty, welfare, and allowing them to work here...yes...we might have close to 90 percent of this solved. A wall might get us closer to 99.9% though so I say go for it.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    It wont.


    Nov 2011
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    So definitive.
    BigDaddyKaine likes this.
  16. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Adding a border wall and militarizing the southern border will do little to stop illegal immigration or the flow of drugs since the vast majority enter through US POE (Capn do you still need sources on this?).

    In fact it was shown that militarization of the border not only failed in its attempt to reduce undocumented migration, but backfired by increasing the rate of undocumented population growth.
    rube likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you make it work for you by saying you said Israel are the bad guys but not specifically Jews? LMAO
    and i never called you an anti semite either so you are a liar by your own parameters
    its ok for you to read in to my implications but not the other way around. got it.
    we've been through more than a few of these wars so tbh i really don't care all that much what you think
    and now i'm a liar, a weasel and potential blue hair ok Ruvey whatever you say
    i'm fine w however you want to see me going forward fire away
    its your words and your website so fire away cowboy
    i just think you are protesting quite a lot for such a tolerant lover of all people
    and i'm fine w you saying you aren't a racist but you just can't leave this alone
    btw it took you a little while to make that distinction in what you said being the Israeli government and not the Jews
    pretty sure that government does what 90% of the people want there when it comes to security
    and those are the bad guys ok
    not going to apologize for shining a light on your own words which actually did surprise me
    and come on if you really need to call names how about something a little more exciting
    typically the sign of losing a debate
    expected more from you tbh
    can i start calling you a relentless twat?
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    yes you may.
    it is a pretty good one

    lets work backwards
    we are not in a debate
    i expect more from you
    you can take a few words
    dont be such a pussy
    you should apologize and i never in my life asked a person to apologize
    but you should
    the government is not you
    does pelosi represent you?
    does our new san francisco governor represent you?
    I have told you exactly what I mean
    ISRAEL is not the Jews or the Jewish people or the Hebrews, etc...
    it is a government
    like our government
    it does good things
    it does bad things
    we approve of the good things
    we dont like it when we find out it does bad things
    you know most people do not want what the government does when it comes to security
    you know this
    polls always say the same things
    that when the people find out how much the security budget is in comparison to everything else they cant believe it
    most people are not for war in in the middle east
    most people were not for war in vietnam
    most people were not for war in europe
    but the media talks about this a lot so we assume its what the people all around the country want
    its what a few people in government want
    not me, not you

    btw im not tolerant
    if you would memorize my rants you would know that i have ranted on tolerance many times
    tolerance is not a kind concept
    its a 'i dont like you but i will tolerate you' concept.
    i dont tolerate jews or arabs or sri lankans when im eating next to them at a restaurant
    that would be fucked up
    i would have to tolerate a racist

    im no cowboy but ill ride this horse till the cows come home
    because you fucked up
    i dont care about wars... what are you 14 or 94
    i care about the the peace in between
    which you decided to start fucking up by getting triggered like a collegiate white knight.
    i do care what you think
    and what you are doing is fucked up

    it is my website
    water is wet
    if you go to space you get wet too
    it is your website too you know
    because nobody is stopping you from saying what you say
    just like nobody is stopping me
    pretty awesome isnt it
    but why bring up the obvious

    your biggest lie and weasel move is to now deny you called me an anti semite after all these rants on how my words are those of a jew hating anti semite.

    and you can make fun of my name
    its hebrew have you seen my fro
    ive never worked on the shabbat
    not from midnight to high noon
    but from dusk till dawn like in the toyrah
    i was brought up eating kosher
    no pig shellfish or unclean meat
    my favorite food is pastrami
    i dont slice it thin like they do here
    i slice it thick like its supposed to be
    that thing is pickled and steamed and smoked to an inch of its life
    my meat is world renowned you really should have a bite
    but i hate it on rye of that i cannot lie
    i dont do the kraut either but what can you say
    im not a full jew but i am in spirit anyway
    they play my favorite song
    and i sing it every day

    asalamalakum my brother
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    How about those Mets, eh?
    rube and harkeyed like this.
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Since the government is shut down, do the senators and congresspersons, who are doing nothing at fucking all, get paid for this essentially no-show period we've got now?

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