Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    ......or bent over.

    <N Beatty agrees>
    irish and Finski like this.
  2. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    or not bathed.
  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I personally do not want to live anywhere where ANY Faith has control. Faith is not peaceful. I don't care which hothead you hear about on which news channel they are ALWAYS religious nutjobs. Atheists and agnostics don't tend to kill people who don't agree with them.
    Ditto with the Catholic uprising and full-on disillusionment based upon views from the inside, but mostly Christians today are more peace loving. Not that 'we' didn't fuck over nearly the entire planet for 500 or so years, killing any and all sciences and openly murdering anyone who wasn't seen as pious enough.
    Thief culture? Having just been to Europe again recently I did find everything peaceful enough but there is a quiet under current of dissatisfaction with certain Muslim intrusions mostly because they are less tolerant that native French. Again in the name of 'Religion'.

    What have we learned class?

    That nearly all bad people are using religion as an excuse to treat other people poorly. Therefore the net overall effect of all organized religions is bad for society... and good for the church.

    There can be good and kind hearted religious followers, but none of these sheep are capable of stopping the wolves in cloaks leading the services

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Josef Stalin
    Mao Zedong
    Pol Pot

    100+ million of their victims disagree.
    Finski and fsudog21 like this.


    Nov 15, 2011
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    What religion is Bellinger? I will immediately renounce it.
    rube likes this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    It all begins in France and ends in France. Always has since the frogs jumped out the caves.
    When Catholicism was given a deadly wound in 1798 it was given by Napoleon.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Those were religions too.
    Only people who would fight vs a religion is another religion.
    Marx wrote about, Moses wrote a book....
    People read, people follow, some people are crazy and the book helps to heal them.
    Some people you just cant reach.
    No matter what book they read they gonna flip the script.
    Be it Ezekiel, Ezra, John, Jefferson, Marx, Mahatma, PBUH, Adolf, Mr Crowley, Elron, or Lucas.
    Always gonna be a small percentage of the people who won't get the moral of the story.
    People who want to be tyrants or manipulators.
    There was war for over a decade between El Salvador and Honduras over shit written in the local newspapers concerning the soccer rivalry between the countries.
    Soccer is a religion to many people.
    Just like american football is a religion to gamblers.

    Should you consider yourself a fan of something (fanatic really) or should you be the entertained, a spectator/viewer/customer/patron?

    Over time when someone has done some heinous shit it has usually been some kind of fanboy that took his fandom a few steps too far.

    If you think of every new fandom that exists as a new religion and truly consider the culture that rises from fandoms you will really see the makings of what would otherwise be called a cult. And that is religion.
    But when Cap says 'religion' he subconsciously only means Abrahamic religions.
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Not that you are at all disputing that death in the name of religion is 10x to 1000x that total
    Bluezoo likes this.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yeah Rube's right ... mostly but not

    You're dead on that my typical vent tangent being against those large global "Organized Religions" because of whichever of a 1000 valid reasons, but, as someone with close friends that grew up in cult environs I fully agree with Rube's second point about cults too. So many weird factions, so many stray nonsensical bullshit 'buhliefs' gets uttered and somehow sheep followed. Rube could be talking about irrational Trump fans exhibiting cult like religious behaviors for the truth of the matter.

    It's all good except that I overtly address O.R. religions shenanigans while still slanting to cover fringes. There ain't a whole lot subconscious about my rants but thanks for the kind defense Rube.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    yeah i think the time limit has expired on making comparisons to the crusades w todays situation
    and i know you've been around but i wonder how many muslims you have actually known and been around
    i have friends who are muslim that are good people and usually don't practice the religion
    sort of like us
    but i've also had years long relationships w families that steal from each other and leverage every situation to their advantage
    in a way i've never seen from any other group of people
    prolific liars
    walking around Barcelona every and i mean every souvenir shop was run by these guys
    the scowls they wore were poisonous and uncalled for
    talking under their breathes in arabic in a way you know they are talking shit about you
    they are unhappy where they live, unhappy where the move to and hate western culture
    fuck them
    Finski and fsudog21 like this.
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Probably why so many of them worship death.
  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    here's my take on religion and politics...
    it's all fucken bullshit and has no effect on who you choose to be or become
    and that's not to shit on anyone's beliefs
    but it's just too (often) convenient to stereotype someone because of their religion, political beliefs, race, whatever
    i try (emphasis on try) to respect everyone's beliefs so long as they're not harmful/unlawful
    as a non-practicing catholic, i'm sure i'm not the only one who said "enough!" with the hypocritical guilt trip bullshit
    and speaking of hypocrites... born again christians
    fucken indignant, self-righteous ckunts
    that's the only sect i truly despise
    years ago, a (then funny) dennis miller had a great line...
    "born again?... well excuse the fuck out of me for getting it right the first time"
    my take is a lot more simple...
    "[you] have no right to criticize me for drinking a beer, when a month ago you were lying in the gutter with a needle in [your] arm."
    born again christians huh?
    guess they missed luke's "judge not and ye shall not be judged" passage
    perhaps off the point, but i felt compelled to vent


    Nov 15, 2011
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  14. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Nice rant huh?!!

    You're aiming a reply towards me but you perhaps were looking primarily at explaining 'your' view.. as they may differ from mine.

    True, I'm the jaded sort, but jaded nonetheless by seeing the Church too up close and personal. Whatever, I still see 'loosely' that houses of religion 'can' offer goodness to the world. It doesn't happen often but it's possible.

    I'm also not stating that all buhlievers are bad, most indeed have good hearts, but that so so many bad people use Organized Religion as their deceptive blanket for pillaging.

    Organized Religion has very little to do with politics UNTIL the Republican's openly courted the bible thumpers non-taxed church $$$ and suddenly the separation of church and state doesn't matter anymore? Get real.

    We feel mightily different about abortion so I won't engage you on this reply on that topic but to confirm that you think it better to have tens of thousands of unwanted children abandoned in every town in America because their worthless mothers and non-present worthless fathers had no intentions of raising a healthy child?? We can agree to disagree.

    Closing.. evil is real. People are evil all day long. Some/few people are good all day long. And neither has a lick to do with Organized Religion bubba. God remains a concept under which a very few prosper and others suffer needlessly through fear mongering and compelled tithing.
  15. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    lmfao at chuckie and all the other libs instantly assailing Trumps meeting w Putin
    Russia, Russia, Russia can't stop now
    where were they when pillory brought the reset button and nothing else?
    where were they when BO stated on mic he would have more "flexibility" after the election?
    where were they when half our uranium was sold off to the commies and slick willy was getting half a million in speaking fees?
    where were they when BO asked Romney if the 80s called looking for their policy?
    the democrats were handing over EVERYTHING on a silver platter and now have the audacity to act like protectors...thats some audacious shit
    irish likes this.
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yeah that time limit thing is a self imposed delusion buddy. We agree that not so many people are being openly screwed today from the Catholics and certainly we agree again that the Muslim's all seem to be today's hotheads, but... whether Taliban, ISIS, Al Queda, =OR= any of the non-Muslim hotheads, still in all cases they are religious nut jobs.

    I love when people claim Hitler didn't kill people because of religion.. tell that to the 4-6 million dead jews. Not other religions just the jews. Totally a religious nutjob.

    Mao wanted his OWN religion so of course he banished all competing religions, even punishing the peaceful Buddhists (one of the few major religions that speaks to people and their faith but not Gawds). So clearly Mao didn't kill in the name of some 'other' religion.. just his own name.

    You're right we both travel a bunch, this year we both hit Barcelona and other parts of Europe. I do tend to agree that a great many small merchants that we saw were Arab but not all of them. While my central point was that huge amount of violence is fomented within religious communities, your point that today the Muslim's are worse can be supported. That religion needs to self control it's own wacky cave dwelling warlord factions just like the Southern Baptists need to keep Billy Joe Bob off his rifle toting ATV when he's shitfaced on Bud Lite. Do the Baptists care? Hell they've been trying to scare Billy Joe Bob straight with tales of purgatory for years and it's gotten them nowhere.

    So maybe the Muslim's are worse today, yep, there's enough evidence to support that conclusion. I was just saying that so many of the other O.R.'s are not to be excused either.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yeah and how do you think Democrats feel about the current anarchy?

    I hate talking to Dems that whine about Trump because they overlook that their own crooked party permitted / escorted Trump into office.

    I can see that the GOP is morally and ethically bankrupt.
    I just wish that the DNC wasn't just as bad because NOW who are we supposed to have looking after our best interests when BOTH sides are corrupt?

    I think that you and I know the GOP is rather corrupt, but the lefties simply refuse to see that the Dem's are corrupt too. Oh they shout 'we're not as bad as the GOP" but WTF does that matter when BOTH sides are mere corporate shills?

    It matters not a damned bit. Now where'd I set my whiskey?
    FerrariF2004, harkeyed and LAdiablo like this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    wasn't making excuses just living in this century
    other than my first hand experiences i have the good fortune of having numerous Israeli friends
    maybe they have a skewed view based on living in the middle of millions that want to wipe them off the face of the earth
    but their stories are incredible down to how manipulated things are to continuously make them look like the problem
    look at a map and see that tiny country surrounded by madness
    have heard many a hypocritical muslim say they can not judge another muslim because it is "his relationship w allah"
    thats why none stand when terrorism in their religion murders innocents...how can they judge?
    are all muslims terrorists? of course not
    but those that don't indict and speak out are equally culpable imo
    kind of stinks up the whole room
    CapnTreee and irish like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    And the Rube award goes to....
    POTY for ever.
    Finski likes this.

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