Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.



    Nov 2011
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    The article/report called her a controversial figure. I didn't say anything about what YOU or anyone else on here said.

    Upon a re-read, the article didn't say that exactly. My mistake. But either way I was referring to the article.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    yeah but the article didnt say...
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    shes a bomb thrower and one of the first ever the republicans tossed out there so liberals especially hate her
    guys like carville and dean have long been a part of the democratic party but don't get the same scrutiny
    its an ugly game but the left started it and now its pretty even as far as i can tell
    hooray for all of us
    i personally don't think her approach is great but she gets the point across and the left HATES her because of it
    she was on one of the comedy roasts recently and have no idea why but it was waaaaaay uncomfortable
    still i respect that she did it
    and it showed what a bunch of turds the lowlife leftists can be (like we didn't know)
    they all got to celebrate what a bunch of cowshit they are after
    to speak for conservative ideals will get literal shit thrown at you by the tolerant ones
    irish likes this.
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yeah I just looked it up. Thanks

    Good for them.
    He drives her Right
    She drives him Left.
    good for them

    Can't always choose who you end up being friends with. Time has it's own voice.
  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Absolutely true. She gets segregated treatment both preferential and discrimating. Valid or not, attention whore or not, she DOES get differential treatment. And many times not to her liking.

    I think you're correct in that it's due to
    a) Heavily Left biased MSM
    b) She articulately argues against certain sweetheart progressive/liberal points
    c) She self promotes soooooo much that she has become a millionaire so she see little reason to change

    And we agree... So? Which one out there doesn't hype themselves and make outlandish statements? They all howl about each other to the extent of what you believe is who you believe. Maybe I'm leaning closer to Maher because I do like what he says. Most of the time. Everyone can be an assclown once in a while.

    I find it telling to consider "Who" says what you were already thinking? Who resonates with your inner racist primal animal?

    which sources do you cite?
    or dispute?
    which media bias do you prefer?

    Tis that which becomes the color of your shades my friend
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Umm hoss 'that' is as far as you can tell?? You call this obstructionist shit stew "even". Best clean them lenses.
    Ditto. She defends herself well enough. You don't have to like her views but she states them clear and open enough and defends them as Few do.

    Really bubba? Pot meet Kettle. Hello? Working up a little name calling lather from the 'high' grounds of the GOP? LOL??

    "Low life turds" is the precise definition of today's GOP. We both know it.

    Our (my) old GOP has been fully and completely highjacked.
    Moral majority full of religious nuts with tax free $$ lining pockets on one side and and new corporate 'citizens' focusing all thoughts and profits towards lining of pockets on the other side.
    Neither with a whit of concern about anything greater than the fleecing of America. Which is NOT what the GOP used to be.

    Which you MUST admit is far worse than the softy liberal spending issues that we worried about 20-30 years ago when there was some precept of prudent fiscal spending. We're so far past trying to balance any given budget that I don't think it's even possible. By either side

    Too much spending on Grandma already meager Medicare healthcare? or too much spending on tanks the military repeatedly says it doesn't want?

    Too much spending on 3rd, 4th generation lifetime welfare recipients (my sore spot) or too much lost taxes to corporate off shore 'tax inversion' shell games enriching other countries?

    FYI the annual tax losses with the corporate shell games is 10-100X the amounts of Grandma's healthcare. Taxing that US created wealth rather than arrange repeated "free return" periods pays a great many gubberment bills without killing the poor or Grandma.

    If DC had ANY ethics, ANYWHERE then I wouldn't need to keep making these points
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i don't defend repubes but you still pow wow w pochantas
    and yes the left rule when it comes to vile and despicable means of getting their point across
    as well as just straight up censorship
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Umm then don't defend them

    Not going to find any middle ground on who's worse, except that they all stink, and no one is proud of what the Trump GOP team are doing right now.

    Dude I completely agree with protest of the Left's pollyanna weak kneed censorship and being 'triggered' at the slightest hint of offense? Grow a sack already.
    I read years ago a book about India that described the multiple social strata and how each were 'obliged' to the other due to aged British influenced sense of social standing and how eventually the servants came to rule the manor because of decorum and good manners. The owners of the house became more and more put upon as the servants learned to endear themselves familiarly.

    "Wouldn't want to offend and all that."

    Well 30 years later and here we are in uber PC 'Merica
    With a racist attorney general
    and a bigot as our elected leader.

    Ain't just we Irish that should be drinking
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yep. And mind you Pocahontas sole reason for being in DC is the overturning of Citizens United and getting corporate money out of politics.

    So Yep, I'm on her side
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    get down kimo sabe you have big wampum w screaming suzy
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  12. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    hillary would have been a much more efficient president...

    she would have been stabbing people in the backs in only 3 steps
  14. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    and your DSP legacy is what?
    that blacks need no acknowledgment of being oppressed?
    Hello 200 years of history??

    Just saying.. what's your point?

    As I see it he did clearly disprove a great many bullshit popular (semi racist) myths about blacks
    he was certainly smart enough to be prez (waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than Dubya)
    he was obviously willing to sell out enough to be prez ( as soon as he learned of Dubya's theft he shit himself)
    he was black enough to get elected prez (and American enough btw)
    and he was full on oreo enough to get the white majority to hope he could get the prez job done
    in the face of
    screaming racist, polarizing obstructionist demogogues like McConnell, Reince Preibus, the GOP and Fox news?

    Fuck. He tried. 6 of 8 years he had full tilt, full lather, right wing corporate corrupt GOP and white southern religious racist protest
    He actually tried to do good things
    Like protect the world we walk around in with ACA
    But he sold out. Fuck. He talked good shit his first campaign. So what. He tried. He tried to do way more good things before he sold out. Way more than fucking idiot Dubya. So who cares in the past tense anyways, today is today? Trump apoints a corrupt oil company exec to look after the environment? #Hello? Talk about corrupt idiots!!
    Dubya Bush and his corrupt Treasury/Goldman Sach$ FUCKED the world completely in favor of the old world order and it unfolded directly into Obama's lap. Brilliant.
    what else did you want Obama to do while being obstructed by the GOP at every turn?
    He gave us healthcare when they would not
    decades after lesser countries did so. And the corrupt GOP wants to take it away from 30M the first chance they get??? Dark souls are still dark souls.

    Blame Obama for what?
    Bowing too low? Yep true, he bowed like a subservient pansy. Yep.

    Think clearly and acknowledge that NO black gets to high office is a white world without bowing low.
    WTF did you expect?

    Does Trump bow low?
    No of course not, he shakes hands like an completely corrupt asshat, a fake over perfumed smarmy swindling riverboat traitor.

    You still thinking that's better bubba? You're getting swindled if you do.
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    the blunt truth is... that Hillary would have been a MUCH MORE PROFICIENT MANAGER at the job of President of the USA.

    I don't think that anyone disagrees

    its that niggling little detail

    that she would indeed be the most proficient managerial president.. but also the most insidious continuation of the current 'same-as-it-ever-was' rip them off at every angle, suckle at Wall St. forever, as DC is currently formed.

    She was a non starter, the Dem's should have seen it. the PEOPLE wanted change with Obama. They didn't get it because he sold out. Hillary WAS NOT change, whatever the fuck she really was, it was NOT change.

    If the Dems wanted to stop Trump/GOP's corruption they should have supported populilst Bernie.

    and those idiots still haven't figured it out

    they may never do so
    irish likes this.
  16. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Everyone know that people Hillary doesn't like commit suicide by shooting themselves in the head, multiple times.
    Or by leaving notes that say, "no foul play whatsoever."
    irish, LAdiablo and rube like this.
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    no evidence exists...

    ...of any of it.

    hmmmm... say whaaaaaaaat?

    Yeah I know

    Trump might be black
    but HRC is a really foul dark brown oily smear herself
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    there would be trap doors to 'accidental' falls to death
    irish likes this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    just call me a racist its much easier
    harkeyed, TAFNAC, Bluezoo and 2 others like this.
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    dems all fell into hillary's tangled web
    despite all the negative poll #'s, they never once stopped once to think she couldn't win
    her campaign contained no substance whatsoever
    just hollow cries of "isn't this great for women?" rhetoric
    bernie wasn't an ideal candidate, but he was far better than her
    but instead of standing behind him they chose to railroad him and jump on the rat infested hillary ship
    hope they're happy lol
    all the whining about trump winning when they're just as responsible (if not more) for trump being elected
    CapnTreee and LAdiablo like this.

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