Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    That is El Presidente Trumpissimo to you.
  2. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

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    Give them a break, they're just kids trying to process. Obviously clueless because they are chanting "Impeach Trump!" Like many presidential candidates, Trump did a good job of picking a running mate that would be even more hated by the opposition. No true Democrat should want to see Trump impeached.
    rube likes this.
  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Are you kidding? You make this stuff up just to agitate yourself?

    Of course you've not listened to the RNC shills clamoring for overturning Roe v Wade? Where have you been? The Reps now have all the power bases, what's to stop them? The ONLY thing in womens favor is that Trump is not a religious nut. That doesn't mean that the RNC is not. They have been shills for the Religious Right for decades. And now they have (some) control. Of course Trump is such a loose cannon that we'll only know when it happens, but he has yet to shown any progressive leanings.

    And No, I do not want a single immigrant who has not been vetted. Whether they are Muslim or Latino matters not. We should be examining ALL who wish to enter the USA.

    And Yes Assange proved, once again, to be an ally of America. But wasn't it you claiming him to be a traitor not so long ago?
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yeah one of the parts I like more about Trump is that he's (apparently) a fierce USA loyalist. (one who curries favor with Putin but hey who's looking?)

    Obama was SUCH an international weakling that it hurt us in many ways.

    Then again Trump claims to want to kill NAFTA and in the same breath hires illegals for his hotels "because they are cheaper"

    It's a fucking coin toss and we don't win unless it lands on edge. And even then I doubt we win
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Nice. I see that Rube has commented in the Fetid thread and I'm locked out of replying.

    Nazi Mods...:smh:
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

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    No i never stated anything but praise for both Assange and Snowden.
    They gave up their entire lives to make their points an I respect them immensely and always have although it did take me a moment to digest
    And Trump hasn't shown he has progressive leanings are you joking?
    The guy went after the Bushes on the wars they started and had repeatedly said he wants to do right w universal healthcare
    He isn't a radical right kind of guy and that should play well amongst the bastards on the hill
    The far right can clamor all they want about abortion but there is no way its going to go down
    Too many people believe in the right to choose for that to happen although yanking a late term fetus is pretty damn close to murder
    I would go so far as to say 70% of society would lose their shit, including me, if they tried to overturn Roe v wade or shut down planned parenthood
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    And yet you agree that Planned Parenthood has been targeted by the RNC relentlessly for the past 4 years?

    An interesting subtext will be how much Trump is compelled to align with RNC shit smearing parades. Trump's overall popularity 'should' permit him the flexibility to shun RNC idiots like Mitch McConnell who propose all sorts of ways to abridge previously obtained rights.

    Could Trump create a broad based cross aisle coalitions? Perhaps. Since he's openly bragged about donating to campaigns on both sides of the aisle he may have some political collateral to accomplish things. Of course those things are not looking so good for many but we'll see.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I rather expect incidents of open racism to grow far worse with the POTUS leading the way.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Hillary would have us in a world ending war with Russia.
    Hillary wants us to be 'more like Europe' because all that means is that we become their army once again against Russia.
    Fuck that noise.
    Trump wants to save illegal immigrants from being sent to die in WW3 on the Russian front lines.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    so why are you bringing up Hillary?

    who cares what she'd of done? She lost and life will be better when she goes away.

    Personally I agree that she's an idiot and an uneducated war hawk entirely clueless about global politics... of course the same could be said about Trump I suppose
  12. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

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    Of course I agree but it was widely held that neither candidate was desirable for this job because of their deeds only natural to doubt what he might do. What had he done during the campaign to instill confidence in us all????? JUST GLAD IT IS OVER!!! We'll see what happens.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  13. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

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    "More like Europe" makes my head explode...why? Wtf?
    Didn't communism start there? Facism? Nazism ? WWI ? WWII ?
    We need to be more Europey ?
    I guess the employers will get down with the vacation deal employees get in various European countries.
    And the huge unemployment problems, many being muslims who immigrated...
    Yeah let's be like them.
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  14. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

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    That was in Rube's head I don't recall her campaign saying it but hey I could be wrong.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Its part of the social democrats plan.
    Be more like Europe.
    Then be part of Europe.
    Then have everything be Europe.
  16. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

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    He beat a candidate who had everything in her favor and going for her? That shows something, doesn't it?
    How can I give you an example of what he has done when the guy has been president elect for 12 hours?
    But I will tell you the best thing about him...that should give you a measure of confidence...only I'm quite sure it won't. And it is the antithesis of Hilary Clinton, as previewed and exemplified by her past deeds.
    He owes nothing to anybody. ZERO. He owes no favors, no pay for play markers have to be called in. He knew exactly what she was doing, and certainly denied...and he won't duplicate that kind of corruption.
    That in itself, a clean slate, is confidence building alone, or should be. No one has a piece of him, as with Hillary. He is beholding to no one.
    Anything else, we have to wait and see...if he sucks, then vote him out in 20.
  17. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

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    Is it fair to say your worry here has less to do with Trump, and more to do with any Republican POTUS?
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I spent a few minutes searching but could find no definitive quotes from her stating that "we should be more like Europe".

    It does however sound like something that she'd say.

    Interestingly I did run across excerpts from a Donald Trump Jr. speech to the NRA using those exact words however as he explained that Europe is better because they permit silencers on guns whereas we do not.

    Of course that doesn't support the narrative does it?
    BlueMouse likes this.
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

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    What's wrong with silencers ? Who wants to be woken from a deep sleep during a gunfight?
    CapnTreee likes this.

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