Upgraded your bible glasses to bible bifocals I see I guess that helps your myopia? nothing means anything unless we all bow to christ? or was it yahweh? or allah? in all cases you're playing the card of the powerless victim. Again. Still. blaming everything on others not bowing enough or to the right diety? not ever wondering why you never draw higher than a pair in the game of life enjoy the Kool-Aid bubba
Have you guys heard about the small Texas mattress store that ran a promotional ad with two stacks of mattresses that were knocked over titled the "Twin Towers Mattress Sale"? It's cheesy. but no worse 1000 others we get fed 24/7. America's sphincter has clenched and we've mega shamed and scolded that retailer that they would dare so much as say anything using this 'national treasure' "Twin Tower" phrase ever again that they are now being compelled to close indefinitely. 15 years after the event. Texas mattress store that ran Sept. 11-themed ‘Twin Tower sale’ ad closed indefinitely The Texas mattress store that tried to make light of Sept. 11 in a “Twin Tower sale” commercial will close indefinitely, its owner said Friday. The spot for Miracle Mattress in San Antonio showed two stacks of mattresses, one with an American flag on top, falling down in a spoof of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people 15 years ago. “We’ll never forget,” the store’s manager said in the ad. The store’s owner, Mike Bonanno, apologized for the “tasteless” commercial Thursday. In a statement posted to the store’s front doors and its Facebook page Friday, he said that it will be shuttered at least through Sunday’s 9/11 anniversary. “We take full responsibility for our actions and sincerely regret the hurt and pain caused by this disrespectful advertising campaign,” Bonanno said. “There is very little we can do to take away the hurt we have caused, but we can begin with silence through the Anniversary and then do our best to follow up with actions that reflect the seriousness of our mistake.” Bonanno promised to release information next week about the company’s plans to support the 9/11 Memorial and funds for victims. He also pledged “accountability actions” for those responsible for the ad, which appeared on the store’s page before it was removed Thursday. He added that he has seen fake social media accounts “created in an attempt to attack commenters and those expressing outrage.” “Miracle Mattress, its ownership and its employees will not be engaging in any personal attacks or responses on any social media platform,” Bonanno said. “Any account doing so is unauthorized.” The store’s Facebook page had received over 3,700 reviews by Friday night with an average of 1.2 stars out of 5. Many users took to the page to respond to Bonanno’s apology, with several posting pictures of loved ones they lost at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. “I was here when the world stopped turning,” one New Yorker wrote. “Witnessed it. Lived it. Lost friends and family. You have no clue what it was like here.” “Who in their right mind would conceive of this?” another resident of the Big Apple wrote. “How any thinking person could believe this was a great way to promote a sale is beyond my scope. This is no way to boost sales, it is a great way to close a business.” “It will be a miracle if this place sees another dollar from a customer,” another user said. Meanwhile, a store in Canada called Mattress Miracle, posted an announcement on its Facebook page reminding users that they are a completely different store located in Brantford, Ontario. The operators of the Canadian store said they had received word of an “unsavory advertisement” that is “causing quite an uproar.” “We have received actual threats and slanderous reviews and wish to have it stopped,” the announcement said. “To be clear. We are not affiliated with this company in any way, shape or form.” #touchymuch ? I mean really what the fuck America? The cancer "flaming political correct" grows daily.
they are free to make whatever kind of jokes they want and i am free to shop wherever i want (at least in theory) not outraged by it but if this was a business down the street you can bet i wouldn't buy shit from them i don't find any humor in what took place that day and never will
how in the hell do you take that from what i wrote? read it again and try to understand what im saying dont be so completely literal you do understand that that IS myopia right? only seeing whats on the surface when you read Moby Dick or any other literary classic do you think its actually about its literal storyline? you know that what you say about me you are saying about the scores of people who in the past believed and wrote about these things? people you probably think highly of in history, literature, and science. could it be that there are two ways to view the bible? you have such a rabid anti religion view that you blot out from your eye the types of people who would be your biggest allies which are bible believers who dont believe in man made religion and its money/control schemes. the bible itself warns about all this stuff but like everything else the preachers bank on the fact that the vast majority of people who sit at church have had their frontal lobe cauterized and therefore cant understand anything thats in the book understand that nobody can create an utopia anyone that promises to is a liar utopias have been tried many times by communists throughout history a utopia on earth is only a utopia for a very few people then it quickly develops into the worst of oppression and ends in total chaos it is impossible to create utopia but it starts by government trying to 'help' you
Buddy.. If you don't want to be categorized as excessively religious and irrational then spout less bible thumping religion Pretty simple No one is claiming that anything is utopia, nor that it can exist with or without belief in magical fables It's your chant that it can't exist without Jesus I never said anything to the contrary except that life is not solely the providence of bible thumpers Play it straight or thump bible verses I'm your huckleberry whichever way you spin the yarn
I didn't mention any verses. Nor am I bible thumping. You making things up. I was making a point. The point is that there cannot be utopia. The worst thing government does is try to build utopia. It gives them the right to do the most heinous things in their eyes and lets them get away with it because the people get swept up in the want of utopia. Religions do it too. Bible thumper too. The bible reserves it's worst for bible thumpers. If you weren't so blinded you would realize that we are closer than you think.
hillary recalling ground zero after 9/11... "as close to a depiction of hell that I’ve ever personally seen" hell, when reached for comment... "really? has this bitch ever looked in the mirror?"
if she does that in public i think she goes all the way down w a brown stain oh wait i think she has diapers as well as "handlers"