Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Master of the danger wank. RIP.
    blazer5, LAdiablo and irish like this.
  2. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    a cuban that can actually make contact with a bat?
    what a concept
    we should be so lucky

    Beauty pageant contestant facing assault/battery charges
    by Tess Koman | Cosmopolitan — 2 hours ago


    According to NBC Miami, reigning Miss Miami Lakes Vanessa Lucile Barcelo, 26, was arrested on Thursday after allegedly accosting a man who was at a party she was hosting at her home. She faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery and battery.

    NBC reports Barcelo, who is of Cuban descent, was “very intoxicated” when she told the man, who she reportedly knows, to leave her house. Though he was complying, Barcelo and another unnamed man allegedly kept pushing him down the stairs. She also then allegedly chased him out of the house with an aluminum baseball bat, striking him in the back and shoulder. The other man then punched him, as did Barcelo, according to police records. She was wearing a onesie covered in snowmen during the alleged attack.

    The New York Daily News reports Barcelo denied punching the man after she was arrested - it’s unclear whether she denied hitting him with the bat - even though she had blood on her hands at the time.

    “Vanessa is a sweet, sweet individual, very caring individual who in the circumstances did what she felt was appropriate,” her attorney Josef Timilchman told reporters on Friday without further clarifying said circumstances: “We are confident that once all of the facts that occurred last night come to light, my client will be absolved of any criminal responsibility.”

    Barcelo’s pageant win made her a contender for the Miss Florida USA 2017 crown. The Miss Florida Pageant wouldn’t comment specifically on Barcelo’s case, only saying they have “specific morality clauses within each pageant delegate’s description of duties would be taken into consideration upon a legal ruling.”

    The victim was hospitalized with severe injuries to his left eye and the other man allegedly involved in the attack still hasn't been identified. Barcelo was released on a $1,500 bond.​
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    and the worst year in the history of music continues...
    i wasn't a big wham fan but they had some fun club tunes back in the day
    i really felt for the guy when he was forced out of the closet more or less
    hard to imagine how conflicted and confusing that charade must have been
    i thought the second part of his career had some really mature and brilliant moments
    the guy had an incredible voice and was probably too handsome for his own good
    he may always be known for his strange public rr danger wanking but this song is one of my favorite songs period
    if you have never heard it check it out and hang in for the sax solo in the end its simple but pure sex

    irish, N.Z and BlueMouse like this.
  4. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Damn Carrie Fisher is gone! So much for stable condition.
  5. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    had a feeling this would happen
    when they take you out of icu it's not necessarily a good thing
    it often means there's nothing more they can do
    and stable just means they stabilized your condition
    plus the reports from eyewitnesses were she wasn't breathing for several minutes
    was probably brain dead tbh
    just a bummer man
    2016 has been a shitty year
    off the top of my head; carrie fisher, george michael, prince, bowie...
    rip carrie
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    every year people die
    if you think this year was shitty wait till next year
    it will be worse
    but it wont be as bad as the year after next
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I loved Westworld, no doubt.
    But catching many of the Game of Thrones episodes during the marathon going on, I realize that GoT really does rule. Seeing them again makes you even more appreciative.
    Perhaps with more seasons of WW, a fairer assessment could be made, but right now GOT has the top spot, imo.
    blazer5 likes this.
  8. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Thandie Newton's breasts do not like this.
    Bluezoo likes this.
  9. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Time magazine has their usual in memoriam issue on the stands and it's pretty damn sobering about how many icons were lost this year. I may just buy it for the collectors value of it, couldn't help but think about Carrie when I saw it today at Von's.
    irish likes this.


    Nov 15, 2011
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    Didn't realize Debbie Reynolds was her mom. Has to be so rough out living your child. Feel for her.
    Doughty8 and irish like this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Thats why we should not look at people in the media as icons. Or people in general... or anything really.
    There is enough sadness when a family member dies, or a coworker like at my job today... no need to add more grief to our lives with people we will never get to know.
    BTW, in case it hasnt been said today... Fuck Cancer.
    irish likes this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Looking at Carrie Fisher as an icon, imo, wasn't something that was done to a great degree by anyone over twelve. She was lucky enough to be in an iconic film however, but anyone who looked further in to her life, knows she was a drug addict and heavy substance abuser, and did a healthy share of sleeping around. Things she did not do because she had famous parents.
    Her ultimate " failure" however, was like that of John Lennon, and really, the Beatles in so many others that have changed society and culture, is that in the end, they are all just people.
    And it will never stop being sad.
    irish and BlueMouse like this.
  13. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I wasn't intending to call Carrie an icon I was mainly referring to the Time issue on stands which included Bowie, Prince and Ali to name a few. The term icon and superstar are thrown about liberally of course but those are example of some pretty iconic names at least.
    irish likes this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I know man, i know what you mean. Its just a pet peeve of mine is all
    I dont believe in superstars, icons, idols, czars, divas, gods, etc... all different words that ultimately mean the same thing
    Sure when the guy that played Scorpion in Mortal Kombat the motion capture video game came into the office I got a little giddy... but I dont get how excited or interested people are in the lives of celebrities.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    You would be surprised. Many people had love for her.
    She lived kinda fast and had no problem saying what she felt. For that and due to her drugs, alcohol, and ease with men she was diagnosed with a mental illness. Shes lucky, 50 years ago she would have been lobotomized which is what they did to wild daughters of 'nobility'.
    I liked her though, i like that she spoke her mind and didnt give in to the feminists who came down on her for the jabba the hut bikini slave girl scene.
    She would be ripping those coming down on Steve Martin for his comments if she was alive.
    irish likes this.
  16. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    No doubt people loved her, and that's fine. I thought she was an average actress, nowhere near as talented as her mom, but what does it matter, really? It is what it is, or she was what she was...
    I loved the Beatles, Harry Nilsson, and Richard Pryor, just to name a few...they were all drug taking, hard drinking, life devouring people who had the luck and timing ( and real talent, in all their cases), to arc well above moderate successes...some loved them, and some didn't. Some will minimize what one did, others will diefy ryhme or reason.
    I remember when Brando died, when the Academy Awards did their yearly tribute to those in the business who passed that year previously, they barely even mentioned him. This for a guy who changed how it is all done forever, influencing modern acting like no other ever did. Why? Was it because he didn't accept the award that year because of the treatment of Native Americans? Maybe...
    You can argue the word "iconic" all day and night, I guess.
    But I think that Doughty is right in reflecting that 2016 just happened to be a banner year for celebrity deaths...even with the realization that it all will continue every year in the future.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
    irish likes this.
  17. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 15, 2011
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  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    one day later
    carrie's mom, debbie reynolds, suffers a stroke and passes
    no parent should ever have to suffer losing a child -- at any age
    difficult to imagine the anguish she felt
    hoping they're both resting well, together, in peace
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Aye, no parent should.
    I saw what it did to my mom, many years ago...and even then, as a boy, I could see the depth of what it does to a mother. I thought she would never come back from where she was in her heart in those days following.
    It's not all that great for fathers either.
    The Unsinkable Molly Brown.
    irish and BlueMouse like this.
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    best shape i've ever seen rousey in
    of course it will all be for naught if she hasn't worked on her fight strategy
    but definitely an encouraging site
    i liked her demeanor too -- no posturing, just very serious
    we'll see...

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