If the Dodgers were to become sellers in July...

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by THINKBLUE, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Interezting...now are you going to list the negatives? Lol.
    Kinda should be the top, or near it with this kinda money going out, right? I mean "it's no guarantee" is the stock response, shot back in volumes, but should put you win, place or show, shouldn't it?
  2. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    The negative is that we obviously haven't made the WS, and we look like shit to start this season.

    Ultimately Guggenheim is the one putting out the money though, so I would think our payroll would be a positive when talking about the Guggs. I agree we should have success because of the money our team spends, but ownership groups aren't obligated to spend a lot of money, so good on them. And you are correct, spending money isn't a guarantee, there are many teams at the top of the payroll list with far less success than us.
    IBleedBlue15 likes this.
  3. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    I'm not defending the FO, I'm defending ownership. They've done way more than the past 3 owners combined to win in LA. Obviously these last couple months haven't gone the way we wanted. Bringing a championship of course is the number one goal, but 3 straight playoff trips is something that was never done by the LA Dodgers, and they did it with ease.
    BlueMouse likes this.
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Idk..."damning with faint praise" comes to mind here. My mind.
    This is a failure organization, unless the bar is totally lowered and morphed to a point that I can not accept as "success"...you can slice and dice it in many ways...change it to corporate savvy...use other teams as a comparison that have done worse...it's almost getting like there are no winners anymore as in juvenile sports, no academic "excellence" acknowledgements, etc. Why even bother then?
    Maybe it's the generational gap, and I should be satisfied with accepting much lessn...the "elite" mythos, if you will. It's nothing, no matter how it is inflated.
    It'll never happen for me. Listened and read too many lame excuses like the ones in the posts above...being OK with it is weakness. Loser achievements that in the end, are prizes that losers are awarded. Justly deserved.
  5. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    How can you even write this as an accomplishment when they have been blown out of post season " just as easily" as they won the division. It's not the last couple of months...don't you get it? What does it amount to what we've done? Would you say those words to a Giant fan?
    Are you kidding?
  6. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    This is baseball, not the NBA or the NFL. Anything can happen. Any team in October can win. I'd say only one of the three years they were "blown out". If you can only look at all or nothing, then I get the point; but that's not how those running baseball teams look because the odds are so low for winning the World Series. It's about giving yourself as many opportunities as possible to achieve that goal.

    Idk maybe it is a generization gap. The game is much more equal now. We didn't grow up where the Yankees just outspent everyone and won every year.
    MZA likes this.
  7. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    I'm not happy with the end results so far either. I'm disgusted by the way the team is currently playing, but I also don't think total wins and division titles are "success" only because of corporate spin. That's tangible. Tangible enough that if someone suggests the team has had no on-field success over the past 3 years I can't help but feel like that's incorrect. I want better end results, I absolutely do. But if the decision was somehow mine to keep current ownership or sell the team to someone else, I'd keep them. I guess that's my only conclusion.
  8. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Neither did I...with all due respect, you're arguements, although possibly persuasive to others, are just not getting it with me...and I'd actually like to undetstand why winning is such a diluted prize now for guys like you, but your reasons are, imo, meaningless.
    You can write that it's not the NBA or the NFL, which is a big zero as far as I am concerned ( again, meaningless), but I'd still like to know if you'd say these things in a conversation with a Giants fan...because if you did, they would laugh and walk away...
    You would sound pretty desperate- grabbing at straws at best, as I think you sound.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  9. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    someone want to tell the emperor?
    what, no, not me!
    TheKnockdown, darth550 and Bluezoo like this.
  10. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    There's really no shit talking we as Dodger fans can say to Giant fans. Their team got it done and ours haven't. I'm just saying that teams can be successful without winning the WS because that's such a hard feat to do each year. It's an all or nothing mindset. Win the WS, we're good. Don't win, and we suck. I just don't agree with that logic.
    blazer5, rube and CapnTreee like this.
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Again, neither do I.
    I don't think we always suck...we just always lose.
    You think it's an all or nothing mindset...but what it really is in results, is nothing. If you're satisfied and alright with what has been going on for 27, then hurray.
    Saying that I said we always suck is your spin.
    It makes your Dodger"success" more valid for you, I guess.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  12. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    I don't even know what we're arguing about anymore.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    that we suck..

    but among us we cannot describe the exact definition of how badly we suck so that the other party will accept that defined level of suck-ti-tude.

    so we bicker that we suck even more than that.. which we do mostly.

    Except for CK
    BlueMouse likes this.
  14. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Early playoff exits due to NOT filling obvious holes don't mean shit to me. I'm not collecting hot dog revenue at the park so why should it?
  15. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    2014 is the only time you can use that excuse. Besides, we're talking about ownership here. Not the FO.
  16. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Ownership started on the back foot when they negotiated like PUSSIES letting McCourt drive them to pay 600MM extra and give half the lot revenues/dev rights. Then they blew sunshine up our asses before hiring a pencil neck bean counter with slide rules who is fucking up our team signing a bunch of waste.....

    You want to be Oakland forever? Tampa?
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    And you also aren't getting paid either.
    For ducks sake get a grip people.
    When I was a kid winning the pennant was a huge deal.
    This is baseball not life. They aren't losers for not winning the WS since 88.
    I had a lot of fun listening to tonight's game. I had a rough day and a long drive and the bums made that all a little easier on my way home. Felt like celebrating the win with a strawberry shake and a cheeseburger at in n out.
    But yall wanna steal my strawberries?

    I'm not a fan of all the money sports teams spend nowadays but I get it.
    So now when the Dodgers out spend the league the fans start talking shit about overspending?
    Whe we had shit tier owners we wished they would spend.
    Now they spend but the payoff is not to your liking so you take potshots about the spending?
    Some folks really wish mccunt and nedco still ran the show lol.
    Cuz some folks can't be happy if someone else is. I don't give two shits if the Giants have won all these titles and have the pitchers we should have. When my giants fan friend cones around I still tell him how his bitch ass team sucks dodger dogs.
    And no matter the record he still won't win the argument. Cuz fuck the Giants
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    success is subjective
    2008 is a perfect example
    making the postseason and sweeping the cubs was great
    but losing to a phillies team we were better than -- and expected to beat -- was depressing
    was 2008 a success?
    depends on your perspective
    i thought it was a stepping stone to greater things
    hasn't worked out that way
    you can blame manny's estrogen, hanley's ribs, or any number of things
    but i now feel anything less than a ws appearance is a bit of disappointment
    last year was a disappointment
    but defining it into success or failure is tough and, again, extremely subjective
    you could say we succeeded in getting to the postseason but failed to get where we wanted
    meh, i'm reaching
    but one thing i know for sure...
    if we do not reach the postseason this year it will be a huge failure
    by the front office, management and the players
    just my :2cents:
    BlueMouse, THINKBLUE and IBleedBlue15 like this.
  19. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    I pretty much agree.
    irish likes this.
  20. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    rube,...i'm comin' for yo mofo strawberries. I'm tellin' you straight up, so try and stop me. I will own your strawberries.

    I agree with just about everything you said. Back in the day winning the pennant was all you could hope for, then cast your lot in the 7 game WS sweepstakes. Then the game went to 2 divisions, then 3 divisions and a wild card, and now two wild cards. Fuck that noise, baseball is the new NBA/NFL where half the fucking teams make it to the playoffs. Winning your division now just means you have to endure two rounds of playoffs sweepstakes. WINNING is the measure of a good team (with a nod to the now extinct balanced schedule), WINNING IT ALL is now the measure of a good team with exceptional luck (witness the Giants in 2 of their 3 WS).

    I had a Giants fan in one of my recent groups at Pinehurst. We traded good natured barbs (I told him he didn't have enough money for me to carry his bag, and asked him what kind of ball he was playing...so I could step on it). Of course he told me "you guys spent all that money and haven't won for 27 years", to which I replied "it took you 50 years to win, how much money did you spend in all those years?" He nodded his head, and said "yeah, a lot."

    So, fuck a Giants fan, I'm not backing down. I'll take this ownership over the last two without a qualm. It's true, we don't have a WS to show for it. But at least the owners are spending money, building the farm, and are buyers in the international market. Three things the previous owner could not and would not do, and the team and the future are going to better for it.

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